C B The anadian Champ on , Wed .Sept 14,1977 Says trip was easy High sehool grad cycles to Nova Scotia a lng uebotmîb a10-Nan Sot Ariviga gioes' m b i mere le re etea Bv iga 9arneih For eerai Yats Ronald Rentaaar draamed ni cycing dama east. Ths somnmer ha made 1e 1,103 mietrinp rom Georgetown to Bindgealn.Nana Sctia an his tasadAtala Nrtar. Ran. the 19 pearoad son f MIe and Ms. A Rataaaar of R.R. 2. Geogetown. gradoaled ram Siton tPstrict iigbrbooa thIis sprnlal HechseaBridgewater as bis destination borausa thats %ahera is formr ctass- mate and nighbor Jaba fiouo'einp 00ixlives, The Ooetîaps movad ta Bridge- m atervbîcb is about 60miles sautS f ai faxasfour eans ao Startîng ram Grgetamn Aof 7. Rat mode te tipin 15 days IbMst ays ha averaged 90 mitas a dap fHis test dav as bis secaad une ouI oltan 6e roda 10 mites. lily sbatesl da. ana aI 1e threa an okîch il raîned. 6e dd 15 mitas lin bis bîka on carrd a vaîght ai 2 bs, fa learard îbnoîîgh pravtus panianca bc an made trips ta Kivngton and od 1Ottawau- 1601 encas oight can unba- ancr i cpclist. tnctudad i hiv gnon liera a tant, a coupla ofi candas ni laibes, a vpana tireanmd tube, bis otls and sarne emegrny toads. Ha also took a ntabook and a it of Canadian Tire stores aang bis rate. in casa e a'oud ned to gel parts fon bis bika. fobas ad bis Sîke ipot maoptimasoandts knao tadgaabta about biSe repains, a skîttbnialaraad ftram bis ftien Ha said il woaud bc iaolisb toa ttnnipi a long cvling tripoîkaout an undr vandng ut bicycle mba- Funbnataty. bis tnip 005 vîtoatip probiam-ran fae changad bis tira once an the rip bcausa the aid anaeo as onaring oui. About the oarst thîog that bopeod a u as gttng spattana mtbta, 6e saîdý Tavlling aloginaoly tarred rad ha oas coaaid oit the stufltas themheelsnof bis bîke spamad an at i b He oas obe a load sannie vasona ai a gos station ta vinon bis cloîbas. Travelling froni mrnîng tlii dark Sun canipod osai ngts in fields aiong the rad Heatein restaunants, bovoovc carrnnfoold sup- pies oauld make bis pack 100 baavp 'Sidmorning andoltd- Police assaulted A Itaoavar man calîded mailS 1wo pankad ans. assautid saruritp guards and falton lRegionot Palice betora Se oas put ino vstody. Plice report te mon ad 6ev drnnu ai Moawok tacnoop obhera e civ plnped ila laogionulFlune e- prt tei ava iharau'd 1he mn inaîilaoving tbeavnnaof an accident. assolvng a afitîvr and comoionovîout lb" Htospitll hiiiliaip la-i parti ad shov, oaSaturd. Otmrin J.nb.Otn 6LMn - CHECK WHO DDES IT DIRECTORY for Home Improvemont Speciamusts "Generel Contractors "Pluabers " Eectricians " landscaPers n Meonry Contractors "Roo16es *Etc. aternon ha stappad fr lit raiay iphîs ha stayad aI yuuth hataIs. Althogh hera hStls, nist ut the puats oernahilchhikens. 6e said. One prticutarty mt nipht ha pot a eaamn through a Chamban of Commence taurit boaSh The maman aha gave hîm ladging alsa made hSm soppon. breakfast and a pacbrd lunch, att tan ina dlars. Whenb6 etth 1e nard la et cieaaod ap on stayad et a camp site. At toue dallars a nipht, lhey worne Itaepent- lie a tay aI regularly, ha saîd, Thenentr bibe trip cost bum $113. nctodng meats Han lat Gergetomn travelling alana bt 6e so mt up ithothaer ylintnOand had compan formost of the trip. Three cycisîs e mt werrrgaing crons Canada an their bikes The majailp aI 1he rycitss ,eeboys in th6 acm lae tns or aartp 20s.Tha tam immle cîciss ta sao ocre a] travelling in 1e apposite direction, hae eported. Laching te abîity la conerseain French masoa handicap, Rion discoered It oas roogh, bt t ond il o madeaon attampt ai tbeir langoaga. thep motd help o out" ha sad. Althougbha carriad a radio ini is packbcha oed il only ta tninto eatbee lorecats. Entertaiuettas meeting and tatkîng te peaple. Ha nenee tett onty, "tl'mn nt the type ta tact hamsic," 6e said. Aithaii4h Han ad na n pleasantt incidents ith drivers an the highmays athe cyctîts ha mal had an cottred samne difinly -i'ohavatadrive pour bicycte) detatsinelY.- 6e soîd. Yau have ta e an gîtoard ail the ime. se oue hand signtasand make yaur prasance knawn. lia ond te ging mre traubleone in tomas. Alhaugh ehîrtas mavad ue rîhm, they didn't slam donmwhan passîng. Ths cetsa daft mAch con biam a cyclist aft t6e raad. 6e said. Transport drivers mre the mos1 caralol aboat cyclinlo. 6e loand. Cross-country booms orre 1e most. "They denIt knam mhat ind nI draft isap create and thep dont mone aven for yo." lions roue o 1bhlmaon major and secondary roads. Whan te traifin as beavy ha roda an the panod sholders. hea ighI, on the roadý Aflar taaing Gorgetomn br crossad Tronto via Seppard Ave Hmp 2 1mbk bum acrans Ontario and 1a Plantreat FegniMntreal ha travatted ast. than falomad Se Richelieu River naltay ta 16e sot sida oth1e St. Lawrence River, "Il mafs scncand thana as ne rati," ha rcattod about taI portionoa I bsjoudieY. Fattaming 1he sauth shore ufth1e St. Lamrance broiigbt hm ta Riire-du-Lop ohera b aetIth1e river. From 16cm ta Ibhemewronsmick border be rode via the Trams Canada Hwop and bit his iet moonaitaus nads "il takes THIS 10 SPEED BIKE carrîrd Ron Rantenoor anar 1,000 miles ta Noa Sctia. Ranis o graduaote of M tlt District I1gb Schoal. speed o cao pt up hits,' ha said. -If a transport cen pet ap il. I ca." Ha estîmated ha climhad ta 2000 iraI in Nem Bronswick tram sea tapai aI Riiare-do- Leup. ta New Brunswickbihorote tookblunm 1e Fradrictos and St. John along thashores oth1e St. Jahn Rine "Fredrictan is a nry batifal «cl.It'Is an old dity, bt nry eean," Bon commented. Ha mas especiallp impressed ih 1he many stately lms in donn toma Fredrintes. Ha made a shorteot o about 150 mites by takinp the ferry trome St. John te tipby, Dghy aller darh, ha had tn ride a fur16er 15 miles ta ind a camping spot. Il oas the anty ime 6e rode ai night. The lest teg of is jauraay mas feem Digby tao Bidge- mater. Acerding te Ranth1e most scanie part oeth1e trp as tram Queeata Riviare-du- Loup. -1 moka op ana mer- ning just belore daon. Il as lrennisg cold -sa cold pou cautd sea or breath. 'Thera mas st a car, flot a sol anymbere. The air sas crystalvier. Wheîî the 005 came op anar the moiintanss acros16e St. Lawrence,. t as so0beaatifut... He added theasun seen warmneisp the da but Creps itn that part of the ceantrY mare bebisd 16e creps bere. The dllent part of the trip mas the roete tbreegb Easere Otarie, the part hae covered is third day boucaen Kngston and the Qeabec border. "The scenery mas ail the same," ha said -The poliaIlemsion in the a rea mas really bad,-6e ment as, -You ceuld flad il in the air. They bad no ind mrds far aeyose mlle il French- speaking." This sommer Bon prepaed forhis trip by cycling Il mile maintenance craws. Ha meuld lry te malle the trip an lest as hae ceeld. Thsa training paid off. Ha aid his trip te the Maritimes was aany andIlia attribulan ibis te is filuase. one mach aller 16ir on lat en lin trip Mr. and Brs. Ratesaar taIt by car for the saieadesliatien. Tlley mat jost entide Riviere-dn-Loep and eamped toea1er oe nigllt hera centilning 1eir searete jeernayn. Ron rturned heme by car ih hi, tamily. "I didn't banc ime le bicycle bois mayn," 'ie naid. "I'ne t sue Illet I weeld niant te tranel the semae erea Iice," ba addad. ar had soe resernatiotis about ber sens trip. "I tbeeght il was an aniful long trip te take by himself, elle said. I wanted him taoe itb someone aise. But, se madaeat ail rigllt." Thera are ne more bibe trips in Bec's immadiate fture. Thisn lu ha starto irst yaer engineering at Qeee's Unsiversity in Kinstn. Heui ha livisg in residencea.se Illare wen't ha reem or naad fer a bille. Summers, 6e aspects le spand morking. Bel the dream et cycling enst ban been acievad enly te ba replBced by anetiser draam. Snmaday, Bon would lika te mabe a tripleo Westarn Canadaons is bise. B s s se s Sos s - s se s s - 4 j I your choice of a valuable gift S121/%/annual rate*, with simple interest calculateci on declining balance Sreduced rate on the purchase of new 77 and 78 cars rated 21 MPG* or better Îreduced rate on homeowner boans, with payback to 15 years, for larger purchases and renovat ions Sarrangements by phone We're a f inancial su permarket, off ering savings, chelquing, mortgages and much more. -G fi ioter and raduced raonar as avaitlable on l y on Ioasopplied for bolmeen Sopteniber6 and Noem ber 5, 1977 and su biovt ta em an cndtinsaýiabe l ar iipangbranchesFoaxeple na2500 an akenout o36 montthe mnhpaymnt oud be$8.6 ad hecot f he lan $51068. Rae subect nhange wit;oa noiae.MPGbased on mana acaners ciy ratng. Canada TrustM Most branches open Thursday and Friday eeninge and Saturday. TorntoeCesntaYnal Adelaýde 362-6161 *.Oîoeen a Lansdowneo531-9908'* eloataet Bahurst 534-9211 a St. Clar tt onge 923-1121 Eglnian at Bathoirsi 789-2933 *a Eglnton ai Castie noann 481-4486* * e ange a Ersiine 481-4435 Tronto Norh Si Andews Plaza 226-0484 a Faoavieai Malil 491-0567 Toonto East Shoppers' Worid, The Datn68-2871 Toronto esOt Egintn atWincooi 241-5248. BiOor near Royal Yorik 231-514.LakestîorelIl mi. mstof RoyaliYork)l259-2351 Bloo at Miii Rd. 621-8320 MissiseegHon l10souitof 5 277-9474 .Square One (second levai near Waoiao) 270-9102 Oakiie LakshoeaetTrafalgarf845-7181 *GeorgewnMainet James 877-2266B*" Brmptn/BnmIB28 Mai 45-335eBramaiea CityCentre (2nd Floor. near Eatons) 457-70MBa Shleppers'Wold 457-3201 Milen Main at Chtarles878-2834-" Richmend Hill Hlletest Mail Iesi sOel 884-969 Oshawa Simncoe near Bond 723-5221 rioiopen Fridaa eenn and Sataiday not open Fridayevening- not open Saturi.ay 0 Milton Musîc "FOR THE TALENT BORN WITHIN US" See Us For Ail of Vour Music Needs "Ploase drap 5y and see us. Once we get ta know our custamers better, we can serve pou beter." Waly We Feature: MiSes Ma.sie v,,, " ALLEGRO VISCOUNT ORGANS " MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES *SHEET MUSIC &-BOOKS *MUSIC LISSONS e REPAIRS 162 MAIN ST. L M ILTON nEorROX Your local Yamaha PHONE 8791620and Norbern Electrii OPEN TM5JNS. & FR. TILL 9, BAT. TILL 6 Guitar Dealer