Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jul 1977, p. 24

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96TheCanadien Champon, Wed., JUiy20, 1977 _____________________________ t e The Fearless O~OtyPg Bilingualexçhaflg Uammer tmeis cerlanlymyfavoritetime ofyear. I loveBi ng al x h n e the reased lestye, teanenpected guestsandlthe delîcîoas love on areally hotlday. Tis meald ntielyprear mithut heat A mefitIfor your favoiecmpay students s en Uimpa Rounds Selihaa Ram Vegeable and Dip CusyRol Vicyssoise Ps Heln BeetSalad daysfilledwithfUfl Lelluce ROUlS M e Tia Maiaamrty itar bfiokewidown ad Institute has pic for six convales( EîgUl Sornhy %% miens Instîlule memePvPenfer and Mvv Gidoti , ttieir hostess July 13 ali .30pm i Honhy ark A short meeting oas heid. condcted hy Mcv C C. alerson, le president ltsas ecided 10 spansor tu mo4-H Clusa OSUAI NesI trangscboof mlI e Aag 19. The mnutes otIhe lastmeetingwere read by Ms. Ron Macherson and Ieasuers report wsDgîven. A lhanh-yoO note uas received frot Mrs IeIerl towns IaDingîhe Wh.Ifopra card and gît receîved for lher SUIU isedding an- niversary. Te MitUn Pair W.. eshil as discossed and anyone wiharticles or il 10 ho rîng thym 10 the Sep- tember meeing Il was vnanmoul Aileil iii Ci mrsItvv ovnMi $15i',o foirn lyppng Wl pogvomv Thpvc îee given out tumeMhPVO Rereation telfomed mîlU hcing yoir shoe the for thest. wont by Mrs. p w Merry. couning Ue beans in a jar, Mrs. C. Wrigglesmrth; taking the mosl cloîbespîn off of cktbestine Mrs. RWilson and Margaret (a guesîl ied. Mrs. H Reed ad the ongeul middtlte inger iGiFour cildren were present, so al reseiveol a gft au oel as 11e viiting ladies. Prises were sngie. for tUse oeiging the most attd teat. A picIiC lunch oas Ue serveol snlUMs. H. Reco, Mca, R. Macherson, Mc. R. 00Dm.n and Mirs. C. Wrlggtes- moitA eping itA tAla -Mm ( I'atterson and NMcv Il i)cnînc ari i cge of The eathr asdlihu andi ai oîni d a suipIAosO poenic lunch and isit together MIs- Guidolle SHRIMP ROUNDS 1 lsp. lemo juicP 1700z. inDmed shrimp lUAUhed and drainPd) I lsp hUseradish l hard boiledegg loptiUSalî 2Sgreen onionsS finlychoppVd) 14 OApsoit botIer MIS ail iSgredienlo togeher excepl the butter and chilI for oSe hor.Add lhe siI hAle and sprPAd oS crackers or melba toast RAW VEGETARLE Olp 1 Isp. parsley 12 smaillnin ivery finely chopped> a sprnkle of di] if desred MiS ail igrediens t ogpfhrrand chll. Serve 511h PAO vegeabes such as vAOifloS'PP. broveoli, sriUg bmASS. CUCUmbhPP SArroIs PIc. Viehy .I. 1 tin of cream of poato SOUP garlic owder chîoes Put cream ofpaUt a Osoup and cream intolthe lendr and ohiz for a foi seconds Add gAric poîder a or! hivPs and chili oto hourshpeforsrviiig. GArish itih avspig of fpPsh pAPsIe efieore servivg. REET SALAO 116USD.can o beets slice ishoestringsM 1 green pepper choppPvl) 1 tbsp frozen orage juice coDcPDIrAtP 1 hsp. (sUS meltPdî butter Min ail gdients and let stand top onp hortDrain and rserve marinadefor lptce POilIS LETiCE SOLLS Coage ChPPUP aiin gPated nion red or green peppVPs parmesan chlesP wainAI mincpd ham UVAl the cotagr PDPesP AStiIIsmooth andi1add aili P or iC to the AbUe ingrediPnts. SprPAI1 a lhick layer of the mixture on large IRIuce lpooes and ol up as a cahhage rol. Sevre ith a toolllpich Yo wil waoIai leASt3Ifor PAch peraServe wih the eet mariadeor yourfavritedrssing. SIIELLFISD SULAO 3 cDpsotmixed shellfish I CSp pelPd and shredded appîPU 1 cup finely chopped green onions 1 cup finely chopped celery 1lcup mayonnaise Mainale the slellish in the french dresing for ailt lso hoArs. Drain and add the restoftthe iogredientsG Seve o IPIIDPP peaves. PEARS IILLENE pears chocoIAIP syrAp oihipped ceam Scoop ice crea minto dessertldishPs. Topp h a fresh iper orPCASSVd peae halves, Prthe choolaip iyrup oSVP lUhis andgarnish wih hipped cPeam. TIA MARIA FRAPPE 3 scoops vaUillai cPUPPeaI I oz. Tia Maria Pul hene amountsof icP ceam and Tia Maria in the blender fop eavh person, Whiz for a couple of seconds ai higS andserve in a coctail glass. Ri Ilga tîappnich 1 Tivo Mlonstuîdents par icipating i he hlînguat Ps. change program for the firsti Hiei allon fihîs year are fiodiof iheir day' illed mîlh Alysi UBacon and Aprl Wilson. olh 1:, oho sdIlhr goîvg int0 grade 9 aI Mlon Ilîvîicit Iigh Schoof tis Sepember. are regslered ini the junior secio ofthe pro- grainidesigord 10 gîvr Ont- a rioand Qîîeec young people anvao'arrness of lite in each others provinces and to pro- vdclanguageeducatiofin a iun almospheve. Alson and her parents, Mr and Mrv Sanley R. Ba on 010 Joyce lvd., lippe hovs for Edlh 1 iregoir, a 1.1 yrar ol d grade 10 Ioudent Irom Sllerey, Que- bec April and hep parents, %Ir. and MrsIDonaldBO Wl- son ofi 3931Vatipivira Cres., lad astheir guevliA4year-oId SvvianePelochat. a grade i10 siuîdpiit rom freahryville, 110vbec oh t050v are nDr iioebec Citly. onday. the grl, r.îvettcd bhi hus 10 Qu- bec ,î Ure ihey 're vlaying aI the hoes ni thpefehec Iwinîg lth ir-i 100 îîeehv oth Uprpogcam vspPDli Ot a iothe viudeDîs had a diifeiIntOi civily chedled ifh a.v.îochiîdng sports, gailuci camfpingivis10t Niagara Falls. the Science iCntretBlach Ceeh PioDeer % ilage and Toronto, and dinrai the ild Spaghetti t-octocy iii oronlo, Each day the Ballon vîudenls wr , 0mivopl uvih a ditierruut Sthough acamipingexcur- s on lofachaood the frvl îîeeh masvpaiuieiioui. the girlv' enruhiaim oasnlt dampened April and \yso siavoite lacliSity mas fu-ic iil Io Bloch Creh P'ioneer Village.ahich in- ciiided a ride on a horse- itpaOD agon, Cdilh and SNIiiane. ov the other hand. %eemîît thrîiied sîth heir trlii iiiToroDt.iv. ciAdiDU 1isiICiyliait. the EaIoD centrand Commerce Court. SuîplicDds acre lrtfI reefo aclîlîtîco oth thp stodenîs' tamiiiev ihe WiIsoDs reated Sîkiîanc toa ovehkend allUe i iliage il c;corgian Bay ohie diiS aod the BacoDs tiie nai 'accand ment horvphachpriding Tic girls joincd the pro grami f)mproicîhhercang- nage shis. "Ivned t eraomoe flic cents ixpeseiianhs oc having hi'ladîies d Avasil are moîvngio ncS ihumeîtheîend ci Sgovi. memberes err extpnded zan invtation to have a meting there in the trench,' said Atyson, svhief April added shte outd lihe 10 -l gain extra credit s smelI as F impenor her French. Ue ovasnt sure. hoever. how many creddts the program w provîd s. Edîlh saîd she wanted an S opporliinily 10 praclîce lhep English, -t Dsed 10 livein i Monreal. mhere t earned t tnglîsh, ht 1 havent spohen il for sx pears. - e t1 wanîed to lern Eng- a tsh,- Sylviane gave as erF reason fr participaling. y Mealtime, and a casserole, h provded Sylviane ilU Ue i opportunilO 10 lermlher irstP neis Engish ord - "mDsh-t rooin. mwhle Edlh added the ord "shore" 10 hep vocahU- o ary when rying 10 esplain o where their towns ere sit-r uaaed in relation 10 the Si. .awrrncr River. Ahile in Onario al the t vîdensswere encoraged 10 r vpeah Engish so hal the 1 French stsdenls old have i an opprloily 10 peaclîce theE tanguage. Nom Ihal they arr iQehec. Aprl and Alysnn, uvll he rying oui Iheir trench. AI the start otIhe progromn the stodentSs ere lesldn Iheir second langoage. Edilh was confiden she did wellten lUe test hAt the resl otIhe girls groaned -terrile" when asked hom lhey did. Weve had French tests before. hut lbey erent asf bad., saîd Aril. They lalhed vo fast!- sylviane fosnd ste did'il hoom some otIte everydays Engîsh expressionsD hch the esam lesled. The test consisled of a 3aped voice asing qlueDions intrench for the Onario siodenîs. in English top the Qoehev vIdensi 10 mhich the loudenîs lbadlto uspUitthe inswers. Alitstudens milI k'e rclesled At the end otIhe pro- gram and the girls hope lU imprUve their performance. in the slodents' vîems ail Canadians shold le flen in trench and Cnglîsh ,Tv gcî johs yoo have 10 have lîvo angsages. ,April aîd. arA Fdinh added. -The French really need EDglish and the English realy need trench if lhey travel.- Sylviane commenled il evryone spoi he11esamne langoage il oldn'tIbchr dficl for Canadians 10 ondersand eachotherc hiyson. recalling a trip Ihroogh Qebec in mhich the TWO MILTON STUDENTS participating in common garden vegetables. L. to R. are Edith Halton's Bilingual Exchange program teach Gregoire, Sylviane Peichat, April Wilson and their Ouehaa' miests the English names for Alynon Bacon. Ue irDI eschange n - y-- tI think il'S gooe, 10 om French SU ttat if ooure ever tanght in QUebPS, iISP S UPPP, yoD mont flnt unAwk- ward." The lwo QueUec students said lhey SoleI lilîte di ffer- pope befween the twUS prov- inces, aparlt rom the lang- aage. "Yoa're in a cily and pverybody Upeaks English arouSII YOD When yoA speDa French, everyhody loka t yoD,'" Edith said, descrihing hier experlence. She added tlyat she RAm fewer youUg people smoking in Ontario Ihan in QuebeS. Ashed il lhey were in favor ot Queliec separAtion, all far of tUe girls voiced an ada- manI "no. The hilingual esehange program issSponsUrVO hy lhree levels oI governmnenl: regionalty hy the Ralton BUard ot Edaration, iprOv îocially hy the Minislry 0l Edncation and Fedepally hy te Secrelary Uf t Sale OttIawa slodents parlîcîpaled Motorcycle1 tests riders' Molorcyvle enîhisiaîst trom aIt over HallUn and Peel will ge a chanceto test their siis July 24 AI a special Mioliicycle Gymhana spS- soppd hy Sheridas CUIIPgP. The gyhhn, open 10 al sîpeplghîes, mitI he held il the Upamnalea City Cestre sIarlîng AI SOUon d isIrPP ID everyone. All contestansI must k' if years of age and over and possess amotUr- cycle UperAtrs licence. Gerry Gernan, Co-rdin- ator nI the evenl. saîd tUe lîmpd, shill lesting coDrse will inctude an emergency vserve and stop, a fine slalom and figurPe eghls. -This is the tîrsî lime aSy- thmng lhe fhlU hAS heemheld vpecifiCally tnp molnrcycle road-riders,- said GermaSi -Ormain pArpose is 10 ac- quaint roall piders, in a fun sortofmway, mîlhhir salfey ispahSpsses. Uy poinlîng oAt iheir shorlcomings. me hope 10, eocourage lhem 10 hecome more siPItyconsPiOIis Ail efemenîs of the gymhhana cousSe have hemn adapted trom the Canada Serve gn»ips of 30-50-200 or mr.PFý 1 only$1 .90 perperson HALLUDAY HOMES BUY NOW-BUILD NOW* CASH BONUS 'ORDER BYAUGUST 31/77 -BUILD BYOCTOBER31/77. to spend as you wish $3OO.CASH to spend as you wish 55iMapteAvesue, HALLIDAy HOMES Burlington, 637-5261 DIS§PLAY COURT a.9osnw When yau find the right house cali the right maver! B LAKELOC K CARTAGE Lovai and OUI aI- lown mooing. Yoo wîi 11116 oor cdean weii eqoippUo truchs, eo- pUrt, courteoAs se,- vive and money saviog raies. Pianos are a specialy. Lceosed aod tnssred CALI US TODAY BLAKELOCK CARTAGE LTD. 5423 Brilannia Rd. 878-22 Since Ihen a numnber of oUser Ontario sehool biards have joined tUe program. In th1e Hatton prUgram participation SAS Iimiled 10 tmo students frnm each scboot. There arc a total of 24 seniors 114 to 1U yearsi andl 24 juniors (12 10 14 yearsi re- gistered. Eaeh sîndent paîd $8U 10 participate in 1the program. John Love, Head nI the Modern Langsîages t7eparl- ment At M. M. Riohinson sehonl and co-ordinator tor the Halton portion oftIhe pro- gram, eslimaled cosîn of 111e program AI $30010to $400per student. Teachers as oeIll as students are parlicipaling in the esebange. Aileen Spen- cer, mho teacheD FreDch ai Acton District High Ochool. has been workiSg mîlh the junior group. gymkhana skiIIs 'iaftly Looncîl moIsI ycîe lî-aing coirOcS hich iv PODDiflg ai varioos ie lhroogholIthe sum mer ai the Biramptiin Campus of Sheri- dIaD College. Aimd alithe novice rider. the 16-h our course stresses 111e vafe. intelligent ose of molorcyctes lhroUgh lessons n halanvîng and hrakîng. slarlîng and sloppîng , clolch operalion. g ear changing. slow and patern rîdîo g and lratfîc hehavior. Molorcycles aod belmels are provided Up the college, mahîog the course ideal for those oho have Sot yet hooghl. hut ave considering hspiiig, a molorcycle. lis pcobahly the hesi molorcycle mooey a person could speDd.- saîd Germait Trheresno venIr hoyîog a motorcycle andîtIhen dis- coverîng yoo donI lîhe vîding il. So lae Ihîs vummer. more Ihan 60 people banc lahen the Sheridan molorvycle traiing course.awhicb costsv50iand iv olfered durîng days. evroingv and seehcnds. A Professional Sx10 Colour Portrait only 8&< *CHOOSE FROM OUR SELECTION 0F IGIIT SCENIC ANS COLOUR SUCE- *SELECT ASITIONAL PORTRAITS AND SAVE Up TO', COMPARES TO 195 * O UR C OMPLETE SATISFACTION GUARANTEES OR TOUSR ONEY CHeER- No obligation ta boy adoitionat portraits JuIy 21, 22, 23, Thurs., Fri., Sot. Thurs. & Fr1. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sot. 9 o.m. - 5 p.m. 194 MAIN ST. MILTON ONE STTNG PER SUBJECT RI PER SURJECT FOR ADITONAL SUR- JECTS, ONODPS. OR NOIVOUAIS IN TRE DAME FAMILY. PERDSONS UNDER 18 MUST BE ACCOMPANIEDSYR PARENT OR GUANO AN. Papular Banik of Nova Seotia Financîng Johnson Bras. Garage 2W§ Main St., Miltn $18-942 Capture a Memorv

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