4 The Canadian Champion, Wed. Sept. 14,1977 !Irmpîn EitorialPae A fragile illusion Theres an old fable most people remember about the dog carrying a bone across the stream. Wben the dog saw is reflection and ohat seemed like a larger bone, ho dropped the one ho was carrying te get the larger one. The dropped bone splashing in the water shattered the illusionu of the larger bone and the dog was 1f t with nothing. In an age wbere the consumer is king it is almosl heresy 10 suggest a community could have tes many stores or tes many services, but realism should have oquat time. Councillor Emmerson McCready made some valid points at Council lasI week about just how much commercial space there cao ho in an economicatty viable com- munity. Because ho is also a merchant somo are apt 10 discount his remarks as being overly protectlveo f is own interests. The reality, however, is that while Mîtton may ose time have been deficieut in commercial spaco, the pclure has changed. As new plazas or nighborhood centres are added Ihere are stilI only vo many dollars 10 go around. But the town is growing so fast, you may say. That fast? The first enthusiastic flush of opening a business may soon turn to a bad dream if there is net sufficient cash flow. The unhappy resuit Cao be another busines faiture witb nowinners. The development of commercial space too far in advance of sup- porting residential growth can be as disastrous for a community as no growth. Empty stores arent good for landiords or shoppers. They turn away potential renters ocho take them as a signo f poor opportunities. The objective of a town in its desire to be a good shopping centre for residents is to provide good selection and competitive pricing. That is usually more possible where businesses are succensful thon where they are struggling te puy the rent. There are several new com- mercial centrps planned or under construction but oce have to ho careful in our eagerness for more shopping accommodation not to reach for a 'bone" that is merely a fragile illusion. Stop for school buses This year somne school buses in Ontario Will sport new safety equip- ment-flashing, ittuminated signa which protrudo from ftho drivers side of the bus, oarning motorints te stop Ici alloW chitdren on or off safely. Extra safety procautiona crc found necessary after 3,123 drivers more found guitty in 1976 of faiting to stop for a standing schesl hua ohile its ligbts mre flaohing. Junt imagine, if you wilt, over 3,100 accidents or noar-accidents on Ontarios highmays last year, caused hecause some motorists forgot tri take extra care ohen Can I help? "Can I Help?" That sounda ao good coming from a friend just ohen you need a hand. All tes often, though, if seemo aa if we have 10 ask for holp befere il is offered. And have you noticed hoW, when you face a particularly dif- ficult task, everyone you aok 10 help is suddenly busy? Ail the excuses come rolling in. The same situation applies tu, 'fraffic Safety, according 10 the Ontario Safety League. Hundredo are killed and Ibousands tnjured in Ontario eucb yoar. Many people wonder mhat can be donc f0 decrease Iis tragir totI. They ask if they can belp tn somne Way. That is, they ask if they havrn't already decided to at'fho btamne os young drivers, drunk drivers. hîghmay construction aîîd any one of a dozes other factors. While if is frue thaf oach of these is cause for coscerîti in the overai traffir picturo. the major factor in flaeic collisions is the ordinary driver. Sometbing happons ochen me get behind the oheel. We become tatally involved with our rights, our imne, our importance, ur power. Road and meather condition a problem? The majority of acci- dents occur on gesd, dry roada, during daylight bours and mitb good eather and cloar visibility. Drunk drivers c probtem'? Sure lhey are, but less thao ta per cent of aIl the drivers involved in acci- dents in Ontario in 1974 had been drinking. ochool buses more going their rounds! The statistics, and the need for the experimental program of side flashers, bother us. The schesl bus lam mas introduced 10 protect the tivos of Ontario youngutors oaci ochesl day. Il han been idely pub- iciced, by the govroment and the media. Yet me frequontty hear of motorioto mheelitug pant stopped school buses, as if they didnt oven exist. Hopefully, the tam milI ink in soon. For the sake of our children, me hope so. Lack of vehucle maintenance a problem? In somne cases, ye! But over 90 per cent pf the vehicles involved in crashes showed ne apparent defect. Pedestrians a problom? Over tmo thousand pedestrians more obeying the lam ochon i by vehicles in 1974. Motorcycles a problom? To many car drivers, yes. Yet reearch indicates flaI in some 70 per cent of bike car crashes, the car driver mas ut fault. Wll over haIt the drivers involned iii accidents in 1974 mre committing some infraction of the truffic code ... ignoring sgns and signaIs, opeeding, improper turns, tailgaling and gonerally doing uny- thing thoy thouglt they could gel amay mith 10 serve their purpese of thse moment. "Cao I help the cause of traffic safety? " You bel you can! We cao use your fot, banda, eyes, ours and knoomo W're aIl in this together. We share the streets and high- maya large and small cars, trucks, buses, trailers, metor- cycles, bicycles, pedestrians. And, il's quite simple, realîy. Coummon courtesy and horse sense is sU tes froquenfly the missing ingredient in truffic safely. Obey the truffic lums, signa and sîgnats. Drive defensively. And go fluaI extra mle-give your f ellom truvellers aIl the courtey and respect you expecl them te give you. Commenting brie fly Theee flaga flying each day af Uniîy Park by the Chamber of Commerce information centre have heraîded a colurful melcome to, Milton. Thue problem ia that nom, aîthouglu the good weafluer is till wifli us, flue flaga dont go up because flue atudent staffing aI the information centre bas ended and fhero's ne one ta takreflue flago domo ut nighf. Needless ta say, if fhey dont get taken down ut ight f hey mould soon ho tolen. We keep wondering if flere ian'f some may flhe flage could ho kepf flying se if doent loo ek hew elcome mat mas laken in afler Labor Day. Any ideas' IF YOLI WAN'1 TO GET SOMEWHERE fast, Sheridan College student bus.Thebe dont stand at this bus stop. In fact the only bus located st the intersection of Trafalga that passes this stop may be a Gray Coach or the Highway40l. From the Council Table Bp Couscîtbon Sian Peonan Eoch urrh The Champion mahes spore avaituhets nmees ut Miton Councit. ton unrestrirld crmmnent un tapirs of muniripal iterees. Thi s eek ouriciltor Brion Pesmun is the ouest cstumsni. -AICE 5I D IiCYI.ASiY "Il you arr nol colis lied cith regionat euvernmrot, thon gel nidofcli" The authue ut iis 'Alice in Wonderiaud" siaiemeni was nooe ther thon Hon W. Dorcy McKeuugh in a errent address 10 the detegotes attendîog the annsiio Association ot Muncipotîtiev ut Ontario cooterence. Unortunatly, il Oas nul o moment ut retoîcine. tocrlite.licKeough mus using a pluy os anrîrol as the ehelurîcîao's art tOrl.soc cas il the deoth 00011 of region- aimw eeheoring, hut rollher an etohorate set-up eshliîng Doecy 10 lead the polilîcot multitudes do a gardon poih inedwiih regiunaltguvernmenlscchichh y the v'oy. -are hece lu sioy" occurding lu Drcycnd "thal soinc e are goingltu mohe workch"Escepi ut course in Kent Counly, o ridîng ohty epresented hy none cohre thon Me. tîcKeough himnoti. i Il cccv an oddeess fiiled cith platitudes andhbureaucratieî h ouacuds. "Cool et- iectseness,' '"c climale for effective dehte". "mutoot ecunomîr fonctions", "eegeupingat regonottleves,osndhesît ait "htînd hodgetîog" Dffîroîllu omi- preend ai the hesi ut imes hut eeno morevu ci 8 o m. on o Tuesday moroîng. Cilîog esomptes ut indiscriminool spending, on ivcrerose in custly police commissions ccd conservation outhurities. ond c regiooot îoccmpetencn nnchich. toc, often. the loftihond 005sut occare ut the aclivîlîns of the rîght. tiorcy grudgîogty runceded thof "reîootl goreromeot may nou ho perfect. btciis toc.h ut perfection ccoo no rao o ucunsîder dînhondine regîunotsm'. Alright. Drry. mou lploy your omeoandfor thermoment occrpîhbis it u ofolugir and quiety hory 00e rommunîty heods sn the sond. Nocc. cht? When me resurioce cilt he rscrhîtcntty cosîly regionohedquoes, o'th ils retectiîg pool disappear? In a phenomenun hesi desceifcrd os "empire huidng" could or hope tfer rduced hurroucratîr "ced lape" in hondting citizeno or ora mooîripotîty requesis? Is there o goorcotee ihat egionol tas increases i rscevv ut 20 per cent ciii nover happeo cgoîv' lv there o possîiliy thal the hon- dreds cf ihoosands of dollars spent hy the iRegion on consultative fers more rellty ccclhcchle aodroct mereiy an etaorote camouflage for pot pottcat decîsîoos mode ai the commtteerni"e Witt me in Mito lice lovere the day mhenonue rogiooi destior is n001ivthe haudu cf o peedominontî-rbaochotviîng hloch frum Oclînglon and ibchvilte'i lv il possihle, thot ome day the Region iii spend lesc ci ils energy un hecuming the poltcci ceniecîd ofuton and hecome more supportive of the unique and on dividool identitien of oach of the urea monicipalitis And inatty,is iliesc mach te hope for an end t0 parochiai represen- lotion and a reinsiatemeni ut the notion of a governmenl coocerned wiih lruly "*ser- vine' the oeeds of peopie? Certainiy. t recognmue that the population of Hatton hbas increased since 1070 by sume ?3 per cent and arcompanyiog surh tremendous grccchihs the need for in- creased taxation. essential lu the provision of the hard and soit services or uchan communîlies haro corne lu osperi Bui, the huk uf the rural areas romain onchanged and seidom do lhoy esperiesce any direct hennfit irom surh grswlh. Il anyting, gromîs trootuenliy hrîîîgs an end 10 tarmîog uperalions and a redurlion in the numher of acres heing aciively caltivated. Acrom- punyîng thîs groislh s a costly dupiration of serviceslietweer, the Region and the area municipalilies and on astronomical eromth n regionai siaiiing. Today, iciuding police. the numher ut peuple empioyed ut the Region in jant ocer ore thousand and ai on annuat puy colt of $135 million. For att ut thîs. the Region has yei lu demonstrate ihot ohut bhon hem crooted hy Biltl 51 s conrtosivety more rfficient than the odO coanty system. The track record of regionot eovern- monts acroos the Province has hren in consistent. Representation hoond un popuation învarîahty denirs ou udequate cotingse aefocr tonls popultîd rural ornas. Froquentty, the large numhers cf eleteid ufticîutv and staff who ment ut the ceginnat brvelflailtelumeid ic ea cohesive and polttcatty decisive unît. tn-ighting. power straegles, and empire-huilding eils the ccoy of responsie guveroment. Tuu clien. pomertul cidividuats fliithneî'acuum hy sttise up pocwer hases trom chirh ihey maniputote hry denîsions. On occasiun, rven the preencr ota cahinet minsterîis frit. To mohe of regionot guvnrniment, and rvpeciatty those which are fouunderiiig, suthing mure thon on ostension of Queenno Parh and poriy polies is an hypocrisy oi iho higtsesi ordor Sud. hut lu this ohservrv, certainty, true. In spite ut the Regionot Chirmans receni utiempis lu cunrince the orna counicits ihot the Region is "o pantner i lcrut guvernment" there is ltile douot hi h ,veoareonthe vergeeuoavery seriuus power truggte. pechopsoune destined lu move att power lu o singeereglunoltier-o iurm ut gccrnmenî ore remote thon ony sysieoî yet esperenoced hy the residents ut Hatton. Poriners, perhops. hut thon nu une monts lu ho o junior, ]tl one "sulent" panner. Let us contemptie sevecat sotutiunsslu the ahuve pcuhtems. If the Province iv sneeinits ifsiorts lv derentrotizc and poss some of ils poccer lu the locol orna. thon accepi the tact thot the orna municîpotities are closesi lu the peuple and must ansmerohte lu the eteciorote. Who hettor undestands the perptesing i ssues and prohtems tacîng the rîlioenos of1oacard thon aolbeatty electnd officiai? Ho need ont ouorney 10 the Region lu eeecîse hîs per- copiions for they con ho perturmed tut as moîl. it0not bhoer, ai the tevet ut the local councît. Peehapu alli i nul ont. Wr my yei sve pour Aice and iead hec oui tf"Dar- cytaod". or is il "Moreomtood' and loto a heighier future hy coosideriog roch cf the iuttomîng: ai eimînote the idea thot o regionat governmenîisoa vupergovernimenl. second unly f0 the Provioce, and relues att togîcal cesponsihîltit th1e local tesel. This ccoutd include planning. 001er suppiy. purification cnd dstrihution, semage irnatment ond semers. and fiîatty att aspects o mate management. The single exception lu the ahove ccould h e renoure recuverymwhich moutd ho a valid regionat underiohing but an item mhîch the Region, lu date. bas bhem cumpietety ineptinl puevoîng. hý redore 1he uumher ut regionot counicittrs and staff. Ceioioty. drastîr cuthacks is the planning ornaaroe io urder. ci terîcinale the mîndtess protifecation ut cegionat documents such as the errent The Rogion ut Silon. A Pantner in Local Guseroment. Chousing A Poctoor in Local Guverumeol and Agrirulttral ttesouece Planning mhîch ore coStiîg the taspoyer vuphomurîr on content. d) concenleote on the thîngv o regios cao hesi ocromptîvh. items such as police. perhcpv lire protection, and the acquisition ofta hlaoced industriat hose sn each cf the area munîcîpoltfes. e) cati foraofultieoquiry ut regional guveromeot is Hotton. suhjecting Bsut 151 10 ils inhereni meohoosses and the pressing oeed for suri ous revis ion and mîodification oflregionat governiment. Cunceroed citizeos hn oth Miltîoand Adtos. as moul as other jurîsdictîons in 1he Province have peessnd toc esoctiy thîs type ut resievo and io vevecat instances heen thmarted hy none other thon Me. McKruugh hîmneti. Il s ohvîous thal the magnitude of the prohtem is considerohîn. And in sptr of Me. McKesugh's sîmpistir rejertion of the prospects ut oser dîvhaodîng regionat guvecoment, sîmpty hecause. il vol' murhîng. the rmoulit futll151 are everymhere on evîdence. On a daity hosis. lie groundsmett of puhlic dissotisiariion runfîrms that 1he dream hban gon voue. 1ha1 eegioatism toc ohme demunstraies a tendnncy tue rresponsihte rather ihan respoosie guseroment. and thot puer Aice may nover mahe il hock lu Won- derland. Across the Editor'1s Desk By Roy Downs 55'ciid you attempt ic operote o ut million dolar corporation, mthot c set iof ri-stm guidte ccc" if ccre oct Miton Ccusrît hcutd't try operofîso the toms oihut a set of procedurat cules, nther. Oui lhey've bren oing il for threee and o hall years nom, mach to thn chagrin ut sume nouncittors and many staff mnmhers. Oh, ibey have some rates- unmriiten ones m hinh they otin foitom. But voben sumeonse ants touin a fight, tie ruton are .teopped (or Iistedi anti unything gon. Mont municipotitinu hune tunir owm set ut proredarat orders, mhieh are toiiomnd durisg ait meetings. Miton Coancil hon job donc A i'f oc somne of ifs deporiment heads, outit hbos no raies for ifs so con- duel. Coaneit has talked ot geiling a seto ues draftid, hut there are somne vho ire op- poued. 0f course the upponiento are those vho onjoy mabîog up the ries as they go aieng - the nounitiors vho feue a set of rigid rides iii stop ihem tus their pursuiu ut pet projectu, or homper iheir exiended de- iiatrconsubjeclscofpersona]tcoocecs i'ooocîttcr Rich Day i, the mcci cout 0yikcioppoevit tieofaviniigcctlec for cccncît HOcr aim.onicmpeope c îtt use the rates agaînvl yoo Rîghfty vo. aod Coun- cîttor Day moutd prohahiy hu the mosi odopi ut smisting counucil cuirs tu is omo advantagn. Mayor Don Gordon, un thn othor hand, foui s cousici MUST have rides sol doms on paper for une guidance of lin mayor or ane rouneittor toreod o ehair a meeting, Loch ot a proceul b y-iaw h as ruased son prohtems on Oie pot, and iii cause mure in the future. The mayor can ho a strong eharman vhon he mants to hu, but i ho more haced upby a set of communsense rates, lits job mouid bhoaaltI osie Lait Tueuday'u ruancit meeting demon- strated. unce sgpin, the nemi for proced- ares. A motion 10 tahle a subjectl(the ronlentioos murd ouandary dehole, nu ois mas poised hy a - vole. Bal oves hutore il vous voled os, Oie eleceeu repreestolivms hud a hasnie, dehuling miciher Oie motion 10 toile a suhject mus dehotahie or not, aud vheiher il loch precedeor cverr the motion onthe fioce Everý i niii ofprccdîrr uc'havr ccc. crrns.y'.,a oblingogtccion cavovi he drhoted. and durs supeccede ,îoy mîoton us theclouc The ctnrh tobdcoonii hesaime Ihise. Anymay. il posd, on a 6-4 vote. Oui mithin lin houe. lie original motion mas harO on the floce agpin. Anolier tuhling mution mas inirodueed, but i mas deteatnd ibis ime and Oie dehato coninurd on Oie mord houndury issue. In the end, lie original motion îmhich had atready hes lahied once durisg Oie meeting) mas ap- proved. Thero haven hon other instances micro a procedurat hy-tam mould have avoided sonne liehiish situtions toc Oie coarc and staff. And peehoposunve nn e omhrr- ausments, lue. Th on nr eounecil adopta snnecormmon sonne rodes of procedare, the sonner il cao gel domn to businsand conduel Oie tonis affairn ans orderiy, iusineiu-iihe fashion. To curry on mitheal oie lu sheer lup. UPages of 1the Past Prom Champton Filon One year agio Taken leomn the isse of 'fhe Caiodlas Capione, Seplmbr usurne _FredA rscog Are.. mas gives dorev ody vcisg y Milton Counci mien il maýs ieansd Oi cot t ftinung Milton Memociat M-osa moatd cuet $425000 iosieod of $3Wuou. A Safemay Food Store hou hues propeseul for doccotovon Milton in Oie accu of Miiiside Buiding pormito for monk vaiued aI $1,104,702 more issued freinmMiton Building Dopaelmeni lail month. The cors rouît and streel dance piauuned for Seplember 25 hy the Aceuta Fond Roising Commilîe hon heen ihclned hocause of tic change of pions made Monday evnning hy Milton Couecil. Constrctcion of Mitons nom $573000 maler concevoir lsuandecmay on 14 Sideroad un Oic side of lie Niagara Eucucpmenl- but suraterneidento aceol 1ton happy about lie mon 10a dole. Hallon Regionus Public Worhs Commilte cilltt tponce ugain 10 esivisco regionai coaniciltihoatsue00acre tusulfiltsilo for Oie rogion shoul et Octled in Oie ores of Tremaiso Rd. aid Scitania Rd. in Milton. Campblitvitie'u nom ire hait mgit have ils omo ire pomrpon luis yeur afttr aul Ontario Jockep Cuh has oftored 10 tues Miltion Fiee Deporimenl a 20-earoid pumpor for $t a yesr lu ioip Oic hait. 20 years ago Taies fromthislino f 'fie Canadias Champion. Sept. il2.1957 Milton Hîgi chuet locsnd outal aumpor ceop ut graduales ibis year and a lelephose survey shows miat the gratis are panning te do thîs fait. Six munI lu ho leachers, fine civil engineers, four ourson, leur secietaries. iccuchernicut ongiseers. 1wu aie lurcrevotuteers. o diptomal and a Tvou venomous cattosnahes more lourd tant ceeh in vouded areas mont of Bronle, mineetand is being cteared ft Oic rohe oftmo it refîneries. A totl otf 1337 studenta celurned 10Oie ctosvrooms ibis tait, oasovo record high mnoomoot toc lie tovon.Thero are 039 in Oie thee publie sehueis and 175 ai Hoty Rosary plus 3161 ai Itneiigul sehuel and igil ai Suoshin chuet. Robert Joseph Addison, igit monli oid son of Me. and Mes. Gcrry Addison of Riverpiace Cees., piaced fourth oui of 100 conestants on lie CNE hoiy showo for houies undee nîne monOhs Jean Peterson ut Horoiy hou heougil Oie CNE dîary qaren cromn 1u Huttes foc Oie second yoar in a rom. Ohm mus croend iy taxi yoar's vinner, Dolores King of Oak- ville. Oser 40 girts mmcm ontered. Jean mon aiwmcmi match, vlven tea service and o Hot- stinîsclt. 75 years ago Taheo lrom the issue of Thie 5.'adlas Champios. sept. il, 190 WOiliam P -'aged 41, toceman outhOe dlay pit ut thmTuooto Pressnd Brick Co., vous in bucc on Txenday night. Sm loti for home hnlmeen 1l and 12 octuci and mathrd 0u ihmC.P.R. troch. Yestorday mueniog hus body voaolouait opposite lie Milton Pressnd Brici Cu. 'x murbo il mas horrihty mangtod. il ix suppos;ed thal ho voas slruch hy as easheund freighl train ai the opening sf Oie smîlch heyund the brick morbo and neur a carve. vohich mighl accournt for Oie us- tortuain mon nut seeing the train. Dr. MeCoît. coroner. vousavo lie romains. hbieves liaI ai leusitiree trains munt have posmd over them durîng Oie nigit. ylolhing mse mould oceoui foc the may onvhici they mmcm mongimd. The coroner urdered an inqumut. vhici upened yestorday eveniog, and mas adjournend for a mnh. Ilits harO 1a underuland boy lie untortueule man vous rougit hy the train, os a oomhor ut people voho nom hlm bore shortp hbetrenho loti tue home al agrer Ihai ho mas prfety suher. Thougi nul a total ohtaisor, he nover obtumed hîmvebfto10 hoovercomo hy iqur No lilquor sonr hecen giasmas tousd noe his cemains. He mas a retiahie mon and poticularly expertoin hasdiing dynamite toc htasting. Sm boit a iduo and sesen chîldeen. inom six meehu ta 13 yesrs ut ugo. Appiehy prohihitionints hetd ao rniing tant vommhtauorganizn for lie proihiiton cml ereodum. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION - c IiLLS PITOI5"iG fl, AND PiieLIsHINGO C. .1 M..1 C ...'d Oml Ad-Ii vo i, accepnto 0 n othe ondisio cn sMat , eih