Several new presentations on tap for commencement .And ait ose inooiedge la Professionai Engineers aitead al tnem. Titme awardn tite Stadi urse tees ta inoo ouwIlex- Aoard witi ie presented 10 are encouragiag frtem and Ral Plaqa press tie teme of tiis ers James Clarridge. rertaînly maita me iappy." The Mi Milon District igit Scitoni Geraid DeKoeyee ias iteen la addition ta te Ray Award fni Cmmencement, tiis Fiday, citmen itplits IelIacv studentt Deumer Memoriai Award gom ta f, Oct. 28 aut8 p.m. Taken rom ta pesent te aînditrian and Paque lue a top year fise Peeey ana Papa's ori. Essay on Ma, speecei. He a u a l te geography tudent, Slen Deitoral te tieme oaa titosen ity Nan retipiet oth ie Miltas Rtary Industriai Handling Equip- receise il Burst, an Englisi tencher ai Cluit Musit Aonrd wit ment Ltd. ut Campitalsille Cluit Awi te stitool and ciairman oI Stepiten Willugihy, a mnor oi also present $1t thie Ratkwel tiis years commencement tudenlrcosnrii noard, and in recipient. Tiis yearcs wamer Canada1 committee.asmo an OntarloStitniar. iga iv seitrara Pearre, lsn an Aoaed OI Tite commencement mlt ita Tarnaasithlie prime min- Ontario stitoise. Kaiinet, ratitr spaial for ail insatved ster of te stadent tauntcil, Leaderi accarding ta Ms Huet, aita oi prenant M. DeKoeyer Dan Dates, a fient; year stu- Caroline cays te seithiou ite li te oit itinvaledittorian medal. dent oiireceive itotitte LeRoy rarîpient for caverai nea Amang te fista for Milon Ballon Board of Edncalionn Plaque go preentaians * Tiese oi Ditrict Higit chol ahIlie Prfiienty Pine and te tan. nlude te Mltas District te recognition of te ea fiet yeae Englinit award, ta sWilian igitStitoal Literey Cluit ice-president aofte stitool, ie prmsented ityte Camp- Stinoîs Aoaed, ta 5e awaeded ta Peter Gnish as Grand ieilite Wamens Institule. Hallon B, Grd tauudenl Paul Van Marchai for te event. For Proicienty in fiet Paoîte finstitl, oho is aino eceiv- Aitoagithlie Milon peur lypîng and accacining, Shielul ar ing te Wifed Croier Shitld Canadian Lagian han oith- Betty Van Shannoan cii re- Reitekait and te Hallal Board af draon ils aard oaI$2,0u0n rve te Harris Stalianery stitalarci Eduestion Polîienty Pine ran te peageam, everal pine ofi$50 Capîsei lue grade lo. ater aoards have ieen la- Raemary Windmuiier, a its aoaec Daniel Bynlan oi reteive teeaned atcording la Mec pyear loue student han cap- asc an a te ea Milnon Automtise Huet. isred tree aaardn. including ciii recei and Industrial Supplies Lîf. These include te Miltn te allon Board ut Educa- con Scita sourd. ohicit oas fuemely Iniverlinp Women'n Cubt lion Proficiency pine for te Canad donaied iy ahille Aulamu- itrhaiarnhip raiced rom stan per tirea. te John Milon af $5. ive and Indunriai Supplies lu $200, ta ie presenleul lu Chapter IODE. Teapity and Thte Lîf. . lily Hueta The Milon Aoard and te Peter Lurer Ladge No The lalton Board of District Higit Sthooi Staff Memriai Plaque for pour scoIagyý Seteetaties' Assoitioln ciiiBurary hansnal ieen rained four gegraphy. Kingdon. tiis er pescrt Tantra la $200, and ciii ha given la The anuai Milon District te Milta, Lapon ith a $75 awaad.Tiis Gail Carroll, Bîgi Sehol Tetitnical Staff peeenled sourd cames la Miton Dis- I 1tiinkil ic important oe Aoaed guen la Breel Patter- oiCite, trict Hgit Scitol every third have titane awaads staled son. Graiting te Ballon Aoaed o year. foloing Atlas and Ms Hust. iecouse tiece Bord of Eduratian Profi- Rmham. Gergetown. A similar idn crtaîniywoarh for tem iency pine for erfur s, te Student sourd, te iahsiile-Miltan and have. a lot monceworit George Dwson Shîetd and Englisit a Wielamr GUtNG TO HEAVE5 A GREIAT I Oiifinoii uia. r.ui Houston of loi Main St. Milton sore the winnees of the Fiorida Trip contet vponnored by the Milton Mail and Sunfight Tours. The content was un in conjunction with the Malins fifth annivernary. More volunteers needed Vas Bysk teripieni AssociatI Scitlarsh Jacquelin Ailan1 oinneeo Chapler1 and titi Ciienci Final fer Unise ciii go tI As w preeentit CuntilA students. Tiis Scitauel igitSt Bahter, / CarridgE Geraif Dryden- Chrîs HunIer, Kimiterl Ronald Rogers. tam S kitrit. V BriaW lnt Couscit Banar sein Tosi Richards. litas Citasnelles eor yeerfour multc twa stadenta, Ern id Daniel Warren. nh MeMillas cviii the Milton Rotarp ard nf $25. Thte 1International ai Lld. Plaque and )f$1001 gou taPaul ,iitlte Ruselt hp Trnpity going tu Chuchmaci and lte Inglin Memnelal ging toAlMice Apple- on Walher, an Ontario oll reeise lte lourd of Edacallas cp Peine, lte Pichel id lte Evening Star hLodge Na. 75 îîip aI $100. ring lcva maltheva- ds is William Sihnra, Ontario Schntae. Be eive lte P.L. Rnobert- cioarship aI $198 and du Trust Scitolacnitip Milton Oddfelocvn n. 92 Scholarship for W, gosntu Kimheip mA $5w0 auard feom asn Lions Club itahI h ed la Brian Whiffin. Ted Bond Memorlal of $125 goisg ta John nt Coneil aoardn for î d Histaep oll gala iWaliter and B5arbtara for Englisit. and Lori hirit foe Hintacp. Thte nfor Ihin pear's Ont- Provincial Police [lin Profitiency Ship aI $300 as ne Grahtam. nBrown 10 ttis pesens of lte John Miltan 1 .0O..E.Stioiaesitip ne Teeep DeLauaier vip Cap. ly. te Wiifred Laur- 'ensilp Aoard aI $500 ao Loulosaithker aUl, titere cviii Sa iltion ut Stadeni 1Aoardn ta peur ilve peur's Ontario as tram Miltos District Schiool are Louica 1Alison Bnown, James te. Michael Cold, 1DeEneyer. Wendy nJacqueline Graham, HadIieid. Donna r, Pliy Barres. tpl Kiagdoll. Nancy son, Barbtara Pearce, JRentenaae. Barp sGregory Rush, Wil- hiors. Loti VaBas- filiamv Waiiter, and Wh11 an. Christine Armstrong heads CAS volunteer workers Christine Armsirang's court. esperienre citt colunteer lits. Armsrng esrreflye uritgoe at liherlteen- oor itih a graupalof80t sgt ears and iis commîlt- colonIsera itlsite needs lunt ite lnteerraontept many mre peope laieip avoe oifte speciai talents oit ite agenrys osek cite bengs t0eier neo jobt as iheougitotte raglan. At te vlme-car-ordinator ai moment.-liere isa pressing te Sauna Regian Citidrens need for clunleers oito arei Aid Scey. uiliing la drce - partiariy Mes. Aemstrog oas for- inite Geairgetaocn aud Mitton mer dreciar oifte ueing saeras Titese colunleers re tan hiciniere Suerasand tinedIlin CAS. eerentliy eie 2cens amileltaaffset as ftiait tîme ru rdinalor aIfte rosi illiter urgeai needu clasirer aclîilies. node clunteers wiiîng ta Vlunleer'seffrtrs lteip wonet lwitileen in s pay te pealrssionai staff oit seling. laInes lue audenta îeoaitted famîlies and ri d- and people îteeesled an aen netify saistantially re paeici-pslcng in aticulies for duce ot avilateagenry bit ulsl ease smme aifte ooeitoad oi uceeituedened proiessinnai Tite main trual ai saff. Ms.Aemsteong caies Citeias ew job it ciiiie tat*lite oeieoifte slua vsetiîag ap new piagranis us- leer a it lits ageney is an 0f slunleers as rssure iefesi pari af lta peratian. peuple Wiatvlcuaneers conte itte is Voluneers wil CAS& essentils- nttanly berauseaof mace ram wonhng oit aot nite f prcevn 2BMinS 5 g or p- 28-BMt(, silnStCon pe-v(i niit nov- O RLCTO inet Pan tat oncie- i clients on a very cassai basis lirough an intensive orienta- ta sometiing more citalten- tion pgramn. Anynne ohois iteresled in ging as heorshe growS ana gving ime ta Itheifaifon decelops Balt troaghiiut C.A.S. as a vounteer clold each stop the cotanteer re- gel in loachithii Chrstine ceives guidance and help) Armstrong ai 878-2375 or 335- tram Cristine and the 5757 and arrange a ime in agnc scalwonritersas ohîrh titey coutl discs wel as a oei-roanded ira- CA programo and their daction ta te agenryns onrit polential invotvement. ELECTRICAL * INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE POLE LINE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING 878-2048 583A MAIN ST. E. MILTON, ONT. L97 3J2 LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT CENTRE FRIDAY &t SAT.. NOVEMBER 4ih &EthN taraneo ighanvnand Dîe oSonutihiof Mffoni 878-8121 878-121 C51part AE'SèRLD 4 102 MAIN:ST.MiLTON ThteCaadien Champion, Wed. Oct. 261977 19 Fatal car crash A fatal crashit nvulicafescaped !njuries.i.aPPvsaid. tre crs on gihwa fui01 Stecen Ciee e as durang te aeetend. sent dasritsrged frin itspitai tree people la Mlions Mouday, bitiitaister Kelly DsirelHospitai lit seraaussremains iasstaitle randition. injuries. te Ciarters slilsted n Dead is [Arve Albetelceiti ccnditian. Grieve, fia cears aid. fruin lDamage lu te Greeand Misisaugs Me G rieur tCarteres seices s aceompanard bith is daugiter estamaîred ai $(9) a ecit Kelly if, aval sua Siecen lo DOaage alte Whitaîoed eue sas traveliang aesitnuvnd an i-cestiaiated ai .$2,400 Higitoso 401,sitenite aac Tite accident ucrareil an steucit iesd nn liv a care igitaus fi1a teFI-ftLUne. drives ity Samuel Citarters, 26. oi Mcaeitiam, laraveling 'iNIL DE l.SP eavltaound uon ias aiv 5 oa u 01 A ýi otgnforyo, Aisa ncnisrd n te crash5 Us .tascunsaaa-adadraarraiif was i7yearuild Cade fiisidegree murdereandvsen- Arnold Saitafurd ni Kaitener. arnard hitaulite ampeavun- Traveling eastound ons4ia, ornatiecaasr Sewaus drunit Me. Witatird crnssed te ates iis auomoil tatiurk meiasn and sierktittguard inter car, kilinga ae rai un te situsder aifte ager. I estaundase Me.Wiittaed HONORED Sundsy at St. Pouls United Church sore former Sunday School superintendents and department heada, in conjunction with the church'n 125th annivel'501y ynsr. Among those prenent and shswn in theo group are J. H. Wilmott, 1ev. W. Lorne Brown, Mes. C. K. Stevenson, E. W. Foter, Mms. Morion Lawrence, Mes. Mabel MatNab, Gilbnet Wrigglesworth, Ed Gillin. Ed Litt, Larry Ambie, Mes. J. Bousfinid. Mrs. Flomence Jenniflgs, Perey Borr, Wilrna Tyer, Jim Dilis, Mes. Jean HeanS, Burke MeNeiii and Mrs. Riieno Martin. Honor former St. Paul's leaders Tice-recofnition, n con îsiciaunu itht Iiaveae's cee bitlan nifte chritaris lîSti annaersaeh. ttcugnnd 21 furmereleaders. Ijh i imuil. atu tuf ttc-n vapernendesl as 1925, rtad tecnarrs ai ihose ret ciiig pns. andremptsaad lice impravce ni SandaY (itahSecai Oionlin tht flIe of young people. Tituve itnnred sert Junior Sritot sprrantndents tals, F-larenacetJenniafs. tals. ,Maric onareeand tls. s illaro Tpere Superin- and deparîmeni ieads ni S. Pols United Ciureit Sunday Scitool oece rcaga cd Crash cost $2,700 A car accidentinavuiî ing twoasees peope, csssed mr tIhan $2500 ln art daaaages. Thea collision oncurtedaion te GuelphtLiane. ortit ai 15 Sideeuad ohm n o ite Ian carscinvoived losi cuvlroi and ckitdded ino telitr ieuiacir. arruedîsg lu Balloc ilegannai Police. Kathleen Blaritloci. 16. cat f12 Sigitcide Dre in Maillon deavang s aa-i9: lteraep coaided wtt a car aleaen ty Edward Booahe, 27, fo Concessiona 3, Campicrilviir Damage 10 te Iliaacitc car s estimaird aI $2111o ad $2.500 10 the HSouker ehartar IPINE R andam i e ILengliv.VcR Preft - WePanL MENDE WALNUT Reg. $5.69$4.79 1,VS TOCKPffRRMSIED PA NELS .iak.nnei .icoiiic i we..ick clee5mi.Mvuî g -l Plam I l i a etns cv a s ii5 UBIRCH IrLYwooo 1198 *PART ILE CORE Rq1xU4 qly C aere te peurs ware r Ms Mahal taîNait Mes. Elren Maretin, Mes.Jean Oraras. Mals. J. Bousfilrd.Geneesi and enant superintendents MtDtaa-Gsgi, J.M. Ledo it Mar.C K.Itevensnv. Bd Gillian.Joitn Puedy. lares rbiar.Perecy Burre. d Liii. GlietelWeggesoort, Selen Fstere Burhe taîciili and tam DGlis. ,a rereptisn oas itld flloasaf te mtnavg service n the Ftiiowsip Boomn Cituritannvcesarh ser- vices wilSe itelduon Suc f Milton School of Driving D. 0. T. 0. S. L. Appioed 1tfruclui 1 CoMol, F.Ily lnsu-d CALL GEO. BAIRD 878-4018 DUR NEW STORE HOURS: Monday ta Friday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. ISaturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Foe YoerSIaic onveiwne ~<COOK UP AN ENTIRE NEW 1 ~ e~LOOK FOR YDUR KITCHEN OBATH WITH DUR RECIPE FRSAVINGS Post Formed Counter Tops a i op o a ac ac caa e c O a La haa C,,le a o, Ih m' 5?B SasI acl'ek-sc -'- c 1 ap deaic a,111 o tcc lac s cs acîccthe c i a-a--s cc ac a _k ""a'c These aps- i .Ca-i ,aa d. -- aI aai ,Ot aan - c "f aci DRYWA.89 3/8" x 4' x ' Panel nn AOOI1V ER 5IIEC FOR $ , cannaF1. PRTICEBORD SHELVING 3 I- 5,8'thi411 9'ic 7W LiîAaot WL 6'liSca11.39,A2.9î HOUSE HUNTING? I Check the Reol Estate MorketplOce in tooay' Pl issue of The Champion ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAY 9 p.m G7ae Acglac. Haucaq a oblpaci Parish Hall Dropaa AL-ANON ALATEEN Do yoaahae a elIae i oaTaparents, a'îh a daacinacuaacala' drirking batheriacfyu Meets Thuaidays 9:0OS t VIralaaasday, S.00 Ip..GceChach Pal. Grace Chuaach Pa,,sh Hall Patsl Hall 1nX6-5ft 125aîaso 1 x6 6 t 1.49 11if l2nx4 - ft 1391-h90 WeekIqçi V "PEGBOARD 4'xtSSHSITS výia l., $6 99 $3 17 1 x 8 CEDAR CHANNEL SIDING DAMAGEO & WEATHERED 19' LIN. PT. AS IS PILE HUMN ONLVy IPING PONO ITABLE $ 991 TOPS (EC oNDsI x 6" 2 IVISIT DUR "SHUllER SHOP' 50570Cm I 25' 25 25 30 79 10 f0 12 2,535 3355 f10 3f9f f10 4M 32" 40 5 $449 53it5 55 629 /35 RA DUR AMM- MORE FOR LESS KeepTM A 'E-,-JJ j4iv il Ili il Ili WERY DAY LOW PRICES! 1 ý 1 11 - -1.89 F. 12 ft. - '179 1 1 I[VISIT OUR "SHUTTER SHOP"