Too many dollars on landscaping appalling - PenmaÀ' "lus appotiog," Coancillor itegiooat englorer I. J. Brian Penman charged last Corbeti explaine thtie tand oeis as Miltas Commeit seaping sas prepared "in reniree a $10.000 proposai ta accorutance siti tise reqire- laodseape tise tons nesu ments oi the Niagara Esearp- sater resersoir oit 14 ment Commissio." tBut Sderoaci. Cinucittor Penrman charged The couneittor sas suce- the NEC sas teying ta rein- essfilia getting ltosu coan- state tise Niagara Eseaep- cillors to appenne a motion ment aitishe taspoyers' es- caling feor ation Region ta pense" "drasticatty" redore the Tise reseecoîr is on a isinit landraping plan. Pennman sarned tht iiitise monos is rod and any landscaping wilt debentured.* t wuad double nnly ibe a benefisita tour ta neaety $40000 oser the ioeoners ubo lice on tise space af 20 Ners peiate roadbe addd u iatton Region iad th ise as edaodtels reseecole but as il is in 1 trees and bushes ta be charge ai ail water proîrcis, planird ai the site. Coming bt tise reseroir isnonly of across -30i horrosu enfit ta Milditon I ws uhilt ionesucisîr pants," he rartier ibis year adacent ta a ondered il tisey Oece tb prinate lameaoftt4hSideroad, bonoc Regîanal Cbairman Rie wset ai Tremaine Rd. on the Morrow. Tise question sent sideaoftbe escarpment. unanssurerd. HRCA cdaims land is Rato Rg osr vatonAutorty [RCA csecut ive1,055iittee turnrd dosun a plea rosu Jobs Sammut 10alî n stuc tion of a singîrifamui home on is property on ('ampisl- ille iRd.'rhe commutter met lasisueris Stan telman. lasuer foe Mite iammut. saîd is client boagistishe prnperty on tise îîodersanding --baseduon inormaion bcobtained froin Milobuilding uand cning depacimet 6eculd buld tere At1e ime lit is inquiry lu the buildiîng le parîsuroth 1e depariment dîd sol instruci hie Saînsuall li apple ai the cnsrvatin aiiiboreilctIruclearaince lu lîuilil . 'î e lisîm i the malie cile Is the atninofII1115abhen a staff senîberenus drîvnnibîthe peopecil and noticithic ,ammutissigIlasing lue lîatl. lMte sanimuil nild ibis papec. .5i'iording tuIIRCA tait641. Ibe ll-acre peperîl sý nanp land escepilforanin0 b, goIolotlîo n bîgb landl. swampi îubuch is sasuficienî 10a- commadate a dn'elling.liait recommendd the land be leit in ts saturai state. "i nouldol bhase bnugbt ut it sua a snamp," Me. Samo utt eplied. "tIsuant 10 us ahome foe my tamiip hIerc1elman saisi lieeni onameni usci laird 10 drisse îubumî conlululedla swsamp. An cartuer notion lu posi- pone ds'cmsîononuathe malter pesiifli a report from Msilton s hbulding deparîmeol mund a i sut lu the property h ali nuesbees noflise a utboeuty ýýsdeleal cil hie Sanîsmuil ias1he option of ppî'uming 16e decusuon 10 In îsulhee peupertl,aI. agbeused t se a etro ilmul aean du'usung lima ibherv ,s snuosînoeoiniibis me , bundgeti l u imî is Ileopeels hiretoacn o llereit mon Imgnîmaîs' 16esale îof bis P'tainbnenugh pelupeelp ta tise authibîîfmIp iniinng desiat uit his upp Iscaimus lu iuit a Permets total1 $1,762,215 Mil on Bulding DepirlroIt Th lb ume of pe isu issue bildg pernts orthih sud for o eu oe n- 4' The Canadian Champion, Wed. Aug. 10, 1977 i Planners survey travel HaittnnIRegions Planning ast 14. 1977 uith question- enpests 10 hase the sursey t3epartmesst oildstribute a naires naited ta about liions0iompteteit and data compitesi qaestinnareonext 'eek ta housetioldita he itegion. Sel- hy tise taUin time ta intormn about 10000 lttan homes. ected postai watks i sitb the' pubtier during present- Thse questionnaire in designed usei to1 prnsue aereasoiiable ation ofi laitin's tratt ta' provide input iloattn's namptîng of peopte and ite ofiii lt'an transportation study, tytes in the Region. The rate iiiet îsig mr of questionnaire retuin x eietssigmr Aceaeding ta Ptanner Dase petei to be sîmlar lu ihat oi inoemtinneonceenisg tise htcLeary, "One ot the major sures carried outi n ad plan or the siîeyshsoud con- reqirements fthtbs type oft ta lieios act the eegionai planning planning is a greater uodee' standing of tise teavet habitsA and attitudes ni peopte in Ai//Ti RaIson today. Ose question is dîrecteit at the elleets of the curreri rse on gas prîces on peuples traset habits, and a p a ig n anther io direeted aIonb taining information as to why people do flot use transit ta- nears goal 'TIse survey uitt be under- \ise $2.041 Sicolio m d cîg amirtclis'iie l' huillî tabenduringthesieeboilug- iidcin ijrc. and i'iAiiii'ii ui'ihrî a r iiinip;llii" lit i 14111 J a il p la n s ih b sîc,îniifrontlliOakl [IeIiiole rin llî iiielo tM,î,asisd lii i lb, renovations wgan1 rv Ihei eu ild elunii' i o i iii' n, ii'do ilton lait uili bc ander- 11mb, I) e iilx 1cllli on i ermnntnlasis goîng future inside renova- Id li' iiai isul AiPTi iî, i'liidiofir t ions. încludîng tecntrc ereainceilla bai l'il ch,'lisilnge ls'i'plelt,se of fiîon ofa segregation ceillund ,etlIe lforione.' libcsaîd, ma, agn iiiliilp tne expansion oftthe isitors ' The expanioln iiilbthe ,,îoiîîiciibiic'inIIlltn 16e modue, said the jal's super- iitingnmodule oulild doublle te'ik i, toic,îîinlîli'lthei c intendenttlerebttliobs. it crrenl capaclllv. 'c fotsofeliilng gcie'îlil 'The supeintendent said coedn to '%Il nb6 ý h,llîdrî abusea ndii ll uurrentty Ibere is nu cr1 l bThe uren mlondule allini, iohli, retur" IIInormal a prsuner rom the olbefit ltonîrs ýi mmate, Tisa% l îîî'îîmore , sîl, ng ',heilîiate htd Iflan inmase became sick il tiiselfi inliti'" . 'uh 9flic ,,,,,,îîausent cila lic nnald necesstate sepaestlng superealelet îllhere aicioe l 1i41 MilliSi inhtMilon lin na single ceil fob- '1 l 1 aitlîs iillgth"' orel, Ioi'i Sotteiii'211,136l sevton ta ram the i,iingluemunlst lie clii indlli s,,in obi'île tierîinonaes. bat Mrte ttîs obsino' Iice(ipts farincorîsî nn pur- saidibisnnauldn't lepossible "lbcrenîi,llinln iii l,,poses Iieiîaiiliiie under peesesi condition. sicInde cinstrucioln 1iîl AI oe iie th e lie ai nurisi> i,, lie c"îiei nperated an isolation celr1ousu 11 1e a nicisoamnd ei 16eb6y in- 5eletndierIio telllli mates. but ibis basul hbem criins iilî'c'nllii nlil i'eed Weddinginvite %* jàtakes 5 years THE WTNNER AND STILL CHAMP is MIke the second yeur in n ow. Mîke had a pertectI nra * n borth an da % 6 6 6eerý%o Kneae, 0, f 29 GanetSt.whowonthe boss score. Denise Cueton, il, of 341 Martin St. won oslunes. The inaaltor 1nla ,ritteîn *hlîcel 1îniltlbut Kneae. 0, t 29 GanetSt s'h ss'o . " . 'olls and her usband John iîil notlIe aille lii attend eveol in the annual Opimist Club Bîke Rodeo the girls btke. f.l27 Nelson Coutreeiedia'The invitioii merli la held t Martin St. School 'ihnrsday eveoing for Championiphotoln 6 Peter îcCusker N îeddînginv'iationn, foe their lealie iîle o 11,,1164 1,11il _____________________________________________________________________________________ dinbeldlîcb lioilli lisii destin-l D elegation . .Te euncamienuio (CiCue n orampag ii idtticiîsa lplus lirinngîlares H be roa m ldiil hrlce'a ! , i'i'li Ils l paý g ýIl .%Oile sot.roi la, îlliiiiing ares c um lie jiM i porion fflel Il iiit!(. -re i-,iiîi' l k i îî neL 8 82 1 July. cent11ompardita23 *49 per ' îliiiilleiiliiiil 1,i Thissbeougbl 1heveretotlulicent ai ibis tlie lasi cear. ldiîiilbiik iîîioindi'lîîîll valaenof buiding premilnuopltl ncîudcd in Jul, s>bulding e',11lit thlîîîec rpart i $,31 1.0319.I 11111 I lîuiic liilîide liîc Th olm f eienilperrons oece a $100,000 cmil i(iîleniigiithe cîiil Tbenimetleiiniliat)nalds Restaurantion iihi'iîîlîistn;,imnliN'ii' rn consruction. $00.37, epre- Markecit Dc.and iartin St. aIthe snhiiiis onis flic as seted hait ni Julys tnai white 28nt per cent ofutunhîs $.50,000 0addition flute bC(ana- suIe o ai %%sîahîî'h uililie, the aol e insuoards indus- dian MelerCo> a $7,00addi-ciaii tilconsoureclîno'Iis ignrerlion tunthe Milton oslaay; a l'îianirillîîc luse lHarrisonit represenird an lcrease terîui tunnen additio taPigment %von eredl î%h tilere hi, nult tie years figure ut 24089 per ibemîcal and a $140000 addi-lîreni iluialirerport on0thi' cr01.tionnioFacmriJacks iss andlsiilisidili.s aiilalli sad'lcnîsullîng ienisholiii li enîîgager] lu peîîmîîî'the Police investigate fcsa( iue i lpoe Tun car ires in sepacale 1e lice but 001 bel re esicîl îtranprtation s îd, ii stn urisare under in sie damagechad acuredostidleiý-ilbîc iiîdlanYTiii estîgatîons listhe tallas 1he sebîcîr 6he saiii. nu mil leîî,bai the Regînnal Plice Nu ne uns 1r1und ai thetaffîdos no\%, O udya :i5 scesîculihelîre. Sîîe lndy îîîîîîd l'unI co udya llpsu 1the Euilier un Thnsdae suîd ll ait fif iit.ihliin', Mltolln deiachîoeîîln ahi e ngbl. the urlînglun dvsisonlese n l ; h lalion 197:lic Fo"ses oflthe itailoîl Regînnal Police provncial iigoii'enilllll discuceceit a 1 lr tiicinlourîîd a 1913 Mecueî Mînlegu iOppositioîn tltut1,111 ,11e, .1 Cnotinenalîîinedlie Charles aicbbd been seirlt ic ntaio ilscameilîinl(lai,,, Panînuof Hamiilton,.nc,îh ad theiShemnSand andlSraesciilllî Rliss 1'î,\%îîîali beeo selabiae at 1e rckc quareyo iisWalbe'sLinc "Ti'bîsîtn Rd hI b i l quaeereastnolFt"îuLline on Plice donot nib0l heIw ing forlilleid, No '5 Sdecnaid. The Milton incdents arc relaîrd and bulli l'le'î'lîcis sal the st61 ,a%% Firertepaelmenlcnliîiguisheil cases are undeinvesti galin liîîiipsonn RI is a'-i,ill OntarlioeilSi ,bal sîillifl lnltuliilSi. î l ave t leli O fficiai plan . . re'constriuclrd. Pîrînoe Zsadniîsiî i iieiL il slI îeîîuîce l (Cntnîedifrnm pageti1) csumecial saeltusevn ns. leu1ilrfurnilies i thei, i ieaeed ouucil umgt bie releasing a monse by en- cuuragiag eslaîce esidunts. lie1 envssmned the estuulu resideolsasumni-haunels. l'uosiers'iatty lIe plais1 encourages the dc'irtnpmrol ufthIe doonon cre whie imsitngihearealnuone majore shoîppng centreons Ointarioi and Mhin sSi. ssseiusi.'ili,îEnsuersîis McCrady wbîmnpeeass the Stedmans Deparîmeni Sore an Main St. Me. McCready sad usung the plans formula oi10sq. fi oicommercial space for eseey residet, Mltasn sutisv 300.000 sq. fbu ai commercial spaceisas tonomueh osu Ye ie adutedthie plan untnr o add75,00addtinnal sq. fi 't 'm sol tryng 10 sinis any partiuaar deetapmenn, but se have t1n, murs 000 and ib weattosuat theatticiat plan cals tafor eil hase ton mueis inttpyears,"isesaid. M. Zsadaayi aid hie wsuud change tie tons frmula foe Il. peu' esident bai addd in nnny caseSsce own as AoOî mied lo fture commercial developsurai. Tise on paoaer saudthIe peupord Tîmberlea detop- menbad caiedmforitoomalt areas but throughbargaining finbs beeoeeducedtonune. Isumiustea hp lie plan n- iiîiîig ,,î,îm(isi l ilalmîu ', 11 g ilu'î Sii o lSd i iiii t" fili luinle. ani the iber asi oflOntario St.log ManSt. In aneffort to present urban speasl the plan cals foe decelopungrias negihor' bondss 10 her tuitesi before developsurat begins io ther udeseloped areas. Aitmie same ime the plan encorages devetopment ut tise amielu sucis as Campbel- nlle, Brooeicite, Mattat and tot a lesser ratent Miton Heigis. Me. Zadaayi t anc point saîd Motfticaulut cantain 800 residentu. Miltan Heigituie sai oas a speciai caneeiserause in tie future il rout eomne part ai uean Milton. "I li' i Po-]%a 6Te Ici',hierv Sîcele,, Suc d,,,se Ah is o do'..lii, te iildey,5ine ilane thesîî 114dITC S i mifie t îlllaliTn î,seiie tif as iî ppose t ,,îîilemîîgl, ei r i. lAtsis i CII, ltei',ileeitlilsland unI hi, it t1, îlîîî , a h îi lis' lic Img iccea ý%.i un dcii iul ,îîilî I leI %tad, s5i huesflpr,ippl'îis uhn ,'îli,e isîlrinla 0116410 th îl'iiuiia ll,,li'i,, su îînd 1,1,ouil 1of4eMainesisbo b cio ianti motiolnIr m 1n1h. an(]laliling lthe ,,îr,îîaie>'s pcipîisal foe a l'liîpsî,n il h, %pssun the îilannuer', epuel 15in, BRITISH VISITOR Vivien Telford inspecta antique buffet ut Oid Oakviiie Market. Ms. Telford, f rom Newcastle-upon-Tynle, visited the market with Cunadian friendo ohone husbands oere attending the Canadian Open Golf Championship nearby. EMMANUEL THE BAPTIST PI9ESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHURCH Conaisunial Street'Milon 1 N CANADA 8783908 ' KNOXCHURCH Pasho,. r.JR.a o ssîssu MILTON Sunday, Aug.i14,1977 170 ain Si. E 9:5 6an, Sinay SlihianacA 8700066 An il Bible Caso Mnsnîn li0a.m Asîsuhui sad oil ei.TrensîJ .ELewis sieý sem,su,, AMar, Cnas (8i78687) 700 pauEvei,î,aaain ail iAr,,0,, e Bibic lîîleS i'n,,a, Chsia yac aliSundap. Aug. id. 1977 30îp,scîMPe cii5caad . DAVIOS and NASSAGAWEYA MILTON GOSPEL PRESBYTERIAN HALLCHURCHES 306 Otario StN. 87B2022 Maîu,te Chunstias G0tuln lThe ROea.Maîn PAEîUel Nameno! Ose Lord JesAsChistI Saday, u 1i9'7 STe,nSNSCA'4A Sundap, Aug. id, 1977 AliTcaCe l3 .a..u- ,ksuoBread iiiia, m,,nSI ila,-,il, 12 SdaySîh ýhau 91 ,usie,lnî lOup c lloeniSnTs'cn Sîýhaul rrSi.lD.eiîi ,ir,'î 800 pos.-Paunî and B0ble OiîOnWnicnsunln ANGLICAN CHURCH -jeu 0 a 0d 1nmsheiaon thi 0F CANADA Tuih ' ndthe150il , nsua,1 Sundap,' Aug.-l14, 1977 comtuntotheili lhe0 coInutAl ST. JOHN'S Mn'" JahTr a4o6NASSAGAWEYA 93aiMi,îîiî,a, andall TRINITY -n BAPTiST 5~~limsC"li' CHURCH 37 PaIns 5,r 0 CHUIRCH 0F CHRIST Rnu W. E. Penne 1412 B,itannORd.West 6344879 Mînite Sundv, Ag. lt, 177 RicardForscih 9:45 a- - Bbe uSsoni fouai 8950 auns. Sunday, Aag. 14, 1977 Tlg ua.c, Mr.1usrvice l1000 n. ile liooalcsinen 7:00pma Eianisnsuicn fralge Our uuest speakersibis imdaaoil1100. -Monn Nonhiand ns Ons Waren Chal-ooBlnaiontheLodo s uiper Oplînî ChAud, 80r T.-penhing o the Gospol WEDNESOO5 modnea 8.00 .mc Payer meeting and 8:rtip..n-iBie Suut Bibe Suds, "Osaiuail the sounni of od""-The Chuasof aiChrii salute Aoa,.WeiOlcomet.Aii Rau." Romans 1616. CHU RCH Pensncostal Assnbins Wakefieldd ad Soi 25 Pastur Rev.M Chciens-, SandayAug. 14, 1977 9u45a ni Siay Sciima' T00' c, il , 9tl11- iighl 8:00c'- Wcd,icsdai Oii nu ciendprs e andnaSunda, Sehaii J.11, BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHU RC HES MiWOnis5.B 01 87800420 SAnday, Aug. id. 1977 No ie,i- ieln, Ch.,&i GRACE ANGLICAN CHURlCH 317 MalrSt. 57824i1C1Ch SA,,eia,ai'Aeg.14, 1977 10 Ma o n .diC.iciîn a e PîrE31i,(jri[pher 0 4Ec(EUntEant' e Bookeeper LQ;QK E ir ithe Who Does It Direo loT/ f tElis isue Io DOES rr ,~TOR Y H. D.MULLIN 87865542 H<E3 ND C ALLR C rier r Ma HYDE, HUE 1 r' ft Co WVhwi PArque. C Georqe A. Jenkir s Hu is 'T JACK HUISMAN ViEMT ADS GAS&MRO rfhans ml111L A LU MINUM \NINDOWVS a&flORS WV J. KOSKI KAISER ALUMINLM i driu s ir i ps MASTER SCUSS ALUMINUM nEdasioughirn e 016r PdEîN [ifREi MCPHREE 7X ARi'mîTîm Storm Doo and Windows Aîailable In Plain AlîmîluT orIn cColonit 136 MAIN ST. E. 878-7500 r ehampion 1