Canadian Films at Library soon Tise Fits Festinai ai Canadian Pies sponsaeed isp tise ouths mrai itegionai Liraey Systees ii ie ieid tiuring Sepiemiser and tie iet eeisai Otaiser, i Miton tiisrary. Daing tiis Festisal, tsar Canadian made eature fimso r inctuding ose Frencis language flm ites sEnglisis suitittes iacied up iy a setectian ai Casadiansort filmso mi5i e somoai progeamu ieing ietti iere and n nine suer paricipaiiog libiiaees. Mot Canatisan teature filmso are neyer pUbitcly creenet inissue iegionat area anti eany Frencis anguage Queisesr eatue filsaree neser psisicly creene i n sis peovince. Tiis Festival makes avaiaisie immisris cannas geneeaiip e tees elseriere and lto pomtes tise igmm fitm services ai- teredt thie pubiti iy tie tirsarses. Ait Festinai pengeamu r open ta use geneeai pubiei, adission lu free, advance tickets are nos eqired. anti ait sating times are t pm Sciedule inciodes La Tendeesse ordinaireean Tues- day. ep. 13; Vlacn, Seps. 2t: Tie Lacisofai tgre Cottey, eps. 27; and Lies My Pauser Toid Me, Oct. 4 Tise eatrs timso beine screesed aree Lien M v Fatise TltiMe Made in 1974 ram tieiook ai tie same same iy Nrman Alas, tise film stars Jeff Lysas, Len Birman and Mue- lys Lghtttane and is irecird iy Jan Radar. This fim on tie Goltien Reet Aard in t9I6 and Maripo Ligitssine on tis eist per- formance by an ates Tielove anti nderstantiing ieteen asmaiiiboy and is gandiatiser is reenaed isy tie boys biser misa tries ta disespitishe reiatiinsip iy teiiig lies ta hiss son; tie boy cannai understand ant isin- consoaisle once bs grand- tatiser is gone. Tise soritiesan tis spro- gram ru tie Natronal ilPie Boards ties Tise mt Wiso Maeied Tie Gase. Baned os an Eskissesaegend. tieftrmiesr aisot a love attair ieimeen an ami and a gooe. valcanar An Enqules Ita lise lite asti tOatis ai Maicolm Lawry: ThissNational iPelmiBard productiroas noesnated ai tise 1976 Adadeesy Aardu tas bot trature engiis daramen- tary and rtis e fiimed saga ai Canadian' autisr Macoms Lory. irieccrd by Doalad taritaro and Joisn iramer, thitss is aicaiiy a brras stry, tie aicoisoiroargis mrisearughis mstLow.ary irsed. Escerpis ram Lory s maris and irisers areread by Rcard Burton. tompiesing tbs pograe s the sontiesTieStreet. Direied iy Carolirne Leat and poduced by tie Natronal PiesmBoard ram a ioois by Moreca Rciste, thiseftue as an Adadeesy Aard Nommoeetor Besi Anrmation. lacis ai Ginger Cattey Dretediy Irirng er- tisser. this ties stars Roier Saw, Mary Ue, Liam Red- esod and Tom Htarvey. Grages Coitey is as Irisb immisgrat tygtseultettin Monterai th is bt rite anS daugtr and fnding no lucis ai ait sotin t gradoaiiy ap- pers tiai is a masnmisa seser recogOtOes isrmain ciace anS tiseas aay his opporsuortres. Tise sorties os tisspro- gram ru Dr. Climax MaSe ta 1975 y Mark ismreonanS tudents aifSerdan Caiiege, this filtues aa irmeis ani- mated uptiate on tie nanti ot Dr. Faniensteis. La Tendresne sOrdinaire Madein t193 and directesl isy Jacquet Leduc, thrs flim mon aards tise ftloimg pear at Berin. Etiioissgh, Lodon and News Yack. Itis tise ascrsating sludy ai the ettets and qoalties ai waiting as peope eho love and depessd an ach tier; Esher Auges as the ite misa aC .~ 4~S atis frteseretuesa ut ier iusiantimissiasiseenaissent toc manptoastis. Tise sisorttfises incidet ini thisspegram su Aucassin et Nicoetie mode isp animasse Ltte Reiiger and pesduced isy tise Nationat Film Board. Tiis film originales ram a 1tti century Frenci sosng. faiste reatrsg ties tory ai smo young tuers. Treat warbles now Rosis beil and dairy prodcers siouid tseraicatie tas arilset isit ai, sapu Raipis Macariney, ieet tpeciaisit fr- tie Ontaro Miistry ai Agriculure and Fond Tise treateseni, iicis catit 25 ta 50 cents per iead, mii present large inancrai tontes ta ieet and dairy prodaceru. toarisie ies iay thire eggs an tis e igs oi catie daring tie sommer esontisu andthie a- vemigeate p ia tise bars- ]ne ai tise animsal darog tise a-rter, -Tis e sulig damage ta ieet ratte s tmotoid,- says Me. Macastoey. "Tise assa tares cysis se tise ftsoftise rarsaso hiis musti ie tirseed oit ai prosesorne plants, Tisu resats i redared sarraus megt. --Tise arsar aisa bore baies tissoagistise hide ai tie anresal.Thiss esatues tise prce ai tieiide.- Tise lime ta, treat ieet and graming dairy motie is ramn epembor ta Navemiser, mhisie tie arnae are nit in use oer potons ai tise anrnataitbody. Store 95 per cent oi arisies arr taund in rasie under tO years ot age, Mr. Macartnep says dairy producers mauld brosise ta reat tieir hiete. -Treaird ratte cao gain up tR one quarter pasnd mre eaeh day. Tiey mii ias eng iigiser prises tise ftaloiang sprne iecaate tiey are free o arilset Warisie contrai pradactu asaitaisie ai ares suppiy centres iii aiea redore lice pes intacailie. of tise 20,000 ieet rassie staagitered aeeily ta t te.anio last spring, 10,000 ateri fced iy marilsie. At an average ltsout10ai i sn mergisi pessarcss, thisne- suit te ina eeisiy osai .,k MARRIED Aug. 20 aere Stephanie Ans Francey and Chrisiopber Joseph Schouteti, bth o Milton. The coupir spent ibeir honeymoon in Nassau. Photo hy Davidus Photos. Wedding Schouten - France y Foitomng thir medding se mas.users ers Misael (;raceeAngicanCbursi Sue and Revne ransey, brouises 20i Ste anSdtiss, Chisopier ai tiehebrSde. and Jobs JosephiScReoutes s prat a Sriotrs. broser ai tise neebu soeymoone sNassau. gronm. Ait arr tram Siltise lise bide, tisefrmes Tise reddseg seseptir asa Stephaisse As Prance>,,s is elS an tise 5W Hait se rise sagitereot Darid and SMiton.Tie brides ussie, Nlarretee raeeey 3190 Marines Brooks ot Burirgtaa. Si St . It 6. Siltn.eTise 'tas toastester. OHuit groomrrrr tie son ni Chies and raney snpplied tise mottc. tissa Scboutes of taR . 3.tut-o-townsguesto crme Mtitons ram Piston. Boonfeled, Kinston, Ourrirgion, Brat- Mratrrani ofsse stas Herds lrd, t Marys, Mt. Hope. Vas essoori. tiehe res ampisetivitie anS Harasy. ets fiend, rdemaids Prias to tiseis mrdding tise Messe Julia anS Katisy soupir as etertareed ai a Frane.sissters othtietrese, stag anS doe party grsra iy anS LndSeouten, sster oftheisesetma,RStevePomer, ai tise gronm TieherSe 00 tise Bayes[liait. gssee oin aresage ih er bshouesters gisen by ltaies OBreeda Scioutea. tihe res bese Poser ni Siotit, i. srter-ina, and by tise iiend othtie groom, as beshrSda]inatendants. Thbe Canadras Cbampion, Wed. Sept. 14, 1977 17 Urban, rural folk flock to faîl fairs bail r torst aroond tbe andotobere aonr an d rbres rotbrng terdtrtonattt, tares ase tîbe r atlfir to acaprure tbe esers betd onbe tait oben tise easo . sB avrý bars est r s omptete anS irti t[arrs arr meeting lasmees boue tbe trme ta placs lot stban andSrralsaihoO tbeirsprdassand ltrsr stlksyrases to itr outobhat tock.,asr eStore rusral rOntarrois ait atont oe-erortesoetes -ib'ers- re about a2rr brrr round itt o bers ad- tgiutu airer in santage to Raid iber tairs i OUtntaro'ascoedrng to E Ar. a sue and Jots These mm Stare r.DrsecreostAgr tars peoren to be sucrss- rstturlandi tortreulttrat u Scitres ttanch orthe But shere are man> rone LENDINiR A HAND ta, people tram au alaksofut uts ai the Resovery House in Milton are Haitan Reg- ioual Health Nurse Betty Merser and Marg MeKinnon of ADAPT. Bth assiot aicoholiicsin chang- ing their way oft ije. ADAPT is an organizatian devoted to, helping alcoholicsuin tise procetu ai rehabilitatian.Tise organizatios is curreniiy seekiog contributions ta, heip sponsor iRs work. Council wiII consider Rigo Miltton Coasit's Plannimg ram the one that oras pre- anS Deveiopment Committee senteS at the pabtme meetings o'ttt enssider a reqaest bv Conitter Jim iWatson. Fred Rrgo toalater the pet- %onspnnsored thsechange ta pased oiciat ptan.,rnben the preetade desetopmest na rommttee meet i hamet areas,.Osaddaarnt the reqaest is granted Rg's bt Me.tttga mboo as at. echanseoftdeseiaptg part or eted. bt bondreds nf atl otan0 acres ot tand heons peopte. near Mnttat maatd be in- ttr s nntrnaturaltbat no creeased. genm tram the nusteussot, tRigostlandrisittstaautsite nsteadatftram thenstside the amtlet area mere tuture anwardStbe nacteas. grotb o designated. irs Ste Funis eetmnded soicttor Harotd Fankis ad sosrttaes tbat Ptanner Bl rounctt tbat Me. Rrgo baS Protons bhad peepaeed tbe destdednot ta appeat te pro pandon for tsusraltat poseS pan, even tbaugb bm tope desetapmest neae the land as nontta the settiemest illitement areas and bad aeea, becasebheteittdesetap pesented tbe ptan arng ment panssftrneuala estate seren putb meettngs, type desetsptnent enutd be t le mst ase tbaugbt it entertateed, But store tbe sornspubie meetings cmuseS passeS an su sPtat ameadmeat tisas maadtarbat In 10 ears orisiier estate type desetnprst nars ,the oison bas rorensed bu a amtet ne rban area Tht t roîtlierentle t oui masthat Mer tigo caatd rotsti grott suopested sas enetop bs tond as an to soossane as more andnmore exeso afthte iamtet nator n troos ris(0e«fl nt sadbhe devetptitas estate ueit sred sptrodor ottfli type desetapmest. Sortis Me. Funis qartoraed oRs roanitbad madethse change , tdM n the proposed ptan attier tbe AL MAC NA*S svnmeettngs. when no one s Om. ami-shsss baS beought ap the point ~Sw.b. 171h - 8p... Saetng tise meetngs. Li.. Sd n He pitedout the planstat L ..- as advertised r dtterent ELECTICAL INDUSTIiAL ELSTRACICAL MAtNTENANCE POLE LINE * AERtAL CONSTRUCTION LtGttITtNG 878-2048 5s83A MAN ST. E.MtLTON, ONT, L9T 3J2 Fo, 19781 JOHN DUERE SNOWHOB1iES TH4E SPITFIRE FOR 7778 $1,549.00 "dt Tai rder or cross-cutr acer John Deere gives yo a hie f sed aizes and cooligsytmst match the kind 0f so50 Oblig o km tedo. Freairfan or lqui o l The sptlfie engen c ld by i paoaing over is :iemos lght eght and econon als tm. V8.Vs\lll lFNi iF1 NI NI 8784121 878-8121 Counittor Watson was the Connls G ord Kranta chietpropanentof prohtbittfleand Emsmersos McCready tise devetapesent sear tise bth sao tier voatd lbke ta bamtets. He sard the planner bave the placner dscues tise baS saiS it asnttgond ta natteiutber tb thesaes bave estate type desetopment rotee. anS asksootedged near an arisas area and as tiseY iettsomecosdeeatron coedng ta, Watson. an aeban shubc g e ose rth isttgo aea s s aninated statin, Lohektoe Rad a.Te Poica THEIR DEAL: Inftrerrn sortProvi-alfi! t -11mrr :, rods , rodobletherhe,ste of rt Bu til,55rt,un fr yeramber, burlemnf, mrorrrth t 0cfr, cn-r g wu corespor'dutgllenhnesrd , tr'gv,rgsOak tuhrc y- Ber tere ithe matt 5,of ,reasei on -s, tl tu st a d otsaroqg iuer5hantrsn i 1 l!,stwrots au The Pouslai1 obvsussya atf, ", e,,,,ed ODDS Loto Canada Tha Provincial Any Prize New 50 to lOOto 1 FOR TICKETS CALL: 632-0025; 528-5889; 844-5454 632-2585 DRAWN OCTOBER9 culture andbond Most aeme osbto teboth ubaranld betd in tAgust. September rural sesidents MILTO FRUI MARKE 525OtaroSMlo 878-3844 I THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS' Cbsistie's Mclntosh BUlTERMATE APE BREAD APE 3199" 4 lb99* POTAIES BARTLE1 PEARS 10Olb69" 3 lu.99) PLUMS -31b 99* CUCUMBERS ....... 15 HONEY DEWS..... ,.,99 FIELD TOMATOES ..ibs 294 CELERY STALKS AND HEARTS ..b.scb490 CALIFORNIA RED GRAPEFRUIT ...4s Sre 389" 32sias2I79" Sune PEPPER ..s..i 39e Smdless GRAPES..tir79 CABBAGE.. . .. rom29cea. LE1TUCE , m..o ... e 490 BANANAS ... l19" MacINTOSH APPLES r 75 $399 Free Stori- PFACHES 6 Quart Barbet *3.99 PURINA DOG FOOD DOG MEAL ... d..t4 b 11.79 IDOG CHOW ....... d4lb $11.251 eA . SN 9ao -7pm MILTON TRIDENTS INTERMEDIATE 18B"# HOCKEY TRYDUTS SEPT. 10 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE THOMPSON ROAD MEMORIAL ARENA Ail those interested in playing Intermediate Hockey are welcome Monday, September 19t' 1978 AMC AMC CONCORD HATCH BACK and you're invited CLEMENT'S MOTORS 0F MILTON 500 BRONTE ST. S. JUST NORTH 0F HOSPtTAL * 878-2328 MILTONS - ------------ 1 u uwla