B12 The Canaoîian Champion, Wed, Sept. 28,1977 Big winners named at Teemwere counlinss prise mîssers at Milton Pair. Amnosg hem mccc Dscy Saut, Peter Vaodeesde and Valecîn Seott. Day wo theprie for the argot pumpkîn, His 50 lb. puopkis masuced 50 aches aroond is grtb and as 19 taches hîgh. It is ose of 300 pumpbînss baryl and bis laîber Garnt gcem an ther pumpin paich it Kibrde For sevecai ers sois. nneyearoidl)aryi hashbens ettisa up a puopkîs stand outoîde is bouse ta el pumpkins to passera hy. This the asonno rons is pumpbin saestohbu> asnt otdrums. The largesi squash. a lungariati varîety, mas oobmtted hy Vaiecîn Scot o R R 3, Geocgetown. Wtb a cîrcumierence o 084 îscbes and ameight o 153 Ibs.it oob POULTRY JUDGE Don Ewl es shows prise mîooîng Polish while-crested black hen. entnred by 0on Brethet. Accordsg ta VaerieS moter, tbere's no secret tO growîng suc b a giant vege- tale.inSbe said 13 year nid Vaieie uîoupiy slacb tree ends in tbe ground and tbe rotund squasb as one nf severalibhe vines prnduced Mca. Scot aid the squash iiibe ed 10 tbe caIle. Oe tiabo il's edîbie but issIt about 10 tacln tbe tasb o couing it. Mc. Vanderende ni Trafal- gar Rd. captured second prise in tbe largest squasb exhiil wîlb an unusu ai toeisg New Gaîsea Bas Sqasb. il dues indeed loob libe a bas thal dida't bnnw isbes 10 stop grostiso. Ths squasb measures 42 inces in heigt and wighs 55 hos Mc, Vasdercnde boumees hio squash is uncbaracieris- tically large for the oariely. Tis it is yar hes ri growiglthe New Guisea bas squasadthe one etered in the Fair iv the oly squash the plant peoduced. A~ peesial wnser aI the Faie is Ms olive Coling o RR. 2 Mlon.Tbhisyear obe added a does more rîhbons 10 bec colecios. She got icol pine foe the hesi diii pickles, saiad dressing, raisin pi, appie pin. cherry pie and a flowee pictoce paiind in oiho Hec chili sauce, cassed rasp- eerînv and peasol bolier cooies ahbed second prions, ohîle hec pcbied heel, caop- tirdo la their respective categories. Mc. Collisg sayoohe used lard or al ter pin crusolu Hec ensa rut rcnpe also calîs or sngar and as egg. Tbeingar beepa the pastry trons dryisg sut, Mrs Colliag says. Hec prizontssg mayon- naise as baad-beatea mitb an egg bater and, pre- sumably, cassiderable lbom gcease. Hec pckles and pre- serves oece al made irnns bome-groma pcsdUCe. A special categscy tis por mas tbe decoratios o a l25tb taIt fair aniversary cake. Thece oece jast bree calins. Tbe eveni mas mon hy Mrs. R. Cîserdale of RR. 3, Camp- heiville, whse entry as a round cake decncated with a border of higbtly colored mapie lases. Runersup eteced a ha-sbeat siaped cae and acabe inthren prto tocmisg tbe numbors 125, and dncocaled ilb floers. Bigmwianeco an tbepoutry classes are Jobs Tl o Kitch- ener, Jins McPbai o George- tomnanad Dos Brethet o Mlton, Local resîdeat Bob Merry was inner o bth oise classes, whiic tbe best shenp oommes wrn Gncald Comort o St. Ana's and 125th fail fair William Gacdboson o Nemmachet. Murray asid Marb Hall. 15- yeac otd tots sons ni tair board occtacy Marj Hall of Lomille, puiind a one-tmo is in the ctass forthbe bst il painting or ciidres under 10, Murrayecameficst, Mark mas second Mcs. W. Stout o Milton mon severlipries inthe vege- table costeots and ber dispiay of vegetahies mas samnd top point=gettretoche day. la the Jso eshihit, Sandy Aexander o avîlie as topos npoints, itb 22. A dspiay o fruit by Mcs T. Jobnson, R R 3 Miton as aamed tops in itp ciaso obile tbe pcînn for the moot out- standing arrasgement o aowccs iatlefliomer show et to Annette Reid oR.tR.2 Geocgtomn. Ia arts and craits, Neson ing Ib e sbows. filas the1 morb o Mrs. Vers Wesdover,i Paiermo. .iudges reported 22 estries n a cildren'o classof ou or bras muinis, asd Breti StephensofniR.R 2 George- tonn as irsl prize isoer. Other cildcen'o classes saw Ian Rannalîs iu uirst Cr the long est cucamber, Fred Johnsons had the mosl unusaal vegelable, Bresda Marshall tbe bosi decorated Jack-O- Lanlern, Tins Ellesmere the beol dressed carecrow, asd S. Nemeli tbe bot appie Pie habed by a boy. Tbe borse pulls, a aew evesi at the 1977 fair and definitely a cromd-pleaser, dreis a good crnmd te the geandoîand Sooday. In the iigbl borse clanses, the inniog bans as owned by Charles Roeli of Smitb Creek, botb ligbt and heavy teaons, says he travelo aratatd the caotry ta horse PullittU cotesto Just about everp weebend. He oaid tbe Milton Fair was is 101h ibis yeur, and he bas won a prise ia ail of Ibens. Heavy horse division ianer 'sas Da'igbt Corbatt of R. R. 1, Severn Bridge. Weigbia ai over six tons were recorded int both classes. ROWS 0F PICKLES and preserves eoieced by arna homemakero were on5 dsplay utthc Fair. ~Tcy thee CLEANER LIMITEO1 26r3 Main St. E MIL TON Dont make a move w ith out us! Local and out of-town moing. You iii lîhe u clean weII equipped tucks,'expert ' Court- eoovvserv'sic and ofey savng rates. Complete moving services. Pianos moved and eismantlrd. Lceised and Insiiîed L ù', l--. Lý BLAKELOCK CARTAGE LTD. 5423 Bitannia Rd. 878-5222 If Busy 844-4481 is set to bring readers of The Canadian Champion the thousands of printed words that appear in each weekly issue. Modern technology that includes optical character readers, computers, punched tape and a host of special skills is required to produce each issue. Typewritten material is mechanically read, tape is punched to drive computers and they print out the columns of type. Cameras reproduce illustrations in larger or smaller sizes. Presses work their magie on flying wehs of white newsprint, delivering folded copies printed in black and colors almost instantly. That modern technology is ail part of The Canadian Champion, handled by skilled specialists to produce the best possible produet for the reader and the advertiser. The technology and skills have been built up over yeara as part of the complete facilities which make The Champion an ef- fect ive. responsive weekly community newspaper. For professional assistance in planning an advertising program, placing a classified advertisement, or producing quality printing, caîl The Champion 878-2341-a traditional weekly meeting place for more than a century but as modemn as today. Zt (-ftnêbîau ffampilou 191 Main St. Milton, Ont. 878-2341 Milton Rustproofing 503 Mmm St. E. 87-91 PROTECT YOUR CAR We Now Have Ultra-ea Q Paint Sealant. Asbtfo tbyiatse -,oi, Guaranteed Shine!!