Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jul 1977, p. 15

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The CacdiarçbhampioWed,July20, 1977 15 e IN ACTON JUST REDUCED-3 ted- 0om fuy enccednm iru ondition. Askcg $4000.00. Tie occvmocirly pamene uc iChistsmas ln c3200for maintenace.ettnîer 100 ACREc-Venarinccnd uiaielfor rcrroagnioiua ccd equeraienurrosas. 2 large moderndciteenbrnrend, inulcina, colorera bloom, ventiaoandcr10D amp serice Oc aci buidigcplus comînat cble, clea7-roomed lumicurr idcrc hoenonir 2 btlironrn. N R0CKWOOD AREA A ioum mis comfort and ie- ancoeCENTAt AIR CO- Docoososu ic a ihome wmirî oridiv cars r0 lrgo n. Eor h liewnufI lie adjiicg tranig rack oriihe ease of lie couciinc An A mclvmiii loie epaciousessand p01 acy ofr lis3re o d ihome ce 1 acremcith300 c. fIl of linu scace. Aniscg $119000bul 11av ce 1,! For further information cail KAY MAXWELL 853-0508 821 3230 a Ji vîSilOrvsOlOaOO 300 MCNABB CRES. c65,900 - Full trio soreyv noacious lig aes ult amiv aied kie, aiodoors otack arden, sree bdroomrcacd .adencd4 rece and 2 c.thva acndoaraen 14 x 8in gorurdireald pool. Ourers hvcogtlImmedaue pcsses BELL STREET 3 tedroom tcckeplicl.tradîccreca iisougosc, larecliving 10cm enlra large klchn irer. lîrcc roc .Irca vmastîccri taokn colo parkard creraculaevorndiion.$65000 BULIDNG OTSS viYloSAID NDROCKWOOO Avisa STELLA PARTON 878-6705 Campbellville intersection The intersection of Guephs nsdup. Uine and Campbettvilte Rd Tie report, conducted by as given top priority for tieteuco Ctier Consuting road improvements to cor- Engineers and Planners, r ect unsafe conditions, in a recommended tire expent traftic operutions study pro- ditores of nearty $400.000 to sned tise Haton Regiosa i mmediately correct mnssife pubir works committee Wed- moud conditions in Haltons W HFBOSLEY &CO.LTDREALTO0 touve 3bedroccr sdesplit ccly 2 Yceaie 0110oceentra large lot wirc frolciIdealfer thencomruîer and the family closetoc pubico chori i'oaicrns a pciialn lnrmed patio wmur -cai dock, troadirrer iirougiscut, romameengs, ront ram ceitrimImraculate house. Ailfor cric $63,9W, Nol 10 te To vinri pieuse rail ronc Keecan ai 639-8004 or mes. 529-3010, Rprsertieg W. H. Bnsley &n CO. Ltd. Raltor, 444 John St. urlingtor. Tise seca-menti traffir study fond 59 locatins where roadmork iii ie seeessary oece the next five years. John Ashwood front De- tesco suggested Oc per cent of the mors shooid ie donc nom BEAUTIFUL omniousein Anien, rmo yesns couend unicrduced tose 405w. Siagnarering treugeour, ciecc trigir r eores, 3 ted- ronrtsPias 1t2'a tres. Loeio pricate genccsceles 5 a mun. Ci 85322aleror7 p..or ccv ime Strurdano r PRIVATE-Nnm riren ted mot ungaeowconrugo ort mISS grnat icloforFair Lakse. 4ic782-158croc2ce1t47a0 or ao-ot2 HAVE yonu getl? ire Whave a person serlousy dosirig tc acquire a 2,24t acre parcol or lainthrie Guelph, Rock Wood, AclenCarptniiiiioor Miron area. Piceopece MuSr te suilatie frrbuildino. Cali Uvela odriOuos, Guelpir ca-cOc, eîcorr Rea Esram . 3169 CaUctry Sai er Cacoobetliîle 878-1980 Ecceeds pour enpectaticcs Ale ous Icaîr Beibecis (159 856-4522 to prevent Ofise truffiso accidents and injuries. icuece tise commuittee ugreerd tlo okiitc tise pcv- sibitity cf dcing mork 10 50005 of tie top te rioity inter- setions ucti fccds currentty cherepu rs c oe nier sertions, ecudng Gsetph Line t Cumpbeisettcmccd ometouso ail t est na unes,$3900.plus smnl dloue cacrier- Cali so8 co19 aller 5:30 Pe houSe Wutr garage for 10cr, opticeoc ccv. 0,330.nontherlv Possessione15 dav Ocreer c e Avce . O tod22 ce9616. eclaccceualow mrlh gar ugo. , fipaoo rinoiegrSmer pocoarot ackcyard, close 10 ACTO N 5i000.0Ocloue tocs lus aHiill Esi e.Cloie e Occo cne n es.Tils s a gocd tcc and hasn'830,1 0er ceie i53-croc or oooccegs nec 8167. GýEORGETOAN socet0-o c tungalowu cuate aIet 3 300110e Crot ardadaaacentllr scecol, cark ardaia.aThirs lot isuorilcanvcearad ias paved 0drive i1roedlalte possession. tomdloue cay mrentllo qalilccd Oircener sac 00,or e earrors 8u7d8167. vrrON DvcutlO ruc 000 S64,90(' 00. AOfanatc arg Ravine lo.isoceptioral dacer RABBIT DIESEL 62 M.P.G. V. W. RABBITS SERVICE AND PRICES ~ IMPORT NT REASONS WHv PEPPLE COME '0 BAZ MOTOeS BAZ 'OTO' iTO number one on repiE TAH OVPSON RAL ESATE mBonER THE WEEK $59900!! " Spacîcus iinccg 10cm c Dîvccig rcom " targe kisicisco&breîakfast arca " Prciecviooaiiy fccised rec roori " 148 fort fîveage on quiet croect!l " Aovc grcurcd pool iaciyard - .Tl39,9 0-0.$54,900. HILLTOP RANCH Acîtcaive womnl uit3-eaccm bickbungaalow Bugao icuut ak ou 1,frontsof craced asemril,,apacorl ca 62OBccuciing Et donarea aetlvrolliceuacîOesoaediussoliliroflAcccs o25 Hmr Envel *elluasemecic arrl iîncseil extra ashrocm lent investiment, L goa ulandscaed lît, 310 auetat *Ecellentr locaionor, eaHicot Sohool TO WNHOU SES! 3 ced 4 Scdraîrcd, A gîcut sîlecîlîr Iton $390ü001 JUS T LISTEO'IrirI eclao bOdrv. îcrvoîar G,-ii i 1 a1I a o,( lfi , d cv wiloc i Lr ietliv kcc f iC .. lSecî .Sor For the best selection of homes in and around Milton, give us a cail. CALL STAN THOMPSON Real Estate Broker 878-2455 3ir Iist coul tise rogioc about $7,M)1 aller provincial gruols. Mo Asiroord saîd tise GOuelphs tiorCampsolille intersections r.accidetrate, obichis ivmore tbar ibree imres tbe acceptable lovel. coutd ie reduord o isthteus oflowccst engineering lch- roques 10 about $008101 lie recommondeol pro- hisitoco paring on both roud-, approucicc rheisnt0er- accidents ibore issolcevi parised ehiscles. rio troc- intersectionesi thetop 10 ccllvoc cosidered iis year arc- Traalgar lid.ai trigisiaoiiAve.-, 1iaisuille; Guelph is Orair Counituinvide lid and tainoav. Rurliioc ton:. and Sterrs KAur ai Star icn d Stlo Tis brrr pr00001, ircoli- ovpenhiturev tollling $140.3(X) Tise report also lisiril six intersections Obicis 0quire omocedoate sgcaliralioai a cost of $246,000, Niciecr o oc tise pricritv itr a- tise itreto aiTrfi-alur Rd and Shrirdan courege Drin iiiissoie cuiee inter1 seto ilTrafalgar cool tierosvidas secnd, Tise irafiisestudo prinird out1 eccvrectioonsoroads crieroaccident rates cor, bove lbeoueptîd lcool oi i. iaccidentc pero million A one mile- cîceti of Gucelph is îe rortis cifiicrrv toi ias air accident rail- ci soetac hettroc 1es tise i cepted Ici ci Tiseccporl rommeodc spending $3,dico toix tiels iuatio lr Asswod alico reccivmoodd i ceeavivg lise dcpaetoftoih,-recoiov ) tiis iiiviene lc-icrd dcdeci to i iccoav tise regincs trafic staff. il odidnr oc-cer-c i, cinil iirieg reîo peuple. iSpeaisg oil the cuit SMr tscvod vsid, -oco proiser iiiirecccsaliigcercmetcis triO roc ciuici-pities retin oties arie adloucI 0i staffiwite tise egior bascin ceeiued ifs tuff. * 'It s tiesaie mleage of crl.ie va id, Tbei-cc n ne Ori, incerreoistaff - icerding (o publiecîcrise clîrece îBob Moreluilicg- 0o1 trallie deparmeri 0con lt f 5e rnhicrs crd Oak-oi vile hi-, about cogisi staff nireues, ocisce Iiiitoc 111110 andci tltonve o-n't 00,0e .Iefi-îore scidictlie rgîc ias icivec-iîoictatcrs andl conulans t prlriri is roc,oroein ictsih e otisri c- t tt ~ 0contact thlie 1cnr00c I or, b, scoiv C0iocoi,îi J;-c bull itiýug gesord oto1-aîog tlistaff in îîurtingteco l cnd liissiiil ci echgiack his,îvtuOcservces Oc,- rorlisor aemsis bat Ste More picnted i ciibaitlie cakiletidepartieoct reenlc iueved dcccv a ecqurst to sec- ic ea ficelîghitdlSites Avr acn Trafalgur Rd. lecuase tbel cere ton busy lie,-addjiscrser. tisut tise lilie deporînceni isud broc co-oporatîsroin the pust Mi. Ntoreaid ilcouidibc up 10 turiiglcc to service thisol icoel-ioncreptopl1r (i islie Mlr iscisoov cacA lie eegicccneeds more clatf is- caue ofliceasd leafic cvIume acd tlisecerd for con- Mooicresa id tise regoc cr- renl etv cpiicc-c 0cr litime pro fo rallie purpos 0,11v oiec tise eoud croc-s iave tis extc ini0e MreltMoe csc poied cul lice ceed tri ipdate tise trahfie t dv tie ralliecotud\. cici liitherilevt-incecihe icep- lonofîcleîocnai goornmeci in liltor coso can etimted t50-oi andc cii couiid ccl an ,cdoiîiîcoi ir$25.004cI oc cdate e ,scn er, va id 'M1r Avisiîoiii AN UNCOMMON OPPORTUNITY TO BUILO A HOUSE TO YOIJR OWN PLANS AND SPECS For Solo-3 chiceOR4Oesidenrcal lots venrrellosie 1 tnon Commrercial St. close Ic ig curShovi and Public Sciroolo.saeurourided bv varks and 16 Mile CrocO iccly srccd for $25,00, leies extra,illseii snaraieiv anr eos Phone 878-4681 dys For Al Vour Real Estate Needs PHON E Maurice Beaty 878-6418 Res. 451-3341 Rus. Representing Canada Trust Realtor Haiton and Peel Division Ounoîl WORRALL REAL ESTATE tîMITED lr.c R , Miltonr335-2928 - GARDENERS DELîGHT run cour cmr n goables Kee lhsuniquc 3 vcdooin archer lorraculate wthminimofvefr ofort.Er.ericclcvour g.sensgracouslyi e f0strkcru. occn concep esiii 305,00h and dirriroroorraramaliis eaed chedralcofccrc Crîvc counry lvinsvgaetds es on iils superoe and o hrcrer, properlo rnrihe soenic Kliridn ana. Coce oui anderc h frnt, courtrrrair. Cal i oencay viser335 2928 ov 335 9244 Thire pacoun4 temont0re Iorsertrre uiv erdscaped lot or e quiet reiderlai nreer rn Mitone raruren cerredialo postiassend aa fannilid ar $67,900. tocered ut easy coconis ro Omo. 401 il s 10mairrthie Toronto or Kitchner commefo. Muerta m ec ro btaeppreciaina Cal oserary Dion 335-2M2or 335-9244 ions.i BACHELOR 0F LAWS Jane Anne Roffe, daughler of Mr. andi Mrsv Kenneish Ruffey, St. Cathartne S t., Guelph. received her Bachelor cf Lavis degree from the Univer- sity of Western Ontario on Junc 9, t977. Jonc Anne has accepted an Articiing paoition with the Law Firm cf Miller, Thcmpscn. Scdgewich, Lewis & Healy in Toronto. She lv a former graduate oi John EF. Rovis Coliegiate and oh- tained her Bachelor ci Arts degree frcm the Universtty cf Guelph. Jane Anne iv the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mris. William Roffey, lornîcrixiciMiotion. Tiseo- aee big iaccalos cin ile Chaimpiovclassilied ,îds lot crlagcOcr1ti, HO USE OF (ghtImpiolt Real Région traffic study

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