14 TheçCanadiensChamfpionVJ5d., Sept. 14,1977 E p r Milton Aec dsng I i.nIMase h ai ggg% Nth rispa a ven îý ss sa u % s Ess ra nt l 'at un a a ta Andus ' iinEpîspîstrao Esei to ic s lag a s ine t i i siut is la ESPEANT VESION0f inne te Pah sshan b titna assyu ia euantî ins - an advacateea!tise internatinternaatguagl Glen Eden expansion i h gets 0MB approval WOkon stie expansion o compleir île expansiosn i Ue (lies Eden Ski Ceare istiîmr fac siiing easa. allas prceedisg mtousa iesîla Reglas Conservaias lias, aller lie prajetAl bliorilp esecalîve iad reeved is fllsappravai gives the gaaheadforcon- front the OntarioMunsiciPal tucaintoiproceedcearlier Board asI secs sixsisontwtsaul lie 05155 approval ofiheliselîascial Ocause aIflie pessg arrangemessforithesrolecl. mris sciedule eauisied laosîls ishte approval. lie Site F protest . . *t. v tlDstises trm Pge saimore plshed.' saîd Coas- Cpriellî oasied ltao miswy. cllor S'atsn'Whes pos are il thec maislisusl aIflthe pssihia dsipth lisle- olicîorS repr sas deliîsg svle of pepreley sioatd ils dlays. dîd il aise Mc. have rvecy posxsie ti ai Macsinisre montslisolapcce- ts irdisposai [o igisi* sent hissrepars. [le eiiyrervesiaf lise Mc. Mactis espiaîed sial disios. lise riln as '.put aie time ofcouncîl's deaî îîsng eaosmîssiuIronto s nsJueieo'as am5P He prope. said lise praisIemx mils lise Csmmetiiguonitheerepart, imlislcatias iuildig iad Stitios Cousclior ][tasKerra Cocassed fbrIser deiay. buul aid auircssacds. "Tu me i fuelaIy hisîsreprloasaasOat presirtd as confus- slarled isre meais taller tleise îg garagr Il aid a lai of arigaîdersoandliscs aalhisîg proceeded i is e uual ait "Osare jissipayîsg gamrs mnisraiselfasiias uthie rrgiostanymays,-1e Milon Caascior Jias saîd "Tise Ontaario Musicipal Watson5 cr555 esamîsed lise Boaduand George Ker Mia- ayer 10 deleemîse illie iser ai Naiscal lexoirces' inspraion la prepace hiss oilhave ithe isaI decisias repaortiadraome ram hîmseli ihtear thse dmp gaes anSite or if liiaises "-corseced"Fb'« la do il Vtiiig insavoriithsolii Mactis saîd 1e persoaaly tirsxmolstionwrer ailaie irl ocitsoldhsowaila tt îiirhlBtrry sucrtliais lise acs absotlise 150 ut. ille I.ouiilsor NMa,eaa Ha saîd il cax iardtla asie Adrsos. huriîsglas Cous- rhiacex os lhisstypeao dcci cises Jacks Iatits. Tom sias and lial mayiseibisxSutelandDon CarIer. Vers ime. asusicîl as sol iully isasel. and lave Caosa aware o tie coseqorscex Bllonils hisayîsor Tom Hi. caler Couscllor Wsonls la lî lixCousaîiliors Russ saîd bcrliaid easn10 ieliesr Mitler. Gueset MaKessie. lial Regiosal Ciarmas Rîiesy Botasind Michael Aras M rros oax iehisssiMarlînsst~rong epoci 'itiscîoulp lie report ugaîsal lthe moton ocre Oas iiased." hae saisi Milon Mayor lDon Grdon. Oc [ru tiaialer cassa il's Miloa lousaîllors Kerr and Jase decsion la applp uadee Salus.itaisilir Csusicîlorx lie Esirasmesîsl Ases aurîr Msssell. Grdas sret Adt uailie rgîussi Rede. Ros Panche and chiarmas ieame suxpîaîous rais ioaagisep hrlîiios andi askisd Msatin 10prepari' i'iuscilar'.Walter Mutisr lise repri ac aisdulBes Cprîcîli and "My xsderstaadcag ix stt tcciiglcnia aor SMary lise cclt bac ictîsmeslat 'co Hospital Iawn party raises X-ray tunds MlonsDistict Hsptal 11h pond, Isohel Pallersos Ausc'ars raîscd aser $200M and lthe Candp tisîpeex. ring al ils assuai lamspaely -held a lhui5. Joyce lHenry;.bau. Sabrday 51 lie Martin S i as510r;ansidram tickesl. isome o lrc asnd Ms. C.A. Jusr McL'eud. Marin reprt co-cssvensc S May el asd Rse Shasson.cS Tise alersass as cool bu sunsy and thecrowd vwas PEu epated Hospital admis- fisialar ocie tas eroa si ECONOMICAL bor fdrcosE mro CLEAN BURNI t'cCcv'dmadce te.ci i EFICENT EU a quil and rug. FIIN U Prceeds willigso oard lise osas X-ray eqipmeas thbie FURNACE SALE Simulianeossmit the lawn FURNACE CLEA paeiy, as art shows ieaturing B D E E the orks o lical arista as B D E E M heisi ai Ue earby miii pasnd in Centsnal Parks. HUMIDIFIER & Canvexers o bootisu Isis per ers bais ablale, Vera Dsiacouri; casdy. Shirley 24 HOUR EM E Kerr ansi Roaind Rich arson; counry garsien, He Pennes, Margaret SERVING e1 Bandy ansi Mary Borland; knidling, Viola Slasie; liirary, Isabe PateraonoandsieO- maryWandnle; e GUS M aryeWhnimoiitr; ste tiqueGinsy Gaiipsau;whsite M I LTO N -lpatAM cnw sleam said OBilsarwicis dreciar o ca erato se occe liste ORCA. Ther asthiscip ad rspecied la puy lac tise sa4a000otex- pansion ihogis a $13,01 IAi htarioi.Grant ad a $2v1h41 bisisisoas goarasiei'disyýarea monîicîpaltiies wchi tioit bce epaîd liscoogisthesk is lra' uare proits 1loorver. lise athit reecivd si a codiionalt grasi roas Otttario astI 'oma qetio cemains chriher ORCA oilhavec ta machsthergranlii"ough tlie prîvale seclr. Aolisriy meiers ri sol las cascersed ai lhisxpot absotiavîsgtl atsaisstlie Witari Grant, Erocis Harris, tie aaiitt chiarmas ias siairdthan' is a pssiredosar inthie iacis grousdîiftev sshod eeuire Mr Wiarwick ttsutdanttsc casfirs soc tlesp thei existence olsocisaudcac oisrs osiacird. bu ai d, IriCs jasl sas serai- considest usaI uc'l] gri tise support, AI ose pinit ai t eek, Saliaglos Rgîoaat ous ilor VrcsCîisscii a stcvsg appasrsl aIflise expansion, had îslrsded la iiroc a raid- iloakin fraonifhe pratath., fliltg as objetieios tus tise IMO. iut 5e ltaiccrectia itdetet'tttrhaieivasap- pu'iî.che'ith.,i .utiioiiy uttintheca hd leea ciuecscd usai ithe toxapie-saud end upieisli tuc tîi tthp is th~gue hi l foe istertheis'umeeting Iii auîtisrit iiemsecs, e coctticihat tilsti i licsttt[e fohhto urthtisi elatheisc îloe'cit d iat any eleta uaiendilup costag thi' 'i'hexstaece il a possible secre îalie".al-îsicia>1edsthe 'becilors plais tr, c aira actaii-a tripe chie lit 1,4p,. tedct ithe %Nagaca jýajpieîîcîant adiitiosat k rt ri alit ci ttofîgihs fo iighti.t it ges paisios ci tie viiait ki cialet and pir îtîtt tigt geuctiîtî \ia70.îpe cciii î,itie labnate '.ealt 1t fti .jtpc>iiiictttt ilte 'île t,îîîîck au l th 11e -a 't'îîica flotierifisiac. i i tii'ts'c t,,' Si limii cti'tttitttheibt"tise isu ht l tatta iii ti ,ntie ui '.ope' t iti'ip, FALL GARDEN SPECIALS ef(D tID 0PA rMOSS e SUNFLOWER SEED *GRRSS SEED . SHj0VELS *CIL. WINTERIZER FERTILIZER yiEEL BRRROwS e SHEEP MANURE M M .ERFES Eriw 0O FUEL OUL ANI ROLEUM PRODUI NG, SAFE EL ,ES AND SERVICE AN-OUT SERVICE S AVAILABLE & AIR CLEANER UNITS RGENCY SERVICE MILTON e ACTON e G OWBRAY LI CTS ;EORGETOWN 'IMITED 378-2381 nto alive, thi Miss Massep. a Miltas Miss Massey reparîrd Use resideal wha Craches ai lthc mayar ai Reyisjaviis learsed Irurvusmlfarthe hearixg enaagisEsperasio agive a hasd iapped., lirsi heca5ie speechisnstheranguage andlta ilteresîrd in Esperasls when use il socialîy. 11e cead ait article absout il 10 Alîîougis Esparanla was cears aga "Il ssunded lise measi as a second language auci a laastic idra. ecause sanneciidces isave iearsed il 'os caald sprak is il peaple as liseir lirsi. Miss Massey frm a Il dilleresi counlcies,' saîd. Tiey usaîip isve ieen sr said cisildres misse parents spaise Lastyea sh fiall go an dilieresi Iasguages. Thcy are Lalva ictîsally a as calîed "desasisa" oppaclOst l ca s Eperass Esperanto Isnvîclaier sise Tise maxi immediair ad- toaisa rteneek course inlise vsac o so g ls laguage. givra sn Torantoia. sgage ofx i îrtvexg icardig 1 1h5 MssY' Miss iisassey cammesîrd. thr language ix simple la Memisers mih Itravel contact learn.semisers in alhercaOlcies. -"Aftrrsvrs las isaur Boos ahave isees arilles in Iesn spesi as evesîsg asd lrasslaled la Esparasia , hrr I spaise naalig isatThis allers lise advastage ai :sperasto. I usdrrslasd misaIreadisg 1the lîlecalure ai aiher evrryose said"- cousties. siscsaid la April vsr aîlrsdrd Ithe eixg ahleto co niiscae (asadias Esperasia dirrclly mils people ai ail Cnrs in Viciriashe salioscas seîp international asrd Especasto larCo[sa days usdrrslasdisg and isaimajor 1%ih as proisîra Advantage of Especasis. la Augs she presenled Asised il a persasraaIld [reltinsx ram Casada swrar in Esprraslo. Miss Jokn i Esrato)to he asey rpIird. "I dasi nienaionl sprano on knw n'ssp ear wodsibut Simp licity is the ke y b.pecao. %iicississed ona ommuna Eueopeas agoages iv easy t10 cars accaainigct'iaaMaitcy, acioe,rad inluiessos liceitpopeo'issspesisone cil theisentalul.aguasgrs aa isaster il. alissughis l i15 lle haurdrcfsr thras. Miss ,mssey said. Tise lagugebas isrrs siaplîrd t0il; raies of cîcimaar tlahchislisre anc aio excepionsv Spelligis Itasas ils lie peucîpîr of one lase. oceso urd In 1prosus- ciuiio. theiacent i 'lays (nîiste next-toiavstyllaiie. Il asicails sîmîtîr [o Italias cor Spasiis 'i ie vcasutuc siaises etnieueofu cilisoe uts O ieraio'ords tcîerc s as Nlassey illusraîrd isy usisg tise sords for isst and coid. ciords waiîcin thie Esglisis iaaguagc arr oaccialed la Esperal hoiss arma. coid is maivarmna.Thein ciionoftise lellers 'eg" îsdîsalrs esiremea. asii, iîiatcarmetla. serp aid. Tise eqccvaieitcolis madeist tise addtiîoa ci "et": Nours a atde blit'hie addtion oflthb'etis'llr"" as in miivarmi. hecad Wrds î'sdisg i a*'a ugsîl id- ralies Tiseie art' ai1cnsans ansd ice vuo r inatlie ao ltîer alphabetl riving /ocate tisere are saine nasty tings pou cas say You cas express aori s in eii n E.peranii ass ngish ny rcPa Mss Masse, gesan op,-9 pots eytapai ce her newiy acqa 10.reIangaageai nis'y meetisgs ilise .se .1lsrasta iabin Torono sd aia aigarsengs ai memisers. She has n spresia up lihe language andi wold be ierested is machisg tii here were peope ieresied sn iars sg. A record of sangs sang sn Eseaipayed noiiiy sn uhe = =kgsad as Mss Massey tliied. The words saunsind lke Spanisu xrcRillantsosan; iy as English speai g grosp. In Europe ilere are radis prograsss broadcastins Especasia, sise saîd. ZONE B7 of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Tise Esperania symisol is a ceiebrated thse group's 50th anniversary ise-paini grees star. It ix Saturday at a banquet in Acton Legion. About 350 worn by memisers whex lisey spent the happy evcntng together. Zone com- tcavel xr meel. . mne rene Shields of Oakville shows the Miss Massey is pmstc ane 1 shot lise future of specially-decorated anîiverssry cakc ta Jean Esperasîx "I's ta logcai,'" Hasselfeldt, preident of the Milton Ladies' sise said "Psu caido't sexy Auxliary. ils seliess." MILTON FAIR PET SHOW Openslaisoys andgirls 14 yc f ge a d aAlpesmst esona lashso i cg.Each pelmayptinas clse a fqais farTh mp inin lialsecliax. Priaes as loas: GrandCisampios 5 e Prises in eacisclass liii$.02d$12. 10. 4 5 1,5 0 A bises gitgise e bran rax Secioni1 -Opnxtaall estri Classesi1 -Pelisal mostsl es te sidn fteAreual Socety 2 -Fasiiaparade. Jugdf a cstue 3 -aesîltricisperformance. 4 - eslssatcised pair ofpets. 5I-Maxi asusualpet, Secion 2 -cota 3 -es sisathaired al Classes 1i-SiggcslCal 4 -Mosslcslaflsta 2 -Flulliesl Cal s -Culest itslla Section 3 -Dags Classes 1i-Ses groomed dsg 2-Besllrained. atOll sîWalissslead (C. ýilas luussLiSlay 3 -sesi shorl-haired dg 4 - Besl loag-iaircd dag 5 - addesi-lokisig dog Registration ai 9:30 a.m., halarday. Seplemlcer 24111ailthe lFair Grosnds snlise show ring acrass lthelcacislramlise mais hall. Judgig tuscommencat lI os 0a as Speili Trapiy wllbe awadedlal he Grand Champion Dsg and Cal, more tha 15,000 classified advertisements appear in a year's copies of The Canadian Champion. Those little, puwerful, selling and seeking messages link buyers, sellers and finders every week throughout the broad community of Milton that encompas5es central Halton. Each issue takes those messages to more than 7,000 buyers in urban homes, local stores, along rural roads and in arca hamlets. It's e îsy to place your selling or seeking message. Helpful ad takers will assist you in wording and scheduling your advertisement. Just caîl 878-2341 and a friendly 'voice will greet you. It's lime to seIl unused articles for extra cash. Look 'iround and choose those items now to offer lhemn to huvers in next week's issue. Forprtosinal asstance in 1j 'iiii a piogram, wianging a classitîed i lveriei c f, establish regular delivery caîl The Champion 871l-2341 -a tradîtional weekly meeting place for more than a century but as modemn as today, 191 Main St. Milton, Ont. 878-2341 'I -J à