Real Estate The Canadien Champion, Wed., EXECUTIVES RETREAT Cenrebellvgie are. ouato 5 ,OcJaers. Ths 3,100 lest futuresatorriai lCoirg ,nomr, sepeat ining r. ipalees kteliatrile cirtirapaxe. Plus tocar rose. Pexirser ria ebeeSe arpet and intrisi d«or.C811 joe aFinie eipissetint ROYAL TUST CO. (ONT.) REALTOt, 173 fWolvki Stret, Guelph 8235=tOtfo -*-GODDARD WE FOUNO Tii HOME WITH BUSINESS FACILITIES Louay 3 bediosres, nirad roc rosie citir irepece, genres roi, sameingPol. On one acte lo cloue Iox sn. AI- tashed dubie garage PLUS office or shociri. ,PLUS 2vd large garage toi repairasi r r agir SOT A TRICK. JIJOT A REALTREAT111 CeIitlt-205t. 10-to Tee pr cet Moutggeitr, iirusnd deerr uve gotieO siensommeereieiWieno do il wt cu5 ira isbeauirtulie eppinreit 3 bedissie he. Pgio doora oit liing rosie serioostie park. NOTE poteesionai les iresd et appi. Tirs home la silon TWO lis.e THE GREAT PUMPKIN SAYS Tocax bue an esecutîve honmefor ysur Cindarele in Mi ton."Furespecisirbediosies, seprelformai dining rooi, double grge nda e amle rosi e sir.sceOiea urrpkin Patcir Sou esudri iaveaa 0C05T Ofiaerrance in Toi ente lis seir 79,500 Cel te day andAbiefr iCirisiereel Fr turther informationr pieuse sali ANNETTE CH UCH MAC H MILTON 878-2051 TORONTO0239-8166 OLUIE Z DIGNARD, F 8.. E. A. Mitchell Manager erv a e-oeri recc oiei Mlon, 1Iavipe eeod v-th did'iitakeievciriovsenvinei8 iue rvon setBramepon l on- ider tis reee. Tis buyrine grîresa esmau ionein tie counrue0,rin g illage esiied amonig ,ae",.Thisburai ciii poei as*If boy irversuire ouse Io sli, ples" auI a et 878-118 .r Itreampton ai 451-8757. Advrtising..1 Imke thingel Iclear.I Oct. 26,1977 15 Thise truin et trdiioeeiece large country Asking $159, Forlurtier in aimospirericx.2 str aenereial, 5 menuo ny kiren anA leu 5000.00. rgiiroatiinantrri For Ail Your Real Estate Needs 4 Acres l A Pond Caad HTusN E ator etyLoxçirark hfu tee AcrYnMC.o oen x0.50 brsuresi rp ad lîst ergiait I 1.1 anvîuîhis.ineh ae sh joed Sariis a ir pand eus t rd ivb,. d 878-418 es. 51-3 41 B s. ftuos.e Airepu 553,5in tet Repreentig osw.od artel322444 l 1i00.. lvs nia Oir The Country Corner JUST REDUCED udeiiv rie (Ontario Herse r85e) vrelulyitin xredîrin s rq ssies, 2baths,sformai living iooe,Ilarge sepairedirinroor vendry rseni inefloors thriugiroui Lageirmanerdpond se ebour piese oel. INGEWINTHER 878 5131 or 853 1990 FEDIRAL TRUST COMPANY et Lakesisie eoed W, ijakiuîie BRENMORE REAL ESTATE 461 TRAFALGAR RD. LIMITED REALTOR OAKVILLE 844-4944 "COUNTRY LIVING" WITH TOWN CONVENIENCES Just minutes rom 401. Large master -bedroom, excellent closet space. 2 cther good sized bedrooms and i 5h baths. Large living rouin with sliding doors ta patio. Family sized kitchen, broadloomed throughout, paved drive, private fenced yard. Exclusive with Kay Helsby. Pieuse caîl 844-4944 or 827- BUSINESS IS ROOMING AT L[E REALTORS Urgently wanted in Acton and Mlton r le y., t1 acre lots. Also 2, 3, 4 & 5 acre lots with bouse. Please ring immediately. Peuse cali Walter Kas lacE, 844-4844. CAELEPAGE I 0 N T A R i 0 i L T D. R E ALT P COAST TO COAST SERVICE Look at these... for the Rest in Homes ScLECT10N OF TOWNHOUOFO -qoinoi-7u8.9fl t- 50,60 $&4,900 - 3aperiiris $v4 5W Pestigehvhome h~U4 $1i25iiivvi vir.s 98ACRESs8 000E Ai eao,,,at)ler r-cnsiered. Muet resl byIdO erd ofVi r 8ACRESv $54,9c0 Ai Ic-asivvaiciaeJý,sorîrvofi401 & Gueliph tnr iExcelet ieed bvedrquloi -t pleiiiai0pond 1 ACREc irvo900 V,u , ,,t ,,s.i. oh) i' Sîceles FOR A CONFIDENTIAL EVALUATION WITHOUT OBLIGATION, PLEASE CALL US M ILTON 878-8101 TORONTO LINE 826-9218 205 MAIN ST. E. Milton Denzîl Lawrence 878-9543 Duîncan ArchîhaId 878-1728 Terry Sanderson 1-244-4149 Noîma Sonnenherd t-859- 7852 Mary Villa 878-0381 _ open: 9 t08:30 Fri. sat. 9to 5.aeee TAN HMPSý0ýRALýiTEBýRûEm HOUSE rTHE OF WEEK LAURIER AVENUE a Super soid brick residerce a Front to rear main hall 1 Firepiace reughed-inii n ec îsom e Large fenced backyard a.s62900 JUST LISTED ~990 $57,900. Smart 3 bedrooni bungalow- quiet resi- a Brick bungalow dentiel Milton. Wall te mal irepiace in inished rec a Seciuded-residentiaI.MiIton ront. Paeed drive. Large iendiscaped lot (62' x Steel beamnisrstructi'oe hardwvod floors 120)* Large treed lot 50x 150) eOwnertransferred -MustseiI. 139900! CHILDîS DRIVE $2500. down! Attractive 3 bedroom homve leulures srpaidîr dnrg rcvm verlvvkivg the living raom Lrge ktchen, main fIant Iguvdvy, garage.OOei ofth eler condominium iiiwvhivuses Many more from wticht 1 choose! - Naw is thie lime to buy. CALL STAN THOMPSON Real Estate Broker 878-2455 qfflaiGt dq 1 qýnal style and femnng: ,nd. ail or, 7 scenic acres. All b-k