Elaîpo TESPOR TECANADIAN CHAMPION, WEDNESOAY, OCTOBER 26, 1977 SECOND SECTION MILTON, ONTARIO SPORTS AND FEATURESý Flyers lose by seconds 8-7 to determined Derbys ByeeMfsker atl 10.4 assldky Jim Baker infraction. Fortanately The onI goain s le 'hid Fh>rs vl Mito Plete Mhad nothmng and Faut Bates.Chandier hit Flyers' penalty kîlîtef mas prriod is lrdiy ra.,- ilct e itonasha eotriaY nigkl tee number tmo ait 9.23 and mnrking at thîs lime, aleready ton's Cote Stuart ai the 161108 Fiihy ai c p teaiN atkome aller îmssing tise tkitida stio eait ky dewn3-t mar lItonIalhcat winning goal te ilîreetsvitle Rates teciti Mike PreîtdeO emlnSrrs îlye s 'lin g-, tItI Derkys milh 15scnds leftt in .55. Flyers wr trtronfe eog ti tu Treea" lii tfen irgaules t une be tke ~~Fîyeee came olive en tke te take a 5-4 tels trom rac'Ii litrnIlli, c gtehaen iodro ge alieu Fte kadrn ede. k k second peeiod and nailed nix Brampton 1,ogan Ckevys tetir-tin gome alilc hieiil e i l Feeks forl Usetked piod fh oots te malk oIt wîtk a 6-5 Bunday siglil Brampton D)erbyîs and came out gunotng guso, on thtc tin the li outplayed lkem in tke second tead ut tke close et play. Roil captais Randy Hast opee for t"ridoy Drbys tianedd garni Tiie of ilheu kut tere slow 10 starl in tke Goo)ding and Bruce Ellison ecorîng. assisîrd ky Dave Ikeirierîcî the lr ater-httce tr os opnt.h u Derkys kane lioth scoeed kat tricks and Lomcock kut Flyrs kounerd Di ir k l r le ofg laces hacen teeway ofminniog andteY Ellisen aise mostered mme kackoas Brion Gordon seored lîîîîshîof thr lirst perit in il ylig rnuch I.lsei.Teir ry is inimida- alssiste. Il mas tno monder ktstfirst oftcat 730cassisted 2-2 dra. Tuiner lias oiilay i tionOerkys manted kîte out of thie ky Steve Wilson and Orril llerby* Jîte Baker opeord gann sn far, Ile sal ou Flyrs proced lkey kad o game sn tke closiog minutes. Poiteeson. Gordon s scid -ccn.gi fii ii li thfrho lui hr nuýen laie amoanl nI muscle and Flyers came oct kostlîng ait 19.36 on o power play was 4i6 seconds laCer Ntîltiis c Iicli as injiied inth il Fcrn oe ada e andintmmules od Closed assîsîed liy Tmîss and taeklitoliediittfioilli Gasper gacule illter ,ccring poitsin h gae l lokd a ke Derbiy lead 10 3-2. on5 Gooding. alassig leýmn ,nigga lsijr ifMile oud iete iat lison'slfist goal Ron Tsess Flyers jumped i a 3ý i ha ikoiia tower pîay ai 15 Il liryl hte [rimte , lit 3 k ýIlers Usis year.The DOerbys Flyee Captais, and Rod lestd .12 seconds toto thie c tl Paui Nci'on sicring tiarnen. clii oas lie s on inI ili- of figtnd he ecoclig ssîsted and on tke second period as Bruce Iront 4;oingc. Stres4iilii' liighe.,t ,iitr il, te l ,econd~~~~ _-c TIil. m'a Ello te-d onI unostetr OHA REFEREE BOB MORLEY sern ohat is by ibe Derby detencemnan. Flyerr pounded aryen going on in front of Strerlaville Derbys' net an goalso mb the Derby net but gave Up the winner Flyer Captain Roc Tois 1 about to be tripped with i5 seconds remuining. A PAIR 0F WILLOUGHBYS, itero Gllian and meet Wednesday morning at Kelco Conservationt Hiiury Willoughby of Milton District High cross Park. Hilary placed fourth and Gillian sixth ie country tram, take a mater break folowing their midgei girls. The dynrair duo are in grade nine excellent showing t the Halton crocs country and have lived in Mlton 12 years. MDHS junior boys' teamn fares best local entries 1fr tlrc('Iusaker anid Roy Polon i %tho Il îree , log tnner ,:1111k, Jint Y il cas Mitio Dstrîiflic glhli10 h55'leb lrr iege InîlDooe Pîcleti et clools j crliy tknspit0eni Ii lecefetl) io i CdliDoof Nceleman aaîli of caîirofîr îeba s p otns toCak161io and lfired ayer 2nd. c Ii' Haion fligli lcholiCross Lanasterri6.211 and Arnocld 'Ple blirglilspotcIfClie ai lConry nrretleld ednes iteakel 160.1 ililer Milicen 'llîIISgirls'nîîdget teon GE day ai Kelto Conserva ticn os lion julncercontention atnle pacingof tcf il tl ai Pai oeree d Kîngoon iNn in- oglby lîsîns. Hiloey Will ti The N11165 junior lioys sked 21, Randy Waislie 23. paced econd Iiehétéeaan ad Mark Tonna 2.5Steve ,fniiigs u eIî'icîGeorge- liervoclir hian Tuaene aid i i \Iiiiiiîeithuii 1PeI vîShîilî int oanfor Bi poai11t iti l il -ti i-rtti (hi litani Bri garrecItop -palot %ibh 12 Iflic lîteliplct il lt-rIlN Miton deeated brion wsooSenorvohli rae720011incitr,r had 86 and Lord ElginmlCîil-%ee leaded liy ave 103 sikytocliko touirhd 13t1kin Tlie excellent finihf the a ime o 25.13. hSctt Watkins c junor boys pcled theerveraitirail 201k on26.38 and Brad i bioys' plocîngsof MilIce 10 Mitelrl fitonird 211 t b h1 tikrd pel front locelli Miii- Mis Nshînturo te 3101 place 00es mîdget bocys and senior Tlie inoeres ite seniors tram lolli paced lorth inthIe mr() it reiocIElt traintstandings. Dlis mîith21.06 intie. Jîtet Mitlon plced focell in1 Lamtb of Lord Elgn second Pl midget girls' bt ddol fre and Lyo Chapmnan and Bruce n Wfel in the overal girls' Meltyre f Georgetomn CAHBR EL sandings. iird and torili CAC B RTilLA o Intheimidgetlbeys' Stltoos iuglb iishîneird te rUs.eco Tlesceeess oI the junior top ritoner as Reg Galwoy bilieé 31X)1metees in a lime th boys came front runsers John oko finished 141li in a ime o cI 12,50 lister Gillian placed Phelpu wlio fînisked locrUs 15.54, Pacl Cpeland as the sil i o 1 a ime o 1259. mtli a tinte o 1e.46, Mike neof Milles ronner in 1leUsand Pat Turner place 17Us and O1 Bayton mko ras in behind Mili Boamlre ras 20 Us OllireSaine Schidtt ran i 32nd 1 Phleps mtk o ime o 1.48, reniners for Ilie local midgels po. S Witoner of thse nidgel girls' ace mas Lînda (ire of Aider- hoi tko contpleled the ,urseon12.01.Heatkee Reed ad Brendo Broono cf Georgetown pioceil second id ikird juot akead ci Mil- uns Biiarn SWilloughby. i floliden mon the jcnior ris foe Nelson Higli of tulînfticn 11.26. Sandra Biivb itas15second, alsiIront ielonin t 30 lhis NieRai iiom Wiue lalis ras tirîl Top Miton runner 0in te innior girls mas Toni Chamblerseo ko tssled 111k i13.12. Karen Anp plocril There were no Milton anners in the senior girls' claso. Cathy Clark of George tomnmaled away with first lace. ecnnîng the 4000 tetees in 1538. Janet Beatty if T.A. Biakelocli mas secondl i15.59 and Jonelte Wood nf Oalinille-Tecfltgar Bîgli mas nhird. Georgetown pfaced firot overail in the Iront champ- ionolîpa mitli Acton placing second. Ikol gave Ilien t ithtey re-a qired 10 muscle Ikeir mcy in E front of the net le score Ieir T eîgktk for ther817 in a Flyero scored softhUeir sC senen on ponter playosskhick T, proved efective ogoînet the penalty prene Derbys. s Derbys' Roli Brooks and 4 Gary Venn erer landed P game misccndselslil referer 9 Bok Morley in the second a peiod and aeîdr ront goîng 10 a second gante seetfri 1c Ikeir infractions. thie penalty G lies arpentersorere alote1 redy to go or oin-l creose Ilire opacîit f Dere bys sin bkm P h'olomîng thie gante Mlot Flyees' eoachi Geery InfuisT boldTheeChamono isteaon landed Streefovilir a copea oil goals in ithe lrst period. 7ike Mrray oas injurrd. f On0 Nureoy, Igîtesoîdi(,P "Il'slard fora ntîdget t 18pla mitk Iese guye Tht-y liuggrd bienon the berchand really h gave it 1to iin th1e eorner. ".Tkey nve gol.Ikeer lises, me oniy kcd 10-c ater Mrras:5 mas kart and hli o 0pal Bona Tmîsliacli on detoncer Tlats beoo o wy a lot o scoriof 9 punch"-lie sa id. .If iliat s tle 007 Cliyre fOingft10 v1n, ila's ithe oas Uey're gonE 10 play,'* arerd t eyed Infuis spolie oclide thie1 Flyers' dressingfroote Aitithe crucia1l ime f 1he gainte. ther1l5second mark. Hidi Jaclinî of tle Flyerr lod therpcckliut lostleOOtrcl 10oDerbiys certthe mnniof goal. taclito leplayinf one lianded lhockey as hl 1 thie ose oi lit soottno nd folloiof an automobiule occident receclly. Fle omner Vero Goodiof saîd Derbys sliould -tolie iirranimaIs lhome and cliain Ilient p.' A respeetalile cromd f 462 mtcked ithn igli coriof liattie lere Fiday. Derbys t00k a frsi peicd lead 3-0 as tliey peked on mme pomer play goals and oneesort landed effort liy ieorge Chander. .1 tandy Srcsgf fred lie frst Eîlison netîrd tke tird Iront rmiss aod Trîtelle. Lessilion a mincie later Gooding coeed lie fîrsi assisled liy rmiss. rlyere led 0-3. Derliy Cliandler senerd lis second to tir cp thegfone ut 4- f mîlk Prestîdge asststisg Preslîdge scored o leadîng gca 1 a159.2 os a pomer play ossîsîrd liy Jîte Boyîngion. (Flyers lied ikeygame ai 6.26 a0 O oerployeffort 1or l2ecding wtetU Ellîson and jacli s 055151154and tke locale jomped akead ogoin mîllieigki eceonds left inthe periodclies Gccdirg marked liîslat trick from Eiiion and Ted Olieppard. 'Ple Flyeee' final geai eame at 7.40 ci the tikrd period teken tIen Tmtse iallied lits tiret mnarler on o power play performance uîihJaeklîn ossîstîng. Derbys liad Ce play catchkcp hockey aI Ikîs lime. scoriof ime quinli goals ai 13.57 and 12 10. Bill Beodie and Bandy Stronf srored the cateli up and go olieod goal. Tvis scorrd Clie Cylof goal. The score stood ail7-7ior iithesie seven minutes. Bit the Ildock doon to the 15 second mark. Derbiys ired ikeir w100cr lrom Jîm Bayinficon ssîsted liy Chiandler. Tliat cas therend 1er Flyri asic ould taki the resi ofItle game 10 fr1 an altadli mocnled Flrs teay liave taken Clii mis i thCey kade t stoppet ikaliof ihtany limes Iliey tere cauflit makiof liînt ponses in aliempis tCcla thie poclitIron t iirrOmsend. Lateein theliersi peeicd Toiss toei a neediens trîppînl penalty os Ike pucli ms tiret loto Multon's end and ployers o re retornîng 1cr Ilie pucli Twise teasni mm 1 ibte play olien lie tooli tle skates out Iront under c Oerliy, jusi oser Flyrs'sîde cf centre ice Follomiof Dose Turoer' lîrocliminer. iDerlys w kanded o mas advntagfoi four minutes wothie Toîs5 WALKING IT OFF is menner John Phelpa, who placed fourtb in the junior boys' 5660 meters. Phelps mas Milton s top junior boy runner and foliowed tbree Georgetown runnera 10, the finish. teurili ai 11.46 on a powerr t Ormpton'l iad Cc ropcil Bci of domo 41fliod toli Carmpeli lin-Ofup c.mpith scoeed 100. lut ocer a1 minute apart itmi5 Dose Letecoce assîstîng on koili Wtli il seconde remnnin1 tlie peiod, Ellîson scored for Milton. Gerdon and Toise wer redited illi sois. thelitcer ote 10 li seccnd pertnd. markîng ilirrc onanscerrd (alirs Se Blair. Cliaodlrr anti Baker .icored o lan Rberts5 hIvlers addrd tIliriali goa at 4 5ofte lird eiod~ as Ilereli (rtilfilltinter linodief and Pauiliailged thl Derbiy ti icilrlini i RcliLa lrrîerne, eliYileccglired ilirîr coislitî trd periiid liere ,Milton l'mp àr Ccp er av îe ne ig the iat\cr e baess uîi a ni CcSiosr Salires andt Clii%%as ie Clirr ses-nniipencr bînce ilien lien' liai e teaaged tliee , n *v 1%%È)itgoals otire lcton Sabres. andllilonecgcaliiser Ihriiiiigtiie iiugar and hraîîpl(hc ilicslBet oil >a Georgeownuholi laided 1 olivulle*sine.keeps Derbkys in secondyplace MARTIN ST. GIRLS Juekie Liewellyn and Tîoa Panier placed fourth and third je the Halton publice chool crose country champicnshifl lasi Tuesday morning ai Kelso je the senior girls' race. The pair fîished second and firot in the norih Halton triais a meek cirlier, Martin Street top Srs. in Halton cross country tenalvchiances ofntaliog a Bartoc leicîtsco ri 4 H rc of e cean sweep oithelearntflles NMarin St. yacr i irtîn it'lw îentri ;11 sond land -A ai île Halico publiecsciooi srenioby v raee tiiadd t iii li aii o 'lMo11claie thicd. Tii cross counryeiantpîooslips troC ploc roc ihe Notiietlar'iirîl 'rncliers in tht- hled ai Reine Conservation Ballon 01v ime ci 7 231 la. goiing tien lne laglies ParkiTuesdayteornf llihrcsecondloscic thieiin uoilttldicurhtin 5.î) Mdartin Si. grclilied the the sorili intpetiticn a tiek n ei t eontidsIffike top. aod senior leat cliantpîcnsiip liricre butîti ll lias encufli ic Kel i lartiiniiiveentk ai o.t10c3 points lust alead oflvtitixtrm®tsee Cntenial vth 108iiOandE. J lt.ttn'nitttortMaiil ni hiîttttittctý.l1itirdycofE csnienntauiiupyed thbo\ sîtîatIl 1-1i ;,iJ-Il irtsi teamsth 3ii.6 p itios aheauiofiii ivt ot i tîtt t ncon second place Senariloon pitrd îglil i ntleietler otuttioe.ttC'.tt tin ingOdaii itli3andMrttnSt wotikOli ediain fiels at ed hen iîcî 1n ther girls' frecp E. .Jackîcauî. asc cof'Martin Si Local hîglio o ere scceed by James mas on top. Matrino Si. as lir. Heereli olJ. Fasulkner aod Li Capoter of kd 5poinsfor second and halgaesood placedbterst %tli J sMtenyes Tesemsm ere Rolling Meadoos sekool 10s C.Tliotepsonofo Ceolennial iet ntdi second on Nort Uird iOli e4. second nin intediate girls, BallonScott Taggort ci Cen- But Ceolenniol ci J Leoses of Tecumtseli cas ennia gcolbred ithe liantant Geergetown garnered hal-te ops in tle îintedîaie boys lioys' bonors o'îlh o 6.01 tinte tant junior and inlermiediate oulli Ecclesofol Sapiehurni and P Rddafe cf Gladys tramn tifles, second aod Mark Eoard of Speers oas second. Glenn Thse top sbomîng liy Mrtin SteoOeitoOO third in 5.29, sx fligbt tot Cenienotol mas Uird St. as in Tino Ponter and seconds cilfilie otnnitglime. olUith610 andl arren Kemp, -Jantie Ltemeily' Ire- lormoancesn th e senior girls, In the junior girls. C. aiso of Centenniai mas foarîh Ponter irant o ime of 6.04 for Merklao f 'Tecumtseh piaceil oulh o tinte oi 6.11. Uird place and lietellyn mas fiestin106.23, . CHakks of Jolie S.Thomas of JLM. Denynt riglil bekindin 10 ocrUs in615, T Turli schoei second and K. ran innmoûtkposition in6.3231 Thse paie oplit f lst and second Haof o Falrviem Iird. seconds off iliatop.