A. E.LEPAGE COAST TO COAST SERVICE n THEIR NEW LOCATION AT 205 MAIN ST. MILTON AND INTRODUCE THEIR NEW STAFF TERRY SANDERSON Salns epresentatîve GAYLE FORD Secrntary IMMACULATE HOME End unit îown homii oely a iew months old, coin- pite wth main floor laundry rooni and family cviii with firnlaco. Qualhty broaloom in living ivon, eparain dînîing and three bediovos. Listnd ai t 50,600 0 DAVID SENST Maniager MARY VILLA sles epresentatin Sales Represeniatine OLDER AND BEAUTIFUL $63,900. Vnry attractive and weli but 2-siorey brick con- struction. Contaînîng 4 bedrooms, nat-in ktchen, neparain dînîng ioom, closnd in sanporch &n de- îachnd garage, clone ro shopping &r transporta tino .Sen it 10 day. TWO HOMES... ONE PRICE Reni one bonne and lioe n nthe oîheî, Carry ihnm fonlss ihan miii E achniîinii.i. li3 itiviiivs ni i sepaiain iiiiiiti Liijni i i Lsind ai $54,000 OS FARM- 120 acres nf gond and, ail aorable, near Kelso, close ta 401, onua paoed road. rai poien- tial. Calil'or furtber information. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 beitron s, vendor vil consîder assîsting in fin aiii-iiii $61900 98 ACRES-Vacant land, gond flowîng sirnam, wet of Campbellville. $99,S00 A PRIVATE PLACE FOR PRIVATE PEOPLE $124 900 Siiiny iivok on a sclvded w<oiild lui, inqivvouiriliieitediyûcil>Muslve svlci efe tu cali anytiîmc VICTORIAN ELEGANCE Describes tis century home. Restored in the giace and charm ni pesinrynarinleveery minore de- ail Fviial iiniiiçi oom aîîd yailoîii, family -corn aili oak (i cvd niinatisierior ligit fîiîîures and a homemakers dream kîtchen are j001 somne of the entras of iis prnynîiy siiuated on 3/s acres and lisinit ai $128,000.00. ONE FULL ACRE-bigh ànd dry. Building permit avaiilini .$40.0 i. MILTON 878-8101l F09 FflNFIDENTIAL EVALUATION WITHOUT OBLIGATION, PLEASE CALL US MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Denzil Lawrence - 878-9543 Duncan Archibald - 878-1728 TOONO NE826-921 8 Terry Sanderson - 1-244-4149 Mary Villa - 878-0381 - - - -- - -M 20 lThe Canadéan Champion, .Set. 14,1977. I. 1 %Aj.ý Q..t id lq77