~Iie tutib iau Itampion Volume 117, Number 20 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1977 78 Pages - 15 Cents Pro blem in Mitowne area Parents protest bussing FACESCRAPER move b y Dure Kerr, 15, of 2g9 Ridge Drive in Milton takan quite a lot of skill. Skateboarding has beome inereaoingty poputar amoflgt yaungsters and ihere arr competifive events in the USA for highly proficient kateboarders. Chamcpi nasat b terre eMccak Residents abject ta apartmeflt tawerS Resideolu nn lie George Sil and Court St. area do sot mant tusee taoiieis spart- ment toera going upsnear Ueir humes. About 20 residentu of tir area wrnt efore Milton Counit Monday nigt and saed liey are obîeing toaa reuôning liai uouid atisa tir aparîmnentu on <Ontarts St. nerGeorge St. Tir residenlu said tbey et tir deetopment mmmld de- prive Uea of the prîvaci Uey nom enjoy, add 10 urUer crowding in tir scimîls and furlier congestion on Ontario St., cause iauados condi- tios for chidrrn inther area and depreiale tir vau af homes is tir neigiioriood. Spuiesman tue tir grsup, Barry Cor sad ther residenlu antrd therong designu- tiuntof0say tir ame as il is, instead aI iiareasiog tir dru- sty la permit aparîment toaeres nstead ai scms- detarird homes and bawn bouses. -Young tamliîrs ave mased ino thtir igbboeiaod and sasrdsittrom delertorat- îng. Wr arc proud of aur homes and mri ard ta maitaibithetîeiTir dertios yaa maie it demîde abetier il iv mi thubile r oi RHou oaid yaa tuke tua apariment buidingsin yaur bank yard?" be asird Cor sasd tir detalpment aoalditrcease vanta ta tir toua Usougi demandu for sidewaats, teseing, ermine and tir provisionofa traffîr igitu and ter e dmasds liaI woudirmade. Couscior CGord isrants rautionrd lie peope and sog- gestrd tual esen iti tir tou-rstnsteadof towniouses or seois terdrnsstiaouidst Editoriais, 4. Lettres, Peope, 5 The Hrniytossrr. 18 Fair iistaey, O Esprasto, 14. IlîalthiCauneil, 1-i Farenneas,1014 Classifirds, B t S 3 Car rally, B1i, Family, C2 Mati art sow, C9. Cces te NS., CE, Restres antiques, Cia. Cotumnistu CIL BACE TiiSCIfOOL- t s ai toa 'ýe'1,t lu fa nS ciaolt(abaar)daroes ss ee1t- Oi(i19k) n kisdergarten irarier a aldia elo)i a o joyigie instirrtassrooes. Pg.9S LEGALAID, ltOIiANNIVERSARY OSff iature arîter Olga Darcasci explores tir ord oiirgalaid, in a spcia articleronPg. Ct. FRONT YARDS WIN CERTIFICATES OEigitounbuomeuners earned certifiraie ofsierit awards rsîs lie Horticulurai Soiety,- tortise ap - pearance ni lhirrhom, ront yards and gardcss. Son Pgs. 2, C3. SPORTS THIS WEEK Tom MartianifMitoun is eading for Sardes ta pay and coache a hockey tram. Pgs. BItota H MUNICIPAL CD VERAGE Miton Csuîieil, Pgs. 2, 3; Regîssai Cousit, 6, _ _;- Board oEducalfus, 12,13. neressarit begreater. Plaotning Diretor soi Zadanyt iu-aii and dîd 001 attend tir meeting, Couscît a as soaetainonosa nu miereof qarstisnsabout abat iv and iv sot.prrmttrd anderecertain desîgnatians. Wien tire aoioras uerert able ta et oanwrs o t soneafthirquestonsrourt cit agreerd ta drier tir matre untst a meeting af tir Pan- ning and Developsist Com- miter Sept. 2a ey Rob Bart Parents living in lie Milt tumne Estates devetopment toithe souti and rani of Mîltun Mati are angry and upset ir- cause their cidren are ha ing 10 matie as fur as 1.4 mites to attend J.M. Denyes Scimil. Wien scimil sturtrd tant arnk, bus servicefor ait of the students in liaI area mas provided. But mien an oser- crowding situation was e ported by Use bus uine 10 lie scimi houard, a decîsios mas made 10 provide bassine for hîndergarten and grade ose students only. Ministry guidetines sndi- rate liat children seven and under base tlulbe bussed if lie distance is more lion a mite and childeen un 10 il years oid base 10 be bussrd dis- tances of ovrImo mites. Tir board is wibin tir msnîstry guidetine iy provid- ing transportation 10 oniy tir two touent grades, bol abat apsets lie parents iv liaI a 72- passenger-bus maies lie dir- ect ronto thesciml itionly 29 cidren ahoard, beventeen af tiose rhiideeiarc i idergarten and etuen by bus ai mno and tir 14 grade ones mis are ailowrd tonrde retors on lie bus ai14 p.m. Parents dlaim tie ritp taies yoansters Oit minutes tamoiikand to aioatîme tor tceseauk, cildres bise is tcavebomneibetore8a.m. and doo't retors bank home antl clove 10 5 p.m tircording ta some parents abo iad attended a meeting ai tir rerreation rentre in thr comptexsubndai sîgil, muny pa rrsitsrwre prepared 10 irep Ifîre idea 0out o seboot. Spoiesman fise ir gup, tReg Getftîn saîd lie oanted tir ridro ta gel ta schoot. ir and shoot 15 other parents atid tir 14 mies wili shot 4aidriiiaMondai Tir parents taoi thir ridren ta tir bas stop Mon- day îsaotoig. even thougi tiry recrsvrd nattce Friday tiat bosstngawouida't bc pro- vided toc grade tsi-anad up. o Mandai tir bus driver eefuved toacarepl ani more tian tir 29 cbidrro t Iare my ordrs and t have ta iattaa ibrm . vihe toid aogry parents. Cýaler liaI day Me. Grittîo svasîontoucbaîitiboardatffi- riais andtrusteeOBillCao-sos and managed tobhave grades tao and tirer and possîbti somne grade fours ride the bus lie lots Tuesday. tee AvE Lausos expfaised the mea- Asothi sure was a temporary ose oeae 1h and liaI meetings mere gosng ser, me onsta try lu fisd a solution La the pruifer. Thr parensu ad agrerd liai lie ysusgest cidren shoutd eide the bus and iiey asied ihal ildren br attuued on lhe bus on progressive grades--staettng trum Use youngest 10 tir oid- est. Parents wrre aiso upset about poorti marked pedesir- an guards, and the tari of a salety guard aItiOntarioi aed Ciide Dr. A regsonai potice oficer ietped somne o tir cidren arroos the vireet Munday and. tounrouncîtSlM agrerd Mooday 10 provide a guard for tua mootis untit traffir signais are intolied. beserat ofthle parents ioid The Champtun liaI reai estate sales represetlsves iad tutd lieu liaI a veboot wouudiruit to theeear of Milton Mati near iatok Ce. but snslead of a scboot, more ibouses arre buit Mes. Roth i Hînos.one o tir parents invoved. sa sd vie bad gare lu tireSMilton Pion- ning Depariment t10 bu to officitais aiout tir locationofo the sciooi pesor to baysogoand was advised tbat a scool woadiecbuiltitiere Truster Bilt Lassooosasd tiere bad been a plan to bustd _____ a veboot near SaIsi Ce iu the board iatee deesded to go SU o i Robert aldo O Schob oar and a oea ose to bebuilo ear ati l Burlington loi Ward Siard boundary changes area atteetsng Mitonsos as Un sards ocre appeosed by tth Miton launeit on a 6-4iiacd ecred votaiua meeting of Cou caorii Taesday eseotngof ai sot tast wrri cbang Tir cange puilstshlefoe-Tirer mer sorti Buetingios ares tir as outof Ward Threesi istbas sosls Buetsîsgtonanod Nassagasseya \%isedt ares stcidssempssdaitirth stsang i oromer sorti Daki le area, ,sould .redcivtg the soe of Word thett 1Tireerand snereasiog Word 55,00v t )nin fetue tir former t taki Burlisoo and Oubsîlir ara t ranIstot-Ontario St moansmurd fur t, t urnî to tr scioolis 5pianurd thertosvn, siesaid. he sewar eoa on Laur- basan Todorousi sasd tie et ai Ontario St maboie bref was lion resîdents ,caserunning more than tait pot at theecreaton centre empli and the stadeosaure io tir de% etopmeot Tiey iii waaking, ds..asthe bu's igand othr The parets wiiimeet tlt eated proitem-s JDENTS arere tef i standing on the aireef ning. Studruts from the MiltoWsr Estains orna ier uben Ibis achool bus refused 10 take are protesting a decusion of tir anbool board te, lnts ini grade tWo or igher Monduy mor- crry onty kiodrgartenand gradetonePUPils. ins Oakville boundaries shuff led s iIlsbe kowissavi5et vastisse Rass vaaadi, ntishepoorenis itir eand carrenity a ad as cuvasiar, roptasord nim irofeligtbies'airs dibe esredaoutietwern issOe and Titrer if tir cg ta mode nsas and dhecrîte effeteisvefor 78 rtectsaa iSard Ose ialr usikt, 'saidtirh ic aissi Bactîngton sae mmn i tecesis, abir ifueingios bas ltiincommon aitich 'iossagasveya ra Eacb ai tir oea aords iii bave about 3,2t0 etîgîbir Discussion an tic proposat gerabt and beaay and io voiveds aprocedlura rangle. Niotofaitir aebanraauncittors batird at tireviage, bat tir trural memberes apported il. changearere isancilsit)ae. Esomeesan iitrs,cady, Powadiuk, Jsm siesan. Brad itements and rsan gpns At ose point a motiotn nram iaarcior Jim Krrr, tabtsng the suideci awas passedon a 6-4 vote. Bat Cunrsttaeibat son re-intradavrd tie sabject a feu mintes tater. aiaimtng the changrsiaaidirmade by msd <ctobereta becnse eci f tac frtir neat erictis ian ts secod tsmre aod tir motaon tasappesard agasnt ta 64vte Counrîiiact9asadiksaidtif tiererarr t' -e soichanges made s ir avisa unard. thet car e addes siere cacmed Coniiiiar Rose HlarrisonvTic pablie siooid base same snpot. air sugg- ested. Coucsts r Campbett Tiampson saîd il sîauld bc casirtre tasorr prate ait tiecanoges ie tir bs la,, gars ta tir Ontaria Munst'tiisstBoardifor iarîsg. tit t tiatanair mWon- ,qd O tssas-itaor Gord lsattttclierdiin t thîinktir tatrdttttarev set faur (Cntoard asn Page t3) Site F protest group suffers setback Rodirrrrd buit atsoaaltecnativs. suni as asîdfistisite ose ertha imactsatuatdayat todes redurdari baitsg gsct)iags t vaocrti isaeats sttage ai remaieBritoniasncourde rrCoerypants, are mtiadsitis a setbaei to soc- tieîAsstsentî At C Mr. Zweig said tiat Mecen areatsttatsttulfgit, S I, /ssaggrcdtaterti Group suffered a cossdred. eti Ci'e Assesmet Actus 'Matnogaethebeacstat and htbsa,iesites s:tad dt asrtetiAnessln a tecisgtagassst Itbiisasaetisri tuany Terefiossderisoossaid bicagliaintor eacs lta i caore ltosoe! std [riocm îbe asd thebsauiaoaasts %i ttsaasisttaie lurger lb etondfilsiteurWrd- ftuber poicyi malrespect ta brasver-ruird, MZe? raf d ilrtre iPei ai ction At,' eitbec ot ste tarigfettisasoad bc saisbatatit ytbe sasdv lis Prtts iotn At. Re aiion Regionai gariage, said Mr.eirg.caîrd. by obbying ta tic pro- saut Mr cwi g. n a lt ofai as misieading tir soan- same i sucgarbage -a-s ca-a- 1t vequtres m aersed adecision it Weeer asyoe goesforaaviniaîgovrnmen toîhare sas tierovebcton act tas ilosbecasein reait thebrisgihaaed toaafini euts -tdtas ibt nat bntaasî me notis ago taui Pcotectian Art wasa brcg Oary su Site Fi'ttattt hGdy . . . . . . . . ---epbonrd oui.itbeeastquestacîrd sbs', 5 sas t ariiinglr'Ird .cp. or ut ta .c.iIsa- titt-1 t-si1 -NieI ifhettoI impact ai tir dump studird undere tir Eniorsuestai Assessasent At said Armîe Zweig, assistant ta David Estrîn. tir goupo ilaayer. Faitassg a reramusoda tsar it RegialSaioiiritor Mîir Isartin, causaitona narroas 12t10rate opîrd ta esrsod is errier derîsios and appit fr the impact studi anderethe Environ- mentaltProtetrion At. Couris derîsson brt tir ittaros' tsgbi becaaar tir Enats anoseitat eProtton At s narrviatcst-aae tbar tba 5 a sel ,t-s t ;itl ic (aurait atgtnatiiisted ta appty stder e trssssment At aler a pes iy tir cii- sens' groupa baayer David Estrin mia said tbe site uoutd receire a more tiorougb study underetir Assessmrst At uhici, ntilt tus time, had bers appied osiy t10 provin- cial protecîs. M. Estrin iv rurrentiy ouI of tir country and Me. Zweig 0s repesenise tir goup is is absence. Under tir Essiraonidi Protection At otier possible anditt sites arr exauinnd, said Me. Zaeg but under tir Assessuent Act soi onty are olier landfitt sites ronsidererd PLENTY 0F CUDDLY TOYS scre avaîlable ah the foy table staffed by Eîleen Martin of 4323 Brîtanioa Rd. The HAA votonteer saas ut 'oggerheads with thîs purpir ootich that juof slood out amnong the other toys. atîougi lbry arr tua dît ire rot arts. hoti are bandird by tir saur bearîtîf board. Teryousg iawyeruas oi tir onty prson mia tnlt tir ergional ouelorteaere ieisg misstd. In is report lierergianai solicitor esîrd rsstiy detays as tier easanisg tac rerm snding tir change. Me. Martin paînted ot tiat Ration uouid be tir irsi munfirîpaiity ta appty tras impact study ci a tasdtil sitîe under lie Enviîenetai ssesatentbAct- mitai ir trit t mid case stbes He sasd tt sucdriaN for the Enirasmentat 055sev suent At raîîtd amoant ta niner f013 motse iti addi- tissai rosis of $22000 per month. Mr. Martin said te as makiig is recommendation hocause he feut councit mas usamare onitheraddtsueai time and costs uhii wouid caur under ther Assssamrnt At mies liey made Ueir original decision. Burtington Mayor Mary tiîunrs said lie sicitrs added cots of $22,00 siould ho disregurîled, sinre mml aif tir rot l8,sit-uas tue rattiseiate fSi ri- nsn dred if staretice rfîso sîaatd iv th irissti tppia uoder the dssessîornt Ast, bau ileaitttat u-a stuttitaie longr, Ste SMatintocplied tbat visse not andfiitsites basa iern tadedaunder tie Asasca omieotSAt. tiece is mare poirotit tora ceneratesi oppositin stia as the iTremain rsitttca op to that nent than , be- nore ;e it d to Mý t ttaftttttttt eren tir tua Nic csig esîsmaîrd is sattitisoit be asixsmonti e att tee tryinf to cr tht- siel ot of aius." acrused t aki sua ouacitor Gordon Rteade Tire avs silho tosdralN es tian abat iittcitgtsc Causcitior Ben (Castuato aPge 14) Arena on schedule despite poor soil, rain Altiougb lie Milton arra had arr tic poor soit nondi- bas bec-n espriencng raîr tsars os lie east sîde of lin aimosî evrry Irer dais for aresa,-be admilîrd. "Wr'v tir pasitfoue urris, tir bad 10 dîg deepor and put sn unusuoat oroler hssit reaits more concrete block, bt deiayed consruction oft tir arre aimoot finisird lie nea Milton Comnmunily toandatios bock nom.- Sports Centre os Laurier Arr. Tir sieelnfbartlimalis of lie -Wevr bud 10 pum oaut o aresa siouid ho camingtlies tt of aate,' saîd Witney %ueri. Csmtructisss Suprvisur "Therroncenî bockmatIs Jim Brown. "But to sayiti bas rassot ho bul until mr bave deta0sed runstruction is diii i- tir steel up,' Brous said. cuit, ircause tir jobils goesg Despite lie rais and tie on sciedule." pose soi, le jobisfn't eeally "Tir unly praberars wave goisg tociadlp,- be said. Impact study reversai Bt srtbacb i tir Site F neda wi Coasest er, made tIbe ow