2 ThenCanudenChaumpion e Wd.Drit.26,1977 Criticism of education spending unfair: trustees Accrdîeg Inn o Mllione1969, ho prreolagofnieon lennines on lisefilallon Hord penditnr or le doratîonehas ni Educonno rrool talooho hoon on thliso puing sne one lie hiîgiscool ni edornuion i972 in mool prtasniflise are unnlaîc egiono The npocîeg ieganei TonstineBill Lonnon sa ahvllin o1973 and in lise totl col niofroal Foqnonig and Nannagomoyn govromeel o joui rnmieg thoopnnîgtarledîinî1974 home o b onooland sonoe .Ocodeng t Truntees locîrd people arc (001 hogîn-Armtrong aed Lawvone,lise iegltolfeltheopînrhand are oponng in tls uni on mahîngundenoor nacurcolo hveîoorshanparlvisendoe ulatomenin ahout npondîeg tn derl(eîeg provierial elsewhiero on nihor ovni.. ni geanlo len 973 the province gnveromeol '- piiod np 62 per cttnifltho TrunteeoIvan Armstrong edocatenebihlformcBHolono hat adlthahoin pdoeofgroving in 1977ilpaysn53.1perncent, critîrinmout honie costolfnI (ao.g tho monîcîpulîlien bo odocaione, 1he trnsteos and pao a grealco saro. thesosardaýeelacedn'îlh Laovnoinntsl ho condîcon domando lifornwhonrdemoiopin3,5000 people andîimpoovod pcngcamosand and manvnlofhm areisigsly service."ohîllod proneionoal peoplo. Tietsteesoloacisnolodged *It* o. eiftse îednnloy tisai ai Oovcniedocation o heco lsoocae pure downe inetnodosn'orn cisap Non rani merisanieieodoo- Buai thehboard rontineslohb onvo hn eeod a crehhod the olyhboadîinOtarionofla oarco.- Armtronog aysn romparableloiîeoishaoroas Ton risco nr aarieîcouono nîtei(yonpornoidondocothe hforil1percecnlof enbard colîngo împoood b0stho Mn- ibudget, lise tteso ay ie> niofEduratîono The trustoos rînion uai home nif lise crrîlîrîm admnisctration otoareon lovlled eoellî omen linmonfithe onol foqooni largeio loovnndoegîonlconrolsîv o ccoîicioslntacrounefor wo isornon uai edoravion iv m .t f6 per cool o lise laing lac ton largo a pon dget ni tise oral ian dollarc Thoso oho need sperial Bt i report prodnred hb oeme'. are gonlolol tiai Supecotedod of Bot iness'v.theîe-iî'.i.htlforthnnenisn and Finac orothelioard. dovio eodithoonlhooarecoe- Brce lîndicî. ondicaicoîthai oîdeced a hooden. hem- odocavion tâa'.ooolie oleoog nnied perceolage of (ho' as.dolar 0AisreYofînihomo and talsoadîd nî199 ohen (hoe ..ehoo(o coin',tliecountîro hoad wah fr'tlocoldoia.huv c.o ( ofedacatino conu nî(miehbaoîn .."iv'oiiinothe(li.ioficncoon' lenoisbae Mlonin 1969. 53,3 ahout edoeahiooBasierfileo peroceouninîcpal itaoes aoî topo thi(îo is olnod ise neoonspeoion edncainuncnm dioophoie..specîal progroon' paedlofo 4.5porcentîcinl77 cand oîîeea'.e aod împcovo InoAclneilýas .7,1in196vli oeotinitheo'se oflommnle and 49.7per cool in 1977 and nvhoius in eoretlon idona56:f in Bu7 thal onoocey indon 1969 cnmpacedito.,inî1977T ont >uvpaccntoft chlddeoool n 1469. 699 pecenti o telise ngle ianpaîesoroupleo mnicrpal hudgeti f(ne ntont childrecoin the s Nasagnoox a nasnt o no cm odacationoand thai deopprd to Tise atoo Board v hudget 607 pero cool în1977. omped igodîvanlyine 1975 Wihî(cedocatîon ode-o ah, and 1976î eanvoof .33 per es othe otal mniciepal ao centiand.19iperocenialaccin doan H oui nohan iOddo cese or echor Thomnas St. isc Dasnsoits oulmuoreo theo crilirînon lseodayn (n bce canne olteliselgisimonec sitonnad lise overîding conoren absout oonraitei nprodieg. "Edoratione sisnld josi aisonutiavepenisea con and usai0e-on isnd lise puni mon lisere are ee gocal enpaniotn hor,' Lumone suid. predirled inetteso rono Id ho Theise înreased se ni 0007 nrprised i is e ierreao'.whooln s y lise rommunity bs ine lie et hndget didel iîroogist au hrdes on tise doclin.Wo seîoulhave hndgetlaon mcli,lise trustees tho iigis perenougo increaesn onîd Commissioner takes new view of industry here It mil taise $t2,000,000 nnw marchsandise Miltons as a iseestesent is commerce and marketcentre on tise Higismay indastry ourS pear ovecetise 40t corridor. sent lire ears if tise town is Refleetiog os tise srieing ta aciieve a 70-30 pur cent aspecet.flc nemissioser said blaascen niassessesent, lin iad liens promptnd isy an William Marshsall, reginout in- editorial ta Tise Chiampion ta dastrial commissioner, told tae asotani louis ai litaselier Miltos enanriltors ta eom- ronclusion iis mold lin a mitten Monday. marniosoernntre. "t cas sensmisy yoa are "Wareisonsisg may iave aggrnssbonn about industrial liens ton quhtkan an r. " He dnontnpmcnt". lhesaid. said lin isd talised to rom- Tise sigoficanre onibtis punies in a nurlingtos ta- target, lin nid is that tac destrial mail and a misole tadustriat purtion mold lie series ni tase irms cmuId joat eqoivatent b ose nnm 100,000 an nasily hsave lorated on land square font plant. eesployiog ut Milton. "te additio tatise t5topnlennaeisynur. dtstibution and warnlioosmg Hin suggmstnd tiese oneeso me are nom loitg auta misole mould dnpend on tise aidty to senies ni otiser typen of rom- Grits ta study v regional gov't. Regonoul und loeal gooen Allisougis tlisexcu meniproisiemo mililie tise sesedobe ni tise pablie topcrot a tasis force set op sy ieariogo isas nol isene ~coppositon Leader Sturt inalieed, lise foot iiilieield Sita. Nov. 9 ai 2 pm. in tise Me. Smita anoounred tise Cambsridge FPislie Liirary, eiglt-memierrcommitten iiiCambirdge. selerteduarnanni tise province puilie meetings, a report miii to determin diificltîes ise mude one sefiodiogo sy enmonsternd i arino midMarris. Tise report mli gooenment, including tlis c isend ienlise deoelop- eegional gooenmeot. meni fpliry hy tise Lilicrol -Were conerned absout Cannon. tac proisiemo s taI isuoe emisoroînlodedin tise devcioped mita regienai commîtlee arc: Pool londy, gooenmeent," said Heris Epp, ( Sarnia);, Jim Bradley (Si. MPP for Waterloo Nots, and Cathsarinteol, Erîe Cas- rhiarman ni tan rommilice nngisam I Wontwrta Nortih TRUTES BLLLAWONandIvn Amuroo oy mntt ritrin tf Wc are loekisig for more Joise aisins ( Vctoria- TRUTEE BIL LWSO an Ivn Amstongsayr-et citiismOf information one liose Halisarton 1, Remo Maocini the HuRton Hourd oif Educutiotnsnpending iu unfoir. Both Say thut vhile prolilemsoan neil us a satin- . EssexnSouth); Goodon Miller the budget îs up over $81,000,000 they are unable bu find uny evidence of faetary alternutiv o ntle Haldimand-Norin h ; and ft.t regîonnl goveromest Roisert Ninon il ant Osiord- structure,"lie added. Norfolis. Prevent damage Don't encnorge oahis and mire tonseoo godeo fi F. ((omme.,fOntario Min- i.otry of Agriculture and Fond hoeiiullnriol hor.ono damage canordhîy eodooîooearhojnlor cao ho peeveoledhî itaiing poocani StiI11 without mail service Pootal1vservce %il cd e- nonedono Thomaos St.ibunit isefre alîisaclnee caliîg conddîionsoare ronlord. Povi- masloc Edreoeao.saîd ina poepreod siaiement lhîv oieeli -1 nedeeoland lthe dis- satinfactiono ci bi ceidoni.. oiThomasoandCommoerial Sîn. wnisnhave haL theio madl dllvec.seervice devaeoned 'tueto (he ocnstruîctionn tho..earea.. i moold luse t ansure lisoontisai theio ietleo care derieul he rc ..nmed (001 an soneans e con structon ork isha.. heen crn- pied and alo and scolo factocon alkisng cenddtions. havece hocoesoned.- Mer i.econao.,ai, Chretien speaks ta Halton Grits JeanChrtien Miiste of (-%ii tdwntndîncooîlha Finnce Ilhe n okvile rap ofl Uhorain oho have Mondav. Oiti:l Ln attend 00e paîd $0loi) fne the pci'dcgc ni annnalomeeting othe iallon telhtngithitheFinanceoMin- ldoccra1.Assuncatî nn ter i'coccodv lion the The meeîf ingIIeld In .Iîine udtgo (onardo.am th oco 1 ' ,opendOcîf (( ah, i îgîî.cocc-" (Coutr'hîvh an aleenio- l .Lcug the (hcclicii dae up cr.'oupope h11a ..'.eehîInthec.lahýllelentre. NlP îDe Franh 'hî(hcouo i(l the (ta1ion 1lîhera.lsvîiîli hld he- hope.. hec,' oîil hie' a tf1 ieiIOlOi( .nmeeing and gccnl publc roîlfo the', .je.Ih.îî cllue, foc tho poý meeing hcac C aiddition to oîîhîcg îale'ilh ieI I le ,,11,-cticg oionol fce li .ih 0-îcî i t j\lî uhenol (so mii nonn hd IhiIota is theei îalîie'encrounds nt TOWN 0F HALTON HILLS No&M mtaftqmrfr Owna ai Tenan Coeabnsta &eSchoest<qoelkt The Asoen OficeOo n.the Prove noOnronhon subiîtden oncani Scooi nupot Lstnn i hon une, poston oOvtonhno 2h, 1977, onth(Ofcve of the Clrk Adocîoîsoooono, Maoîvîooal Administrion BuiOoldngon cTraalgar Ronnd, On..o. cco.dn.nanodccopetooowncoae equested ooexaine.îccho Atton.n sda o e evccîty onnoo,îonloîothetcquionn Fooco One, oaiohni 0e .Offeof ha 00erkhois nîooalo, tmceoctinac Applcationofo AoteroofcnOohoni Suporto Eton. Ail ou9ats o aditilons, corcos o aiotns lfon the Listmw((Os ene ritby 0h0 Chois Adiînioatooe000h0Muncipoal AdministratonidinvomncilngoWedicdac, Otolino 3t0, 1977, cisonnoh on Ptîoay, Nooobeo 0000, 0077 lion8:30 a.oon4030 pon., noohilîco Saundaco acd Sundas Theset00 acfo ilino foms tennsooion additihons o orroectons teo e etions lionthe Lost mi lie Foidoe. Noosociso lto. 1977, at 430 p. m. il. D. Prihad Clark Administrais Tw ometson 1MOI@ T'o poitmavle..aid ho diiso n-,holiogdonîghi taise mo soro tho area cous a poopero aliig pals. tac pounird cal ocoîdeoto nooug ietonen.subdivisons ofte haveinc aiifomailde- ioOO caernove iemove in ifonco decalkso arc n .taloed. Tise disouptuon le mail er viceohas aogoed omo cocu- oent.. ni Thomas.Stu Thecnonrctio n ao10 have iscro completed hy lise heginogniosool istldueo b talc budget deliratiînooand hld opo ai lownohall and cith ho coontcertlie joli 000 aie in sarliog. punies tisat mouid oettle sntise indutri lanat onder fite Milton." propoual and soggeoted il "I taleisesue witi tise eigit lie a esodet for other editorial suggestion tisaI Hatooesanicipatities. Milton moatd ihave to takte os Coanritior Ruon Powodioli tise reopoosibliity for promun- eespiasined tise approval of tiono. tlesi tiat Milton, witi tise industrial arreage mas tise esy office, solud taise on tise town's est important tank. t hope ta deeetop a prlarity. "And t'e glod ponone moes of ra-ordioatlsg or-.aesended pour marehoose tioites", ie totdrcounrittors. oiew of Milton." Tise ooot- Cnunittsr Jies Watsono cillor aiso raotinned tisat soted tise town liad ronisred Hattos His was atoo pro- tise region of tise oeed for tise pnaisg an industriat area ad- industrial aceaesortis of tise jurent btise ose in Milton liut arisas rentre liut 00w some mitisoot tise restrirtions on Oakisolte rourittlors isad bil devetopesent and seriisg. thseproposal mlles lias lien n o"it muid serioooty jeupardbse tan morisu for tisene pears, ru- thseMitonsproposai." ferrnd for more tudy. "la tisere any may pou con ansint tise toms in getting tise pru- THE CANADIAN pesai mend along" CHAMPION Tise oew romesnioner hiriznd as Slensd agreetttotlook aitheproposai. Claso Mail Counrillor Risk Day Postal Registration rnoiewnd tan onry dtaited Nnmie-0913 devetopesent agreement on HALTON DAIRY PRINCESS Halton Dniry Princnnni applications ru- qunotnd fromnn ingle ladies unvunteun to twenty six ynnrn, ouho runîdu on duiry furmn for Huton comptitition. Application deudlinn Novumbur 9/77. For Da tais Con tact HORACE BLYTH at 853-0229 mosi importantl pcovetailî olops is (o niaiesre ý gaodeo.-.ceao fioerdvhciî-. dad leavev and plant(cto leom aroond thebase of (cee... andcul havis long genvv t înaie yoaogaodeo hic.... dooeah(o home frceffs lie also cocomonendo entu- vogiihesoi]daeond toee.. andosehrus o (diconeage cahis, NM o mmec ..ggeslc painting trnhandhbranchesi odih a epeoirt oniaioing Set %vire tber gnaodsofn inhhnîo.hirond(oeetrnisv nocot oi ie Nae sore heeod oflthe gued is about (rece incise..dep 10(0 lise sod].Fooeta proection agaln.t vue.cnnodltheend of lise gourd oith eeoohed store . Oheo type.. opro- leeto.... îne(adîng .spiral pastic gardo. aod auiu gaedeo..npplYenes.eoiov frailitreco. llaco lfloeeng crah, .euanaanad haný ihorneo ( aoe ieparticlar ' suspeetuhle to rodeot damage.il Roto ni ilas t soetypi'*.ofi uhnh Scviool.. are ha. îog laloneen paroues (hi.. Oceis Theobig nîgisi foc tise lttie people i., neni Monda...Oct. F.28 THE SORCERER ADUIT ENTERTAINMENT tuvAata dn t son29 mi