JUDGE JOHN ROBINSON of Burlington was and Surrogate Court in Halton, who assisted in sworn in Thursday as Haltons fourth provincial the ceremony. Judge Robinson joins Judges court judge. He is pictured (centre) receivîng Douglas Latimer and William Sharpe on the congratulations from Ontarios Chief Judge Fred criminal court bench. The other judge is James Hayes, who administered the oath. On the right Fuller who handles family court cases. is Judge Alan B. Sprague, Judge of the County Burlington Iawyer new Haltoni judge The Canadias Champion, Wed.,JuIp 13,1977 3 ýWALL UWALL THROUGHDUT EVERY DEPARIMENT IN DUR STORE ~~ A L A gramme cusetaad in Halions crimînat court has oecessitated thea ddition a) unoiher fait tima judgead Thursduy afiarnuan John E. C. Robinson ai Burisetan sous swurn in lto itithe 0cm position. Ha jins Jadge Douetas Latimer and Judge Wiliam Shurpe an the hench tar proviscial curteelimîsat cases. The faurth Hlttan Judge is Jmas Fuler. so hasdiastuamîty court mach. Crame Attorney James Traleaven esptaisad the cusetoud hasbhean eroine ltaly asd Hion as ha een usine the services of autside judees aut toue duysa meeh fac the paipyeur. Jadge Rahînsans uppoîntmaot tises Hilas threa mes fat) tîma fac crîminut mach and ratiecas the travetint judges for mach la ther ragiansa Chie) Judge Fred Hayes af provincial court ad- mînîsteeed the oath ai ffice ta Judgea Robinson in a helef caramany t the provincial court haute in Milton Thursday. Assistine an the hasch wsusJudgea a)the Caunty und Surroaue Court for filton, JudgeaAtan B. Speugue. Judgea Wiliam hharpe assisted ftha nesotudgeai danise the red-stripad robe Ihat dnoates a prociocial court tudgea A eattery af othar tudees tram courts ta vurraundiot caunt las and reetans tohed on. Amnt them mus flutos rrtîrad judte Keoath M.Laotdoato Geortetaon The cromo attorney and Prier Heatîn. repretentiof the Huio Lawo Asociatio, contrutulttd Judte Robioson an hîs appoinmeot 'xl, SHERIDAN GRAD Mrs. Mary Coulter of Milton is proud to an- nounce the graduation of her son Robert Coulter, wîth honors in Business Ad- ministration from Sheridan College on June f0, 1977. He is employed with the John Deere Co. in Grimsby. Robert ia a former graduate of Milton District High School. and secomed binm ta the hench. ina brin) speech fullif humar. Judee Robinson thanked those ssho have helped hlm prepare for the work ami mentmoned his family, inetuding his mther, mother-iaso. wsotte. 1 daughters and son who were n the audience. -l trust oue assciation wit) he triendit% and rewarding in the future" he totd the Lac Association. -1a ully aware ai the trust thal has heen placed la me,- hesaid, and expressed the hape he wil]t he înta carry aut his judiciat duties w'tb dgnity. humaaîty. undeestunding and ram- passioan. JudgenHayes iîeged thc e judge ta h6atance the nerds ai the persan (on til uaast ttr credo tif fie vaommunity,. und said bc kacu Judge Robainson wautd dispense justice -wth an eves hand, a sente ai respoaihîtits ,ind ex perience--iv a lautre and us Judge Rahînson's tate fther. John E. Robinson sous a magistrate la Hamiltoantae abitut t1f feues. Foc the pai tua years Judge Rabinona bus bren i member a) the Ontaro Lubar Relations Bourd. Priar fa that ha practîced us a tuoyar io Hlamilton, mith tmo firmo, nctudîng a stint ai crîmina) courtwoarh He asuseducalad ut MeMaster University and gruduatad tram Osgonda Ha)) sn f165.Ha ta 47. Tha tadgeaund his family attend Alderohol treshytarian Church andihe mînister o) thul chureh, the trs t)David Nchosonsmas on hud Thursday taogve a hetef hanedîciion ai the conclusion nf the amarine-in ceremany. Mfr. Nchosns a former minister ai Sti. Duids Preshytertun (hurch in Caîsphettaîte. Fvery EveTy Every Saturday Every Every Wednesday Thursday Every Friday Special Events Day Monday Tuesday is DOUBLE VOTE is MILEAGE DAY is WEIGHT DAY On each Saturday therre may is AGE DAY la HEIGHT DAY DAY 1000 Votes 3000 be special voting events as 100 100 DOUBLEVOTES plus 1000 for each FREEVOTES announced later by the sale FREE VOTES FREEVOTES on All Purchases, mile travelied up tu plus 10 Votes consultant. for each year foreachinch plu s 1000 F tes 30 miles for each pound Double votes will be given on ofyourage in height Votes for Coming To city limits from you weigh all cash purchases, plus 1000 I. the store home outside City. free votes for corning tu the store. GOLO MEDAL pady HM Ili GIFtLS'LONG SLEEVE FIOUND S'SHORTSLEEVE Spic. 0, Beige Ill Patio Ta" hdie Dok On. 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Wz- Be Sure To See The Milton Mail Flyer In This Week's Issue 0f ïàIt èanau iam haion j- . 4ULY M4111,15d1l & l6th SUE POT I 0[.[,-FRE414 I FOR 111THE KIDIDIES M-5 h.AJ,, rýÉ