Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jul 1977, p. 5

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OUR RIADIRS WRUTi:J Give parents credit Dear Sir A cipping rom tht June 8Binsue ni Tht Canadian Champion han juI cnme tn nue attentinn. We mrt intereted in tht report o tht progres hiug mode on thttredit Valley Childenus Trtatment Centre tn ha Inuitt lu Mînuluauga. Ths prjet an hetu uparheaded hy parentu othaudicappeil thitdreu lu tht aea ho deserne a great deal ni tredit fot havng tahen tht initiaise originatty aud toc carryîug tht peject through to its pre- stut lenet Au ou righttp point out, mauy commuity geoupn as melI as tht municipl sud poincial goerumentu havne entri- No bus service tjear Sir, I outd ie to comment on tht adnertise- met tating there old not ha anus hon he service lu Milon rom Juty 1lto Aug. 1, due lu atations. Ths to me soandu rîdicloos. Sarely e hane capahle people ho eau tahe oer hile tht regutar driners are aoay? There are seer ai peoptemilo rely ou this torm o transportation sprse though itl. hted igniieantly lu tht planning aud in- ancing ofthtel Centre prjtct. lu tht inteesno prestnting a mre cumptete pictore, yna migtt alun ish ta natItaI tht Ontario Soiety tor Cippîtil Childeen han approntil a grantofut ol $15,0gB 10 tht Centre. Tin grant han heen made pssible y tht generoon upport ot th annual Eater Seat campaign in tht areat 10 hoerneil hy tht uem reatmet centre. Voues ineerely. Ian Bain Enectint Dirtttor, ont. Society tor Crippled Childreu More than anyone tînt tht elderly iti sutter, mot ut hnm tan ilItattord taxi ernice aud cosequtly mnatd hauet lu math. A hus service iu a husiness mhich hnld he maltaiued thrnsghnut tht year, other- ine il lu un lnger a service. Yuru teutp. E. J. OMaltey 657 Elliot Creeue Demands an apology -To Tht Editor: Councîttor BotS. Haton Hits. made s certain attegation in phlie and I ish te eptp tu hs statemeut. puhictp. lu this open etter 10 hlm Sir: I tahe cxception 10 tht statemet pou made ai tht aton Regional Counit Planning Board Meeting today. Jluy 12 1977 -vît t1 had sppeared hatore atIon ttîtls Counit. July 4, 197, and had 001 pre- sented anp utw information 10 Haltou ils Couelret Mrs. Barrch's house. i Implytue 1 as uastîug eeryoot's tîme. i What on carth had 1551 to do mth tht mater etoce Regîsîl Planning Board' Tht issue etore th Region innotues memhrsuofmp amitp sud 1tam most con ctcned in tht outrume. This mater tooh un long 10 come hoore tht Planning Board that legat proceedingu are nom andermay. t uoderstaud ilis tooish 10 pahtietp tom- met on malteru amaiting a legal detision. il 1eliene Mes. Barrach's case hanS ets reeerred 10 Haton Hits' egat adisor St- fore a deciion lu madei It. mth 1515statemneut poa hase"e te cal ou ut tht ag ato the trend ofhaltIon Ilis Councit's discussions on Ms. Barrachus case, t earuetty uggtst thal pou urge them 10o reconider. t oouldasuS pou. Countîttor. 10iud oual, sud compare. esactly mbat as aid 10 Halton Counit ou tour occasions sud t have no dout. havng doue su. poa ut ho mout ausîoîîsîo apotogiot. pubtîcly. to me audIto the citiotus I epresenttd. for youe tte suces thîs July 12 attrnmun Youes truty, Archie Bromn. R R. No 5 Milton, Freedom of the mind Dear ir: Poltution. Tht elimînalion ofut itlur euuîeuumeut. andouse miuds is ot pramont importance iu this age But ut tht tmo. pollution ut tht mmnd is tht mmlt dangerous. For pollution ot tht en- iroomeut is oly au ournppug ut tht pollution othe mnd We are a Chrstian nation hut me stem 1t0 haut tot sight ot tht Christian goals, ut tht iudiidals importunce in mahîugoune dreams a reaity 0Oue mindis haut ecome littereil ith tht dehis ot arharouusud uuciiliued thoughtsansd acions mhich are toreigu lo urmehoped-tr destîu. Feom eror or desigu thîs couiou is aided hy ose dailp mass media o commuication mhîch are detadîug tht reader thep hope lu iutorm. G. K Chestetou's dictom apusjur naismls aIse pictre of tht mrld theomu upon a tîghted screetuinua daehened roue sos that tht reat ortd is net setu." Cosidee tht individual. heu his mmnd s reduced lu tht status ot ascretu or a tleeisiot tuhe. Htis sutly lold.mhom lu hlieesud hom nuet elent SHe ls bld mhum 10 admire sud hum lue hate. Sumetimes he lu tsught lu hate those nihu are hSm real rieudu andl admire thse ho are oriug oe his countrys uudiug. Multiptp that Sp miions tupused lu thin ferrm ot md cudtîouîng sud pou haeta moul daugerous sute ot attairs tue uny nation. If att iis propagauda mhich lu pumpeil mbt tht miuds ot tht ldiiduat comined 1e orm s clese. intelligible pcture ut tht mrd thatmwould nthoesohbad. But that dotsnet bappen. Teudeulouos uems, slated repotin aud protessionat opinion maiug, plants confusion, eaiog tht individual ilh a distorted orld pctuetmhich aîts to mahe utuse. Dr Nichotas MurrayBoter. former prenîdeut oh Coumbia Uistrsity, states il wel Tht ortd is dîsîded imb Iheet ctasses ot peope: a oecp umal group that mnahes thîngu happer,.asoumemhat arger group that atches thingu happeo. sud tht great multitude thst nser nte us hal hsppeued.-- And so todap e hase att seouud us tht evlcosequeuces o contusion sud demratizalion. Wr tîud nersous disorders. disiltusioumeul. discouagement. sud a daugerous eaheiug ut thtnuIite l ise We hase peuple tueiug iu desperation lu drugu sud sehiug relietfeues tunner tensions lu dssipation. Att this is a direct product o tht cntusion ohieh s s oumu Sppropogauda and pspehologiesl wusclueto ouc imes. A great Amneccan has saîd: luan teuggte. Il s sseulîsl 10 how Imo thiugs; mhat pou are ightîug tor sud miat pou are tîghtîug agaust. Ifthnumtedge ut tht ormer is asent, tht itI to in itI he lathing. If huomtedge ot tht atter is asent, contusion and ucertaiutp ilI remlt.- For enample tht naions ut Atica-mhith igure su promueuttlu tht nenis are mre crealions ut modern politiciaus mho steul upon tht stage o muld attaies and attend geandisescoutereuceu lu Addis Aaha, Lusaha or Accra, or mho atteud Cuom- monmealth Prime Ministee' cofereces- are mrt poppts. Their bomesatic speeches and oticial statemeuta are eueeymheee acttpted. idely policiued and granttp aualpsed and commeted upon in tht ues media. Thtrtuth is that. almot ail ut these speeches and statemeuta haut hotu metttu hp hte adisrs mwhuare. tn act, tht agents ot thoBe pomees ehîud the scenes mhich have revotutiouized tht hote oetd. Thug hatloouhs lihe poer lu tht ueo Arican states is 001 real poer; il is a derivtd poer. A poer derined from sources ouside Arica. rom Washington, Nem York, Ottama, London and Paris. In a ord, latk uationatîsmis a mhite haud ilus blackl glout. Thout mho hnom and uderstaud hom sud hp hom tht renoluionary changes o tht tat decade have hotu rought ahout in Arica, and for hal reasns. are uot puoled hy tht meird contradictions sud incomîistencets mhich appear lu 00e daily pres They hnom mhy it as cosdred utcessary tue tht Uitd Nations. au orgauloution oteuihly set up tor tht purpmt nif preuerviug pouce, lu age loodp ose lu tht Congo Tbey huom mhy il mas possihle for tht United Kiugdom and tht oet Union 10 loin handu quite amîcahtp iu helpiug a puppet Federal Nigerias regîme lu carry outinluBaira ont of tht mmst mostrous ado aif genocide ut this cenury. They huom hy il as possible foe our tederal goernmeut lu suhidiot tht Souiet hast of Moamique 10 tht lune ni sity million dollars. This ast is ued hy ouets. Chinese aud oer 4.000 Cuan guerittas for major terrorîst ttaths upon tht hlach and hite peopte ut Ehodesia- and aIt mith our tas dollars. Tht nttd for seerecysabot tht reat torces and motues mhich are produciug tht resutts nihici e nom set in Atita, as given rnue 10 falsiication snd suppression ou a monstrous cale. Tht mniud o tht couterntd indîidual. ho reatizen tht importance oudtrstsudiug tht orld lu mhich hs chilldren are groing up. lu tu- tsugted, iSe a Bp in a vagi coheh ut talsthund, ail iuiitety ltrîcate sud lshorîounly re-spun rom ime 10 ime ut any point here ltis suudered. Gmpuot Dye iu hSmcotumu, Kingston Whig, June 4, 177 states: "Tht angoage o poiticu lu itttrtd mth ien "Peples Demuocratit Repohic., -Fret Wold', "tht masses, sud so ou- at meant 10 disguist reaity and couceal setf interet. In a contet 10 pick tht mmlt msteading phrase ot at, hoener. -Third Wortd mwoutd io hando domu -- Mosl peuple are totattp toucerued mth tht couduot ut their persnat affales sud carelesstp attept miat they reteint rom tht daitp mass media. But there is a very good reason mhy tht indînîdual shoald tep 10 undtrstsud tht old iu which e ive Tuthutsustfete.Falsthood csumshe us slavs.s Meutlp and sprtuslty. millions todsy are lîhe that lp etangted in a spiders e. We canuot lune aup portiou o ormental reedum ithout suttering some eaheing ut tht milI Our miudu er made tue trttdom. Hum rightlp tht flame of lite ues mithin an deptuds ou hum moch ireedom e are ale 10 gau for ouruttutu. Att ireeedom hogins lu tht miud. Eueep ime me dismautte or dissolue some talnehood nihith has shacled our miuds, theeioBlomn a lihration and a retease of our vital fortes. There cn eauo uureedon for tht idiuîduat aud nu real power in mhich hoe au catI uis om, hich dues not hoglo ith au emaucipotion ieom talmehoud aud eror. Voues teuly Sente Diugmau. R.R. 1, Laoudomne, Ontario. 4- ONTARIO ST. prenently isuon a light nuse where tht CPR trackn cross it. Two writern of letters to tht editor today plead for officialu bo hurry wjth piano for an underpaun, no trains won't block emergency vehicies. Both writers preer an tmderpauu here, rather than ut Thompuon Rd. (for- merly Third Line). Underpass on Ontario Ste: Ittmaumith genatnleet that t eadîin tat eehus Champion tbe articles dcalîng mith Thompuon Rd. beig consdredas a site toc au osccpass of thc CPS teachu Wbite 1 am gratîtîcd 1551 somethîug is ai lst eing consdeeed toc Iis pcublem o trains btochtg ceonuings 1t eld bat Thompuon Rd. s thtîrong pac. bolb ccouomnicattp sud stlp ise Il wiiilobae ocer tugeltbcheoadu on good enough condition 10 bandit dvesions olhighma tratic. andlthccost wouli!be tremeudous. Ontao S lt.could secp easily Se made an undeepous. oîtb lcccc accesu 10 tht majocîty of citiotus. clouer 10 the Sosptat. and o c ourse ohm thc ire hall moes, muchelosetetblcsAvec Iccalior there is a Senior Citiocus' comptes oo Oinario St, bt t don t seany morcicallie iSsu Iberei lu001. baccîog the contîoueîl expansion sf thc Twsn ofMilton. Ths site.loo i. coulîl bc bcougbl 10 complto su mucb more qisi>lc ac lbompsont[id.,andliilml opnonuiltuould lie ls istlp. bul ses-eai gcautu arc aial or iis lepeol construction. t tee slesiigliy atout ibis situation, and about the piieoialbse.irdcausellbs trains bloeiog eelsslngs, ecuber lic iialluiietiois iof tbe ltlainlilselt, or o sbîîntîog trains, etc. Illiohklong enougbiallcis'pcacs bach, andl il tiob lilalilics lri. bricice tbe iOntario St vosn%%sgeaded. and gaes ioslalled Let s 0o1 aie t10051 utl someone inou toun ies trom accident, or lice, btoree iie gel goîtît oit a sale and easY oaso getiliig ieosslbhe teracks, eilbebY ioder se All cioceeoed people îleisbed 10o atcb The- (b.iiîpiaiifr te ,-date of an Augusi niiieeiocloile.l ii the sublrctl tubes ocri %ryes soive issn NMilton. pou iiee bîîu h btn il a il be soiicscll, or the ablace o bte ire truckhflbatis stacb iberi. feelng led belpiesu lecaast- sou ca eltrug Is \abeld;recclfield. NfitiiiOntsarioî Wants access now Ilear Si, t ondcr bos mans peuple ase lboîîgbl about uhat mîghl appen tissue tous in a retlcmtnrgenciitImaginconr ofthes. a gas explosion. aschool bas accident, an spartment building. oea sebool lice Noui imagine one oftlhosc bage trains blochîog ail loue crostings of thecC.P.tO tacbs Ibal completetp dîsseci our loin If anyonein the south feels finsdoesn'l coucen thcm.recmembere Seoeotice stailtion lll m i ln ;eeIls AOse. norîbonibh lîacbs. The Tboiipsoti diipesposal mal labe ' leas o eacb tbe espisurerfactor ibat is lii hi- li beeu en nsîdeced foe grade le ne-e guaeed ascnio.foroii emîergeo(ý eîîebîes. btîrter ee s a teigecil laes tcle Anneand GieogeNewecil. 140 1CourtSti N- Mition Memorable occasion Dear Sics: Tht recrut anoual pîciofolZont 1: of the United Senior Cîlcorus o cOnîario held ai Brouie Creeb ProvincîilParb sas an unquatctied sucress. in spte oh tht seaibere lu tact. berase of a someohal Stusîcrv day anu"esprit dt corps" emîusled uai made tht dap a ocoocahît sud ptraoaut occasioufor tetoues00mmmers ofthe senior population oho sttcoded leom the carcous clubs and senior ctiacos lacililies throughout HatIon Region. Manp inducduals sud orgauuzaauons conriutcillcite sacces otherpicniceand il s inchai % ecu hai on Ichal o Zont 1:1,1 liant t10aklîhis opporluoîlp 10 extcud 10 vo vsincerrr hankusud apprciation for lb,- pulîcîlt«y ires 10 tbe proie beloce and aller%% ards. ilerla gondtimreuwashad bs al Agaco mî.op thaubusud aîtb bîudet regaîrds.- THEIllES ILLE SENIORI C ITIZENS RESILSENCE lb. W. aiman Admnisrator Ouch! Taxes up 20% Town oflbIchoný t a-le îcslreceîscd oîu eraty as o 977, tas nombere10591610 1 was most distressedto notice an lic lrae insaes nI appoimatttp 20 per cent. As yoîlareweillaoace, therAtRcon trots os ccome and ail priccs 10 appeox- imatrl> rîght pecernt perper TStrelore. thebetlrltctoflaa2cprcent tssiucrrase has a deflatiuig valur on my dspesabein-o %% hattlaitlloiindrtad isilt(lireei ail tioveeumet itbereîulîuileoisdoui is aide tuocotrat mpîncom. andmost prîces ici the prîîatc srcloe. ubycan tlbrp 001i cnria Regional or Tonsbip clovero ment i the samrmanner? ls-inceel(aili.gisiaeai>oul thasi-hav noticci-asedli aieioi :,dweltiug bps2 pecenît.îndthe onl*Nîvsibcleîimpeocemet niithe N.ssagsea aeea isltherecetladdi- lion of ouohlire bail i anpbeilile iet notice bat tbe land csc-lfote lirechal i piis gs stationi sndtnicu club pieisiio.blp sonsleui.ued lu elp derespthe cxess ilri proectiocci t am llierefrlo ci.a loss I ucdrstand %ibp il s necrsuarp the citii ens o u ra 1 ealîz a iS Ici t igbl Cils liait,hu I icicill I le ilicsI uppieci l ii nespîin MichaellNme 51h15 icli,'deroad Campîcelli l 00-IT-YOUR,, S EL ETE 33SELS L 8892 ýiîr The Canadian Chi [f - Nix headquarters tlarcy McKtuugh, Mîittc ot Economîcu and lnlergovecumentsl Attaîro. mas tîted with The Champion toc publication. Deac Mr. McKeough: We strongly oject 10 thc gcantîog otan exemption trom tht Paehmay Bell lue tht Halton Regîottal tleadquaaters building. Tht siteis in tht middlc ot s tînncial, commercisl, and gontrnmeutal nou man land. lu thec ords. in thtemiddle ot noimrcr Tht site is zontd "agicultursl snd oc mao open spacc andpacklaud. This buildingandithe boctaucralic complts of huildings Ihat iii sucely bitos' iii des- troy the concept oi sasiug open spart toc tuturetenînyment This lu the ccoug place toc the Hallon Regionat tteadqoartecn building, Thc location of the leadquarleeu building slîoutd be decided aller the Ointario Municipal Boardbcaiug stî for Jauuacy 9. 1978. Thiu iu the woogtiîmc 10 build a pecman- cul headquartecn building sîeed 10 the crreui Italios tegional Gou-rnment ceuponibililicu, tIcter-Itou Jamcs Snomo sslcnoeni of March lb. 19771 copy allachedi Jim Sno- bau îudîcaîcd be mould suppoct majoc chauges en tiegionali occcnmetn u Ollun ete-Itou Georgc Keeu s sttmcntof Juuc 14, 1977 i copy attachrdi "Olneccsull of the provincial electiou is lîbelY t10 la ceuicus of Begmunal ilovecnmcni-a Regoal Counil haass foiuill gcl il. Scier- Bllii151 Section 121; subsection 2 Pucuanlltouubscciou 2lheccec re e major peilions lîeîng signcd in ato Ilegion aI ibis ime bu calepayees snd 'ampion, Wed., July20,l19775 You Are Invited To The Festival of Maria S.S. Del Monte ROMA SOCIAL CLUB 3090 Steeles Ave., Milton Sat. and Sunday July 23 -24 ZWI ATRIPFOR TWO, TORONTO TO ROME AND RETURN tobe or 6 for $5 The "Sicilin Beddu" Folk Dansce Graup WiII EnterBain On Sunday PROGRAM SAT. JULY 23 - Gala dance, outdoors at 8 p.m. to the music of Lybra Orchestra. Carnival rides in operation 8 p.m. to midnight. SUNDAY, JULY 24 - 10 arn. Park Opens, rides in operation ail day. 1 to 6 p.m. - See the Carlsberg team and wagon on display. 2 p.m.- Games, races, pinata game and more. 3 p.m.- Band concert, featuring Toronto Italian Band. 4 p.m.- High mass 6 p.m.- Greased polo climbing contest. 8:30 p.m. - Dancing 9:30 p. m.- Draw for trip to Rome 10 p.m. - Grand fireworks display. NOTICE - No barbecues allowed in the park. A variety ffood is arailable at the Rama Hall -Conca D'Oro- Restaurant, fromt snacks ta full course meals. For Information CaH 878-2460 CORRECTION-Lasi week The Champion published an incorrect admission price. Admission is 51.50)for aduits. children under lOfree. - AUlAre Welcoe - residenîs for submmisioo 10 the Lieutenant c;ovcerno i Cocil toc an inquiry inoaiat attaisu. responoîilities. sud finances ot the Regional lCorporation, booin as ttegional Mnuicipility of Haltoo 1ilton tiseliogion 2. tlrlinglon South 1 i skilIc This is the % oog ime 10 hold a per- inaocni hecdiuarees building. The sinise onuryiu-i bc eomlleied aidd hem ces- ponsiÛilii--.oflitllon tlegional Goveen- mentcl isalislied blore a hcsdquatlers biiildîogîs hut luoose-theccureetces- pocsîbdlitics tI ouI suîhimeas tSent moce realsti reuirenens ae hcowo, the ccgioo.il h-.idiurcieshuld s.15in ilin pen oain olhcc suiishlc teased accomodiationI ndcc noocondition shostd the- legiii of l slon bc alloiicd 10 build ne pieehaoc ialbuilding ail hi, lime -i-, e achduclpclilioc S ouc.sî%eci ieuly, Il R 6sMilton GARAGES HAiLlOun 50ME

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