The Canatian Champieti Wed. Sept. 14, 1977 C5 Drury servingr commuflity Shop Zellers Home Needs Sale, Sept. 15417' Great Choice...PIus Savings Up To 30% We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities For several yeos the E. C. Drucy Shool hs opened ils lacîiies toc tbe use ot coustess local clubs and rganleatiuns. Milles Recealion Departmeel, Millon schools, Sheridan College, tbe Scouts and Guides. the Rotary, te Childens Aid Society and the Mlisor Soccer Association are but a ew o te scoops eeich used the acdlities o the scbool the past year. The schou, located on Onario St., eas oiginatly built as a residetal scttoot lue te eacîng andicapped. lu the '60s il vasn the only chol tue the deat in outh- swestern Ontario usurrer, witb te upeni:ng ut tanother school inbonJon in1973uand with the cocuurent trend losecesdadccstudeul statuu the choot's acilities became avadlabte toc communityue. Accncding te Roy Wollaston, superintendent ut tbe clico!. the policy ufthtIe cinintcy ut education bau aways been tcuse guvrn- ment buildings orc cuttmu- eîly actvities, prîdng the scbools pccgcam con et attected. Use ufthie aclîlîes le limniten to lu ntnary non-, profit rganîzalîonn, Mr. Wolaston salid. Tere nlaa minimal cbarge toc rentaIlu cover te coul ut servicing tbe lacilty -We carge lIe dilleece belceen tbe cut ut somneone using il and nul usîng il:"' bcsaid. Unlessume cbarged sume entatu e unould be long mone. The rentaI mnney ges In cou-cc the ust ofservices. sucb us bîdro. ubîch mold nul be needcd In thesan extent iftbe facilily remaiued unused TIe ponI charge, te etanple, is $10 per ouc. Tbe cbnls teciitiesin- clude a 25 msetere pont, Imo gymnantems, ce auditorium seating 40 und an auditorium settng 200. plcying fields, taccband rlcnecnnMs Tbe cbncl, ebîcb te prate pepery,is protected by a 2 b ccc securîtysevice, Mr. Wllston iid Rweerer, tbe erbeol elcomes peple sebo respect tbe grounds ced dont abuse ibee, bc scîd. People uclbing ce tbe grounds may. [rom tiie tntime, bc qustonrd b y secucty personnel in tbe pcformance of teic detes'" e cnm- mented. -Weve etien very pleaurd te date by tbe absence ut vcndclism. in spîle of ite creing u-eeoftacittes,' NItc Wllson cddcd. The scbol, ubîch services becring andcpped pepils inca30mile radis bascaday pplatiocn ofI'20 tnly ire te Mtilton, Ibere are alun 1601 studenit te resîdence ducîng E. C. Drury School Roy Wollastonî satd the trend tocard day echool status opened the schols fclities for comn'unity use. Brasswood- Frame Mirror Save$2 A97 9Is Our Business' ~Dot be a Tkrer wditP N eIetrrcith *H.Ouig FEATHERSIONE ELECTRIC 878-6378 Fu -e nh door e a I T i lu e l-, -cppro 2' RO4 sor te Plastics Dish Drainer Pic Tailored 1*1.50 Bvrg e Panels Waste Paper Basket 6 1P Orange, Yrlow EWhter $1.50 56" x63" and 56"x8 3n8llo 3 Gt alln $2.88 $3.99 tltyan Save Over $1 1, ' ~ ! lanrelette sheets n 7as7onpastel shade1s 7 EA. FLMy maçnýne-washa- Picture Vourseif In This GLC By Mazda!1 Vou Could Be One 0f The Lucky Wnners 0f A GLC/Mazda Contest1 Flash end Lîght Bulb Promotion. Nothing ta buy 1 Enter as ohen as you like 1 Pick Up pour Entry Batlot at your nearest Zettera Department Store. Contest Suies obtaînebte un Entry Baltot. Contait close Saturday November 19th. on ~~FIannIette Sheets 20 Poe. Engl ah tonstone "Wear Ener Atumlnum osita Pe .destet Table Cora fle Ware Twin Set S Pce. Cookware -tri hite or- -20, -1ý8 2PCE.SET ,1, e 1 ,Yi 797 1 Il '> r397 187 R6ý1,I ýýp,,,1 7 0i E A t',SET SE