S ugar and Spice by' bill smîleyJ Wddingu areu tee mmen. Oriug thc ctiro ritua, on practisednul u neceit, men are inarticute, inopt, and intheo mo. Thiesas my cnlasien aBler aotesding thc rotent mddieg outa nicce. Nerthiat it wsont a ocly eddiug. il as. Shes o grand and heutital girl, Lyun Bali et Brouhitie, and silh the aid aI er peang siter Pan, he romarhahly ealm mthor, ond er fiorip ditraagt aihr, shte camne thesagh the ceremany iihflliug coince. Sbc ovne did airly mliter e breol," as seuse otesoy. She obouhcd odoter. Weil, ai onp rate, a mdirai tadent. Ait eeban io de s support bu. tac threer leur pers, and huli bu relliung in medicre Heueente tihe a dotent, inffensivee cbop, lise ail the niher mles ai tho edding. Ai iast ho had en a shirt and ic, andl didulm ant le gel marriud in tuons and beade and c caftan, lihu ou manp poug punhe ihese dope. lie dent ecen houe c hord, sou hemcy bu OK. But bho m accalty annoticedu, thre as nch o caing et nothe ameng the wme, oue sc suat and wshp auh eCher sas earng. Pinosu dont gel the idca that 'm dame on mddings. i tinh thop arc inenand lIl go demu ta the chrch one onicensammner day ith the bet etf 6cm, and gui o pricliîng ai tbe nope et my not, and uecoe r and hld the nid tdys bond subun the pacson Inues, "for btter ced toc orse, us siehuesu cnd in hcalth. tee rcher and for porer," ced ailthiai stuff ihat mohus peur air stand ou cnd itb bndsight. Andi1dnn'i mind theutwocruruchu' drcd dolacsuit cosi me oattend. Not ai ail. libe ast mrdding 1i sceai -my daaghier's -cot ise tîmes that, and aitl'eu gt ot cf l isc o grcedbabie nd ed estcaibhish- muni ni the HilSoiiuyeecolent Fuud subîcb colers ta indigent dcoghtrrs, ther hashandu, aed cny citupruno ibey moy houe. Nec dîd tbboer me nthe sighieui iht i bcd ta drivenb00 mites, round trip, tu sec my niotu guscu omcy. mccc sas a icruntial cin ait the mcy ihece, and hai and a angoece ron. a mognicet rccp ien il the say home, hat iht geu mth the tritory. oht i did mnd, jut sighliy, nes, as thc rcnoy et peparation daiug th t Irot muceksbloeuthe sudding. Rigitromithe buginning 1mau aarc ibat i ac going ta bu etack toc o muddung dres,une outihosu croaticus ihai omen ccii mccc once ond neor agin, anies«- thoy av oe ese, subuh mut wmmn duel bae, suen t cemes te o mddiug flinsuee, 1 jui ubcoggcd ibis oafVea j The Outdoorsman JBy Hocco Locale TRAIL TRIeS Fiudngboutand Northbasitesoand yacmatch. Tabnduunutbpoint theheu acd of yauc atch t the sac, Southis hait ay btwccn the bouscbaud aed 12 ce yese atch. If tu a cinady day ptace a stratt tmug apright on the centre ut the atch su that a chadusu tais atuug the boue baud. North is ne hati thc distance betoccu the hadum and 12 on ycueatch. etrer yuu tacet unie the bush, tetl sumneune mbe yu'ec ging and thc appruimate ttme you'ttretuen. Mahe a point oftding tbîs een ut yu'rc travetinguontya s.bntdiante. A iatici cntitied "Hum tai Saurvien the Woodn" s acauahie freccrtrmthc Otario Miistry ut Natuat Recourues. The ceattt dscibus tbe stcpe ta tahe ifyca are ututunate enuugb lu beccmc tot in the mudencss. cmc ci tbe pointsaraccu t.I lynuaacc ot, DtiN'T PANIC. oaeeimwandcr aticlssty; thuo mdt nny aste youscatreogth and gui yeu neumbccc 2 White yuu sit bhacc dayigbt, bcnd a ceartug ced mahe camp. 3 Chese au ciccated spot, subucu rate ater wmdt eut colct and baidda sbeitrutfgrecebs. tay n thecopcn mbeyucauhcscunhby rcscaeee 4. Gather dead, dry moud and bita irue trcs itua triangle. iThectiresurtbccceanytbtng isa distrst gnal). . Budda Circonly on ba ockc, sand ou muerai cml. Be crclai et tsiar a tret lire) a. Fod, sch as frogs, inscct,huird'sreggcccrbccries may bc ltiaie. iecare atpuieonuuabccie,ptantsoan utagt Tbc Minsley aise aduisec anyonectaceing in the ouds tai carry aterprout matches, butte, sure mre , isb boubu and sue, compose, mapdt afatcosus or umet ubocola te i Filone Aid Cou- St, John Ambuanace etters caureumin Emergeeco ced Standard Fiet Aid. The Enecgeucy Plet Sud Course tecebes the basic eilisnecedeul te stop bleedueg, start beating, cape itb bruhen botes ncd dcc1 isutboanu ceeeciem patient, tt su taagt iecgt bussocefoue tmcbeu secs ious The Standard Prt Sd courue ic mre lteseand che talhuscu iceompietu Coctactiheb Scebol St. JithuAmbolance in souree,ui'u'u lu rgstcfoeroofthceecoursecsocurtu tsthe ttucctreofTraining St. Johumbulance 46 Weleseiy Steet Eat TORONTO, Ontarin pALU OA coul fathobilb thyo,ne mtter shol ceaiete u bouen tego. Bat lttile did I cealime ibat my sitesas going te de ibece thingu simaltoneoalys croate ber esun costume fr tbe eddiug: tsetu0peoude ad getoalan.Juttrp dl ladies Sbe isconeftboee peope subu dont bns tbeîe esun limiations. dcmond petection, and deive oerpene arcuud them, taigbt ocut fhie ehal Sinon ubo strted seing a year or su age, sbcbe tikheh con taubte anytbing in tbe hatecouturenlineu I gconlcd that se cesid mhipouta agot siri nu Pair et smasbing luebe in a day, and hnoch ctt T- sirte feu tbe midgelc inte bfmity swhie the dshes mccc souking, bal t wsce lery aout ber touging mtb a mcdding dres Esst euh cNas sheer huit t1 tnid hete hnoch otai "u, suite dreus" toc the edding, and se came op mith seme nid cicos' tale Ibot y ce cant mcccsuite te o seddung--thalusreserord tac the bride lu addition, the sndide't ehune fr lonnueg, and tbo dm1 seeouud o dcad os Seccnnd seeb as a epet Ht hu dd mohu a panicutrip te the city ta hay mnateriai, tbe suchoeufoc une day, and chu cest a pond and a boit. Third eu. The materuai shu chose mou amlundan sdh ;Greasîaiftîamcrk hsut Loch ai il sidcmayo ond i resumbicu a numupaper thate hbeun lcH coutsenthe raie. Ht the con subunu She stote a hait hoccoa day ron. er i0'bour scsing stit lac soni talbîng, nSudedniy the cotun began ta wocb, iseleo ut tcing, as thcy bad hune ftio mucha. Inte bumdt etut i, susuoud op abut eddings are somen, ube oud ime ta dash ot and boy me a pair et pnts and a finecummbhieubucrt 1tusigoingitosucar my nid gray tiannetu that t bogt ire yeacc aga, toc $te and a dean glf shirt. The ponts are su bt tompy aoud tbe pchutu lcem carryuug hey, $6 ie change, and golf battu. and the chut bau a cigarette bore sinte coulacbutot utbuccsur tby'rc Thucu cas nuo ay ubu cas goueg ta get meto bol a parof back h uoesu.ou ue i i cold wcrcmy bsb-poppes audush'd cay i tugt my dresshous. Ntculy did shc ihu ahc cccizapp of a sirt mîlb a matchung occi, but a polka-dot bioueto gondril. Newshocs, olcourse, a ton, and-bei lorunot a beond es figurecmitb aimosite5pouedu eaeiehed itc tbsu air.She wsaiknoc-out mhy dont somept ail ibis eccatisud andodiipamccitsutcccmtbîegbcuuduu a oru(idiug'5 II'TIE5 EARFUL OR FUlN? 1 bouc sedonm gusen mach tbeugbl te tbo tact that 1t iused mre tban boit a centory. Once ina suite, t do obsersue iinge ibat ccmund me ibait1 am noas eyong as laonce sas. For cuampte, acc yonticcd bos u mcb yongee poice ntbicrstlouhasymoce? Sud ftciai oatie,doctece, deubisto and lamyes 1 have ais se hcced ibai ihey arc bulding taies stccpec nesu, Andltypeuin the nesspapecu seeme tuobe gctiug smoltcc Thendciocsay islonger ..and theiommuucsm tcgo onfor miles. Sudshat about ccc idu? Att etca nddee tbey acc grumeentc adoitoliiuig tbcer onlices, meeting ther osun challenges.Sud suite me arc cti ematiinatty uusuuised, me rmasi emund auructous, mtb aonme sadueus, that tbey are noulnger luttin goye ce depen- dent upn os, Tbcu agau, it' thecaywe brogt tbcmop to be.Sud thees sumesutace nthti. Botthie ouds, ut ceytbueg, su beccming mure beutitai, as are the scegu ufthie buedu ibat ichaht i. Pputingu bacceut iaetbeic magienobhave goodmusic andbltcraioce. Peeaps' beauetccmbave mrebmc talokhand te usine Mre tume, to, ta uflctetoag the nedibie cbanges t haocsuitneueed:theumuudbbbeg grcm' ntbtcbsoiagy and ut medica scuece. Met ut the buter dsecues ut my cbutdbuud hasue bucu boght coder content, tbe flumuy bu- panes tbatsucai] rusbcduttosuatcb cbogcovec orbcads bave guoens say ta jambo etjus at croco tbe AtatceisuV-, ors; tueissice hum thai uitle bas bas ebaeiged or lv and the cdai tof 600,00suere t as bore nom m ibglcaouung tasues tocbueg dame ovec a metrupobe is fmore tban ima miionpopecrcm atm ievecy caanby itecocid. Vs, t heosu there are twos osebof t boghtoabottim hnd oftpragrcss.I b1chavesmu misguvsgmysaHfas tobchtbec the truc qoaity ut lite bac impcasued that mocb. Foc many, bomeser, pccbapc ut auý Butt1alecbknomevoaeaencutouruthecccbacb SAnd yo accony asctdacycoutbhiebandicetl 1 spuhe ta a gentleman ai 73 rcentty. Thu day beicce, bu bad attedud atenciscceboott[roma8a.m tc aimstf8p.m Siteihs gcoeltuug tet ofc uaance humwas n btter shape tbotuuastatftheyouîgcu popecnouide"he some as.bcty ouer thecuamu spacu ofiumc Su guilceno th t, Due, the becti s yct tacamne. Bt the next tbme sou Riub breeccu home toc Sonday due- ne, icchug au frsh as a daisy citer ateuodiug tmamcedduegc pius reeeptucnu, bacb to-baeb Prday and Satorday ta ait ors, t tbseh '11i tare the huse ce hum Enoogh'c cnugb. JR i T I! R TPO IG OFFERS A COMPLETE, c VEHICLE PROTECTION SERVICE OUALITY RULSTPROOING& THE NEW 1'01V CElAT POLYGLYCOAT GUARANTEES VOUR NEW CARS FINISH FOR 3 VEARS AGAINST... ON A 3 C,,,jniaq,,,1LuiSS F OSS. OU HOT DAY. NeVEuH:vEso uppl Ise Ysal ody Sdn Meldiun A.Wn3OSTEELESAVE. 8788125 Milieu 583 MAIN ST. E.* CALL US * 878-7978 o WO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FOURTH IN A SERIES j A Mark of Progress in Milton * Pethane Lid. planst pen a o mdenome plastics moeotoatieg plant on Broei Si. eoub th fHslap Rd. this foul. The herm, pusnetiy iueatnd n c Toronto, te huilding o $267,300 plant ut 22,276 eqotuai e tacorthe mono- et face ut oethonemhîcharen ued ic secouai indostuiol oses. 'hhe rm ii Ouýk nmploy 30. Insnrani MTE0 ranu 208 Main Street E.,Mitou 878-29 .. ... . ',"TeRock Scene THEOLO BRITISH LICES ON Twc cf the bauds tbat taeted a long time aga, are stili i existence tcday . TEE KINES staeted suben tthc Beatles iest came ta North Ameelca-1964-anulte Hathes begaucone ycae atmr The KINES atmays eehbittd a creabsue abttity, bt mccc uccrtuubed toc atten by thecribcs. Brothecs Dace ami Ray Dacues decclcd ta eace the Landau Art Scituet n t964, tataerm a rock baud. Mick Accey mas ce deums and Petercuaute ptayed bas Esee thoogb tbey pecdsced macy lha ecoedu, the EtNES ueue achieced tbc ecagnition that mac dcSue ice 1964, thcy havececcccdcd teathomu thctr atect c "Stcepater". lohe Dattan and kcybcaed haz John Gmbuig sure addcd taothegrcup, wmb eptr Qcaietlelt. Roy Dies s reccegniard asca gcatcmposerand lyicuclt, but the KINES bacc cemausurd a torgottee rckchband. Home ut tbeue bts iueude' "S'u eutatly Gt M Se,-""Ait Day and Att Nigt," "Tirud ut Watteg," Weil tccpeceed Stan."> "Dcdtcatcd Faitomer" "Sueny Attccuccu- "Victoria,« tLi-at nad "Steepmather. The HOLLtES begac su tub5 and bacc atteted macuy trends uceccai rckcbandc. Tbcy wmccc brut huocnac tbe Detac. betoruebaeguog te came ta tbceIIOLLIES. Thuy had cucemous sccccs. ail thcough Europe and aiotie m, bad t.5 conscuobe uisb, Eoerytbiug scumcd ta bu gsueg ducat .Ounti Graham Nach deccddtat]caveuthegrupmtatoi %8 tuutcad ut dubaedteg,tbu HIILLtES eaccued au tke uotbng bad etouuged. Mach cofterucocded msocebac uuoce berctcaucd inNorthSAmccuea.Tbusrsoced seae, mitty acd mcitcm The iiLttES use ibutu barmonieuaufitue- tued instrumcnts. Tbc HOLLIES ut todas are: Aiae Ctarkeu ccas,. Tcrry Sytucrute ugitars. encle icuBassi:Hobby Elistt (drums)iand PteWiegatc ikcyboacdcý Their sett keomo btc ceiode'"'eu AierJoit lice Loc," "HusStop," "Stop. Stop, Stp""Ou a Caruoocci "Carcue Suc:'"Hccory Soozaauu.'-Sondy,""-He aunt Heacy» "-Tca'Yougtubu.Staccucd." Pay Y'ualach5h'dh tutececi" ,and"ThuAucTbat1Bruathu, CONTRCTIN LiMINGAC LCOLICSAONYMOU MEETS EVERV TUESOAY 9 p . Ocace Anglican Haorng a probiem? PacephHall Dop in AL-ANON ALATEEN Do you haoc a reative lu yooe patent' wiha dcehtesgptcblum? dikeohuothecucgyoaO Mete Tbotedaye 9.00 Muets Wedueudas, 98:0 '..m,Ourace Chaech pm. Gaca eSc Pah Hall Patush Haitmuamuu The Cocodico Chompion, Wed., July 20, 1977 B15 -Miton tacs Lineus is au Thucu te publiceim- hctudayc ced thece s nce mueg ladly ai the commuti servicu tcum Jsiy tu tu Aug. i pool teniRotary Parkh BABIES NEED DIAPERS ! 7fWe supply 100% Cotton /I diapers treated with aspecial bacterostat. Delivered in your ares weekly. Coul us for information Gift Certificates A val/ah/e STORK DUAPER SERVICE 534-7531 AMC Gre-Mmlin. Itsthe carte own... if you think driving should be fun. 1 1977 FilAmencan Motors 75th Anniversary toi ET' I J IOh IJTO S of MILiTON I0lBoneStSu eho opta 7-38Mlo TEENBURGER TUESDAY A DELICUOUS MADE TO TEENBURGER0 ONLY Reg. 99c <TU ESDAYS ONLY) SAV E_20C 360 STEELES AVE. - 878-8125 ------------- 1 PLus oANERcARAND TRIP INTERRUPMN PROTECTION .T ýo CoST To YoU FULL 2 YEAU4.00 NULE- WARRAN"o ENGINFAND DRýEYR^iNi FULL 1 YEAMIIMMWE** WARRAN"CNALLOfflER