Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 1977, p. 21

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CAIANCAMIN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977 SCN EIO MI LTON, ONTARIO SPORTS AND CLASSIFIEDS Martin hopes to comeback as innovative coach Feaure ky John Challînar The age of the superior Canadian hockey team lan iternational competition lhas ended. The preseai Cnadian hockey ystem, wich is ls the original Canadian hockey yslem, haos reached is peak and il is nw ime ta loah ai a meaoo of revitaliziog the syn. lem-a newmemrhod o coach- ing. "The ay or ytem s working no, ere gine dam," said Tom Martin, a ransptaafed Mdioa oka has ployed hockey in the National Hockey Leagae, tke World Hockey Aasociation, the od Caniadian Paor coackbog la Canada "Minor hockey is eiag detroyed hy poor cacing," Mrfianised. "Grantrd. tke men and o'omea wko lake ime out la coach or hîda should nos he ciicized o mach, ecaaae the", are doiag itfolac oing. 'Buf they areai really feachag thc kdsanaytiîg. "l dont tkiah the kida hai are ployiag hockey nom are agond as ihry oece efore" Mactin admlîrd. "The Rusiaas and the Czechs are on0a par or eter fhan proleasionals and the Smrdro are only a year or 100 hehidaus."Martinoaoid."15e have la lahe a long hard looh aI or syslem. epecially ur coacking, or oc're jîs o goiag la he compeiior. Marini laslriog Vis hird ear s o Sedsh protes' nonal and ilI join Viking I. K. af Haglors hs season s a player-caach. e prevîaasly played for MdonA..K. herr Anders Hederg came fram, and f F.K. Lullea. "They have a completely differen syafem oer ikere," Mria smiled. "The profesiaaals oly play about 30 games per saa son, ohereaa oar pros play go, hut lkey proclive 10cr as mach as e do.' 'Tkoy gel Ike sanie oarni 01cr i me hal lkey mrkono fhEresill," Marinî added. "They land tran al umn mer-ranning, jogging, oeîghlliflîng, soîmming and ding callîsikenîco. They are in irrrific shape al year 'round" "The anly lhiag holding Canadians ack la or rle lance la change,' Martin said."-We just won't io-O lOrerioralion af hockey Martio cao arr the deleriralion ol[lie hockey ahlla af Caadian yeungalera jamped hecause aI kms hockey chool aI May- mahe a good sa field Communily Centre, f ast WHA oaa a gooi norf k of Bramalea. misar league pIa ",Ive gaI 500 ido had achancelor v regialcred ta go fhroagh foar the WHA" ose weeh camps here, " " Hoorver. Oukrr Marin said "tol onlyl13of ny doahlfhalthe lhem cas shoofa goad possa" sol as good as I "Wlh ikese hîds, or ony 'Marin admilîrd. hockey ployer, yaa have 10 Mrfia cored 20 make il fun," Mrfia asisfed on 25 0fh laagked. "If 1tlliyoameo re frsi seoson i going la do stops and sabris Toroo in 197273.A for the orsi hall hor yoa ilI the Toronto Tores sloch off fheaagh the corm lsally thr Otawa pleIn procicer Tke Sordes Toronoo 005 00 noovale inirresliog proce orignal OHA ican dres in iheir procices ohîch In hîs second makse the ailîs and the scorcd 25 goals au slcighi pkysîvai covditiîoong on :3 oihrrs, as aE roerciseslan orocthehockey îg anooher seî plyer" îng plaNof action. "Rsch Hay, coach of the N'car, een offerer liramoalea us and 1have a ime, Martin scor compleir oneo'rek training ,and go15 assisis progrom for ihese kids' The Tores play( Martissasd. "Thcy have spainglin hîslas orrepled iloand ilissvorhiog. ahall avdlraded In a persod 'v.hre hockey Diego 'iaiver". camps arevnoidoîsgitonoorll. 0011 lided.in lI9 île arc dong ail righf. These ksds' parents arr saisfird , 1ih our meikods. ln ayser inii1978 l planto end my oches cieir as i pvrealier hs se ielinMat ' aid, Id M i lise 10 gel uie, soochîvo Se- causelihohi1cosld helplthe l'hec> iscoout system oc hive îitih ishai ihry îlîd ilcoh 'se earned, id realiy lîhe 10 riceporird ales roach Jr. 'A' bui Mions Jr. idgei girls' sufl ,"cuhwooadhbe igood place 1won the iOvtario1 teosiari also. 1aouldn'i hase all 'ssoc' miiiq to mose fom Mileu.1f ihîsh onshîp in Por my coachîo Iheorîrs woood alaidas nghl. henefif tke clu." Marin as oro in Toronoa Alhough thef oimo30years ago and came oas an - i3scto ap lhroagh the oid Toronto sasd the cluh ilarhor oyîem games y me rci "f payed heer rars ih oher eam i have Mlaies,"* Marins.sasd "In The%, petl.ormrd my fial ycrlo asithe cap presure andtil tian.- sermedioecahle lrion asndtelatCn ih haf over ras adoa Natonal Tram lac ose ornhy defralod seoson efore ploying for eY in1110 sraight Torono Mapie Leafs' mînor fl home and 8-5à roague eom, the Tlsa match Saiordoy. Oilres. arier paf out1BO Hc oas raded te the De- the semni-isais.w troit bRed Wngs organsoalson sleaighi. Speîsghr ohere he payed wisih Fort the poaerful Ffeur Worh nifocroi enrai Hockey the quarie fina Leagar and Vrgînsa o the orohe looh the Amerîcan flochey Leagar io wins and alo's Ne jamprd 50 the Worid one run Hfoi'hey Association ia 1972 'ihry had hemnp and played for lhree seasonss soothe quarter f wiih Torono Toros. scnnsng Il f14lein Most PolISploeres miror ihe Ifaifon lo leoforrs nng ail their lesg "Over 80 per crn1 o the gamnes as veli ployers la the VINA came irom thc AHI, and the CHL" - 1Staro the HN Machon admilird "Most gas sas horler Oaie eyou coald saiary. The fd iragar for ayers. Yoa nohe il oith e VINA mas îite NNL," o0 goals and hers in his îtk Toronoo Ai Ihai lime va fra nchune. ,ose oflthe fd year lhe and assîsîrd en goals dur- .I isfisnal Serduced ire red 15 goals aed Martiv dhim iv San ,asho have 175 Miarin nvrreporîrd fa lkrm. Ne lfeu for Sieden. "Ilos no a greal skoler," Mris admifîrd. "Bai fkey aboaya hnoched me for i, eveslthoghloadoing my joh and gellsng the goals. They aio'ays gave o roahîr a hetereshol I'm 001agry ahout il. They jasi didalt have asy hockey haalcdgr oinkat orgonîzaaiaa"- rîft for Swrden Mlartin lrfi for Sorden 10 loin oiker Norh Amerseon pros syaobihn iodler, ilt Bl lack, Drwis Mou oand iike ,iiiodio. 'f aimoys had lao orh hard as a pro.' Mrfia sasd. oeof the hggrai ihilis Mlartin ever had as a hochey plaYer o as hesng clird ap hy Pu'ch Ikmioch io pia> for Tor- ono 1ora mewgomes, ohm he mssila Macihoro. "Pusch puf me on latei ther gamne." Martinv iugkrd. a1 as rociled os osyfkiag, sif eing la Grode 13, mken he oral me out. The fiet ime f ioackrd the park t as in ront of the nef . and t scorrd. Watoa feeling." HIaîtluaceck Hll "i oioo enjoyed the asgkf BisvHarriso paf me ou1ta checK Hobby Hll," Martin remsasscied. "t mon standing ocrons from a oyuyIsaed ta oimast idaizer Weii, I covered hlm 00a1 ight and scored four goals to hbotWr heol Winnipeg 8-2. 'I ano scorrd tikeer goals aniarrose Prntmwhenkecîampedtothe WHA"- "I Gaess I regret sol gel' ting a etter shol mslh Deroit Red Wlaga or Toronto Mopte Leafs," Mactio saîd. "tdont know mhy if happeard, hut il dosal moato Cm 000' "'Ive gota enaching carrer ioithink ahotand 1lmanlitohe productive la ihaCl I ~>d igets Ont.champs i tocrindieu 'his lornkî 'ihbail sqoad )fRural Sols dgel champ- cit Siaole: finol gome trStewart 10n ihan any o eil under le oconne up 'd Port 'lion fit gamen. 4-3 in theoa yThey kod lrookville i olonso io brookîreillto 'nhl girls in iround s eserîeso'iih oss-againhey ngiven a hye .binaIs,aoffr agur gomes îp and 010- agar plaofsi Horsb hi e se Si. John, Major and minors have a %%ho pichrd ail hut a iras inoîogs of ikeir games ail ses 1. tose point she ploord loue games in fise vîghis-- andowon lhrm ail. Af 15 Diane is a haniam playîng oîîdgci haill Cacher las Jady Toons' end, and ohrs on the tram oece Dehbie Dufour, Donna Sewart, Karen Ocsh, Trry Alkemo, Donna Waters, Kishy Waters, Lia Lesie, Kah> ichresher. Esher MscNaoghton. Pariho May, Pîchîng tferpiavh ap ehind the nef, the defence ays o perec'pass uptothe centre. reakng iohe cirar, sk dehes the golîr, she shoots, she scores. SIfEI Vcs. hockey foe the gais is an accomnplished foci and ihrivisg in Georgeown, Twooseors a060asrry pro- gresive Georgetownaond D)îistrct Mnor ockey Association îosnedthe rarpidiy expanding movement of girls ou hockey hy esiahlishsng a girls' lagae in iheie house chew Mary fean Robinson, Sioce Neil and Kim rîffths. The aller 100 girls moved aooy rom the arro pari oay lhroogh the seasar and despîf e feeling the lsso tke tram coafinard on ta the championsp. Manager mas Dave Lesie and Neson Seoter sisfrd ia runinsg the tram. The cub lso won the chompsoaahip ai the Dico Wiliamn lornoment, leogae sysico. if's ool rîngefir or o madi- iedveresion, hat the some hockey ploord hy the gays. Girls orar the praper hockey equlymeil plus the heimel o ifh campiete face protection and hockey sates. Thin yrar, girls fcom 18 dama fa six arr eligihie 10 pay. Thoar ap ta eight payyin the tyke irogor. Girs frm 9 o 13play inthe junior division and girls tramn 14 to1inthe senior division. Lasi year the aenior gais playrd exhbition gaimes oginsi the Hiskocgk, Orangesîlle, Ingiemood, 'Ok- vile, Brmpoand Bramsa- ira Leogor and prticipoîrd in the Canadettea Brampton Taursamnent. The janior girls prlîcipaird an their divsiosn pay and the kose leagar Day of Champions. Pre-registranion is a must. There are 100 doyslcff an which lu regîter. This 10 imporantinladelermining how many trams and Iheir pioysng shcrdlrs. Fers arr $22 for oe, $34 for 10ond $40 for ikreor msre la the nome lamiiy. Proal of age and o parenît or gsardian'a igna- fore are erquired. Tanighi îWrdnsday), regstration ls feom 7 fao9 p.m. Sofrday, if fahea place fram 9 a.m.tin 000 on olh regstrations are ai Gordon Alcali Arenao MARTIN DUMPS THE PUCK pouf uiariled World Hockey Association rivaIs, the Son Diego Marîners, n0W a defuncl feom in the now very unstoble league. Morfia ploved lbree seasons for Torono and then was iroded 10 Son Diego. SUSAN SMITH. Rebekab tird basenson, con yell wben she bus lu. Si con the resi of ber leam us photogruphet Peter McCusker fosînd wbîle covering o recent game ss'tb the girls. Luckily, he did vol report lii the leam because Il folded midwoy lhroogh the scaisov. He lha> beev ploying professional hockcs iv Sîcedeîs idr the posi lwo seosons. McCuaigs in finals McCoaigs; losorance dle dcisic lslcy P'farmacy inv loogames lofal run o naitday evening 10 secore Ibeir sellE in the Mîlo Minor Basebaîl Associatiov A-hall chamn pîonship finals agains Crnies Mcils, McCuosg chucker Steve %la \ Ici 11rio doubi he wanied the sin. sIrîkîîg ose\ccec Eluley boliers and allowiiig îîîlv 1111 cc ili in his 198 victory. Kesin Gers,îîs sîîîrcd foui'roîts aîîd llree RN Is offiflis lis o sîtîgles and a double and leammale Mark iriiav scored tbree ruos and Iallîed 15011R13'xs wlb 'lwejbits. Deonis Poolin ils, h,îd 's'i Es Ilor McCuaig. Elsley pilcîser Bill Cîrdeî'il îiiî d fil bits ond svoked fil cl.'aig blii.lietIcxas Ibeir top iter vilE '.anîd liavies lso le bod a bit, The cbampionsbîp gaîîîes laks' plcel iii' weekend ut Rofars Par'k Se'î'îîide s511113 Tridents open camp Millons Inlermedsalc B Trid"îîl'sopcn training camp Sooday ai 10 a.miiiaIMlon Memorial Arena oit Thompsîav Rd. The team bas an exhibition gavîr mcd osp for Sept. 30 o'ilh Six Nations Redmeiî and montes rassed ssill go Iov liii' reî ciu îd. Atother home exhibitionî îda1s cîlb î'sAyr Rockets is sel for Xeilesdablis, 2ý Farmer Jacks home Sunday MARCHANDS RIGHT bond mon in coacbing duties ia Huck Kelman ocho, os y au con aee, is proficient in Working over the bubble gum wile coacing third base. ON THE BENCH for part of the game Gary Colling, 6, of wianing Foberts had gum to keep his jawa active. Chasminphsii PteronsMoCuike for southern Ont. series The place ta he 1kms So far n tber ASA. Former Hrnhy paf Picbon ooay Mhorris aad NsuEr leslie tlod Sscmi erkend s ornhy Park on Jacks have defrofed Mark- Wrdnesay ight oit k a 75 kuried lo acoks. Kadrasovs Sondoy afferoan as tkry kom in 100 gauses, Bradford in takng Oese bal n the Dayere screrd Es second on halls an( face Port Elgin in 0eir iratin four, the ecro shod a dis- iet and egtk inninga. In cunoIf ter vrning and gave Thol scor game for fherSolhecn Ontý puird game. and Pcta n the fEiratInauag David Picton a 32 irod n the sistE Hornhy ari0 Championskip. bwoasfroigbst. McDameIi and Andy Trenca iaaing off o double. The gome rscitîngi ceosard the plate aller hing mos heohen baose ia the eighth Pîclan sci Nocnky Farmer Jacks hase The o nnisg fr000 hetwrro oaikrd hy chacher Marphy of atorfing ilE David PuciosuI one mare feam fa eliminafe Noroho and Pari Elgin it Pucton. Thry hefd the 2-0 lead McDomrii'a it. Trenca gos o consint befote the ail Ontario Champ paytfer norîhers inore foc uil the fourth ibing ohm hbase or o firîders chasce. enough hi loashipo in the OAOA payy tfer ASA f termediatep B Ornais Neron and Gary' With Treec on iest, rlon Ostronder damns. tille. Goyer came home. Carilatpaersan as wlkrd and home. lacs kil on. Jars vs oas give a base and RîcE Peasay sot. red fis crans bar and prosided on tinsE for Ikeir uianaged ontylmwo fthe snik Eut 001 for a osa. Warren cr nd Fox came

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