Coach Hymers is Tridents to la*svPeler Mr('okrr f ibm laser some nrm faces as the Miltotn Tetidrts Inter- el. mediate B ockeby club bas Hymers piayed is junior siairdtaining camp trYauts hockey mitt5St. Mrys îa apen Sanday, Sept. 18at the Lincoins milr attrnding ibompsonlRd. Armna andi teachers courege. hav'e naoied Cari Hymrrs as He tavght in Toronto for coach. five years and in Miltansis ftstarrs, 15 f 742 Wood- years. This cominf ear bc itard bsve. taMilton as iflbc vice-principal ai pfayngraoach aifbheChares MeKenzir Smilb choof in Ifafef Indstetai tram n f72- Actas. 73 and scred the fitnal goal sn Hymers said that Milton a 42 a a aver Part iSaser for bas almays bad a provncialiy fhe fOnarta Campiansbtp. stronf contender and came The Miltan Indstrial tram one game from the provincial rafered flicliRA piaydomna finals imo ears in a rom, mon by isf detrattng the last anc fitle. Hes aniaus and pace eamn and fighttng OP said hee opes ta base a con- fthe fadder fa the champon- tender and provîde entertain- sîp isg bhocey fr the oilfans. Ifsmerssaid lbe ta hungry Re said lie ont pretenti to again and is iaobtng frard pravide the samne ruchas as fa thecamfng srasou. Hr fhe janirs bof bopes ta esta- baaas Tridents previaus buish a fllaing for the club. caach Jar Ager ef and H-e is giing overage junior assisleif bîm at sariaus papers a chance ta continue practses.paying hockey and ba pr- f fmers miaird persanai sonaiiy inviteti a fem fa train- fatrst Tridents mbo ase ng camp. piaf rd wi unbth tiamaer ficteAs far as seofat hockey, pasi lit afrars initfing them ilymers bas played Iinter- la con efi c-amp bt lbe tlad mediate A it Georgetomn and ThefChampiaa ibat lie mald Senior hockey in Orif lia. Aftier mach discusion and deiteratian hy aur Membrs af Parfiamneni, fthe federai governesent bas finaliy put samne leefb inrm ha batingrerglatians. These a-rie padderdin Octaher 170 bt iii nom bc ad- masferrd by the Ministry ai Saturai Resources anden itrced ia iis provincrhythe Ontario Provincial Police. TheeblaiS aitier ifea egiatita pplim ta aauthern Onario waaeruays sach as the Rideau Canal, the Mushoaa akes regoand theTrent-rSern Watermays. Sperd limits hace bren cul fromn 10 mies pr baur tais an ibese afereays and ane ai the et regufatians (mt deaing aîtb sperdi se fbîak istatanu hoatu are aiiamed an the Niagara Rîveeaitn iree milesaofthe fails. Aler many deathu resali 5fram paople being asbed or u enefails fram pomer boat faifures, shearetl ptns aad jast plain humait afupîditfyai getting tmo close, iliioi bhai fbr gvt-rnmn basiaopasslims protectinfprapirfram theiscIses JvrSicder fram Lamsifie. mufe Sandra and san Rabie base bers enjayîng eacellent picheref fising in the Kawartaeiaakes Disftrctfinhs pat eeh. Olbrr fishermen enaying balittays in the Kaarihas are Joha Brawv and famiy ai L.aviiie, Jîm and Iteimar Caufava. Prier and Rita Stanamit ai urington and Jack andi tlitda Masan ai Kibetde. Stase Caafsaa and famiy ave enfayed ecellent asu lîsbîvgîvn tbaheaeofBaya district. All er a Ira lrasfrafîag ears experiencrd hy angiers tfing Lake Npssiag, the angfîng in the fahe bas impraved ,0tfpe cntvsere tbpasfraouplerof mantbs.Afera paur pradarîîîg vlarn th e sprfng. fshermen are nom puiing ouI l, l 'vii iv lafur paaad pcheref araîînd Guif RockMushp Bay and Ceossa Point areas afbheake. S i-dinintaLake Si. Clair tas ery good again this year, but vumutibc rrmîaded aif he reftrtia n neatîng fsb ram t is rsateiisersial aise. The sali an ras in Lake Onaria is expected ta stant araund the terst of Sepfrmere and ti is t he braItîme fa catch these lîcr baulîrs. Tbrp sari fa sehoafabout Ima miles off shorieeingm tigalramltheOBrante and Credit Rivees. Alibis pîuttylut tivttr lareard and fightilikea figer. fil- trilîvg ft baabone ai these 1510a25 Il. fishand af iis litaiof'yilt leyare a lrigbl slser and the meai a mhitsb piitkandtirm .Wbrolbey gri up riveretheyiturn dark and the iril gels solif filisavlf toaearlyft aaeyaur pannng ear marning trips ft Lake Otario. Hemember, if tsa alarge body ai maer and i t avbases respect ifs paer, rsprcîaiip hen yau are ouf in a smalltboaa. fi i i taerasliag fa note ibai the Mntrp ai Saturai Resitrces bas releasrd loue Aberta Peregrine Faicans in Algnquin Proincial Park. These biedu are on the en- danigered species itf These birds ere traittetioser 10 iears ago by Europeanifalconit andîitîsahighiy inteligent brd abîrh an dise ai fanastiic perds. Cris hope ibey islîpi in Otaario, As tise bvlîdav season raches ita peuh, mre and mare aerdless desaniogs arrersuiting from hboatiof accidenta. iltase. put ir jacheis an yuur ciidren. A sudden strmi or passintghvablessitess could putpua n t roahie. PrisstiiigJîieandRBonMarshal and AICampbell and tSti* ias enjoyed an excursion ta Lake Temagami. They i-tare itisilisoeice pckrrrandasa gndfatherand sncnb nt a f have Last yraer there as a ft of comment andi cancere about players h ouid nul make amay games but sbamed at home or daring playolis. ilymers said that be crus sidered players andi rolird these prahiema thougb is head eil before acceptîng the ruacing position. Hr aid une as fa remember tiu a inter- mediate hockey and for the majority ifauot ai the ayers, Hornby this we Tue Hrnby h armer Jacks wilbe holdng ibir annual Rrnby Fasîbali Taurnament at Hornhy Park tarting Fri day night and running frough f0 Sunday's Cam- pionsip game. There iii bc 20 trams rom- prting for honora ai $000 in prise manry and Irer trophies. Th rhumpiotsbîp letamina $400, second place $200 andttrre prîces aifo$10) The Besi Pitcher truphy as danaîrd hy Mans Wrld Hair, the Mosi Vafuabie Player donated by J&T Sprts ai Actan and a Leudisg Oufier feopby rom Roenby Greenhouses. l'armer Jacksa ul tiart ftkm f ournament wtb a gume Fni dayaigtt 830Spm. againsi Shane Construction of Tue- ontolRobîn fer Sprts of Misissauga iii aiso pay fiownsviem Friday nîgbl Tber game beginning ane baur rariier, The Satarday action gris underas aitl3Oam itb Miltonibi houp an Tonds deleafed Roary Cubby a score of28- 18 in a Milon mînr basebafi asasiainThbafi gatie ls Frtday. The igbfîghl of the fume tias a grand aiam home run scored hy Jas Wiifiamson ai Snap an Toafs, Andrew Wilson and Ncby Robufacb ai Snap on Tools pfayed x cellen algamma combnng for many auts hetmrmn pitcher and lrsi buse. Cruding bîtees for the inerauwree Nchi Robuiacb o îfb 100 home runs. wotufrpes and a daube, Shan lasseleldi wilb a tretpie, a double and 1550 snges and itrtnis Wilfsov oib ihree doables and a singe. eading buffers for ibm las ers arre Stuart Thorne itibabhome run, a double asnd imo 'angles. Tyle Kshurba wsfh f00 doubles and fao sngles, Srof Hilîson uîlb threer ipes, and radies itîakîo îsîfb four sineles. conf ident.- contender 99 tbetr mats prtortty in lfeis few gamtes and he hopes he stif i makinf a livinsg. can prediet those times and Hymers said he respects a be i f arrange ihat the the job commitment players team doesalrace for an away may ave, silt mrk. game with a faflf compitment Ail 1 Cao hope for and ash of players. s ibat a persan is able ta lt "l'If bave tbe same cm mebknof,'besaid. mitments tomy warband I If tbe situation exista fibe can'î garanteetht l'If mabr fast year wber tbe team rals auibe gamne,' Rymers tafd ouita ofao adb ith orf2 Tbe Champian. Hekbass t ifs players tl wii be frustratinf a deieate stuationsbtha for Hymers. He andrrstands apttmistiC tiags can be thtsme piayers mli miss a worhed val. The team s aifomedto itsga S n hetwmers 2-25 piayers anis ___ -dresstng 17, încludtng imo to u rn goafiendera htch wiii reace payera for scbrdlitng. i iad be bopes ta Simnd the ~ fl ama mnembrrhp so mnr LU conflicts cao bc acoîded. Rvobtna 1erSparts B team 'm putitafmy faitb ia piayîng Adar. Yange Stato players mho mahe thetefam b t atiorn t at tbey iii tahe sonme r piays CCM. bt fTrno pottabiity" be aid. fa shorf, a I 0at .30. Ai f0 a.m. Hmr al trt oma Sammysmiiitakron Oshawa hyertdou yliear wagambc Rubher and Hornhy Juceniies biead taoanrifaarf agoChampan tace Pylier Costruction of lasbip. Otri Capin faronto hi Esaaa Pace 505 pay Ilîher -tetrs Barre Sirasar ai 11.30 a.m. The Tridents rxrcttsr ta and U.ndrrgroand lad cancerned about i.fsatvîir vs. Wbrat Sheaf Tasern, bth caming mn thie eagar tits ai Toranto. At i p.m. Pri ear. The prrviaasiy Infer Perry iii face Aidermooti medit ufrpcistf igii Juntors and Wadtach iii hie for the suaainrw tram fahr an Parhdair T.V.f IRA coancrstans, import Trama ihat mts the apening carda fat enampir. game advanrr ta the Tridents ifl hase tfmo cbampîanabip raund and irer open carda iis pear. ibase aba [se their frt ad- Gamer. have bren sear cance ino thercatsolattan Wednrsday evrntngs ai The raund. Tbampsan Armna bt ahen The cansoatitonchampat the nrm armna apens they mii may pay thrmtinnrrs divtsion mase gamr fimea fa Sanday champian ilf i bas na morr eveninga at 730 pm fine than onr fsa Themwinnerrcan rarcati ie memberebeives a n the champtansbtp itb the new ti me mwibaost in- oegame bt the cansoatian tererat and attendance ta the tramn champtan must diral gamtes. theeatnnera champian tmtce fa ata thetofurnament, asebait Take a 11 TheKinmBreakre [laiton Crrdît Unton hy a B e aioe f3223 tn a Miffan - mnr baseba)l association T bau] camte anWednsday. with lits jear aid naMark ~ M ra Wrssmaa deave i a tal ofM ra îee uswtb tree bamers fa igbfîgbf the gamte.OrtH o nailed a tirple play. Doubles tiree bit bp Wessman, Grant Elicb. Richard Erlick. and Iterek Winrr Leadinggfoe theisinners terelbheerbomera by rrt Gevasoe hameran by Rap veneras and Scot Mitchell. Mre doubles b * v Rap i eneras, Jason Lawirence. Sîrse Peeddy. Scoit chel an Mdite SWaodwaard. Credif Union afarted off sdbh eighi ruas and loue singles Sp iiarrb liende. Tito doules by Paul Eflis anti Greg Rar anA Scott tharlion. Note: Scvtt Andres axe oI ieir bats biffers, as ouf wifS a broke r Peewee girls win dump Lowville 37-13 The CMIIta. Mtons Fer We Hep Tram. domneti Lau vile:1713 in agame thatsaw Sitfns Susan Blair came fraugh wîfha home run anti a triple, homes bel ted in by Joanne Auger, Janet Rerrcîcb anti TriaShRîddefl. anti a tripe SpLitane Whistlfeme Peener itîuse Speeti Quen mon 232f agaînsi St ARC u wtîblperd Qumns iebbse Gersais gt fîng a home run. anti MARCs Kandit Mitchell romîng irough mtb tua bomers. anti Janet Brrh ais getting a home run. Rebecca douneti the Fîllfir 30- 23, n thîs game. Efimn Life Insurance is an opportiinity Let me heip you take advantage of it. Mortgage protection, RRSP. indivîdual and group insurance, equitieS, annuities. Youve got plans; we have plans to help. Doug White 878-5373 ff Te Mutuel Lfe of Canada Kernsbîffîwobhome runs anti Iteather Sema anti Chrîs Barber got a home aptece. for Rebecca. Flfîsa Karen Dtean bad fao homes, anti Janîce Miolfin wîfh a home This isthIbmast mrrk tue seaaona p.faior the Fer 5er anian girls. abo go info papotis et Tursday. Wr may nai retarn the afas lion of thase wha like tes. but îve aiwaarespectthrgood audgmeal. The etitis sale thing ft)i(10 behitîtla pt' is back i, paf ieting is the penalîr tior exceedng thefeed limt areni cîîflee' prire- sootethintif' \tia tan the' de- cffeittaiti kfiîîtl îak, .,a Science bas dri tvd somnethîng that il]iipenetraît' mails. ils called a tro Just for the recrtod: Oif feed sou oeill tithout breakitîg sow- ailet at of Iliiboas 25 o tee (t. ,t'rîpeu 7 da 'y',a eeetk. Phone i978i-601281forfast - eou erke I The Cavadian Champias Wî'd Asg 10, 1977 B3 jaj g mlii El o j a a - I I a I I -w ___________ W.A1 : 44±ILI L14iJ SAV WAR TAR N* CR NDTIE " Set foc, casier. camber " Adjusi torsion bar " Centre sîeering wheel " Adjusi 'tfcering gear " Generall.y inspeci slcerung " Inspect front and rear suspensi foff * UJIS wcc o aîii MOSI POPULAR CARS A'C TORSION BARS EXTRA e Check wheeî bcarîng noise e Spin 10 check wheel balance iiicludes e Correct foc change Suspensïon Check e Check ire pressure -ARTS AND INSTvLL TION EXTRA REG. 112-93 I ~J INCLUDES .. 4 OTS. MULTIGRADE 0f 1 supreme 1OW30 arrnty approvoti, COMPLETE CHASSIS LUBE, MASTE RCRAFT spî on ail filer- most trucks enciatird extra oit $1.14 qt. ifnea ;tbsary. :.WITH EVERY LUBE& OIL JOB ____ :WE DO A THOROUGH CHECK 0F...go e WIPER BLADES e BATTERY & CABLES a RADIATOR* s e UNIVERSAL JOINTS e STEERING LINKAGE * SHOCK ABSORBLR n t(HTS e FAN BELTS* HOSES* TIRES (INCL. SPARE) MUFFLER SO'i' *LL FLUIDS Extra Savings! i . * CASH BONUS ~ BOt lt 5 COUPONS wn ON ALL PARTS JUST SOUJTH OF 401 ON HWY OPEN: MON-SAT. 9-6* THURS. & FRI.TILL 0 878-2349 OR SERVICE 878-8393 REGISTRATION for Milton Minor Hockey Memorlai Arna Thompson Road AUGUST 20, 1977 AUGUST 27, 1977 9 a.m. - 12noon SEPTEMBER 6, 1977 IE ES t lIstChfid -S32.50 2nd Child - $3250 3rd Chfld - $1000 LATE REGISTRATION FEE $500 per boy after September 6, 1977 ALPLAYERS Must have social insurance numbers and Must be rogistered with M.M.H. before Tryouts for Rep Teams. ------- .....