10 TeCanadientChampion, Wad., Jaly 13,197 CLEM ENIS Mtoîs of Mlton CARS CARS LARG E SELECTION 1968 - 1976 RIG CARS SMALL CARS STATION WAGON PIC KUPS 1976 MATADOR 4 0000 WVAGON AIR ONITIONING VO8 auoamahh 0,1.' Otota 13,000 milto hya tAMC tt..i,0tL LEA-873 175 AUSTIN MARINA 2 DOUES EhooaPa11hastadatd.21,9600 oia-.. aitLa JNV 102 175 CUMUl ST Laattt, :.'ld:g ahr oa.'t:oi.':' La. JMS 493 1074 PINTU 3 0000 RU NAB OUT StatotO'. 4opeettativeaoala comaltatta.' La117131. 1974 GREULIN 6cyli:ttoîLa JAW 8t9> 1073 HORNET SPORTABOUT 6Hcl:.'trat a i power<ter tn, a diot a ialOt itewa t ires00. ,. ah, pluanyt.'OttP<in- aalthati:on.EXCELLENT CONITION,10<1st,:ote l toat La 000 X219 1973 GREMLIN O cyltttî tstada,radio, n alathalthtaat.Li. VO065 1073 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Doaa, L'h DOM615 1073 0010K LUUUS 20000R V8,auoalOhhLh .F00091ý 1073 HORNET 40000R Eoaaal 6 lindhohautomai L c. MX 912 1072 F000 CAPRI trasionraio.tAPhttOO ttg:tlîttltt La OBFitOi. 1072 CHRRSLER NEWPORT 4 OR.HAROTOP Loatat 010' 0000toa nldqaira coadtliataoLih ONZ628. 1072 F000 GALAXIE BROUGHAM 2DOoaîhthatp. Islîa 10<01 :lh <9090 .La a C-9h3. 1071 TRIUMPH TRO 4 ptsisat 10Oho.'talLi.OMC 1070 LSMORILE CUTLASS SUPREME 2 0000 HAROTUP VOauoaticlonpO0100tottth. haktt, rattoa Fnohdtia 001 gar.'notîRth oataatingdo. grttaas n, I175 A 00007 TA E , T F OR A TES] CRIVE. L'h 010 420, 1060 UALIANT 4 0000 O yina.'It 1.aatt..'bLch AU.' "ýAS IS SPECIAL" -Urcorifîd 172 F000 GRAN TORINO 0000R AROTOP V8, atoatl:hpower tt <tttt Otthtto.i. tct.'aXROND PEAI LELL LchYN 8 31 $700000 MANY MOREÉ UNADVERTISE[ AUTOMOBILES ON DUR LOT. GAG BAR OPEN 'l'IL D p.ta Amierican Motors rontest. Just North of Hoepital 878-2328 2>02 t I. 1lOt .M.C. t/2to 6ayliitdaP tstanadtt 1160907816892 1970 PiNTO 0wa00gon, tadard Fot poaiadio,db.60<0de itoato. 21.200 tiles. Piato, E12ii6767<130 1900 OLEDWAGEN B0«ii< de lxbatige0, tndard, 6,a0 miles. A '. $95, 33535672. 1976 GRANoT korr.tt.l<i'<aott radiis1, 7< 7601. 10971 -OOLESWAGEN tatli 43.000 mlo, brandi ne tires, iotoaooat ondonat$7900. COOYSLER oa0paopoca. Focos..'qaatelm 100,00 1<1< coditito170 Pymotoh Coolai' toat tOifrotI. radio auoatallopaowerot<ot'Itt 016ht sod010110 oand 016<0 tut. LiO LDhOO. Coi> Georgetown0 Choptitto.1OS Motttattt01 Rd.N. 877- 006 Saoo. 170 Pymouth Colt, 4 0000. t tped trans. mission, 16000 .. .0EC 110100 0(00, radio adttitto flrc e:o00t0. L:h KCAM17. Sait 77:00 $3195. Cal> Georgetown C6t'ptiot'. 15 Ma<i001e Rdt N_.77 510. 10-73 E000DLEO Ntowa.'l, 2 doras,', p . ph. VOat omaotOtt C00,' 00i6001. radio ad itual lok. L:o HDLilO Cou Georgetown ChE6yol<t'. 15 Mottita:001Rd. N. t77 10970 PL'FMOOTH fott auoatl', PtS..p.0:0.' out. olttiitt ado.'<i0 L: 060025. 60(7 71:00le6$295. Cou Georgtl0on Chlt.p 0 15 Motlo:th,001Rd. N. 07 17h 6709 N2 doaa.' Ptoa:ao aStattr ot tt3â ttph 6:56 0100 ElecafFlo C tfostI. AM FM 8Oftack. t poot aoverdriv, C ttI.' th6 Lio 06070. SaloPrioe 3105.Cal> GorgtFownat C1'.'0il' 15 Maattoito:001Rd. N.' 877 CHRFOLEO CaOmpaI.'Ca.' F at.' gaa'atlo 17 Plymouth 6Fo.'. 4 doaa.. L'o. LCJ906 Vinyl topoblet'îo toltoot, Cothbtoto.'.ai Coadt:httth il'AM 100:0. whiltte 00ewlit ad 060<1 01000 Cou G ota.toA Ch.'oOiol, 15 Motltin0:001 Rd. N.,8771 0&0 WE0 th:oOthe0 0:0st one0Y0011 0h01 000 . 175 CuaOt00, VOoolS,h b,, rio, 0:olt:70 tiat:to, Loltauoof'al 00011, tefotaLessthtRot21.000 H.'.'.'otht6 oe$4950. L'o 0EH227. Cal Georgetown C6.'.'10a7.15 Moooltaio:00 Rdt N., 877 10<. :0COOGAO 001. 0, .0, 60 40 Splitut ohhsot,017017,hi tefototL:o 'tYY213 S lo 7.'.oo 3490. hal 0570010to C6t'.'t1a7 15 Motton0:t01 td.ON_<7705100 10711F000 Cotryh 090ir0 Waona, p.,ph . atoomatih. V80. .' ack 90, ai.' tl, ad 7i tros. Sait le7:hO 9005. Cao ho o071:l:00 for7a ltti, more. Lbc 00105 qS Ct»1 Georugowna C hy.'"t10 Ma'outO:001 Rdt N., 870108.1 08< 17tF000 To:oo Stto 92500.00 alto 1970 Mpot 30000.77401l2 tl 9ARACUDA 340 hablo inch,.aOtlmt01ih. 0p010r 19771 0.0 00050 owvan,350 th 0V, powero 7tee . 000107e huakoo. 6000.' ttoSus ponsiat, 35000 miles. 174 poeo.'t0.'09 07<0<0. 44,000 miles, 70t po0Iot tothone o0w9017010 t o 0110 010 01R0 lto, 4cOor0 we SonootO, 501760000,ies 0.'opt.t:t, 2350 SloOmOt car CaO 1N.00:, O 5, 78 12810 1000968FODOo ot 71000. Goto k 0070.70 aot 0r76 2010. ;T 1974t6OICE LooO4 d00076070 top, powe<7st007>t0. hooho, tittîtta, runk0tell0se New y tires, 455 mtr, 55, 0000mil es Excellentcodtio.Pone O er6p.ot 854 2301 0106100- 1007000 bcycle, in 2 0000 0condition. 7< 417. 12819 WANTEC 0y0.'tolilol orl. 9 40067 .Caeol70t0,0150o3 L turo.0apo tnt PTO 001100 Mr' Edattt9 :1219 O Appioha Lineo.1 00 loado 03 84 MAL.' TON Pik-u.007105 or ER69060 ieat8fd far on-s taaBl<9. tltiltafla trE & lalgolocetiels, 87-610. 129 n 2 HL 1 2 EPWn T I JOB HUNTING? Ca yoo th:ak ot moghI leiee ttaint<t utroatast rolahanEltaooOMaitnance BOoo aicutoutlotauinguiu thh taepohoose, chace 1 t<oil,'go00700, nooapeiottttesaholot Yot 014 1nevtt koat iatt000 cou ulal orthes<00 pîtltOs olaooaoo aktts.Ntobliainoapthit<aide. W'lb< gitttt ,0100and we ma hoave hotpyou'tolootuaaIor. Voli, phnetor ttpabout oppotouhotie nthetNavyp 90 Thornas St Oakoîiie, 1200n.0. 430p.tt TOWN OF MILTON PUBLIC WORKS IJEPARTMENT reguires 3 Empoyees T6otOho il eottie 0100adt 010e mal.' o tarbage AppluhOtatt hobe hpo:oallpfit adhoit<aoalidOn0taruo -42/0 'h our, 5taa ok - excelettemployaso hîftlu Applcon11Fm aîtu ta.elt btaiedal thea ctiota k, Tou, Hall, 261 Mat St. Eost, 00Mil ototw :00< motO 430001 MottIta Faday Coopotedppihhta h tios ooaoercevdt 'ho ottotoigne al thaîou: Houlo.ti l 2aooî Ftttoy, lait22a0. 1077. BRUCE McKERR Dirctor of Public Worko 42.u29 FURNITURE and APPLIANCE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT MANAGER Sottotapotitttht qotot 06Able Ioprvtse aits petoit Sla ploohommatuaO. SALES PERSONS Fullteandoa pan ima. SotaialsatpttOtOtttatlot. Commssiowth01atkly dtOth. ZELLERS LTI. 55 ONTARIOI ST. MILTON 878-8178 Personnel Dept. TIRE O0F TALKING TO FOUR WALLS bot ohat it'a ie be a tah utIa job? Ilyot areaoomplooit. thi Brampton &Dtrict LboortCoooi atoIto heaotlttalao Wa etto gt ta u ta outlet lot thfttion yoaRo adtîhosao olothit:obestaCatatotaooa. Watato baithaiobitat toetIht atdtouoîthtotaovoih< ofth<7001to pooaIf o iet to shot<inthai obOO Tel. (410: 41 010 fhotu8>3E ot4 .00Tht Brampt o n t it LaboortCootoil t01000106<lp oOrtti PULL EMPLOYMENT COMMEE spoottetO.' THE BRAMPTON AND DISTRICT LABOR COUNCIL 50OueStE. Bromptos, Ont 42aam20 RETAIL SALES PERSON Port-lime WaîîeqoOoOoan<pean ec'i saittptnot FtuOopoO<uluao O-9 pot oantSalotOra tt lomO' 6p on a aegolat bai<0001 weeoeOottin ,hblinacntte ehaaglu bert.budin maOaaaiadhome tutaotOmilt prtOtOOIntettatipates Ron Browns86-8171 COPELANO LUMBER 700 Mous St E. Milton 428 TWO EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED M.stt hatloex oo-oi Cloto A Larsto Wotk:.'o.a-di- The thaltaIpotiotala t drivatan18' taloarytrucok, diveatg funtHoain tu<totangtrictlt. ilatratatd phone: M767201 befon 57.ta. oî791-7012<h<07,7. BOYS ANDI GIRLS Ma ld o ib andotMai papal HAIR STYLIST fotutain moto0. FOLLTIME Sootait pa a oaa mpit ment.ODys 678H637 877-6852 4m7 Eeings 878-8953 2t LoaiG.M. Deaer AUTO REPAIR MECHANIO ALSO AUTO BO0V MECHANIE Good agas 0Plot APPLY TO - SeavicaManager ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS LT. GEORGETOWN, ONT. 42gaot29 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS N E EUEU REGULAR ANDJ SPARE Acres, Milton ond Georgetowno oroas. Mnimum tO21. Taining7to0400 CALL TRAVELWAYS CAMPBELLVILLE GEORGETOWN 854-2171 877-4448 42010011 REQUIREO M M EIATELT Socurîty Personnel ull ime- Prt lime Rte 03.25 pet boul tmottaOly OatOt ooorgt<t spotaton B EN EFITS -Poft hahattaplat -Fnao ltîlo rac Soh. l<tltup Plan la, dutady01-k a4p tm. ToitF'oa 4gt CARRIERS t<liooty:in Mito. Cou 867-8035 420128 FULL or PART lIME Oeat on utoanOt reod lot e aaaotot900POOO Mot, ha pletaotantnaturteNootootr Fot :.'tat'o:001 ppo:0lH00 ýl1 HELEN GODWIN 8788747 201o0lf ELEANINIOAotaO01ateiOO 92. per aa. 0010transporte- iont.EO01phOIIiiiOe. <42161. ICLEANINO lad.' 000 aya atook.Oato T00000otiot Fiase Col> 900 1414 ayt, 676 M -LON PuaLIE Lib707070e 90700 an exp<olatttOpartl tim10eIo.'0 -Teplot. 0771.'in 017.11000tta 01070000<7e lactotThoe hlifL16707100. Mitn Contral L16797y, 46 Bruce Sreet, Mlot, 0nta7io. MANAGEMENT taittO. pply Io t6<e01<0<900 L0770 atoo. Jack F70507 SoreMilon 00<1. 07<120. EO-N PACEERS, olartitta atok a oie ly20. CotacttBill Spock, 8666901. 128 EX-pEtIENcEEC.walt<110or Retottoo70t, 878-9001 MýANWNýEOo0 wrot 010 o77p i:Po70to1N0- 7Foot,. t. t.1, attptolillO Lot 10 Cneson'3. NaOoa<010a. 65-2597. 121 EOoPEIENCEEC 010100 010009 01<I sea i7, a obafr tedandtaooOi. <(<a1110 N0EW070ire frm1 it 77(0 Town- shp. CaOttorqirsat otar100 otoplo. oaprlt<000 01116 t60 lotditO, aloa, taining,hoali<gaOSOOUiOW huniers atd lootoatO. Alat 01111 betalqui redit bhoi 01(0 gantrai laom ot rok. Foot hotte att p000<ioy.Toonto 064.3611 ototkdayo .30 ai.'- [GOSI FI EUSTOM tomnbitittg. Geogo. tat Mlot 0000. 772001. EALL "Theod00 Job Mot". No lob 'o tastuli. oouponttyon' s crte tote, otythittoa <Il 1NTEOIO Oooo701itt. pantt 100 att 01011707071t0 878 57<9. 400 ta, Ai. "THE HOME Hitit<" 0001 pl to hooto buildingt7eotOO lothe. 870 7125. HOME i0po00attcu0sto0m 700010.toutandcabit , o:otta oaoooroogish. <610053tO 2273 or 8226585. HALTON EHAPTEt Ns. 280 nuoothOOs Nos 0811 09<7 1026, 0455 Ali 770000ai0100 6oC somETHINO 0001. 7600< Limit:100 (4,tt> 453 1661 ( a0an7o n10 1 a-O t 10900 P. 21374Etoott iI ttitg Jli.'13, toonttoIn 010e.1Dr7i00 0are. 078-6 245 MiOllEt aIfta oooto baby- 011107 007100 thetCdo..876-6003. WILLCDOOd00<701tin0106001<, Dorset Park a<70<. <78-7527. aoailablein a 10 fr0 MootIiOHi<1DC. rea. 878 OEQOIREC for StptOotbO7. mature0707000 Itotome to oble ut applitoantold irol.' hoootn otlood 10 in otti. Il 17.AcIOS t'il AUICTION SALE ANTIQUES, PRIMITIVES, CDLLECTABLES E RIDING LAWN MDWER GILBERT HARNEY ON SATURDAY JULY 101H AT il A.M. AT 2305 IRONTE RDC, CAKVILLE. 2 MILES NORTH CF CE HaST Out MLE SOUTH CF HaST NO, 6 sta t1o ol ioul ooe. efomo SALE EONOISTING 0F-Spiuut:oa ahatl, lga00 ahopol. Ook ohna 1 2818 StemrttotO. 0,ophotooktait Foort aIhut Put. Ptkomet DAVEAR E <talablo lan t. chairs.0110001 hall chaur. Oahtotalebi. 1880 Bot tmmet aSalaut homo. Bron0te St. ra. 78a-t70 ookNtsotypaInttoloplOb VIIOafltbe itre et. Noa Sooa 8526. 2779 auk-away 'tablaPaineiapity ca. Nattl< poiat foot s<ol. 0<0 Boston tookir. LageooytatandetOlir. Vioroien Mîo. ohair. WlaoI sittable.Faîooihall:attor. Wtlaoht roambitohJaobsentlita standt'PmaOsbakhir.Sitoatochot. At N<ýooOamp.oundtimp HOtSES board00. large ox b a blit Fabiogîrookuhchair.Clokohat. Glbttttatltclok. Waint talit. 00 o tO. atdeil tarot hall ttam. Maitogatua amp tabla. aloitotplanttandt. <Oatashttot. fo.8420. 12721 Waot 4" at. Loîge mukorttto9k. Pias Otokat, Putasotttua FLINO. t toto ..100900 rocker. Fottytoak hollhair. IttiuMthogaatyt«O Vctoienhall b070 o1'b asao.oil. m m:T.Standiunglamp. ChOtd'tMOpittrocker. O itusandt ttîoat <o<Ila«l0. 80104004. Pnshall tbOit Caokltow haot.Oit books. Wing batk ohai.out.cano 11103 Phyptat otpleaol taal. Chlto hgh chir.o 64"Fisbat 2 Bantwooat i: hhaisO.ltmtaita,4 bartfiot.Walottsmktand.FourîAttma [QUIPMENT CHINA-Ropol ayîoth 010001<1 CtaOaop <saI ohakert 2 - Ctotboty gitto« .Hamiltooolmp.o8ph. oaahtsoi. Wloathhoattt Var:0p Camping Traderso ast: 3Nippon pi.':0.'tOldC roko ad 070 CII t oli> Wiao til 11p. îop 'ailitotfortta.'u kandgottDopteoo.'lashCyt00l dctotîo.Ootoslotahot ApchetadtOm4<oertOisTtor t Lohth-s.o eloaot.'o po ad<aot< sModitneattOhOO01t compac cars.Stoot p:oes. Ltget qo i gOtot amî 1914 tantk O<u,0 Chat 0h00e 07ol amp. Butte ooooi Sgt< Vctoianitmp. Wtloatoo<tt<A<sh. 627-1865 MeaoO:tplatt. Brotita togs.o.uOtaso 001<Cool iîoapot. Starinug ___________________ COLLECTABLES Oit pîltts. Boat datk ma. Boua battaorcih.bata FORtSALE,.O0rt'topOcamper, ialta n.bok s. tog.OO aitos.6Brona6t<0fode.cil lape, neats ortoto repaut. $250. 1t<tin .CwStaffor<lsd beakstset. hon ittetd Rtstaat. slopo8. 79-2427. 1265 todetttalamp. 22 volsîtof ir F oot sîtaat iltota. oit taalata. ___________________ est îo Silteaoa. ptataad glata paes. (Othît oit gla. lotoritoot bot CAI Nostyle tnt,10' t 10' 1, < ts too maît enio) 0001. fultas,'. 90. a78-2945. OWNEO OR AUCTICNOEi 607 RESPONSIBLE FOR 060 AC- 12907 CICENTS. Lnch bothaontgronds. LADIES la GENTLEMEN: This inatnaexcelent oppat<toOy fat boito GanAntiquesortCaaaota«la items,.seaplaautrtattand. -RIIX ij JIM MOCARTNEY s Waterdown,6889-778 p7mt27 CARRIER WANTEO BOY OR GIRL AREA WakefieldR., Pila St., 0ak St., Ontario Si. S., Mhefot Mrs. Mario HiIi THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 878-2341 42120 Sals of autypas Salesaoaouttt<d atythata. Tel. 878-2576 RA.3, MitoOnt. Rooberry'o Aucoos Services 010 hootv0100011cent tt in pol tsait.At.' 0,11-at.'paceo EonignatOatappoasat Wtt pon atte ,910014 BurlingloRs335-6768 JIM MCCARTNEY PULLY LICENSED AUCTIONEER Solos of ail typot otnd 689-8778 Waîordawo Word Brownidge Fotot LAuiatato Phono 878-6730 itpptalaala -Ail Typai HALION HILLS Xliotito Sale 01111 e hoditg 90 Atiot Sa lnotheo 6laf0i0Hallo Frlday. Joiy 1506 01 7:007P.0. of gatd aotiques, abotI250 plcts loail. Aitolltat Jiototo Foobat. 0150, itatot HUIt AattIOtt Salîts01111 «i COtario, Va4tttle,<t OfttaiNOaa FrutlMarkOn Soaday, Joiy i7ih ai :300pie. Due <a hrt notice tit ilI«<oa surprise sale totIof aiantique 01901,chne, omokste lmpa, coiIat<oIat, poimtivsoand hattibald aticles. Abtl1<00 pl.ao. Atioeer JIMMotY Foobot. 2»W Caatatn Foos 150OMaStW, SHERIFF<S MORTGAGE SALE r oNoo ANCaVVIRTE ftatWdita< 4Eo<uibon a 0otoftheN oN Fecietai Cou ofaiCanada, Trli@[Dvon, en4ad oàlg &Dt ha34thday u ai Jata, 1974 ando beaatlg Data tha 21h dey of Jaoaaty. 1976 and bth fl11<4onthe <ha <6day ai Ottbat, 1976 ahatalat MER MAJE9TY THE Q00006la Plajotiff and WilailtoA. Fattotîtathe Dafatdant<-atd Inthe Motter af thea notataTex Act, Canad PnsiontPlan, and/or the Uttatpoymtttttitttaota Act, 1971 atd intha Mettetofailliamt A. Paaro. ihavettaizeadnd tknittttaa tttrtdlwlotiiflatlfa <it b. Public Attinai< ty oallae tntha CatrtiMuo, 491 0Sinise Aanta Eat. Miltat, la tha Jadito Dititofaiaita aon Fiday. ha 22d daytJlJty. l977ttha haataofaiata'tIok ithtlttatatt, a ALL ANC SINCOLAR that cattain paretacttfa lantdtttd patttdtat <itat. yitg antd batttoit tha Towaof aiBaitotatilatha Caatty ai itaataendbaîtatatpsei f artfLot 7 tatcdi9tIaaPlanfiait intheaRtolatt0Offieaforthtnad Cautyas to01htlWad whkch COMMENCI'0 ai the south wateyangle of919i od Lat 7; THENCE Narth tatteraîloglatathe aatth-tottaoiy loit ai ptata Atatua bitg attattttatatotheiahhaitoatradiusft<ahttd< andtittttytat atand totttythtaa ata'htttdttdltht ifut (299.231 aen arc dastanca ai thitt-ianad etçhty-tat to'htoddthtlaat (35.89') ahatd dittaethtlyliteanatdight-aatatto-hatdtadtht testI13.87'1 tatpoint; THENCESoauthaaastiy ta aetd atta<tha cetrtUnitaoaipartition att ta liyog haatt etha hatoit desritbad lantds antdthe lantds yitta lo- tdatly adaentttothettattl t tthateoflantd totinuta:t inai a dittaceaifaone hatdttd attd flty Iot attt.hotdthalaaui100.54') îaaa itintheoSoth attioitaof s<4 Lt aend ohiat aid point tla ditaant thitt-Ituantd saaetttty'tata atahotdtttht lafti(34.77') teaaaatd South wattttly aiattathe tit limitbeitg onatt a aoto <tthe riht haig a radistoftht<htdtd ad ntOttottt9adhatwtW lhtta aoehattdrdtha laat (399.23'1 htheaod dtance btittgthity- lot, attd taoatty-sixatt-httdattha fat (34.761 hat, th ttath eaatly ago alt d Lot; THENCE South wotttatiaaittt haoth <attaty iaitoit aiditLot htittg ona cottttthetaht haiatadiustlfithmahttdrdantd ottaytha eantwenottythîat aoatttudtadtht Itat (399.231 a r tistanceot ir:ty iot attd satttntitta ,tthotdadtha Iett(34.79') cotd datsta tty Iot and wtattteight atta.htttddthttfui (347'Iothet<tth tastraglo a ttaLlot: THENCE Ntrthaetttly aitg thetaSouth tely imoit ofnd Littnt hottttd andto and att tmatttyt:9lt atthattttdths 1<9< (10228') ta attng suathio a t to an atmett at tht ottth tataterl t<or 1< ot i (10.01 oiftae httibeftattoredesci ads. TERMO: CASH DATED AT MILTON IN TOE (UCICAL DISTRICT CF HALTON ths 3thtdaaatfJUNt, 1977. RO0BERTM. 6POOWL. Shatit. Jotital Dstiit ato. NOTICE THE HALTON ROMAN GATHOLIO SEPARATE SOHOOL BOARD T000 NOTICE THAT Tht Hatat ioan Cathlo Sapeaista Ohati Boardonthe2th daaaofJUhE. 197lpataadOaylaotNtttbrt23tt ahoiethe haborrow ing o tatta lia haelattsue andne fa E Dettttof aithe tait Boad in the principal amortofai$295,000.00.e i. The pupfor hiat ahhthe moneysto b ta «t hattataha atmof a $290,000.00 fottahati cotttttctioaatdthet <toal$15,0D0.0forlathe pothataafllntttltoand<9ttiPt 2. Thtt amoutattta ha bttttatad ia 290.000.00 lot 20 yeaman td $16.000.0 lar10 yparsa ontthe attatity ai th sait lDabotota. thloh <hait Oýaa aharge tpant ha tthtai'httta papartyantd potlaasand aao atht,,roaiorp11<ataipettetOtd nthtad Boaardattdopatt thaaoepat<ttthttl ratsaooetibabythetald9Bard. 3. Th eetuel o ed td uy1977 adittatI erittttst the tatae o 1 % pt ar an.umpayable stao'<tttly aot Jattoata1. and Joly 1,0ntath yaotlthe<htttatatofthed9betttttt Tht amoutaaayable<4otaataorpiialtandinttattaihali ha iin taaoataiyaeqa attofabou«tt$s3,90.00 par yaaforthealt 10 yearantd $31,400.00 patyaafoatthaanett10 vues. COG.aottae, Sttttath fTIM29 a helformtnattof 9ai B.1n Ntt: Iflyaatlttthttq la ntPilod up «y Satatday,.Jaiyl0t16h til lia Som t ay fora<toateharges. 77ot29 N EW LOW RATES lst and 2nd MO RTIGAG ES Service Wilh loigolly O.M.BA. lAamber UP TOoo%MALUATION -Combite loi and Otd. -Pay ail ytar bitts. -Coobinte dttb$ -Baud a haîta -Add a raot. 2M Morigagat front 12 percet. CALL: JOF REYNOLDS SERVICES 639-1043 (Eveeings) or 527-4557 Hamilton (9 a. m.-Cp.m.) We'd iovt ta 647 .'t MORTOAGE FUNOINO 877-2679 OOoaotd LA60E biatk Naatoiadd dog, vai rhiottOly. Chldoîto' pot. Liotahooteaaa. 911-2<38. LOST- LadisCatatd loathai' t seInMiltont Mail,.o taittittai .0. oaparo<ta. Senti. LARGE bDI toneloto orttdad 01116 diaoadt. tittittaiaot rinog,osentiotal a tastoLot ai Miltan Mail. tt01atd. 053- COLO <. bractti ent gaaod"Ellaabtth". Rotaty Park alitil y .<78-3858. 12970 AUICTION SALE Eaoty Tt.aday etattal<t7:30 pot. <et SttnlyPark Pavilon ,16.in Onttario. Faatoiag fuItoott, giass, ahinta, lampa, aapqtt. attockat. piiotv,aadociks, Cantadiensta. pan.rtsetc. <ta. Ltttahhaoth <aail able. PREaIEW 1 hat, balata sait. AU CT IDNEER DAN BAILEX GUELPH 623-1107 7001aa2E For Complote Auction Service Chris A. SChouten ý'l 1: B 17