B14 ThnCaoadîasChaOipios. Wed Jafp27. 1977 Vegetarian cooking Change ii iI lOglia ra*,ira Sance sbe besame a rugi 100 ttwo>ers ago %lie Pel, moîher of t100ee agers feels be bascregalilil the esergi adroiin î a sbte had %lienshe iasI lillier oser. les Peli saif sbr a, her concenrfation as wîif -l aiao eradf nore ui îibîut beromin iredfarcif.sifael1abc n more troi o rl cud obe rspf.îit îles Pot;,,hIîbîesiiai 55 Bell Scbool lîso ni Miltonaî. casgrd ie cîlof abils whm sfic îîorît hie Sesl bh years ailil Thbi cbîîeof leacbes tr b a ilg local is delreeaiîîîs III bîllîfirîls Pela saiîf Xii f-cftta o lo pleefl argearas i1si mmithîîs, îl es. rIoaid, for fia-ih br pocesu ob 100o Ifarsfes she frst onder- lîlîrfi f0change hec diel. site oînd liersef cofused b he coîrficiang informaion she raifand advse she eeraed. Nol cursess orer aabfle ai thelîma- Fsally.îthroughithe bcfp olifer physcias. uho s zlo a argearias. she irasererîlthe erreel ange arias pecîcru, * Non have 10 do il geadoalfc NIers.Pela ad- îîe.f oa starl 60 mInro- dtîcing ofy lise regearias iral ino vous r veekly diel lbcîîvon add a irgetarian iral ecrioeeka Eîciîîaîlh good advice 10' 0111 ras> f0change or vliof abils. accoedang 10 îlesPrlî She foosîf 0151sf n food increases aItes 10 rat out occasonally, sinc here are no segetarian restaurants in 1he r'cinty. Guests in te Pela home arc sersed a vegelarfan meal. il pot an a spread-Ihre casseroles, grecs and yelloa cooked s egelables aod a large iossed salad.- said Mms Pela Theresnooroom fo dessert. For people aho ssould lke la enerlain egelarian gocoîs but do-t know ahat 10 serve for a main course. Mes. Prît soggesls haked beans îît 1f ahole grain bread. Orans are sol r omehing people ordnailv îhink about ohen plannng company meals . bai everybody laves hem. including chadres. Mes Prît ses yelf oaseyed feans or sasy beans ishich. aogoith manv of the other THE LîDS of Oien-proccsscd cherry preserses gel a final lîghlesîsg from Alce Pela. Mrs. Pria uses hooey îsstead of sugar 10 make prsersisg syrup. afuners he-h .îlid i-h , on drssîig andîthe ho ismas the ik -h t-î tiiga ,is aîl% ltîîîîî-c. li ie o i casa- trot le i - dvi * %i l, îîiîwads io ls, %îorccavin o r i cafadoiî-i tha iifi 11hi lug esu prIu aw1. fltîIîîîgtii M ,lc- Ic , a-r hîAv cîlîung iIl, Mr, i lu îcgl-ilelarl balisý non1 h\ij(ilî",l d 101 .011.1 ie m 1foi s -.ll îand irai zire lîl[unl .... g lIlitIi ha 1111 l ii tira iifond . cggs Se% ntfli 0a, îl lîsi a.îtî .1 ilsO .i iirriei ogs aiLlia ,ti( ie or i 1 oit imen-a n d muai .lhogh oean olr( ii-aîlîlîl ha-chacga-îtrflr coupla r- lii iilg (t) -9, diîosi r> I e lt'c eli c c fi d a iîcîasî-t îi i. îL.îîlidtllIl îîaighîrg, 1h, .rs 1w fia sîleifcl , ntIý Scoîîllîolucs prscritno *A lot 1 îîîof t 1peuplie îaiîîlîril î le' fi-ipaks i agcî.îîîîîIi:-tîh pt kîlailailluch pcanof ae fie Ili(lff\is- taatfonîo thaoî n-îî ', 1 rli i lIllouevr. e i rs comea ed iî~ la- l ierls i-gî-,eDo, Thiie Iîîgaet ocso mugei- h ,ul l i1 ,tIeai u lu hic girls ther ' sias llp il fl, o ) el I1î-aag il %ga r iar fas cor ea g k g uj b 'IndI;P :IvW TE DATSUN ýPRICE, à AICH ?I~TRPLPLUS rîcAf HOT DAY. * m A a W. 360 0TEELES AVEN R HE D i 878-826 Mfton61MATNS-8, foods she uses. she boys is a health foA store.Aie she crefers fonds Ihal are organ- ically groon. she findo 1601 vegearia eang is no less espensise Ian diels hai incladeomeat. Neni year 1he Pela lamily, asho moved 10 Milon from Sreetslle fasi fa]. hope to enlarge their gardeo and oar a fraitlorchard. Toîthis endMM. PeIz plans 10 lake a corse in orgaoic gardesing drig theowinter. To aid their organic gar- drningrefforts lhey are con sderrsg getting a cou, for rnnr.and a goose 10 -cIrasap 1e hags and sîuss îlers Pela said. The family ai- read owns tao horsesiahlich the girlsride. ilowasio pro- side Iher daughers of 16 te opporunity 10 sprnd iheir adolescence on a faem init they nrosed la Mlton,) îles.Pele bas a vreyo segelahles growîsg in her gardes ihis somnmer. buf she woold fike 10 producr enougb to alloo bier 10 preserse for the follooang mnier le dream is t hase. esenfoailî. a fruit crlar, she said. poiningto a photoof aurl siorfird crîfar in oe oallier maso bobks. "fisaflrs ou frrfgoodlto fnoîaîorceffar ifuliflood for theouinier. she saîd Nearly a iloes jars o cherries bcelhadt preserd tha mornng sood cooisg on the hutches tble.In lekeepiof ait 1li6r ddtar ' regulalionîs. îls eslz1ma~de the pecirrs wt o n lb y boscoîsead orsugar. Lisinfioonecp ioney ofix cols- aller. hi aioids sogars and îîiherr efinrd fods Iecrotlllsite bis lso sfopprd sîsg latnis as precpaaios.religoft cooaind irnuis and orflr loods t n10 ntitoa Aibhoogh INes Pcfc avoiaf saga andasfircasroflier noîrîlainaf elîies. shcirolril bat the paclîce felys 1con roI orighi, a concern oas' i-Orersabîfoutilogie ai dirasý and refincd f oods l'os doo f hav air 0vorryc abouaiicîgbl. darî s bîgh in sarbo- floda-airisaudt he -han ilci lîccroifs Nles Pliha- fers blpng t10,0101w peopler ablout îaia i i dm orksrofio %egeiari is aoohi sg tc fiel-fd in Nothbioi . i fe neastin publiciziog th16enrt as church. ihal a sparked by the dsrosery o Mlon area while canvassing for her inlereted in If dWq #l" ALICE PELZ hoes a rois am organically-growfl cors os 6cr Milton farm. She siews orgasie gardrsing as o challenge and hopes 10 have an even bîggcr gardes ccxl cear. Iiiad Ciiiiîîîoil vad.ii-iîîou wali îîfluii DA TSUN 8210 ML - LOWEST ED AU TOMA TIC fNVCANADA I ýER FREF. FREIGHT & TAXES 1 mW Pm £AL.0N energy large number vegelarian eating residents are lhe al-day session, minch learning about w il 6be condacted hy Dr. Elmira'Buxton s spoflsored by the Farview Lhbrary in North York. It l mi e heid Wednesday, July 2,rom 9.30 to3.30 ai thelI brary, oated ai 35 Farview Mail Drive Thereaacharge of $5 10 cover the cool of materiaio. Tenders awarded Regional council awarded 8167,741.69. tenders to Fermar Paving Fermar Paving Limited Ltd. for tbe reconstruction of had the lorsesi hîd of the Campbeilvi le Rd. between seven companies competisg Fourth and Fith Line for for the tender. THE ULTIMATE FENCING IDEA why? seulie for Iess WROUGHT IMON REG. $8.00 PER FT. *BOUNDARY DIVISIONS *BALCONIES, YARDS * RIVEWAYS *OFFICE BUILDINGS 60" ifIGH 25%OFFENCING & ACCESS. FACTORY CLEAROUT 11 CATHEA CONCRETEE 250 MARTIN ST. MILTON, 878-6853 d MON--SAT. 8-5P.M. MILTON MONTESSORI SCHOOL LOCATED AT EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH COMMERCIAL ST., MILTON APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR CHILDREN 21/2 TO 4 YEARS FOR INFORMATION & APPLICATIONS CAIL 827-3234 -noms p.. ross branci \ý 2.Ž 220 MAIN STREET 878-6341 VACATION NOTICE! eWE ARE CLIISING DCVIN bFOR 11CR SIMMER VACIATIOIN.. WILL, BE BAIE "Iii'rEIllIII() TUES. AUG. 2 RE-OPEN 9 A.M. "ATTENTION SROPPERB"Y mI,¶ON MALb WULL OPEN HOLIDAY MONDAY, AUG. 1.e MALL HOURS 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. SHOP THE FOLLOWING STORES AND SERVICES FOR AIL YOUR HOLIDAY MONDAY NEEDS MILTON DRUG MARI MILTON PHOTOGRAPHIC REITMANS SHERBORN & GABRIELE SPORTS ZELLERS FRUIT WORLO LOBLAWS UNIVERSAL TEXTILES PIZZA DELIGHT PEGGYS 0F MILTON BOND STATIONERY ST. CLAIR PAINTS HEADYS HAIRCUTTING KOBES NOOK PARLOUR ANDREWS SHOES JEAN WORLD LAUNDEREZE CAN IRAVEL THE EARLY YEARS T & R BAKERY BECKERSr JACK FRASER MENS WEAR SPICE 0 LIFE LOCATED ai the corner of Ontario St. (Hwy. 25) and Main St., Milton 1- "qilh 6ý