Ekam pion RealLis tate Ik à, yoe V The Canadien Champion, Wed-, Sept. 28,1977 17 For All Your Real Estate Needs PHONE Maurice Beaty 878-6418 Res. 451-3341 Bus. Representing Canada Trust Realtor Halton and Peel Division ~flî OERO cE ~If you're satisfied RELYSRIE 19M 1LiMITEO RFALTOR If flot ... tell us! O IN TOWN VO rorn and a pane llon L -shaped ac room 15,0.0)Sldinnonemnek. 6,0.0Sodàwth one showing. E6290000- Raed bungalow wh 3ked- 62,500.00 )TP ee hndrnom Packnpli 68,900.0< A mmonw onr bnd on 68,9W0<) Fnur Pedrnom bungalow, wt ha fnished rc rom pusan ngroond sdeno twih a man fne amy nom spotlnon hongho on ih a finnhedhbll tieated poo.viih a flon n oelgogne fepacoand a ad nom and wakoncfrmtheOvng oakot. rnvm. Located on an 80' n 400'fnncea lot with a garage and 24' pool included. 6)' 62Ë90000- Focr ovel kackoplt and '59,900.Q-This risnd Pungalow han 4 58,980000-Backnplit onlh 3 Pedrnomn, o ery leel nhed te ffer hon 2,00nqC. hedroomo and a 2-car garage. Iyen are iastefully decoratod îhronghnnt on h aQ n o lvng spaceo Somethng for the handy and cao do yenr ewn e dorning, uniqe 1n6 o 27' cedar dock off thihning vhoee arnl thin in cool chance ai a argaini rem plan dih Pedrnom potentiai f3 OUT OF TOWN 1300000 -1iyen od, 230n q. ft.L 1199000-9 poar nid brick Pungalown '79,900.00-Four Podroom brickbunoga- shaped raised bungalow.Cnmpo e with 4 located on h acren at the Pane of the low ocaed one 2 acren. No excuse omof3 bedrom 1',baths, chldron'n pay Ecarpmevt. Whai a eewnl Ofers 3 bed- for nont 901110 the chidree a pony ho- are, minflor fmiy rnom oiih ire- room, ocoken living mpom wih a fre- canne the Pre and paddockn are there. plac andcatedra ce090g, formai living pano, noparte dîonîig mcm r P ahs roo an searae dnogîoom. On a 115 and amain fioor iaundryînrooî aceO edlt 1899000 New,4 edionm, Colonial -111,0000- New home hilt b "Brge" ;983,9<)<)<)<)1acrescom leiyfenced stle risd unalw ith a 23' family locaied on 3/2r acres, Yeovei hon elieve oiih a 50' o 60' Pank bain, pond and a 1 ln ifrepl , eiieIly <fi n hai ceci e yv isec for thic cvi r' large 4 Pedroom, red brck faim hruen wancotn and purmed ci. yii OiSn acteand los to verthng. e' BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES (1976) f0 LTD. REALTOR Z1p o 107 Martig Street, Milton T R0 T 2099 MLTN878-4121 Open fronm 9.00 c.m. 9.830 pi.m. TR NO 209 1 Len Bunker 878-7059 Ken Neoneil 878-5339 Betty nglo 877-1733 Beo Cannîdp 335-5598 Audrey Nencil 875339 Betyr d ng 78-6717 HALTON 181 Mal intE. REAL ESTATE 8784191 HORNOY ARFA Troul recepienaI qairynCrniuicî i,o'iv,,, 3 ,î deil avoni for eniviniOl ve 'vi i1- , ,lIfIl piacîcai kricier cyoi,,Icc C. formaldOurg vrv v eviod F-13if,,, 4 nionvmmaragclithgan,plena E,,.]:d-i" ,.,î ie EPA E G E 0ON TAOR 0) vT0 RE AcLT 0 R COAST TO COAST SERVICE "OPEN HOUSE 11 ORNE SCOT OR FROAY, S[PK.3, 1P M8OP M SII.lid Hall /41981/O orires /O 43q - ITIf:Ii A. E. L EPAGE o C) 1Api 01 L COAST TO COAST SERVICE Hey Kids-WIN A BIKE! Color thîn farviale hoean d brou ,iv oe nwA.F. Lehdge Real Estore Office ai 205 Ma,,,Str E.,Milce 4formeriy Rchaidse's Fh niture iî,,'oîe hriurday, Ocreher isi ai 5 p.or Thc neral inn l eeý e Pîko, nupplîod Py Shereorri & Gahirolv Sports Lid.in i Mlo Marlriid nw vii dîcplry ai Lehaofficei,'Openî Iv ail chldier i1 and code, Juîdqes c ,,cisi iîîîdî oExraicopies odive pîcire aie' iiiii)bli ai A.E Li'hdye s office and Sherbvîv & Gabîieir' ir'heMail The Winners Cîrcle of FVie Homes THeIS cnvc EiNO .,,,i.,i il ' pvrkng oucav yî[ , 3c, ,, -trhvc,,,alk-1 .i rccviv dcv i4cccv' Ki i, v REAL PIEoîd'Tv,,3 i' S ,î,f,,, 125(jd 'b 500"cMMr"drI cv , ,,c, v, ,,H'.d3id HEv evcDIMMRoc vvîmNK Orc cv. vucVcc MDALCOvvibINricvcocccc,.,c j-1 ..c w ..vc.. . ic..........i.c c ... i... . . . .... If .HEF ,M ,.1 DVIcC1I,., PI,î, .,2.3 i 3 ic,,C ,,c,,nv FOR A CONFIDENTIAL EVALUATION WNITHOUT OBLIGATION, FLEASE (ALL UP MILTON 878-8101 TORONTO LUNE 826-9218 205 Main St. E. Milton (formerly Richardson's Furniture) Denzil Lawrence 87895943 Duncan Archikald 878-1729 Terry Sandersnn1-2444149 Norma Seîrvoîîerg 1-659-7852 Mary Villa 878-0381 Open9 -9 Mon toFri M sa. 9 -5 .. il