Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1977, p. 25

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Doing one's best, important soccer people speak out Dear ir, As tbe coacb aI tbe Frediek's tbe Mar's Sbap tram sn- rotved sn st rrrb's slary "sagas sorrer tropbses asgrC MMSA officiis" may I ave tbe opprtaity fa make a fer points os Iis malfer icr yorvstory osiy coverelI il ramn tbesaideoaIIe M MSA. t cosider Iat te MMSA are maisg a most ossecessary Iusso abost a eosiparatii'ety misse mater. Frits Seiebt mas aare aI rbat ras plarord befre tbe presestalios lob pace yrt silbrh Ibor esirce as be, se asy iberof1f iis1 f MM5A, cooacîrd me akout tbe mater. f as tbe persan respnsibe br agaizirg the party and preseratirr fose ose players, Wby are tbe MM8A om gttirg sa rscited abot somrlisg lbey brrr about mrrbs ago asd mby ave tbey made tbe maller pubtie ilbat coslactisg the coach cor- cersrd? Ast r aid erdier, f beieve Ibat Ibe MMSA are creatisg "a stoem sn a Ira-csp- vec Iis mater, bal f am mocb more csscered abot ssmrtisg rire wick f ead rn tis stary. Tat is tbe impticatior, sn severat pacms Iat ta receive asy recogitiosa player must bc oramîisg tram. Tis is rat my srdrrslasdirg of mat a bosse tragar ir ait akoot. If Iis ib e atitude af Frit Sebîrbt and tbe MMSA esecotive Ier Iefolore for bosse tragor soccer sn Multans rdim. My ssdercvasdirg of a brase eagar is tat il is as orgasîsalior rbicb provides tbe spprtarity for as mary boys as posibe a gel irvotord, regardiers aI abiity. Wit somne rompetitios is eersary tbe mais empbasis sbsstd be otaking part and doirg ores best ratber tho oas aswirig. In tbe Msqsito Sasse Leagar Iis year ose tram domîraîrd pay trosgbool tbe seavor. f calise Iat il is j&à.Ge&Fs NFsh ews Oocb bssters rn Ifalo and otbrr parts of ltse pravisce iii bave bo Iook a litho arder Iis yer a iti Ieir bag. A very dry Are rocks ir tbe prîrg errtaitrd tbe morfaity af tbe sprîrgbatcb, Otario ir forîssate ta avesa mulitfde af streamo, pnds and labter, Ost ros, mbre 80 per rest af tbe ratio dcks are alcee, lbry did sol face os mol. In May, alerfomi sevrys ondcaird Iere mre 450,00 docks rn sasibers Manaitoba alose, 3 pr cent doms ram tke 10 yeae average. UribeOntlario tbis pasl sixsmeeks, airovrrtargrprrtiarssof rosteres Caada ras doms by al ramn aeptrmker 1976 be Aprit 1977. Sad ers for rrstisg Matards. Wbrs a Matard bier rosis rn a pot ote rn Sasbatcewean and the pal bote drirs Sp brIser tbe brsad batebes, skr and tbe dscktîsgs arr sn grave trouble. Tis os mbrrr Docks Ustîmîled ave eiprd miliors of'dscbs ard raterfomi, by diggirg large ponds ai, geat rosI. The dck popatior rosi br is troube îsdrrd ift m re stInr he lspeople. Havryo brpedlbîvsotfaiisaaio iayray? lIas mrayas udsek tsreratty ksoryssr bieds? Msibunirs ksrîiflbry sbot aMallardsik a Teai butlas il a mîae or terrie, toverite se adot? Stsdy yor game ars iis yeae and yo'il bsd ot tat yos con abo orty a sprifibrd sombre aI dîllecri types of birds. Yose qoîek idetîfication ai cortais species coutil bnp yos keep ot of trouble. Tbe besi bls for bssirg Iis yearccnrer acoord amoas Ibal bave ponds or large irrigation ditebes socb as Campbiviiir. oampbeitîlir bas a large dock poplatior, maîiy due ta tbe Moostbecg Dam. Arras aroosd Milto ave to brmwased carefolly lac basdary ires and mos of soters Hatta is ot aI te qoevtion. This os becaussof aIe Areavy poplation and a campleir bansonstbedisebaeging ffirOarms. reras acoord MottaI arr good dock aieres bt more ard on ibs cea s beisg patedreacb yer Soagaîsbesrertavbs pemissio ta hast Tbe beatîli floek aI id gerse Iat îsbabited Marcre and ester Poweit*s pcoperly in Lvratbe bave long ago labos att toc rarmer etîmatro. Maurîce ard Hestre, dasgbter Cîody and vigbboisg ebldees aI tbe ridgmaro, certairty rjyd te cmipay oflbhesrbied dseirg the gomîgoup poiod moit asg rn Iere, Maurîce and Hsere, as se arr sueteaut tlatwl c aktseyui h pig Sue Itîlo Spocsmeo's Assoiaion pisyrd bsi lv tbe Golden strresoor Tcap- bbotirg Fateriy. ordre drector sias Morteimer Sssday . Dspte adverse ealbor con- dition Motimer, is briper, participaslsand tkir farsiiieo bad as cnoa alie day. Wr old hiîîe ta eogratlate associaion sererary Jir Pearvon oc tho ecellent mrk bo rs doirg îsrtsdisg the ir- formative nersietîerro ir, lîke mot aI yss, bas a bssy laniiie and busisess scbedate bol abs ime ta, do the job e acceped at eember, Il s aiso aleasaeefor tbo writer toseo Jim Masssaisaot and bock ai mrk. eai gond to seeyas barb. Jirs, e rover doohîrd for a miroir Iat yos cosdrit do il. And I am ser hos col t t' meres nI Ie HitA sare my bourigs. Wooid sure like ta bar lom asy o yos reader about iîsiog. bssîîng or campng tiîps, bobhyo bave raagbt, mooardcrcrtirk et.,goureyosbhaverbot. Jsîgive me a ca ta sl614 or aI 70-2471. Tbe memsher aI tbe Halos apsesmen Assoiation iii bc glad la hepno df yas ase ary queshions or docks, dore brm oshning, Yo assigt yasrriflie insalasc pe rty onStetes Are. any Satrday alesnoas. JosI cotact Sias Molrtimror aoe'oltheclub mrmbrsrandbhe'tmOt yoOa( lbegeleou ioîasdassîssîlouipavssbte. most differsît, ondeed artsatty impossiblr, t0 dîvîde payers op soîbat ailtetams are of eqoat strrrgtb, Horerer ifonty winn550-5aregiigibrirogiedsss ig aebirrrd arytkiog tttes a mark greater effort bas lo be madr to start at a romososevet. Masy boys rere payignsoerer for tbr firt ime asd tbeir progreso drîrg tbe seasos made dispoportissale cotrbstiors to tbeîr trams as sm devetoped faster Ias aibees. Trams carrird Irer or foar payesver tettlseedrlttaosaeuP aiream toordereta givr ait payers a laie game, ast1 ardertard tbe aims oI a boase eagre, a coarb frrqaestty ad to make 'wmsosg a secssdary corsideratios. Tbe payers and trams micb acivd ms5 drngteseassstarresnoteirssarly the "issers". I beirar tat a payers arirvemertins doirg is best forbhis tram sbotd br reregied and Ibati s rat re set ot ta do mitb ose tram. Fisatty ose tram party gare s as opportssity of s- paiis.g ta tbe boys mbat tbe sponsors do for a tram and to bave ose sponsor, Fred Vestrarîr of Fredriebo ibhe Mass Sbsp, atosg bal re ve ootd express ose appreciatios la bîîo for is sapport. Mary othIe merebansois lors arr sot esactyrsxpeiecig abomiouslsor, yelecontiueasusp- port ose loral trams. t rostd tîbe ta agais expressouoseap- preciabar tao Fred Vestete and al) the aiberesponsors isba betped tb make1t77 a soccesofot season toc io ocri Mitona. Jobs Mrgan, R. R. 3, Mitos Bowling Bowling li,Oss bng ,- 3r1-a,,i I'sv Os2K ir 's rea alaI-1, SOa a0 aiO ii, as J.sdssl235. a rKath sl. 39 laas ado23,-1, -12' a r (0,0 i» irI 57i 2 a, a i' s , i i i, O s Ijý -a 5 tri a , a ,,1 ,5 , Jo, i r, 4i . hi- 5 ta e 5, O I c f 5 i W O2. (aria,, 2 airnsalieii'a 2 i d h . g . " i s , I ' I 'i iC a l ai 7 i i I.de thee CLANER h-iS,1 Oral,,be a 1 FiietafrMf511 Nohatr.pk [,a o Osî1isaug lighi FEATHERSTONE 4.Slrl ELECTRICýfi' 87-67 ASSISTANT COACH Wayne MeMitliiostvands ai fient wiih mucky borts and gcttiig riard as darns e se vcondsdabri ofMosday'v game is Brookville. TheoCanadianChapoWeda Sont. 28,1977 B5 Cricket club is ready d sFftero Geseoron resi-pl au b-hifie alire' , i î r sn etaber 3aisivthe dentsbave geedto rm tbre rs i 'i oiiw ,oil sx j,iîdjrjt o reinîg memnber Georgetowno Cticket l ubioS ire Net yroîti- ist,, r,, ii> ic The decisîson as mad at a ild \Nlmdaa ndîn i ir rue ubs i rst en eerai pubiermeetnlî s e vlrk. sca's ii,i- ,'iebcedalrdifor tbe Arrangements arr o A nOii1nii(rreoao-îip fi- ,,rriii irî an Chadwick. 2 seing onde wrab lb" -erre î îir di, ha i,.i',-, i i., n'ot, 77-172', ation departmenitfor a $,1)rri 2;iir r 'aîi,-',iti 0ypm 1DISCUS1 ]PROIFESSIONALi DISO JOCKEYS i For Jîm Cules i 'seddings Banquets (519) Jimr Lynch Dances Parties 853-2345 L-------------------------------------------_ 10 EVERYCANADIANMOWRIUWHO EVER EXPERIENCED NAGGING DOUBIS AFTER BUYUNG A NEW CAR* No feeling is worse Before the new wears off, What about the ltt but important things The Fnu ly a nwsua (ý liie he most caretully the doubt sets in. wîpers that dont wipe7 Door handies that arn? ttrought througltî wýr ir thueucimpanys history. s there reatly enough roorni to lkeep the tamily Annoying squeako and ratties? How oeil iu it made? The uew Dajtsn51 happy an a day- long trip? Whats the competition comrng up wth? Does M ,cU the UK their = mt no regrets' How many winters wrIlI t withstand the sait7 t ilook and teel lîke a leader rather than a tolomer? becausp e vee rvreer a ca ( (r that What about fuel and maintenance costs' uas The Nissan design people asked these and gets this close le re' t ftr bi s O wil soon be $1 a gallon and serice costs can dozens otfother questions. New answers were tound. krnd of pr u be frghtenrng. Then ( aie [îonths otfinorouing and testing. ~ri e r - OS" ' -5- r bl - - r t il'- iii-- il" ' t - - i i Db SibiUcib'ria PC og'ncrivrs ;t- ix o hoter - i t ti tI TI i t rristr utO "b cord DATSUN iw 2Scrc PAO r lic F rI RUOK 200SX 510 WHERETHE SAM ATONEY'SGOING. IothE I I.sn td PIn g e78O4.37 DA1SUN'S NEW 510. EVRYI1INGI111005 AND 'NO REGREIS COMING SOON TO MILTON COUNTRY HOME BDARDING KENNEL Professional Grooming and Clipping Services. Waltch for Opening m

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