6 TheCanadien Champion, Wed.,Jolp 13,197 19-Ontarlo Scholars MDI Niliefeens todenin oui of a graduatise clans of appron- iMaicly 120 gradoaicd an Ontario Schoiarn from Miton District igh Schoil ts ycar, William Wiher. non of Josecph and Laoea Waf 0cr of Camphciiviiie tooh top honoro at MORS, aith an 878 per cnf ancrage, edging 001 torng Europe wilEhoni Air Cadet hoddy, Geoffrey Drew- Brooh, alon a gr..Iuatc of MDRS. The two yfong mcn pian t0 retors to Canada in DecernthcrPost ncensdary in 001 onl the Irna yoosg mens ihooghin ai prenent, hut Royal Miiiary Coliege in Kingston might ho cfn- nîdered. adfieid gradoaicd NANCIY MeKINNON Nancy McKisoon, 8, plans no enfer thc Usnvrsity of Guelph in Scpfcmhe o sntudy agriculture. Miss McKinson gradoated from MORS wilh an 81.3pr cntaverage and iste daughter ot Johs asd Grace MoKios of R.R. 3, iton. to to of ad second pace geaouoiing ' itano81.2per centavra schfolr, Borara Prorce. hy ~ ~ ' I pr cent. Brharo is the - doughfcr of Normon ood 1101 L- EKOEI-lER Mron Pearce of 50 Rdgc Gerod de Koejc on nf r Milon. Rermano andi Gerrjen de Koea f 24 0.eadowh ooh DrNiltongoaduaed ch an 81. perceot average and i - - pn oo oahe oiasiee - - and municat he Uniest of0WesternOntro thisail De Roceij n Os19ears of age ~l  iONNA HUNTEIO Donna Hontc pansn LVSE liIAslI0 'tEk er he Unveriy( Loue0hh dagh o WesternOntario thus falt LouiseBakker daugher of udy genealsciences. Mi John and Marvahher of mner. 9 she doogher WR. 3 Geogeoaii Jamesand FannieRonter groduaed om IS wS 25 RdgfRd.,Mitna Eanmsper centiaverage rotis Bakker piano ta enter Mte Matcr Unversity in Hamil- ton in Septemher ta lahe accounting, hcmo 19 earn o age. ALISON lliloN Aiîon Bron wi e going 10 Erindale (otiege 0inîtsis- nougo. ahîch is part ai the Univernity o Toronto. Io tudy hmtory ihis flit Tis Brown io the daughter o Archic ond Rleen fBrown ofo R.R. 5, Milon and in 18 reaeu od. She graduated wih an 81 per cent average, JAMES t (i RHIOlîi Barry Rsgers, 1, plans 10 nfudy honors phynien ai the Usiversity of Waterloo foin fail. Rogcrs, son of Tcrrcncc asd Ane Rogers of RH .2 Moffat. grafioalcd mth os 87 per cent ancrage trsm MDHO. £*w À CRiC 10UOK Grcg RunO msn of Dosald ..d Glenna Ruskof 149 Hs- lop Road Mlton, gradoaled wth an f0 per cent ancrage. Ronit, 19, pansn 10 nldy Roman Kisclion ai thc Uni- nersity of Guelph lhio Scp- temhor. HS graduates vCCsiiy of Toronto this tait. i cent, plaS'0 entcr pre-med Bries WhifCn, 18, pianç ho1ro is the non of Zenon and iciingat Frashlit and Mac- vnriady CofWeloingaif lileic S ihora of 240 OricSt ohoilUns yinp 5Lancaster, SnofR ob i eroendhON Milton , and gradaated (rom Penn. USA this Scpfcmher. Wh011fe of Rc Rt o MDRS mîih an 8.5 ancrage. Waikcr, hors in Abington, Wiffno 01.21 He n 17 ycarn of agc. Penn. came t0 Camphcilvic mmwd, hc graduateni i fromn the United Statensfircc MORS mith an 81.7 perc ycarn 080. average. Lori Van Bonh hk daughicr of James and tomz Van Busn hirh nf RR 2, Mion, gradoated rom MORS wih an 83.2pericentaverage and pans 10 sfudy social sciencc ai MeMasîe University i ticpfemher. Miss Van Bunhîrk ns i7 years nid. Â~W ..iIi ~4awth an-'f per ent IiIO8A8OPnRC f51 N)'. iii'.liENBarbara Pearce had the ' Wcend9 tDryden. t8, pianso tasecond highen sanding at eter (ueo-s uToersitty nMUHSths eargraduatng K ngston ths tallti tudý w h an 87.7per centanerage, commrece. Miss fleidea is Miss Pearce, daoghtcr o th" daughier of iDougas and Norman and Marion Pearce 85 ll 0501loI c;oendoiyn 1)l 'If ot844 raf 50 RidgeDriltMon pan 00WILLIAM 01K > Wa i k h Oshop Ct, on Milton ad to otdyran andregona WillamnSiiora, 7,panon gaduaaedfon Mt.HS wth getaveardage. o hUn es of dy engneerng athe Unin he hghes average, 87.Oper e4aWaterlooinhSepfemher.She in 17versotage. ~B R HOUSE ,t,,,, ,9,ý,,tra, h, ni-Check the Real Estate tembr mt thehopeof arketplace in todlay's inaý cllee Mss urrn i Y ue f Te Camnpion th heda a autr o usl n l eer the nursng prngramat raom MA ha 07per -are. .CjanCN_____________________________ oesoga Collge in Kit ete rage heoer aero n Sp- embe Niis CGahm, ie dugherai MurraYnd Mlo colo rvn Mar Lou Gaham ofR122 WakhfiedRd. Milan. gad- AI* D... S.L aieage. FA poe rýico 878-8161 CL E.BAID 73 41 KIN i Ivan and Kay Clarridge of40 Wooward St. ;,,Miton pianos tb tahe engboeer.ng ai the Universite f Waterlooin là Septemhe.Carrndge had an oîîtDil lFll 822per cent avrage. h.itîdttlfeid, son ut ~ Rager and Kianor ttadfiîed ut Rit t1,TMiton, iîucarrentiy Mchael add,09,pan o ene c e Oc pcrti churee n nît ona corse a OWaeloo ni vriy this ail Cd he- " son of Gordon ad M garec Cd dof RH. . eageouo, and gaduaedian :3,5 per centavenage A) "DANI FOR REDKE MAKI -Compete Rec ONA make-uplitne H IOT DAY. 88 078125 Mlo Knn Kîngdon. daaghier ai itaiph and Audrey Kngdon ai Oit :tOMiton. graduaaed tenm MIS iiOth an FILS fer cent average Miss Kingdon, 18 pl ans rier Seocca toai Cege in Toronto itu tailtotabe camc ataw cterh. CLOSED FRIDAY EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY DURING JULY E& AUGUST That our staff might enjoy extra time with their familles during these summer festive months. The following new car dealers announce the above cîosing of their Sales and Service departments. Dealers with gas pumps (* gas pumpa only will be open regular hours>. *CLEMENT'S MOTORS 0F MILTON GALUINGER MOTORS LIMITED MILTON CHRY8LER DODGE LTD. MURRAY WILSON MOTORS *NORTH END 13ATSUN LIMITED RICHARD8ON'8 CHEVOLD8 LTD. TRAFALGAR MOTORS LIMITED 500 Bronto St. S. 655 Main St. 88 Ontarlo St. N. 388 Main St. 010 Martin St. Hwy. 25 as Dorry Rd. 409 Main St. ONDEHALFOFOURSTAFFAOVD THEPA FAMILES WEEXTENID OUA SINCERE THANKS FOR VOUA CO-OPEAATION fa5 BIOIAN WIIIFFEN OI~G APRICES ~ SLASHED - THOMAS - Monticello, 2 yrs. old, beaufiful 1<-I- cabinet, Leslie speaker Price $3.4950 THOMAS - Californian 2 yrs. aid, good voic- *I< o ing, color glo, appreciator Price $24950 LOWREY - T.G. 98 - Magic Genie 1 fingering ~ , chording, Genie voices Price $29950 LOWREY - T.G.-88- Magic Gonie, 1 yr. old, 'I << good voicing, 1 finger chording Price $25950 LOWREY - IC.G.-I1-Genie, automafic drums and chording. Excellent condition Price $1,09500 LOWREY - LS.C. Holiday, good voicing, Sexcellent starter organ Price $8950 aHAM MONO - DolpVin 9700, only 6 monîha S old, 1 fînger chording Price $1.395"0 HAM MONO Piper Delute, automatic rhythm and chording, cassette deck Price $1.1950 *A Banch and a Beginners Music Course ara included wilh each organ 74 -4,ad 6 e4 HAMMONO ORGAN STUDIOS SPEEOVALE PLAZA SPEEOVALE & STEVENSON STS. GUELPHONTARIO,(519) - 823-1301 Capture a MemorvI A Professional 8x10 Colour Portait only 88 SCOOSE FROM OUR SELECTION 0F 101550 SCENIC AND COLOON BACK- SELECTAOOITtONAi. cPOeAITS AND SAVE U O To,, OMPACC oton7 SEC OUR NEW LARGE oEoeCOReoATOM OTAT * 0000C OCILETE nAnî scACTaN GUARanaSEn OR 00 OC OEYCOOCO No obligation ta boy addilional portraits JuIy 21, 22, 23, Thurs., Fri., Sot. Thurs. & Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sot. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 194 MAIN ST. MILTON ONE OITTING PER SUBJECO I PER SUBJECI FOC 0000IOSAI Oaa- JECTSOCOFPSOC INO O OUALSSIS TH-E SAME FAMIL10 PERSONs ONDER 18 MUST aE ACCOMPANIEO an PARENT OR GUACO AN.