B2 The Canadien Champion, Wed.,Aeg.10, 1977 Seniors lose chance for second following losses Campbettvitle Seniors sais4-2 tead in the second sisong Neither team could score in Eliott dreso a bases toaded scered four runs os singles by Buist and doubles to Hyatat home Suoday et 2.30 p..Cde RI00 - ooC'vitte-012 000 000-3 4 4 thirtmcacef iisig sSeeSibesate onan the sevesth înning and the oalk tuscore Tim Roberts,.in ilt, tiassi, Valsîsori. Short and Bllt. Dan Thomson theoagamost Cambridge, as OyC'hirîge 20002-46 Duodas W4 170 00- 12 i15 first or seconds the Timmis errer. Bill Iesis ualkrd, gamne evas catird os accoait the second ioning and Charles ridgr. a Caopethîie error relieved Gadd and atlowed aitempt 10 overioke tse Piea- Campbetlviite' Bruce Evans C'vitte: Bob Evans, Gadd 3rd, Dtivssion dsappear this past Scott Farty reacbed hase o of îtdarbesse terrir brlttd a hemerase% stb and a iftb ssigte by Buistt ene mere singte te Valvisori tes aod finish third onthse Bob Evans 6 and Boberts. 'Themson tb, and Roberts. o'eeb as tbey badl te sette ton lrtder's choîce. Chartes lisoda, Roberts abuard in the third tîcodas isent abead 53 wihbhetore getting Caîsphellvilte Timmis disisonoCambridge:Moore Marteltiondas: MeLaughlinBuist , 4-4 tire wtb Cambridge., ad risd asae o a n e rrer. te sondas on Saturday, nnng.ae00tetut 010m u i h en a ods LNOOL 5 n îsnddadVt n tett-: 0tsda n 'ti ibet eabdbsees pblvteîme lt s Dundas came t t ten b lambnlstr rrrinnbdtchednve resfoa ______________________________________________for______a_ Saiaurday and 01te Milîtosn i anerrer and tbolo lsbupep slo 3-0lead aller Paul third ionn .bo Car. m h'lîsoi's il err'1 ad10olt2-3lead. Camioelîvlle ende cineellm in on 1Campbellcitte in the 'Tbomson thon shut the door In Cambridge on TbercdaN i',mphellcille .pt"hee MA ctofltopl ocais sstbinsîng as Scott Gadd whboentlendasthertest ofth.e-ay I sight. Campbrîlville rabbed tBruce Evas oc Ibcut oet releed starter Bob Ecans in but C'amnbellvîlie eoutd est a tîrsl minniigo îad2 ib eaibe te Tus tRoberts, Bob Bsbep and Garset Mtitchel and asingle by Bob Evans C'ambridge ied tbe score in the httem eofth11e iet os lOre ampbeiis il ors Campbeiivile came rigbi baebuwiit aemoreenss fr a s'.mlsesdge son Orly lise jt entllthe sixti esngoýhen lieS Stewaîrt singleil. Ken l'eippc re.is.hed hase 0on an irrer buiStewiatwas tbeoeîri out atihrsi. Gsiry 'oors' sîngîrd and Jîso'Martel sleebled lis dru isveinCipps andl Motre and ie1the score -14 in tennis club match Se'b tMiton Tennis Club Storgan etfStilton 43 ad cesîlîsedrî so te 401 te uhtoso Shirley iObker Acles Ist sednrsday bet toiltroucerd Bec LeretfMltons6 53 :i ýi1Anse Aîenbead aifIMilton sn girls singes Saron Cok edged Launie Veemeellei 4:1 ot cies deleatesi Tracy and al'atatupert deteated ~ t'eggy Fins et Milles52. on boys ingles Marh Scbreiber et Miltnlel otit e Id Ntettyrru6-i and Bois Lendvay eas braies lsy h tons cJeonTobes .32. bhane Bîthers et Miton edgqd Faut Notas 4-:1 bel local by Scetttîfbbaed otAclas 61.1 Indoubes Mrgan and Lee edged Cokbandlisber 4-.land bitenbead ,and Fins oer on e p on'ermeulleand Bpers Schrebe ad Lesd- vav l] oti c t 110vMIntyre nd l'orbes. Wîlberand liorbins dsîeatrît Notas and Iibbard 4-3. ___ he____ ib'Milles 'ennis ('lob %il]i ,f,» '4-elie bcholding its asseai C'tub oîpeteerament tatisg tibsuSilurda ' sîth draus ta lie posterd os thiebord 011the courts. The cuicOsilso bold- ngsths.r.îneal dsssse ad si.iegieeal meceting il ý>dieod Septembre3. TRY IT!I ibeibr. i te- leadt reenver and te game ended hittes' and thon cureendered 12:1. iegles to eteibridge aîid l'ampbells'ittr Seniors pay MILTON SUMMER BOWLING The ladies' igh ingle aSOc tther top triples. ivy sien li Jane (iould wbo McClelland 654. Bey Waters relles,50 6s 141, June Goeld 626, George 'l'e ladies' bîgb triple, cvent West 595. and Gielnda Car- te liracu' Lttle sîîth1669. dînrlW2. Illgb sller for the men sues Thie eltles are se tient and himensteec sgel2311.Peter 7 pminis for a 57 totat, Sad and the mens hîgh triple Sachu are in second uitb 7 mInsee tete VandesBevet, pic 1eor a 48 total. The Happy 8lier. ne Gang is tbird tabing 7 ptn for cube gon sigles Grae a45 and 1he Bomberu arr tird cingles4924, (leacefor tird and bavîng 45. .N1c(lelland 18,lIas Watee s Biense Bealers. . Super K wn oMlo PARU a" ECEAU* EON TU Milton Rotary Park Pool SWIMATHON '77 WHERE: Rotary Park Pool DATE: AUguSt 16, 1977 TIME: 1: 30 to4: 30 p.m. WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Swimmers ages 7tol18 Register et Rotary Park Pool Community Building. Sponsor sheetu will ho given out ut the time of registration. People will be uwimming widths of the pool. Maximum nutober of widths for each swimmer will bo 200. Prizes will ho given eut tu the persons with the meut sponsors and also to the simmers who complote the mout widthu in thoîr age group. Swimmers are reuponuible for golf ing Iheir 11105sposorsO'. Proccodu to go towards a public address vystem aI Rotary Park Pool. Recent losses1 Olympics flot I The Silton ssypics areisin Ityîspîcs base deopped ul iiif ailate srason luip and Maisecond place'i'and 'oildiveri ager 'sureos Whistlar lv hop- uelnishse inb s bariplace'. ing they canschabe itlielsre îshcbîsoulslsvean. hasingltu the tta]iton('oasis miadies c lcet11e lrsi placeis tslcsîngh Leagar pa-eits hîgîsiv iaminiethefirstîroieilofithe another ceeS Tbe i ilcepics p111.11f bats halo seddeigon,' lii' sly ipirs are es'er siient andhavei' houi'vi.iili celeci bisus ih mrerins' act îîesdpositihon st essg psitio n igt home 1the iiympscc ilopp5i , . ul i : tees eisegeltuetheiGeorge tow deson etes 1) ssîgs Frire allord lise Gogte ont>see bcocs toser 1h- f555'w st secerui si Olieors pavrd the- oavlisliice un earnrddtGeorgetweueav '5he slympîrs masaged hli1 bits acr te gie 0and lotI12 boue, aeoersvstrndeil Tbercday igbi. MillesonI dropped a close tO-t f050 te the tot pace iisrshy cluh. is orsby Once agais. err led orshy tn ise sîearnrd rocs, as Ma1ry Ans Kesses ' v asth aie relief rois tonna Frire timited ttersbNisix bits oner the gain L. rida 'Mares .iiiolani ' iiii Is .51 andliMar\ hscheec pîcnil 1he 12 it Milles total, bel t on muners on base. MARK IV PCTURES Senday night at home in a PREsoP resrbeduted raînedoal game. the Hiisbergb SonArsI t u iumited se Miltoneptcher A Ef eUKW "MIA Peggy Latonde, for ico rues. ... nd 50 o o Ocbe le the fint two innîngs and voasted 10 a 7-t sîctory. R Carney spaed eight Miton HIH A G sofeties over the game te pick HG WA O ap the sin, shile Latoede allosord ion bts tn the frot Sunday. Aug. V place Hilshorgh club. Jane Volier and Ano Wiiiats each Opposite Mi collected a pair of ite otonhe FE D Olympies.FREAD With their receeeiiseses, thse hurt hitting ;ri the \looe'iieli n ,na lccl. omlined menus z Il sIld aia5ihall toerna- ment'vihiscomivgii,'ebesd Aigmisti1i3 ad 14 and are 1ileSulin in a t c.iiiii:ssisnig game at (l The folowing merchants congratulate the Iucky wvinners and sincerely thank ait those who partici' pated in aur TREASURE CHEST & SIDEWALK SALE PROMOTION DA YS during the mon th of July. DUR SALE PROMOTIONS ARE DUR WAY 0F SAYING THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING DDWNTOWN BiygThingfs ComningyTa~.. D OWNTOWN MILTON THE VILLAAS 190 mai, E V83813i R LEDWIT H'S SUPER SAVE Main SI 878-6211 PRO HARDWAREA 227 Mi. Si. 878 2353-' E A] AN' STEDM 194 M.1. E. 878 4463 PR'OSELJECTA FOOTERSS F DR V M MSTE- -..n Eo er -TrRE CKS8UW8PRZ Wn E. M3302 HARRIS STATIONERY PATCH 0F BLUE NEWMAN SHOES MILTON GREENHOUSES EUIO FOOTWEAR MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 M.r t'00 8.7&.2M0 ELSLEY PHARMACY KNIGHTS MENS WEAR BRANCIER JEWELLRY PEGGYS F MILTON OU OE. 870-3002 BORLANDS PHOT MITE 2O7MIto 8794012r TREASURE CHEST WINNERS t. -Tho Villa -tîonefWoodgO7 Teo n nMilton 2 :Ldeîih's SuprSaveoMos . aioss 81 Millsid Sie, Milles î3 l H.,iadw.,e Mon.. Do&ecm OoMndo,ck ill..Mta 4 :S dmansnMrssarol Walker, 30 Ridge Divitn la S5 èti o o stwerm Ketoin esn.192 MainStreets Milton fi. tioodiek's-Jophine Clarke, 194 Main Ste t.tMiton ., HarrisleStatiotois Jim Ta,Üar, RA 1, rioons 8. *Pth Of Ste- SOT ASI A LEL( iTocs mpsoiîsed -l t 0ki t. :Newman hoeu-Aice Co30 Heslop Road UitOMilton 10. Miton tlîoothouooo-Tniy Dohziet. 104 Morii,,treeot.Milton Il1. Elo' Footweoi-Liian Russel, 86Martin Street, Miton 12. -MltotTrav evi ce-Joyce Rimi. 379 POstreeot. Milton 13 Eioiy PharmaceS haon so.hoi 101 Miiitide Drive, Mitot 1. *Kight's Mon'. Wear- Mr. Boutes. Olonto Street, Milteo 15. BnoiJmini r Jee 0.ti-Rady Fotz, 89Towni Lie . Mtot 1. :Pogg 'of Mitont-M. Mary Gemais,245Martin StreetMiltn 17. Boiand a Photo Centro-Suzneooto50hward. 0RA.3. Campbisoleo 1~ HEF 1D-UMPER HEF-T-DUMPER quicklv converlu voue pick-up allowing you to haul aIl types of material, handy 3 way tailgato alloonu faut and confrolled unloading. HEF-T-DUMPER will fit mout pick-upu with an 8' bou e oasily uwitched from one truck 10 anothere uavou woar and toar on youe own truck box e weighs only 625 lbu. e carrigu & wilI lift 6,000 lbu. *Three stage hydraulic cylinder with 60" steoke and operalod by a weatherproof push button control wth 15' cablo. CALL FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION ~IIAIABL~CLLJ IIIE BLE EXCLUSIVELY AT.. . GLLINGER MOOR UITUED - MILTON - ONTARIO] 655 MAIN ST. E. COR FtOFMAIN BlàuILON Avr:.IMILTON STREETSVILLE 826-1434 878-2U83 TORONTO 9250887 :INCORPORATED ENTS ISEL CHURCH 14, 7:30 P.M. Milton MaIl 'fISSION