Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 1977, p. 3

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Fence mendinq Moi Regional gveesment mutý mrkin Haton, if s electasd representatives wmut carryoual thir epansiiiity ta affect soutionina amature asd respanoilse fashion. Bt lie citizens of Haltun cao "nu longer afford tise negatîve, astetul, and un productive mamiers miose sole aim la lu rtura ta tise aid syslam mwicis mas urdenati ils dupication and an avec- aiuanca of lectad peuple," Regioal Ciairman Ric Mrrou tlad memisrs of Hattn tres municipalities during a tancemanding tour tat euh. Tisa ciairmnan visitad ail tour area suicipalifias ta presant an 1-puge, 2u minute speech ubîcis reviamed tie ragions accompishoients and scoeed tie negatîviom miscis bas pevailad in Haton sinca tie raglan as trmed la 1974. Hs iit lu Milton Counicil Tuasday peovoisad a lively aucisange ut opinions-and a hst ut hariso Counillor Jim Watson claîmad Bitl 15t gave Hattn "urisan govecoment, nul regionat gvecomant" and saggasted lie raglan 50 "gaoging p pliticalty, un tisa nrtiseen municipaliies." County govroment ould bave mrisad if tisa local mayors had ieen added ta it, and if tiera had becs plant- ers on tise staff, Watson said. Puttîng semers and mater undr tie ragions respan- sbllty as anthar mistaisa, ha claimed. And Hatun badl a perectly guud county ieadquartaro but "becausa of tise neu pamers ut the urban airesaouthtie soti, mesoutd i," ha lamented. "Tisey itisasoutbi cuudn't get the badquaters in tise outb undr thescocunty systeni, but lisay dîu il under regional gvrnînent," ha saîd. Tisasoutis bas laisen uvr rural Haltun. ha ciarged. "If e ad remudelled counly goveroment, e old have beet 10 tuaes baler off,' Watson suggested. Chairman Moreoagreed il as "a terrible mistaie" lu fauve tisa old coanly building, and agraad lise pwer bas hittd pltîcalîs lu tise '.uutbOBuIlie counly systeni as nul damocratic, bhaex- ,-i plained, as )aisville andnBurl- a ngtun badl four voies nul ut Councllur ran Peomani asbed about tie ragionat staff1 ine and budget, and Chiarman Msoreom replird tie staff numhrad about 900 îincluding lise plce) and lise budget as $34 million Cous- cllor Oad Clamants onder- ad if asîbr the staff or tisa budget ctiecreduced. Tisa Chaîrmns isîed tise Bill151 tuviau i.mmitee's repars. dersuon,mfl provide sanie anssmrs on sia. Ha nord lie a e res i Brlingtun ave bren radaced iy smo mnsnethe region as frnrd. Risas prompird te iittlu coincl, Counclor Rcislay onderedChairman Morrom said il as tisa "nagatînisun" mhiîci bas eisîrd acros Hallon. Nonone bas paltueor u'ard lie good and psitive tiings sial ave biet place, besaîd. "tiedto reftect Psitively on miaItbe staff gtour rrow scores 'negative' attitude han dosa," ha naid. V-lnpaticing, more ttect- Counciltor Day complainad einawiam atcamant han te regionat planning staff coma about. niant sIen ta tise. ares -In planning, tisa raglan ,. 1councits and gina maigis la has tisa passiiiity nI p'anning tiseir opinions an masters ut for praper and effective iplanning. tuture use ut lands depending "I ou betiave in cepres- us tisa input tram etected astatina goveromant and tisaI capresastatives. Trattit and v, me reprenant tise peuple, tisas.transportation studien bave giva us more meigist tisas tisa ieen ut use, an acolugical and plannaing snaff," ha sîcaddil sssironimental atvîrs_ __ Elected concillors are mach cloer ta the peape, hie said. Chiarman Morranis speech emphasszed the regios ishea ta lie "a parner wiilh area moascipalities in tise provis- ion ot local goveroment services." Ne apase af tise Itegiat ccmctisg the comman saerestsoflthe four ares tomas. "Mach oI the initial segatine response coutld have been avided i the gasaral public and eected officiais biadt had a better under standing afttie pressing need, aI tiaI ime, for local ganern- ment change," ie said. Tise caunty system mwas 100 pearsolad, desigsed ta serve lise seedsofuthtiI ime, lhe poiosed oul. But 100 yeacs ugo liera oece nu cars, rapid transit,. swage plants, social services, sr palicecservice as e boom tieestuday. "Il as unhisniable sial Halles muud sainme day ave a papl- ation ut 250,000 peuple and voutd ise part oattieste st gruisg accu ut Nortb America," bae saîd. Tbe nem system gives local goseromeol lise oppacloity lu del eafetisely witb modemn problemo, ioever il isl taise eteclad peuple misa ara prepared ta understand and contriisuta, lha suggestad. Formerly liera mre igit counils, eigt sepaca saols, fine police forces and seven gaciage dumpo, lha recallad. Today liera are fine cuclona peite larve and the ragion is orkisig loard onegarbage dump "Couacil and staff arc worbîg o l ah itle ay unoaceoary duplcation tiaI remains, bol lac Ibse mbo arbisirarity se the 'dupication' label, ii quise obsi.us Iat Ieir inow- ledgc ot local goveromeol is varylimited,"ble said. lin tise pstive sida, hae reviewrd the many benefits ut ragional goveromant: The 1975 budget oijective ut Te Uteld Curch ut Canada i$1î3,801),000. This providas for the training of mes and women for oorbin lise cbrnh, support of pastoral charges, social ministreas and social action, education, evangalioni, leadership dans' Icpsont lay and clergyi, ru- operaionmith and provision ut personnel ta ymunger char- chas in olbac lands, pensions, adminstatonsand commun' caions ARTHIIR A. JOHN SON O.D. OPTOMETRISI 214 Main St. M iton commttea hua bean etab' ished, composer mappsng o lund capabisitties continuas, and tie province is ctucning tome approsat procastas ta tise local gvromant. lan landtitt, lise regios la moving tunard use "peoperty daigoated and operated landfilI site" on miicb $200000 bas bean spent in site selection and anotiser $1 million illit be spent ta pea pare tise site and niaise il operational. Collctively, an a raglan, Halton con introduca resourca recosacy. -In public mriss, miicis bears tise isunt ufthtie segatîsa cummeols, ater and semers mre made regional respansibilissas for greater effîciancy This mneans greter use ut staff and eqalpmeos and the regînt c-opeatea itb local mne ipalities. Joint tenders ave been rltad un many items and inventucy is bing educed. lan roads, couacîl con- floues la perate lise former count y couds systani but stodias are contîsuing on amendîng lise systeni -Other bnfits are inlise fieldsofu social services. "Wa mus undersland tiai unly by oriing tugaîber as par tsars coe provîde the effective local governent tiaI aur citinans aspect und deserve," bc concluded. Cbaîeman Moreom also mentionad tise passiilty nf conducting ffluant ram the A BEAUTIFUL YARD eorned Mr, and Mro. Hrry Grudy, 626 ChurchillI Ave., ana ut the certificafesofutmanif in the Hortîcultural Soc- iafys irt competifitian. No entries were in- vsled, un outside jodge toured the toma and uelected teba innaru ut random. A rockery, orna- mental octerfaland numarous 'ornameofal sbrubu und flowero help set the scene utthIe Grady home, where gurdaning lota tumily affair. CARPET SHACI( ONE LOW PR.ICE The Canadien Champion, Wed. Sept. 14,1977 3 Sherborn E& Gabriele Sports Ltd. MILTON MAI L 878- 8897 Mon-Fri. 10Oa.me to 9 pcisSas i10a.ni ta 6 p.s A thUs4*YoIN L Y FOR THAT SPECIAL MAN DRESS SHIRTS (le, Now sil00 OR 2 for 121.00OO rIE, OGSEV LIMITED STOCK, THIS OFFER EXPIRES SEPT. lb qountrp MASTER CHARGE 165 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-8555 IMPOSSIBLE TO PAYý MORE! Fatory Cicarouts *Miii Endsia*Ocinn iv F i Oîal'sy aLon.q RoPse i ht RolsIe Shqh n imp4 fi n s n* Wrehave iail.. cli,g v rti n Sq ned todo iyoursulf and reaiqsave $ 41 1 SO VO Milf MNON505COeFIOM UND 320 SUREES OPEN DAILY 10-6 CASH &CARRY AVE. MILTON IURS. & FR. WE HAVE NOusi RIGHT NEXT TO SVERS CARPET 9PM PHONE "J MUSIC LESSONS S PIANO and THEORY BEGINNERS TO ADVANCED 0LESSONS IN YOUR HOME FOR FUATHER AFTER INFORMATION 878-2013 4 P.M. 9ALPH FOSTER, A.R.C.T. --,W- - -_ -mum PRET Or (ALIFORNII

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