FIVE EXECUTIVE FELLOWS of the Milton Kitstiei Club for the year are Bryan Robertson director, John Wood secreliîiy. Doii Merrik vice- president, Jim Rue bulletin editar and BarryTîtnner (inithe hall renîdenl. Mising are Bill Speck panI presidett. tllaItBrsen ircavarer, 'nd Brian Gildea registrar. Plan to organize Organisers a r bnp sg iomembers have lusrasing auneh a ne serce cluusn carry outthis wah Kiwans Iternational, is For instance the Oahvittc Miltoan by Oct tý club as a meais s hels William J. -Blt Kisg, a service lac the eideriy people, membere afthec ilîte with a paid rgasiner and Kiai andLieiitcnalt-Gov- doesofvolutnteers carcytsg aro ver c is inaithe val the daily delîvery. Oak- Casa Lamas DivisionsNa. i oi ville Kiwani asatspnsors a the Eastern Canada asd cahie TV aactias in CarihhaSbectionaofKiwans nNvember and acras i ivcharge oi May. the peaieci asd Sapes ta The ilabvîie cub mcclv ivcaie a mnimum ofi16ivry Teday at6.30 Miltas mes interesird inv ltes Abhey Gaoland Cantry chatering the club, vame Club. ime ibis manth. The lrvi meeting ni the ncm le bas already enlinird the Mlon club may he eld set bll ftssnlocal mes. BahbiveS, Li.Gaveesar Kng Perhînv, manager af the aid. Rayai Bank t5anch ai Mlton ibhecrtivev of Kîmanin Mal, and Mrley Richard- Inernational are: van. Ta gîve prîmacyinlathe Inicrcvieil parties can con bman and spiritual, aîher lact îre King ai Miton ihan ta the material vaines ni Taa'rrs.1 ahere be iv airs ]lite agent lac PaelIe Real T a encourage the daîty Evalai al ,1-9,1, rneverMeliving af the Golden Raie in Peeinsne Me. Rchardson a Il haman relatinhipn. Kînýanis iv devcrrîed as a Tra peamale tbe adoption sev e ganizatîonn v-icS and the applcation ai higher assisis the canmmnilvin smcial, business and ireasi\tibrrcthe local gaveen- peatenianal standards nin ai nahie ta help. Tdevelp by precept and ileeble ncetiga arc eld,' esample a mre intelligent. avrclunchbordînner la plan aggrcsis'e and verîiccahie mnyraîvîng activ tics lar etizenvhîp vaitscharties. Ta ra ide, ihrangh "Kiaviv vafuna thing.i>et Kmanis Cuhs, a practîcal %vear aletodosomuh ormenas tin omm endaeing s ac able.da a mi lac leîendshipv, ta rendier Gv ing, pepbaîd lt a airiticservice.atidl baild Kiwvi Kîvgor earsbas ev n r c cmmunitien. diaivlr e thldan Tv cnnoperate in cea g bl-lngi-iliathe neganiana adîîtîighlnn iniikville. Bralinglonan d anpublic apîng e and bigh beeepor. Bahamas ahere beeîPubli mpnîchahad iblh îîîîrhedthe increave ai rîghtennsnes *I Ki-iiinvs lvserve ibt vue . aîrin)tim anîl g.n ved bi sad, and he il The Canadien ChampionWed., Sept. 14,1977 11 K iw anisThe sew lire hall is ander Monday, September 1l9th 1978 AMC AMC CONCORD 2 DOOR SEDAN and you're învited CLEMENT'S MOTORS 0F MILTON 500 BRONTE ST. S. JUST NORTH 0F HOSPITAL* 878-2328 MlILTON THIS CAT IN THE IIAT iv Barry Tanner, presideivi il lie loceal Kînsmen Club wilh national preideal fDan 'itBal ~sersiitî The ntional president lîîak la the Kinsaîra meeting Wilisiive iiinîg ut Ilîir hall ait Brîlanuta Rd. Km not 40 mphZ 1iîlbs %eekthe biilic pineil lielS e v1 i îsin g er aboutli- 17totdateindlbelion[iiî 'île 5Kvi M i otenlr îilîîîlîîîerg hurliii i vîvî i ivalint il, i b ofi ub lie wr s Be INIi er i i iMoi vripnovtra ii s on t.vib Il ibeda 1Ail hliivlgrll i a aeiilpiiierilliv, -aiibiaeiPulic v %orkiev îîîîrhs et iv s il-ah ofglîvnbridersont plîllîng sie n iai I r o"ina ntachs Iluitavbeilt piapely. the vrtanvval s akn manla ae le-n vpnesair n the pa flae tnblr mtachs udepnaien v rmerrlimîth tedarth, bar lngthoe reader b t neednt aboutemi$d:300 mp ch11 Sm h.a m:ph ahm h the adinsph'Oshi Nrme h domd. Su'iiiiing icentre 1