B8 ThoCanadencChampion, Wed.,Juty27, 1977 Women's centre director has dual responsibility Bs lOlga Ilarcoîsch The cea drec o ftheridan college c'entren1r Womec Pt kh îlI bc lace- ioning in a dual oe As anlas eng reponsble for theoperation o the entre' she ailI tc the college pesideot's idvison oc afirmatve action fton comen MsIc cook assumnd hec postion JaIy 1. She las ormieely pragais dei'elopnnl ottîcer cîth the Wgamin tCroocEmptotees aficeMthe Ministet o Lahor The ,dîscry pstiont s a hevoe for Sherdan tolîngei'lîtoacatht, il dates achto theereportlof thelRo.vailCon-,icîssion oit the hatus cIfhomî'îî hîî'h pompteil the poince totleaa cp gaîdetîces fon setîcg is clinibouce in order. hs lCook esplaiccîl '[hbcgaîdelîces caînit toc dnoî'lpmnlîîf afra ivaction peogeamntfor ýne cmptnt-n'cs oflmicislre ncro i a geno cis'he esablsmennt ofthî'adiior aci psitiocat Sheridanîtison of theresîlts, ti' bjcf,of a cirîttiemtîen actonc st i rasead dînensîib te iccpumioal ds trteîioaifcommîtncînplotcns.ttc lCcok saîd Skn,îiddihe îllîîîînitiîold hîvto1 kbct.spnde to inclde tOitnt uonien'c thîcittngeý ,lis as i nol 'atthup' pogaîît lac tîccinîlîlho u11,101 li 011e o rný ltle,îilleshc sait ioî'îîl helîcsstt'ps iloîtinîho' îîî'cand and how tke ne tic lît lî 11n1il.*She îkî'îîsî'tîns ouiaifîjo it lîî'lîî' re uit lbilitageesa lic l lie nconra gîg Silice ,ttiniati, ct,ii,,iiiioiith thc salitskcspect'loilîiehitifinl losnl. îîth l'nsd îtîîalle\.,% ti eanicof ilucalntionli It'iîliipni(,i ndiclPa11ul tlknts. n% ,1 ind thet loi men'îî ico oupIlittili t' o îîk,ît Vm cgoito (lctao andîitm lothill lTheiiaoeltcicentrîe itillllcoielu 'l'h o' lîlimîn n'itse ii l 'îornwit u oincnlaely and students. speahtng and itorkig tith nommciittgroups, operating a resoîrc centre ad.iftheboneed are. selttng up speca eentsckasacorbcbcPs ancd speaers. 'The cintres onsîderable collectio cf bîooks and clîppînga ceated 10caornns tsusiti hceasailahîn 10 commanit.y iîttme,atill thereading rainat the cne.it Is Coiok plats to toceolîgate the Ied on..,acd he leasibîhty o. havîcg the cenre'open occasîonatncvenings. 'The centi' çn a so sîîggest speakers and tetti arracge'special itleest courses 1r cniiltiiit.liimni's graaps. Lasltcaethn'e ctre sposre a seiesaof lectreidsiinîomnars durng the academic ýirls tCook 10ishîrkifng ocîmaît: . ,omnen ttisaggest lopins lbei îicld ike to se oî'înt'eîltbis veae Mhtough cîcs'icg isnot on ol the 1 unnins othe m clnientrce, Ms.Cook oid ýirn-n hving, ,i eltliif- or e.smpl. îocît'ctlanif lit etilec tu oclîcal caîn ontc ttecnl'tr'e t ic (eir tilcîloandt e ,rn d io the ap îit'iipet1'lorullcfosevice' lioSheridan ,îtitttlncnspnelnciig discrminaion an cme i the cintre toc îinformaîtionîî liho\% to Aal îth tht' NIls, ck uilI5niiiitig acliel ctth hi' i'iillt'0t'uoîîîînhnomcs siittee, îîhîck kil o 111comicctiicciknrs toi c îvino iliiSihctoitnd'11a t'iiinoe o luth illî sit otthe cîiilllnn Il îîihîîerml' in the commniyare ierecd n ii cticelY o okgiiitb the ,-nr.Vt dt'et,inIitî ke ta hearleroi (heinî. NSClook sitil \ohntlabotttthe cstatu il the itamenos ll(r,;ýzr ifi heu iîghts thic the.%tî(cen tîbibtîlihentlugt oug tîfithcîissae, \uiicl thet v In tîtý e uhii libtietd pccsîîîîini ut ilîtîthe ohniîitntnd h encrent isse isfc iîîonen ito %%menis. ituciil.spopcosl ne%%'ilniltl ao Si' -îtîtlî lilko' taone the icapose ciharcge's NEWLY APPOINTEL) DIRECTOR cf Sheridan Cetre for Wonoen Pot Cook invites c')nmnuoityssomenotoasecetre's i brary. P/aiy safe in wa ter thiteport 1-nbu hirii Ihic ii r inii ti lioaticO a>sIlletic'tdcti il Accide lci r nitiîiti h 't'îl tht", ha, tti,' ig gestions. lit [un nd mit>ni i orncaii thi' îîe alcaî',',iiim uithiast Il% tt, <then puple \Neleti'soin ,ittiilorh llncit toor ut mming acia l 'ihicimatI. b, inite tl oit %ant ti soima long idistacce. inlowthe hornen andI altiayo hi ,îcom panitI Oc a ibout Waît tiso hor', alien i'iltcg Ititoce'gocg in0thi \11 iilt01 lc iii i'c ti ttBoating ic tun. hut tII lite-jackets. -Si stillin 0tIe centre of yoc hotm If you antooo change places, go tei shore tIfyooc bout capstons, fIANG ON 0000 t if Ou re only a short distance rcm shore. 117 MITN i eleted. No stranger 10 Sheridan, Ms. Cooir cas Commacîty Services c-ordinatcr there ram 1970 le 1975. taring Ihat ime she des'loped programo for the adt ollom mîînîlyhb oen and off campes.Sire aIse serced an the Sheridan Wcme's Ccm- miller. NItsCock received er BA. s English nom the Univcersity f Western (ftarie and îu curretly cerhieg Iccard a certîficale in personnel and industrial relatios aI the U.niversity of Toroto. Sheridan Contre for Women, lccatod aI the airille campus, is open i the sam- mer, altheugir Ms, Cook soggests prospective visitors catI]irelere comieg le bcescrocomeone cîlI ho there. Drieg the reglor cllege session, the cntres hors atîl ho 8:30 .mto S p.m. Asthmnatic child's famnily "in the swimn' Somoe tamilrs go aiim- yoaegsters witir asthma labo mîeg logetirer eglartp. le happily. Il doemset riggor Tias rot so anassal, onrept the attacirs etfwirezing that theres a lamilp that breathlernsess that ether saims in ane sdece pool osed inde ot physical emerlion by the Famtly Asrhmc Prc- mighl do, and il gines the gram of Haltori Lang As- satisfactioe and exrcise cf sociation. an actieîty rhey osjcy. The yoang son cf the tamîly Coditioeing enerccser is lecreîng (Conditîoning learir ycangstors the soit dis' Esercisen. Th's octaunasuacl cipliee they need tacocntrai eitber. encepl thaltris boy their astirma; il cIsc gives has oslhma. The saimmicg thern tho pleosore ot leareing and the condtoneîg are bath scmethisg thal mml cof their port of the prcgeom, wbîch is riends dont keca Tiret lracbîng him and is tamîly bects thir seltsteem. boa ta lice c 1h is asthma. The Iamily invocvemool is Saimming, becatîse Il an important part cf the pro- reqires cacefal breatbîeg gram. Pareets wirc gelte talk coctrol, is a sport tIraI many about tirir chld's prolmr, miro havo tirir questicns answrred and who sharo activities aitirtire asthmatic chitd ied living with the dis- esse lors distressing. Tho child, at tho rame ime, gaies rapport and andrstanding ram iis lamdly. Along cith tho sel-confidence and 50050 of achrovemeel. this hlps him te heor hie disease, es ta tesson ttachs or avcid lhemn The Batton Long Association, the ngaioation et "Christmas eal" pecple, cres about eeerybhrrath yco labo. BSummor wedding? The Champion pahlishos tceddtcg photos and nîcries, bot trop mort he nahmtted aithie one mcnth of the wedding. nd F ONTH ALE Two Days OnI »uI 29 & 30 197m Children's Wear Panty Hase Girls' Wear Watches Sizes 7-14 Sizes 3-6X Zllers Own Rentorced Panty Hose Complote Lîne of lcgram Watches Ail Somnmer Mdse. încloding tops, Avaiable S-M-L-XL Sommer Merchandise ln Various Styles an sîmerPants .Tops and 112 PRICE SALE PRICE 3I$1 112 PRICE $5.00 Belsedair TatdCoconot Lingerie Suits Ladies' Sportswear Mon's Lisore Soirs A Selection of Marshmallow, Sommer N ght Wear Qoi Brand Name ln Bloc & Beige Sommer Merchandise Candies and Baby Dolîs Reg. 129.97 SotTp 11lb Bag Varos Sizes SALE PRICE Swimwear 211.50 112 PRICE 21$25-00 112 PR1CE Purses Dare Ladies' Wear Men's Wear Fantop Candies Scmmer Merchandise Pointer Paets RmiigSokMarshmallow adPntSis andDessle Vannaus Sîzes RnmînngStckSrrawberry Pc ut adDessWhite Dnly oI Ladies' Sommer Straw Bacacas in Juniors, Misses Values to $17.9B and Cannas Pursos SALE PRICE and Womenns izes SALE PRICE 112 PRICE 84* 112 PRICE $8.00 Patio Lights Sun Suits Boys' Wear Knit Tops Paicter Pont CSA Approved Intats'S ucocts In Varous izes Short Sîeco Tops White Dnly Acaldble In Varos Prînts RE. $1099 In Solds or Stripos 2 Styles Sîzos & Colors SALE PRICE Sîzes 3 BX 112 PRICE 33%3OFF $5.00 33%3OFF Boys' Wear Suntan Lotion Beach Towels westclox Shoî t Sîcoce Silver Bell ftne Tp emaicicg Stock of Reînaîny Stock Alarm Clock Santon Lotion cn Vartoos White Dcly AvalabîctIn REG$697 Solîd ci Strîpe lccluding Coppertono Colors &n Szes SALE PRICE 112 PRICE 20% oOFF 112 PRICE $4.50 KdkBar-B-flGre0ol EK4 lestant Drapes 20" AdIostable Grill Gre ol Camera Vartoos Styles SALE PRICE Complote Liceo RE.$54m9 of Cuorta in s,$5.88 Gardon Tools SALE PRICE Drapes and Panels Tool Set and Gardon Accossory $44.88 33%3 OFF 5 PC. $244 33Y3 OFF Beach Toys BemOnîcg Stock of Sommer Beach Tops 3 3YoJF Bar-B-Q 20 Hoeeo wit h Battery RBotîsserto RR$F. 288 SALE PRICE *18,88 20" Hoîlîeti ChîldîceRolîsserie SALE PRICE Vanoas Sîzes 96 28 and Cotors 112PRICE8 Credit Convenlence ut Zellers 1 Any of These CredIt Carde Acc.pted 1 ZELLERS MILTON MALL 55 Ontario St. MILTON 'L' 878-8178 Open Mon. -Fr.9:30 arn -9:30 prn Sat 9:30 -9:30 TEENBURGER TU ESDAY ONL Y Reg. 99c (TUESDAYS ONLT) SAVE 20C 360 STEELES AVE.- 878-8125 1 1