Reail, s («te -: 8782888 A HELETAE 3287 Man St.W. EL PAO EA GAE IIE SRN MilonOntW $44S4u 5 Nf00 The CandenCChmpioWed.,Sep.4,1977 Bll Royal Trupst5 WUTAT 90 OUT? LI, -144show0of 3h54 Cosy 2 0,00oo$ f ungaow,0 040,4000,0 ot, living f $i 44f o 044f404 0,0,0, 04040 m,42000 00 000f3040, 04ff 0,54 404$ 0n480,0, o me.0411f0,4 0ki dfO n o GO407 ,train. 001 500,94 WAN7SE Ahi boau4 544,443 boni bugaow440 4 444740,4 f40ef04Il44ove the0w500te7Wal f uela404i the f0 $40u The f h00 oe00 11 lov MCALFOON 8040WN00, S W004$2,0,0 ,7444h4 c an own the, be 0440004hom ,ko7ac For Ail Your Real Estate Needs $44i 0o0 .f0ff 40044 4000ff40 PHONE HOME IN THE COUNTRY laecl Gue40lph 44Une, 44$ 464of 401 lvtdbna, 744 44484 Marg or ternie Maurice Deaty 44444,2 ba044 8844om.Prie 444uc l,$548,8900 lik 8786418 Res. 451-3341 Bus. BUI[DING LOT 45 90 7743 Representlng Beu4fulRok8$ dal teesan h4 h 4 lin lo,4 47ft0frnt Canada Trust Reator ae 3,0.0 Haltnandel D sonSTELLA PARTON 8786705 1 IfeII:u}.~ FOBERT 22 Ontario St. S.Milton 878-2365 TORONTO 8- 6 103 ~78,4OO. iv -%3Ja fDJ H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD. 22 Ontario St. S., Milton (Across from Mal) Jtte 2ljUtgRedgiy»t FOBERT 22 Ont$ario $St.S itono 878-2365 FORONTlO 8264-1030 ~56,5OIJ. Sorry about any inconnenience caused due tonconastruction nf aur new office but we're open fort 878-2365 8784944 8776281 877-7210 Gary Thomas, Mgr. Bill Carne Muriel Dabien Jnun Jahnston MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OPEN 9 'TILL 9 WE HAVE MANY OTHERS FOR MORE DETAILS CALL 878-2365 Tor. Line 826-1030 Gail' Pallen Sundi Knsa Rob Cnibecl -U '0443 Uu business as assai! 878-0110 le B782674 k 8782365 BURLINGION BEAUTY and -Irafic.uer0 Akin , $5990b000 $57,00,00' 0f4f$ f Off ,40 CABOT TRAIt Sjh-0,0 .d n fhe 405404 f 70,,,Do0set f PO - 4ffic,,foi $7490000 POTENTIAL APPRECIATION HERE an ho c t, ooPc,40 $9 900 00 ONE OF THE BEST cou o bic a loîaoSoff o.. 3 10 M a.. C a hu, Maenn ii ffoh,neOLance.Of ,clc of To,,oue C1 Pnhn , ,oofo L o lo4915 s 0011 value e $54fO 0 5484 010,4 O3 104d .8 I 451-623 Milo, sao RELTOR1 ý 404400acre f inrh , f,ld 440000'f ffb4..."fI-v rang anddishwhar f40A4koff$99800) 014444 04f M404,004 004,440845 3737 . 845 8724 in, prn QIUALITY BUILT th, f0,n,,h i tede ndlm,0 oriad h mo, as w1fb -1 bey000s4a7f004f87l,900 C.00oo-d ,pici , h ,IoN4,1845 3737 ., 8n2679 ESCAPE TO PARADISE D40o n byh ofd milffOL.O444fff 4 acres of g40,$444444 f804444400,4 400,4a404440,0044 044,44nom home444040lfrge fiv049 ,444., sunny Flor0da room, 0tr 0 40bo0fd444ery44ere and4f 896,5Z. Caf0 Margaret Wats, 845 3737 or 845-8724 for 4444000044444 F. PENNEY REAL ESTATE [LTO. 123 Trafalgar Rd. Oakvlle 845-3737 $41,900,00 Of4 Actoo44441,44 rfg,o ge tree lot4 f40,to4 0er, und04f4 4. f44fffcommercial zonait, CHOICE fff$4 excellent0A40 loaton, 404444 fsrim ,04o,,, 88,54000 $7 9,00.00 Largef,44$0100bikhomef4in COUNIRY EXECU IVE S PROFESSIONAL 14 mure, oung oit144lavai000o a0, od new bain0 o 0,0 acf0 res AAfog $5900, JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE *BROKER 853-1650 MAUIEMIJU E.A MONel .h o .da, ' Il,,y "d'"'. have. such0aprop0rty, 40444 0400 0004 Off 000,40, 40 P rce $29 00 0 0 . This f 00,0 t 0, faf, o91 sfat th.440440 .5vly 1d loi A223$ r om aie",a id fb0,0 aai,oooffo0, f40000 fTh,0,04000. o c _ d Msd, loll' an d a gala ,n ache gaag _Ic. knqP'Yaloi,