Sugar and Spice by bill smîleyJ There la one type amnng te pecien Man aît aI the day and pop a copentf bennims that pazntes and addems me. ta keep giag. ta an age that cngratatates ilonit an ita Wr hase pillars aI the chrcb mham yo apennen, ilIahnnety, lia 'Lt il ait ang sonida*t rot an ac as yaa coatd baunnera aut" attitade, tCe hypocrite la oiti svens howlng hall ila a ooamp. mach with a. Wr hase at kînda ai characters mha mutl Same peopte might thin thCe tth cen- cheat ons these incame tas, anddfIben berate try an the glden age aI hypaeiay. popte on eitare tacrîppiog of the Certainiy. it stonte high standards la gaseroment, tImfine. Wr hase eachers wso ranI uder- Thre ero Che manattrers ha stand the attitade utyaunug peupic tnday, preached enightenment and pragreon an eampletely trgettîng that they tbem- theaonehand, and an the aCher mrhed chul selvsn ere innatent, laoy. and notnt dren ta0baoura eek ila Ceir actarien. tCal bright hen tbey oere youg people. There ere tCe met mha rayed ai Wr hase mtheen mbo gol in the iamîly chatity an anc ni the prime irtaen, and nay at O9, and had a sht-gan maresage. daiied wmjC prmstitateo. Thece ere tCe beailîug the asexali Icnce- ai therr men mboplie gtaingty onia getter ay daaghters. ai tufe, and et aage ighting dagsoan one anathor. The lutitla endieso. Wr hase athers oho deplore ai leugth the sînîhioluesai their sous. cnuseuieutly And emament Oh, bterentlhey the iguringîbhaltbey adl to hase o god boni byrperites loci? Jat an laagb and soac- lu the tait ram their awnaathers belore ioa asaany maman ai inday, lbey bld Ibffe e leyd rom îarry ot the asiles. bralla beinit a tarade nI getlity, bamiity, beipiosonesn and taitig fili. Wr hase chol trustees sobo cîli doubr over in anagonynofgle altrheari1g a It mao an era la micb the pablie matb tfiltby jolke, bt la pblicstrrnly deplore ingofaihe Christian srîses as oly ex- the -porngraphy- childeru arr hcssg ceedeli by the pisote materiaism. exomeii taia their schani literatore. crruptian, and sameimes dorîgt sieinoooess ai the mddle and appr They are the type osho oîll rrspoud cîth classes. chacles and emm hrlly ilaoghs o-t hr seoaalilers ofiNorman ar i0ntMade and Wol, tCen, ase ne gai rid ai thia pr Ail lu the Family. b buhnudrcfulainai- iclarly bonions type, meil inta the îgly against a fine nsel lîhke lcîscroer secand hallalf Ce 201h cenury' Nul loady ho Margaret Laureuce. libeiy' Trhry arr the type oho don tant Perbapo ere ual qite as bpcritical thsug rcier than *týhe ilahhoey loî,no* asothe Vitrasbut1alaitu ttolu tagbîinocblhobts ll soaatah ri.d bel an il. Ail thalos chauged is the fermos ai laaghter at omau t tlerosn and lobe in reinrence mc rtrsr ascnnn.v ohn ohm there losloodshed as the îîd Na manafacturer taday cald glaway aocoople of nakrd bodies tartsurnn mith iriog childreru Ot donttlhînon h ellodsrp theyre auy les hearîlens thanthIeir lre Aa ho naoac'5rie bears At irot, lu the 10h crnuary, yao les- bourtîcitboa oien? greigras knem the basa as a banard, Today. obes iah aan , campouy rat -rergallue- and tra hait a mtes nteýhl,1dsyýs dazeeumîddle-aged meu inoathr street b lh - mort a baedncotagiîî tl, cc ta an -esectise decsian l -bt lbrî temoehns e.stl -%fr nonapparent reasnu.batt Ibro hna theccos npercentage in poillng a Jonit.l Many men la todays ociety dt penhabl * yjut gelila glas ota ,îler inhe practice a dauble standard. one tac lhem- lace. selsmoneiaorlheirnwises A mas oho gela drrkba a "liotomny"A Btrethaomcn arr aloalIîloiS naman mba gela drub la -dîsgnoliug - A eîug ot o the waoado abra niîl mes ta man can o gal a business coveation and hypocrisy, And mauy ai the hggest hypo- havsa 11111e ling ilb a ral girl Ifis mîte cetes are "surface" - imnits. l'cey sîýasl kinen a copleoigays al the New ears Il the perekofn the neso rcednm. and al Ee party a bitafoarnlynbsesa ses thebrralsofthenold-essenceoflomOn maniar. lhel-.lloooshaoso. the lrt loue-- We hase polilîciaus sho spot nI peace and pan lac war. dnocs sho preacb tm ueriaîly nt talbîng ahout nie andi agaluol drags and tel yoa cigarettes iii ther. genlireader.îlt accu lysoua lia kitI yo. esen an they hall tberr itb coffîn oîch ni them ail thoor hyo pcrîtes? Snow eunin is Bikes gone S no w r u nio n i Poiîce lu Miton r laahîîg toc two omens o hîe- oîîicn inI enjoyed ... Hornby On aa24ieRise, gold wodh blacksE ct.takra Il aaahathnmtd Sauday A lght shoaer daaîpcurd tram Sthe racofaa inaSl aben the Suam iamily the gronud bot ual the sprt hosincs The there asolu galbrred tac a reanionuat Ths remaînder ni the day nos wth a lack scat.,îiloa a 10- Pîueland larma.Horuby. peul îu the pool, a ga-ice ai sperd. akeîî lsoîsîa Parhavay Jiyl17.bal andreuîiîisceucr ODrboule- The nannd ai rieudly ehatter ited Chraagb the air an amîly and riendu talled ai pot and preserit.à itayar Galtet îuited the 70 J~ t presnlta galber roand the ballet table. Ed Suam uaîd tbe- prayer. A deliciaosmeal as enoyed by aItl.1 *~c Foilawng dinuer eseryonar poned by the pont tr a amily ~V phalagraphý Lydia Snwstrodaced tCe- graap la geoealogy (the is- tory ai a amdlyl and dînlen- bted Inems o b lobe ildouallu apdate the amdly trer - Ed huam suabe ut is receully pabliobied hbook-H5 Lase and Mercy" The amîty te pouad ta hase au athor luint their midt. Famiy pins ere gîsea la Liliau Jacksau, Frank MeEman. and J. Arhar Meuagie mba hadrerceuly reacheli the age ai O. Flarence Snoas. Phidela lîconlard, Ed no, Mar- garet Soo, Layd and hla Marsaliaiasec 70 receised flaers Daris nan asu- abe la attend. A short prayer Sas read toc thone ual preent and lu remembrauce aI thase mbn hase psned aay. A brin busness meeting lllued.M SUNOCO SERVI A chos ai apprecîalîan cas M L O gîcru Jîm and Barbara Sow (OsNTECOasEa OPPOSITEDORSEcT 9h05 et. lac the se ut these home againthis ear.Open 6 Days The donc prioe, a book a 7 am. - Wlntaio tickets as non by MjradM Barbara Saom and a g8111rMajrlacMi the yoanget ent la April UM P Gales, daaghler aI JohnanadU UW BRAKES - El Nancy aie, Acon. - TRANSMIt' FroEicane a sELliVE Si. John Ambutanco to- a240001URucVICE ao chunt itofction holmoon n*DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE grnU and Che child la Che t meCnod ni discipine. A43STE SAE,. chidstivs oil anne pents M3 SELTIVE.N E h os. Ho OesodlanpproantLTO mhan ho miohohanno bt mustbeho nident Clho hecao =ognnapprasat miC correct b oan. CATHY HINTON and Rab Runham ocrer marrird in St. Abans Anglican Cherch, Acton on Jly . Thry arr S0w living in Mininauga - Soccer 'Me liliîî 500 diaS Chsil peccscoorcesiiicdont 1 : i lan1 "ges llinse OraiSonccr ilý ilSh Se -C"",î- iSd-i31i he lnlqa'te s-c Ilngcs ilIc iucikc sbcssngh Stiltos'o sîsî- vd edth il ts ssii îscs ssii s tsîsi gisais shile c i .nsî L aii desi a single, Tls liS-cl Miltonînte0155ill la-so thrcse, eboIoeasîbhe iltia S i ceSi« LegaI tabo, o ai tn lîs hk ITRVIT!l Runham-Hinton ilelaîrd aI the double ring1 commuionoedding ervcer ni Caherine i(Cathy)i Jeanne IlistenanadRoeret (oub)i JohnuOnuam Sun St. Ataus1 Angican iboreb. Actea. Jnly r The brîdeisu tbe daagtrc ni HerbertlHO Cînlunanad tbe lite Mary Hbaba. 20lPark Avenue. Actea. She lu a Mtontessori nrsery sebool leacher. The groom os the sou ofdMr.anA Ms. Jack Onu bam. 12 iarbsîrn lcd.- GeorgetonHetiluempoyerd hy AnsBu isssFnems PbIb the bride and groom arc Sherîdan inliege gradoates, loc her nrdding day. Cathy a arc a gonofnipolyelterjire sey o db a long-sieeer d acket trîmmes i cth Chantilly lace. ocrA pendls and crytals A juaeca %adh matcblng trie ScIA a chape]leugth oeil. bbc crida bueont ni cas cadsng rchis, tîphanotio andsivv LoieIlarmsma. Os-on. osais uacre Itargîr Macknzie. bcton, n Iaitnansi cinAs il Ihe1 ocedat % re rondo. hLouise nvoIea esoifgrec', cros>gacnsîih Nhrgîr and1 Bone i elass <bhey arerd \,hdle baskets ni ahtedaoses andi abys The brie \,sogîen ils nsarrsoge lsy hr lather. seai Ci losolergeleoOn ,,asbe ssdihGCreg Blair. Georgetomn as shees. At a cocktail reception held aI the Actua Maicenrer, the brîde o brother. Euh altnofaiQnrhec Cidy mas master o ni eone Another brother, John Iiîntos ai Edmonton, Aerta, made the toalt o the brîde. Specîal goets a!ibe arddiag macre ber Ina heethees and hirr esr.ane oncle ai the bride. the îles Nermon Iinsteu J ., tliem satouolîu Istand, sud an aunet. Mec L-C.Jackson, sondsocb I liber gorolo dîcunded frontliuîen Sound. Landaun,rlîsa. taaPr lrcdîl. Wnndstock. Kîn î-ardîue. lGuelph,. Miton.e Ceergrtoeu. Tooate.litamil- Ian, Brampon anAdlGrand Ilenîl lice oprcîal gatherîngo weehebi lac the hedecircut Olsbetterfield hsird a pîntrycshoarrîn Brampton. anda î neîghhorhod mi cellneou shoer a.ýhelîl lis Nro, Ilacîduen suGeorge- ton ,nthcc miceloocoos shooroýas hesrd lin Nlcs. Gcaege llanham ia Sramp [în, and lb-o Armnstrong gace a seîghbhorhaad shooer dIco by lIes laio Sire Jackblnham hosti (lise reheraolpart>. Aiter a laa aerk hney moan î OBrace Beach on la ke Barocn. Ste andites Btanan made hirr home is lîsoisanga No settiement for teachers italin en parati chool aienteaushî rracnrllbrtnlr hîs earoo, ontractositb iecc-rcoandi the Bard .cool rcsummcolatoniBoard of Education hacc t erachrd aoctilrment Tlkark e cotînomng wad heIlso-tldor ooerrn.per ontiisosýeasontcsctbtithc th asmfiinlsa lortlrmcnt csi ilcldlng incrrmrntîin loadciîl ngtiato e lsrtc bendcof Augoot jonc Stost other hoardsoin laiton His <Tr-te Facte, Mlston soblic sohool I sîsîssos h,%s on ortîlcd sah Sbrk o hopelol an agrr teacheco havs- alrady ,etîlri hese t achers ol 17-70 Steelos Ao Home NE Hardware LOCATION DEKUMIDIFIER SLE 19AIC324. UP Cty o NE ERU US PtE" l0-IYUS FCETE 3eSE ESAL 8892 The Canadian Champion, Wad., Joly 27, 1977 5 Named in honor otthrtlinn waaand PowerrProieet Coiu- James Morris, a former post- manity and au înterestiag master General ni Canada, place 10o isit in ronneetion Morîsborg, Otnt s a s'dally a'ith the St Laoresce ea- important St. Larence ea- csrY Stnry ELECTRICAL * INDLUSTRIAL CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE POLE LINE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING 878-2048 583A MAIN ST.E. MILTON, ONT. LOT 3J2 HOUSE HUNTING7 Check the Real E;îaîe ~ MarketplaCe in tadlay's . issue ai The Champion Sharboro-,]IGain oieSposso M, ý,MH SUMMER SPORT SAVINGS Foolwear MU NARI' F LE ETWO O AD CAS' STAN OMITIil RSt0M BAU ER' 50019 PUMA' JUNIOR PR So OIR - PCN Y MULTI SAVE 10/o ON BRAND NAME SPORTS SHUES! Archry Equiunent 'BEAR iDer' Tube Domu Bnm ASSOSTEO LAý SIZES & WVEIGHTS Sngg. NOW $4495 Setaîl '5995 ONLY 9a P/us 10% OFFAII Other Baws Sherborn & Gabriele Sports Ltd. 878-8897 MILTON MALL Meu.-rs t10aum.lto 9 cmSu î10,. o enn. -a a