monto ski SALES -SERVICE -PARTS ALS MARINE t SERVICE CENTRE 262 Main Street7 North Aton 853- 1 82 19775 OLYMPIC S4,490 7747, excellent condition, 77487 75 9099. £00.00, 877 6617 SNOWMO BILE S.195 SS300 EI7v. 173 SiIOS7 Bullet, lso 497779 1741il 7. 150071777 7for a7i.97 8 LARS30 0 osI . . . . . . 77 7 158697 POLARIS 590747747717 250 CoIt. 340 ST, perfect S7417,0- 878 89719o 78 723,0.4877077J577y7 1450 ne4't77777 47074ad777978, 7 S 47I I 74six , 9770condit 05n ANU4JorNI8S211E ANTmiI acFR'saeEZ a 43. MNTEO 777477 WAG N T 079 75STMUSTAwNG 3 7777 V 7 75 ie 78775825. A5 _7__7_7__7_ ___1468 32077,77020 MF MONTEGO 277777 7. USMES ITRS 5 .00 GALLON0504 75 7M77 7170 777LL.7 WASGONSPLS.77U39090 '7 EMUNSTATS3 Rn, 'i7 OU R AR '7 FRD S BROGHA 77GRAN7779,,,,277..,, 775 E7UCGR7MONALL '5 RAN O.NO 2CTONi 74FRDPTN 1461 45.7 78 104740 779747d.,70L494 7,00 7 747479 2 4d- , Lie £3.000ORD7F100,777Mp87Lie 'M M777.0. 7AR R7 97 BROUGHAM5 95 03 À.II91Mmi.efilR 29 VI I.E ORSL POTIC Q1UICK FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT This dealership 00w offers car buyers an auto- mobile Meshanicai Repasr Agreement that wiii cover spes'fied major parts of the automobile sub' let to a $25 dedustibte. Also, the agreement con tains a rentai reimbursement provision in thse avent your vehiclie s laid up overnight. THE AGREEMENT THAT MAKES ANY CAR DEAL A GOODDEAL BETTER! SE SURE TO ASK US ABOUT IT Ca DEMaIS AND LATE MODEL USED CARS ANDI A COU PLE DAN DY 'h TON PICKUP TRUCKS Test Drve one To-day 1977 VENTURA CO OEMO Sport Coupnshed in Frot r ange, complimenting 777buck' skinviny7 interior7 WhitewaII rdiis, 740581 777578,test8d fogger. '7477757protection grR7P. radio, plus 774570408. Eqipped w4h V-6ensuat owe,977770 r7057595rin, re. 95 TEST DRIVE IT TODAY. Li. MCD-993 1976 BUICK RIVIERA Lux sportsmod9I.l fnihed inR 7î777774rR7. 077774877737whte Equipped w4lh7Va, automativ. power steeri48and774kes.ORe Rwne5r nd drivI558ssthan 17000 miles. L, J794482 1977 BUICK SKYLARK CODMO 4Doo.sedan,544fi77v18d in 77577 740ksk,7 747h 9a7777pimentin vinyl tan7interior. Eqipvsd 74157 5777474,741Vis, 41175774. defogger , nveci 57577 17 477 7packae,4t. tc. 7 REDUCEDTOSEL7 7,I LYF 145. topo 0005E 10 TON PîCKUP V8, power b47.51557177 47in ,7radio re, trp humper.Fvshed 1975 FORD THUNDERBîRD 2 0000 condition i'g 5 st-7i4and pow57 window749ITS PRICEO TO SIE71Li7, JME 00. 1075 SUiCK CENTURY 40000R SEDAN Ecoomical V6 engins, 4479on47t7.,747497879977774.bakes. rado,74775974911, wheel c74979Fcs77d indark b574777417a 7477748v7g an inte7rior. 7057 A SUPER FAMILY CAR, TEST D RIVE 17 TO DAY..77, .JFV-74 1972 CHEVROLET CAPRI 4000$R HARDTOP V8, 477774777a7474 powe7r n. 7brairas,7radio,7plus77470 e97745 Fnishd indark brown, contrast74ing 71747rof7anda ta 170ror I' A ONE 077579IN MINT CONDITION, ONLY DRIVEN33000 MILES. EE THIS BA 9 O-A.Lc 388 MAIN ST. MILTON 8782355 Toronto Nmber 8263950 JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE ~78's ON DISPLAY Where te deal is aksays rghtt 295 Main St. Milton 878-9942 077777179 te Motorng Publiîcor over 60O 97775 297743 1977FORD03/àton777777.4A77841 1974 VALIANT 7787477 4 40077 7407777horse 7ih F077's300 8548, rellabe 814576.14aut CI.D.,467v1, 1 speed tram 778770. 7.8, 77841818. 710 77788709A4_a51 b8778i at 8887.4A7789778877778fo only $389500. L c 424 733 $295500. LIC. 759546. 7811 7817 Georgetown4 CO77Ys ter, 15 099778870749 777775187. 5 M77578777757 Rd. NM, 877- M0497819418 Rd. S., 8777 5108. 5108. 24895 248996 I. 7 7 I. "CAR OF THE WEEK" 1974 OLOSMOBILE CUiLASS Fr7n reugi5949 Io07407970 and7477ke it through his winte i the 89778o1d 7779174710car4a4test8775477 77975no90799474 70shve 4 rat eletio oftpquait777077l77717757074itioned usecd cars ai ve8 reavonable pric ,7517,5 15 1740148sCutiass two door hardto comlet. w77h p.wer steering. power7774758 and air coditioning. l'8s tedeal vehcle for the 7d ize 14777777 Su hy 177i777,7 777ve4a.704 enda0777 car h77 w7ritr47777 HY0129. "Larest soloîlsn of quaîlt Used cars ifHaîton HuIs" 1976 Toyota Calice ST 7,777477 1975707987 74wagoJWX493 KU0227 197 Mercu77VMnav4 tir sedan 1 975 Toyota4Co7oll71600eo2 tir.FAX0 sedan KFU024 197 F .,d Tohn 74wagon0H008 1 977 Toyota Coro114 7wagon 1974 0775 7771499 2 tir.7474747 IR8759 HYS129 1975 Toyota 7e1i74 GT 7774707 1974 Chv o va474 4777747 JXZ301 9HSN605 194 0774 yoa 0777 la1200 sedan 1974 F077 Courier 7771777D69046 MCN704 1973 50777077 Cometsedan44 1974 Toyota 757774 ST 7477707 7H0702 JLS396 1973 Mrcury Conter 4 7, 8edan 1973 Toyota Corola o 07777DVC757 BLV050 1973 Fod747 484613 1973 Toyota 7770774 16M0c777771973 Plymouth7 078797277ir.9seda SNF6 12 D07874 1973 7Toyota751,74 5ST 7877777 1973 Suick WgonFAZ829 F7Y450 1977 777770777 707477 1972 50777777 7777772 dr. sedan Coups L0T749 BKX390 1970 FoR74F79794749700 "As1s" 19767477474KK7977 1972 For4d70,97 BCK957 1975 Mercury Movî7go 2 d, 972047977 Pckup B9369 coupe K0A825 9737Toyota7070118a1600 DSF312 iL, WY.7 W S . s______vN ., 877 2261 "'ALL TOYOTA'S ARE CREATEO EOUAL' *PARK TOYOTA' MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" 29garr43 I * TRAFALGAR MOTORS ,10q Main Sireet, Milton 878 /253 ASK US ABOUT OUR om LEASING SHORT TERM* LONG TERM O AILY OR OUJR LEASE TO BUY PLAN' SEE THE ALL NEW FAIRMONT!!! If's a super beaurp" WE'IJ LIKE TO BE YOUR CAR COMPANY New or used why nos drap in and talk ta the friendiest car gups is îswn.. Our new phone nn. 878-7253-4-5 TRAFALGAR I M MOTORS 29rr463 1973 OLDS CUtIaSS, 4 d7RI' sedan. A realbeauty with l77 1 97 6 ROAPSEN Spec7ialEdit7RR, 4 ,, 7lea e, 7rei7bIS VO, a447 dor d an5RR, reiable sI9776, 7747,o5 ,7,ER787R'4v in 7R7774777 , 77.b 0040 whit1.R74*lue vI777'7717750749 spl.7 707777547t, 71417 a matChing interior'7 . L770 1777777carfor7 0917 459500. 770M602. P,',77d tosel1I 4774,17 77 M F736. CR11 GRorge $2695. Cali 7R7Geo 9R rge o ownCr 7177577 15 Mountain Chryi'7877' 1 5 MR77R9,in S74 7974 Rd. N , GeorgetoR - 877 Rd. N. 875108. 508. 24752 24841 I. ...... m RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS HOME 0F CH EVRO [ET NORTH AMERICA'S NUM BER v AUTOMOBILE The New 1977 Chevrolet wins Motor Trend's car of the year award! ANNOUNCES THE PROTECTION THAT MAKES ANYULSED CAR DEAL A GOO DEALBETR 89707888 ee a qulified vehil stick57r on a778 cars il meas that7car 747 qu748 fie4for a Me7074 ca5097787,77987 Protection7Agreement770787774 78477877 ta a $25 484477,bl rep ir and relacement of pecified majo parts for 12 m.nths or 1200ie.07 . .77779 7477778787707799 77J8us'79777797f0777 770797 il 777ld 477ve 0ou8on service 77984789The 79r47, 77771ds oar rental reimbumement overage whichew7illenb8ee97 YOU CAN GET DUR MECHANICAL REPAIR PROTECTION ON ALL THESE USECI CAR SPECIALS! 1977 CHEV Y2~ TON PICKUP Finished to t7oe mediumblue and hite with matchngblue in77977r, 9377777774777 V8,.angine, 477404777transmission, power steering, powe' braies, radio, 774787777777787.747779e wall tires Fi he.1778 7sca .D0961 1977 CUTLASS SUPREME OLOS 2 0008 F779084,7m Emine white w7th contrasting blue interior &770 777477770788 7weel7discs Et sort m7rrom, L7. No. 797 299, 1977 8UICK LE SABRE CUSTOM LANOEAU 2 ORý Finshed in dark brown with dar, brown vinyl oof Et contra in79g9beige.07io, e97777ed47477 VS oriine,4077778771trans mission, power7 9799774 707power74779. 784radi, i,7d ront0 sea47. h4t7wall tires & wheel discs. 7i 9700304. 1976 MONZA 2 0008 Fnished n dari, lu. with dari, l7974cabri7let:rof and contrasting wite int77187707ui7377779774717 4879transmissionR Et070707777474 77177, rigirie, 7777477474477079.7447 raio 7.7 No KMB-452 1975 OLOSMOBILE CUTLASS S 2 Or. HAROT0P wh4tewall tires and wheel discsLic.JPZ203. 1975 COMET G.T. 2 0008 77779784 7in779781177 7Nue -th7 70777497770black7 7719770 74777794747754air700477707774, 77774779 7074er797997773 power7778789.47707787777transmission. 77kt seats, spor 7479779 whitewall4Michein7tires7là9AM adio. L7, 7500403. 1975 MUSTANG Il 2 0008 Fnshed in bronze melai11lic74777 70777497774beige9 7979774, equipped with economical 4 cyinder engins,47707787777Ir9n mission, radio,7w747e79744tireswhe74770177975uc7777seuils. 7,7 JXZ-391 RICHARDSONS CHEV-OLDS Hwy. 25S at Derry Road, Milton 878-2393 878-3812 $6,99500 '75 DMC van7 350, 4 barr51, automatic , 7787477 laquer peint, custom77n77787707.-7 77987709 AM/FM 7ra7io.and 7419 7vv44748. 1 79y 74774074, custom7 740k 77:791747 7HUIS 8532860 19785008, 77777577774 7841418 9974 cond7ition77 408. 1977 EXE77717 E 47,7vn77977 in7 S77898757 74white74777 977 779178b158189970. 9770778717 p.s,pb.. radio, rear defost 83755474 6 7799778 707497 train L. L,0 0377. Sale price $499. 7811 0907087074 Ch ryiar,1 7 5 M049741in vi Rd. N.. 877-5108. 1894 AiMBASSA,41DO0R 710954. 4AM Il M 0assette 878779, 8574 8110577green 79197. 0817 2700,00, 877-7281. The Canadian Champion, Ned.,Oct. 26,1977 il rm--OltOS UMBISD-MILTON - ONtARIO 655 MAIN E. MILTON COR. 0F MAIN fiVWILSON AVE 82-134 878-2883 925-0887 SAFE RUY USED CARS ft TRUCKS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL S ONLY ~11775.11 1975 AUSTIN MARINA 2 Do', ith17Io.74 747154,54 7717777 777777ng,.e & 4 ced 1- 7778747Lie M09507177744777 1977 MONARCH SPECIAL EOITiIN A real1s4vi7g 1875 FULL LUXURY FOUIPPECI CADILLAL COUPE DE VILLE expenly seni775ed. LieJ PZ 165 16590.11 1974 GRAND PRIX SiJ V89747774777777777transmission power77i77777777là774877 power indows Et air 7777777777onin 01440V77unies.bc Many mare bargains ta choose from 77777,7777 .1 1977 1177, *METEOR MARQUIS a COUGAR *LINCOLN* MERCIIRY MARQUIS COMET *CAPRI e BOBCAT ALL FORD TRUCKS 655 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 878-2883 WEHAVEMANY l7o FORD7TD,7Bough.77 OSALITY P77 5WNE0 7777.777un 7 7777,771 ECONOMY CARS 1V630 78729 77 777ocs'77777 ai puce, y-- c47 44777 .Low d7own paymen and 1737T7777477c,777.777.77 1997Guelph Si7' or77 P,117 7 "7 979 GG7777777t7717 8787687' 5108 i7 ,7 S4 J, f74'l il 70'0C.ai7 1 537 me, 8. 19737D74SL7N 5107P- 7770 7 8747 217947777477 787 8514 29,57 7 077 4 3 7 74 G774s7o7 77777 7..7777777077 19760DO507775t 007ng 7 '77 777ra, 7.7t7r7ad 749904797477777477777 777,77 77777~7 7 7477.7,inSahara77 7787 -th777 77a gren5 lth re1977 eia l r el9 1 at 5 30 1Rt67 W r771, 7777777777777077da',7 7747,74477 7987 7A7777 1778 1475 000aE Ol 350077.771773 7il7L777777777i77777 77779ir' 5 77747777 477714762 Rd75 . e rg t wn7777. 5108 7 7, 772 7 Sasser777777 47 8465700gogo.$900 18 1,03 940 ANTI 7"0 7777 I i77777777777 77d1 . ,,d 77 7power. Van station wagon, 6 'y1 '4aut 774777, p79, 7b, 74a7d7Io 7711984, 7877771887 and 777794 709977 490977 50 $495 00 54 $0 87775108 1975 Do004E 08777 779777, 3 87774874944774 fe. 8791 0 57 110 8 9 79 7 7 7 4 97 976 7090094. 9770778777, 360 condition, 705077745 4777779 B .50a870. 87795115 777077 9 a.7.9977. 145109770.7 7 Stanc0 H R , 777777774 Ori 4 'd A A Msteej ., a