12 The Cnuotian Champion, Wed.. Sept. 14, 1977 GEE. THIS METRIC STUFF is a pzlr mutes Cindy Ruse. 11, et 1 WONDER WHAT '.'.uld happen ifS1 convert it to "normal" arithmetic. HEY! I'VE GOT ITl Now why didn't S think of that before? Oh weil, Miss MelnS idpScot sn huandt of Miton and district students nork ouI the accorr. Ibmconvert il bock te metrirs?. Cindy mander'. as Rsif' thremscnbe okdotta ucli' on ob who s'. ca back ta the books afler a delightful summer holiday at week. the ont'w.er ta te carrent problem coninues lot lode ber Oh meR ra er0 coo.Ihm inpoosb ee eukr Board expanding French programn despite protests fliîiîniiooiiiiiiil,,oioo Eiialiioooit.oo'. hrgoîoth,,' ior pho'ii n 411 l '. *oO i nogh .oo.iî..o extrah rvoooi ookof.oobrte e'.iablio'h foonooofi .oning 'entresiinholit OiiiOOri fi,, ha or iooooo. iioan'd Back ta schooc Enroli thani Enrcolmniiin \orth Il,,iioi ihaoo pro'fo'n i )'ooi e ad Don brntlino 0,00 ,'ll,. tant sperin1tndena0"Il h( ttaflan Bard 00lit 0.0000 ' 'he praocl nilet l'inch ,%rbic i.ioiin ,'aoi hen lneaf. 0000ounteiri lerthliio'. o'of ooohO(Io the actua loIOi iooriioonil oiNrt ltaftan -S 7,8.210 tifi(nt orordaîf Pu bo1-11-li gacIi, ,o 111,io ar000000 a edcac1in a ang 17 "looooOcobor 11n bh ail t n i l,,.ttr00 d,0 0 ischo00 hal t i Oc fol 0i00 Irn eno"0 o I , 1 ou0 1 ,lsiad 'ot ' o .Milton0 ,M oor'. .00 Om l io n o'. g-a do M 1, ki M th IL or st el el 1 n tl l'l Pl uliiha hoen simmneing ouldntocanmnore tricher'. Trsiee Fred Atoogr 'a Frenh wonnthbciOrded, aholit tafringlieOiPcograms I ,ne'th'pring anud eventuallhave toc sauf tdhe'adminis'tratinebdit Frnch appo'.oitolot of citli '.proîoi '4.011 ie s Mantu'.,dents drotpedaot in'dandirnild nae i ser ontonmad agod cas.e'.hnoing parentrhut no'nay pupilO.. metnaî'. i Ino cldOindliiîvh i hgh scoooack n the ianrrltcect on the ppPiitea-mre Frencnhoooovdn't hacm Truste lion L.oog saîd. onraitiaroit' aivs. chec trench c'a,,a ,cher ratio, Armtrong aire othe suhtecintio ,ant tu bc nting manaydroptitherOhiject 'Tru'.toBrtnBonton ii'O ii.iidaioc ' v sjct Trustee iracned French cNouid he convinrodlhe'r ciiliebc no in hgh shol aiier taking ilthe lboardl ,asinitpang P 1an Armsn'trng .tatcd., cotl>tIoloal taparcrand diuionalof orecaririiott in grads rert'tind eight, rnagh atteniot ocr kioinecoffddlate arlted ccmindd trustees tlt etcen lioFrench I ira'. niido'ilnny 63 per ,abouitl' niiii oiol'inOtiro mior rnch nnothe cItoni ts oogeneriius grants trom rcentvofiitltiition gsade lunes. rchcn'.rreprssdli'. tlii vidcause proben'.flr Qeen sP'ark, thsainentar h'.,d',ii.'ooii.i taketoFrnch and jort 45pet, principal'. lie naîrd pron n'an 'tIdenti'. paes wo afot the bill n aage omtcili iipr0i0rs coin cn o itnghsco ,sar ipiiloofee o oIiiioiiiOailav ot ff'n.iii'iofpublic pressure llon olfcit fr1t icnofai od,,,If OLI 'ill onOg tiobo.French French ' 'onoogot ) loi il h board braight iniCare- proinciaftires. Trusrtee' Eini Roinson idc sntrtad o curricleith an emphasir I th boiard rpandied fnorlîi,,n i oii.ta n.dicool fin ain.pient, o'b on Eioeirh and mathArn French paa'il, insohgrner- saufrîîdrîa"ol'ifl< i frofio'r iki, orcc oaa irone noîrd.tHc predicîrd atian aif'tudent'.%oilfdbe Trusterle' orenc '.car l0Frnch oi hgh c.hoollrocaia o aioohonill ex.paînsin of French n ablhteloicarn tuappreciate ra id til 0.0as inlortnate loiva'.i.hrsdirliihcthe s".iih hlr'ld ,ilistn toi th, eonmentaro'.nhaot'.aaofdciut ýoaiaa dai hria palitwio.iiioo'or asr]cet butatiler(font take il potr'.ona.is. îraclîcaf.oto intvriivtudy of corcricafio ialcEaocibomad aking pe'opecrrictant ta ,.ool hog he itle lort pacileoh Iiti ahýbenfr and '.iggeted the immnecsion n t torc mer'. iiroiihcrmor Frenchoin oii'iarra.igg'ie i hioo. sickaiichaaing'.sure hidfiut verNaneoinIataoo'.rshoolr 'Shi' aid nabol> o'00i0imor aptoeal. npîion.o ioivi' oohercuho opi are eting thehba'ic'.'.hooiii begin ihe appar hneu oiicisuori'aafhiloren fLong sidithebocardanafld ciriiio tk f on a Ileane adig iechLI sh ade. ro nusoilak'i'ong rnh n nary techinoo i'.ol îoo 'a g O ac ihn ientary 'l.chatihcrloirio.o'iao'ii iiio i, n- ugetdcna sîli nndilh ioirrcrnhonro.fducrionc agli g b let.nFrnpo-f ,FreinchOocii'ict ipl% ii erans. lrntectra racfic raciiohir oii(i, nients slightly Iower o.re>I adomneFecl off iciaI projecti ons p na uoi metrnch astocas o(,a shoiwud he mandalar> or ,oiiio '.pinig ternihe enraiaaent at atiendanac ar 829chidren oihflalfonir.orhil iriihoert isýol Ttei.r'.a..oh.oiiO~ he'.,haooi hid rise'c'harpt ' The actoaicnralmnt ai '.choi iaig.idnprioe o uoc il.'a io opulgatiion iroaath l.iliandfiliecame Wc lilch rahoal waa'.212)Ln adpopelvn iora,, olImmrant poainoi oon'..oo ihrr'.ppfl '.iadrntr ahioh ws ooar Miton istorritIifg Sobool ofiiontiionned to arrn ie'. adontioionfo ciii the io'.ohrrfoh.ndio'thhncrer ilonh pcoofectfigrao h.ol i>o,'loolal' tendl igli'.tiloroao,'.cl isthetao lag oaoao ILo. iolIiiooFrenicho.a, ,ioftioci'.,n-ils(.i'pring 2:36 lsses or'.'ofcog hirs ocriioi'.'b oof baituoinrr'buhoOintariaoicaoli.iiongiiagcotortialo 0.0' the nmain caare fr Mrionh StMiddlte Shoal ai chiiolahoh cas orie '.î,dcni'ýouaad fnd rer> 1,10fre ogili lin. iiio lirooîoîog ofilio projection'. had apaoetiednaumna fha he ,3a3(dont ' (ie .ifrlco'nch for 1h'b iis aLadoeolMe a7 ur dentshot nddu)bahad nicpatd Ie-s alo(nnvd Terb l* mtpholI Es'tioaler lic enrolmcnt ai fai.ofoPoutblicorSchool n Do'retParkoiterraoff.iasL ou8fo hidro'I iraded claer hîrir hili' 'oa1, Oa ,'ohîooo n li.algic id.mo ,oh inaniining >oadreot, ian, the Bldian '.hooairca h.od .' ogher iiooiioerro,1 rodca.'.ihn asr ,ioiloo'paicd The hoard ladtB ALn pcoo0Cned n atendonce o sait ontd .0!0, '.ioenta hool 4-15.a hoidrcn hoîrdofor acthe loir e$49 llfoiornrr. 'ticrntlenman 8TRACK $5.998TRACK$59 '.îodent'.au sii 11oantinoe.C S ET bb hoa, eîtgai raam fer$59$.9 oil thr koot'.in Bldi n." he- ,oof lhrnerifirrerage for Mr GentlemniaadddIhai ho-, o, fiSc la raine h.,, vroti '100, s'.onoo s parrhir i )rioiyi(.otnîonhrnrai hool ingeneal.EAGLES sho auf encrai bîrl' '.cd'ach.nhalr Grelesits OHNALICE nia,,oiiiiîdfo eother ahane rr LP $499 DENVE E ,ite*proieiold ermi "COOPERVE ta the kindrgarienclarsses. C-TASE E /' LP $5,49 ' LP $499 CASETE ~ CTACSETECASSETTE CHICAGORoger Greamtets Whittaker BEATLES $5.49stlf51962-1966 ~8TRACK $69> LP $4.99 1967 1976; "hCASSETTE 8TAK$,9 ', LP $ 9.99 CASSETTE 8-TRACK$1099 $5.99 C? $109 $1., ZELLERS LIMITED 55 Ontarra Street South 0 Mlton Ope Mue-Fni. 10a'n--9 Prr Sal. 9:30-9:30 pr.- 878-8178 acîoopinion the ont> unit> a oie i he oner-tonne one- in Otawaoi s crroting for politicoil gata Sbc '.od parent'. are mare inîrresteot on their choîdren ieocing math andt Englinh. rr'îr. t.asng.,hArmstrong, Ilnoit iiotn, . OLarnoon. liii frieand. and t'rcd ,rm îoîge ail apporrol a'ucoa as.pecsool ,the French expan- oaoion lien olinîg buS place. CALL -US TODAY 878-4821 878-4821 Br. .77 Hêating & Air Conditioning Installation & Servicing Bruce Bell R.R. 3, Miiton 24 Hr. Service ton uI OVE 629 v M ai ndEatM lto ntrl o el 7-8770 Poo Cve* Wj,ý "t Resist ultra violet I ~ " Stops deterioration ______________________ePrever t> lgae q owth They're designed for Canadian Winters Newrupnflop ria c Togitdoubla -Tougb triple ahI fins stand up ru the sttcbad saeera; self suppotirî border toghettCanaden andm i th eb New c ionstructon winters for up to Dacron -taised supports te heuvost 5 l Vents4tloyer seatrta snow toads Ressts cold tu -60'F *SPECIAL CHEMICAL INHIBITORS ADDED FOR LONG LIFE E PLIABILITY0 D)ONTr MISS THESE LDW INTRODUCTORY PRICES n*ir J~ fflIF YOU BUY OnORDER PLus!S!AVE$5.00 BEFORIE SEPT. 21st INGROUND COVERS - DELUXE DUPONT COVER POOL SIZE CUVER SIZE SALE PRICE 14 x28 20 x34 $107.65 16 x32 22 x38 $11995 16 x38 22 x44 $14325 18 x36 24 x42 $15675 20 x 40 26 x 46 $18225 Cuver Kit Includes- Durable Storage Container Tie Dovo Ropes and Pegs, Double Brase Grommets Ever Four Fret ABOVE GROUNO POOLS - DELUXE AQUA COVER POOL SIZE COVER SIZE SALE PRICE 15' 18, S 63.25 18' 21' $ 78.75 21' 24' $ 98.50 24' 27' $104.50 ilva Pocil Sîzes Are Available At Sam, 'L ow Pi UvuoooriKit includes: new Quîk-Ty jeature wih ir v; .oiî01 bras'. padlock- reusable storage containter- freeý water e1ctor -twNo ear guaratese. WATER 10 ft. long, 20 mil. SALE $5.75.... BAGS: 6 ft. long, 20 ml. PRCE $3.95,a POOL WINTERIZING SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL WIMTERIZIMG INCLUDES: " WINTERIZE FILTER " WINTERIZE PLUMBING " WINTERIZE THE HEATER " DRAIN POOL $6995 " PLACE COVER " PLACE WATER BAGS (&:I7)ANNOUNCEMENT MATTHEW CORMAN 341 McNubb Cresc. Milton Receiaing the tickets ho mon for the Boston aS. Toronto game on Septombor B from the Great Root Boe who iitod the A & W on Stolos Avenue ofor the Steam ro ruCelebrations. ejt&V'à360SUREES AVE. __MILTON 878-8125, 1 1-1 1 Elell 1 ---7