6 The Canadîao Champion, Wed.,JneS, 1W For crppled chi/dren Treatment centre is underway cl tl ri l t", tenders ire hsoîrîti.lt, u vtlt i;iandt'.coni t ,n 1îîîi or h e i i îvcîîeir est hritoln l'itre nîîvi11t.-r it e .10l t tit 111 lî i. atnd httetito ril I' ;t..".i I lt trhîe 11,11 rîte 'the centre ive 'etears but guslenrment iuîîdtog colbackis bute v'înrîîtîofland equip' ru tare especîrd Io cost andt 110t the iirannuat rperti mg coo. , lien Clloc- cuid Nul e eeound Mr Dri. l itoie sid, The iintîrilisvernmntntbas griranird $730,0.00 tocard tir constructitonland uiipuy >340.10)i tocard operaito The luK laiton anti iundîeg $3(l about $00 oprratingi plained. Service regionsar the Centre organizto or gîven $1E steoction cc Included Sugar and Spi CoiudterpaAby bill se tî,inal'.\ii vn tt;y ia at anybotd% Iritg tIr"lîgýi tottettiticeosithe peopletr a public -r.tit itiig, oran tilitthoseîibnoxtouv u tie otelltri ciirrpope os ttemiltirî,otantrttiirage rs t he bat- .,t.riiiulti.tirrtis eltsrrt-înfpoli- rtti uho ititandttittarp andtrig- ,,litad qsprIrtandîrtibe fhror s-lf-per- ithv'eitsi' 1getaigreiltidlroiretjoy 't.îtinth e tilt-e' hen 1 igel e lettre troi tir titiad\titiii topitît, trîppird îîîtb %%lorît li tanaged 10 ge a lttîkettout itluiîcotilon, il takrvtme tee[ gon tRecrntiy, t got a lete Scot s ho bas imetigraîrc "1 b I ave earnrd Mo atd anadaos irougi cototon ithait fthr cu rsin teCanadan nersSn and TV programns tbas'e Now Ierer iv aman scrrsrd on rîgbt. lit. trîrd to get my rmpessîoT rom nrwsmagaalnes anx l'tcatcbitheiirstboatio so0 lgorsslliisiiry'ti peoplr. griing suce. ba heeggng about my granc rympattyitn he sar be l'ibalo obut lite 15 alahc, and poititriaits and olSer lb rat commîinily. (lobs of Mlton, itakville and ,Peel eg ions.is iGeorgeton, and Liens Club sîlesi tocard tbe ut Mlton, MittonCotai-y gave en and welt banrae 1106; Milton 11000 $5.000.; $10 o the annuel (Georgetown Cotai-y 100 rosI, il wsrex and itabslle Cotai-y $2.105. D)onald E. Kennedy of cluts in the tino Milton. e otarian and .1 teavily barbing retrrd seperntendrnt ofthte Sand ta date, tir Ernest C. lu- ccpOroot o ans bave plrdged active sitti CVAHCCand 07.000tooard ron-seresoas Sreetuey 10 tbe st. bard ol ilertors. The ottier are te Rotaey laltonerepirscntatvrv ontthe Board aee Edgae Poster o Milton, a relrd schonl pris- ripail:illep Hiendereven.an liabvîlle otary drîrgete, tts-Ivet Lareoft ilvlte, a parent repesrnting theliaS- î ile ,Assoiation for etearded i e ('blîrren d Peteriprîce ol liR.R ,Silton. e orbool prn iey cilai eaît Georgetown mlt l oter srepreotattvr. Mte Large is carmao cl eleormap oong tlcderson arer ebesa ta Canada. Her baIt rommtter. anti hIe te abu and prca iv on tbereducationai th reading cour pri rictet cus nuatrd wsdom pledgero olcide ingua agazines. noveis 1couse .1ns. 5.il teerp eabsorbed.- 1.n1 0v0;01Credil Vallry Li.10v 05101 rindair i ýttb is brad îtisîîuga Liîons. ourroiti. as a newcoirr. tirir Lions. tilliiOl. Mitlois )nottbs ountry auge ('enterai Lions. S7.50ts. ndT rgman. Srevle in,$01 OUR READIRS WRITE:J Thanks tîrair%1 1 wOriii ou Id iSe 10 Sike Iis opporiety atso t 1tam oritiiog fithan oyutfor therrxcellent tbaob cveryonc sho seppoeted s in this C- rt.aeyou lia e ocrgigigtt'rntthe presrnaton otbiitiost secresstetrevent. .Milto MuscrTrachbrs Asoition deciog W looktforward tuoyur contitord istresi th par tracr.i- î'rry nch appreriatr the in oet'tuture endeas'0r5 space gîvrn o tihr carioev actvitie. and oJtianColot pot tetie 10o theretre ron the IHamilton trri n omtort, ,, iy> ei(orp-r1 hi sir rrTeabersAssociation Questions new arena lieue Edtsr. it serns s ilthe issue ci Ibe aeene iv for trocs ded. dspie thrtact ibal teoders are rb ut Sr calîrd. agaîn. Arcoue to weks ago agroup of Laueri h se rresidritiv petiionrd counicîtlt top buidig anes ermit e ort tot-e bîgb srboi an rAepaiteCroswn Stretinsirad, TSrs gavera nembie Igond rrasontsby rhry ur ierrrAvesas a polrci- tîîe o tlocatton. and aotrd counv'l, pîînt Santi to eipiati shy thry had chuven chati s un docoeldt he o st osprsilr say 15 prrutdra second armta use Mlton. coueirl id nul erom te to aesinem Ith questito nstead tey tried tsconvtnte the pttiost blait tSi-y wrer doîng sas r'arrying uitbhesîshrs iof the peope by tîcatg a rereationallanciitin the soui îtstîuadratotitsn.- ALONEY This is ..iopyitst truc' inlst tvfalin prititoi )uil viias avtedts evonstder rrpatrrng Brown St nstrad il rsînnîng. Them os St-VER nt *ganii-(iil1-ii-nmon onrbeo 1. n lin. Te t1lI75pepe sho sîgnrd hat pilîtîrtuetIlta t dîd; uainot îoiy wss eparng the iat cotly uy tî prscerd St ai ss it" arreaetonged in Ibm cntrrsoftcsfl 'heearirAve, deputation 'îeîd rexat> th, -mr thngvS. ut agaîn ccsîrieltwas ntliirtit The deptation aino astird councîl sbat te arrangements orre for fnaning the arn.Tbe ansser ibep gui sas eaie "Cuni is suete mony wil be raised"- Feus stiere i astied tbe same cquetion ai ast ser's meetingf and guI tbe same an- Tbe lad o the mattee is ibat iis tb s gotng 10 ave tn raise close 10 $000.000 by public subscrîptîon fr ibat nes aiena. Wi'ntario ciii Ibm conteibote arcoedîngiy. Il we can'traise tbeifullamsun terWntaein grant ciliie pritpotioratelp lenv Money leote sae otBrowSi.can'I be included rîtber, arceeding te Winaeti-oes. Wat happons if se start building and Ien canit pay toi- ir? Tbe deputation asked iai question Io. Seltil ddn'i gel aitanswer. The decîssnto u id an armna on Laurier t-e as roonci's iea-no one ee. and sas reactird shen bhey conreded Iat isinning wsmaybe noi sucP agood idea. St ibey adamaniiy mntii u look- sereousip ai rparng BrownSt t upologîce 1oe iis letterelu ibose sho arr sic and tired of reading about "the arena question" bel t irri sirungiy Iai Ibto tooins eing sod abiliofgoods andi1can'ibitip uis onder os others fInn Cespertfuily. Bla nhe Cînon soon Cever Cible t'tass. $00;i Olreetsvîillr ismen. $10,010; Varîrîr Club. $10.000; Misoissauga 'rutes- sionai i-îretigbtrs. $50() isisvuga ieiîgbtr' Club. $020. St. Maey's Travrl- ting iBeidge Club. $200; and West Mississauga Socrer roague. $1,305. ('VAIICis'0alread riper a lingea dsynurery iorplre- srbool bendirapped ebîldeen. ateaeburbî n tîissir.vuga, houe teactiri supervise 2(i 1ebjîdres Ibere. and brrare 11 moreronotheraitinscti'lo idaerio criidren from lîalton S ave' enrolîrd, h -îlie fo1e Seý 'nr 1bas Srrîî purcbaerd, Ilires i irossugaItl \ri tr i- tirhe scbool. cs-urS.part- and 1shopping centrr isrict or the -Erin tîtîlls drvrlspnîî'nt A steil ofl%,til] bivii' oederi oSenstSe ne Cente isilil operetional eelt-rotrdsof supervse rila, p-inorîthSe Btoard s'pecial i'duc.îtîoi prigrani, adu l bl 1flli [liton îl udi tlivesiîoi 0 trecer'lia es r piit( grm. At T'ueoday'o ioeling, the Erindale Missisauga tiens Clb pircstrd a cheque toor 010.000, rnging te clotie total donation to datr te $60,000. And t iitssssaega Kîns- m ('tub ufeerd t onder- erte ttierustof therday nur- sery progeas.rýstimated ai $0000 iis year. An opeeating commutter bas ties iforned and wilt aitempt 10 gel ares service clubs ta elp onder srite annaul opriting rosIs. ilabvîlle MIPP Jîru Snos and Peel SouIS MI'P lteeg Kennedy altendcd "becs- day'v meeting and botti spoie rîrlly. Cbairmnooi te praised the lino mçmbees, elso Mississauga MPP Terry Joe or the belp ttiey have gicrn (VAIIC sore its toc- tir. eitS Mlott. nirdiral dîrector t tirelOntario Soc- ity for Crpptrd 'bldren. also potir onste lurîer of sort Ie retet entr i Iis aea. "tie treatmentetrewl pruvidr parnt guiiLiiice, phyiiocberapy. sprcb and orrupetionalthibrapy. peril iducatioo. sorineliagosis and rerreation for crippîrd cildrro an(]lfor tho-r eild- re o nierhase oierr rrtated or iniiltrplîrohîrios tIn additîin ii(c Itei iri- progro ,theentrrî%%i itfrr prgraios te ehlîleroanîl rriiîg pîreo le to aduho. TFhr riiphsis \%iiiIl ieion traininrgthrîbildreeîorr rehbiiilîatiiiiitheir Sui t cetvs heN ciiientr or resner 1regula i'vchool pro geains. TREATMENT CENTRE ni the Cirdit Valley Associadtion for Hon - dir.ipped Cfîldrn o lbe bu il soon in Mississaug,w il srrver Halton andi Peel Regîonn. Police look gF--ATECDDII1 ARC I for students Saiton ReCgîonal Police arr lootîng for st-cen ilo stdnsinissorbsonsasprei ati-tt brt progras iis Polire Chiet Ken herrett erporrd ts aton Police Commîiston Tbersday ibat a viedeni bat bren ied 10 supervise i pretion Identîii cation and ibat peeson sutl hir sevenirmoreryoung people iosworsonithe prei i Oirng ciile dune ibenegb Canada Maenpou e liliasa is lndîng the pro gras and il ciii invoive te students gotng mb ores in an areuiofuritngisstpiageed by buegiaies and maet-îng itrms ubicb are rauiy olA aler h-riy hvbu err voles. Theriudrtvlilimarbthe itrss suS a irit-typr pro and the murSko iIotite bc v isibe sndere t pectaI lîgbiý lnsuranreesttipaniro arr o sppiitigibng ssorbasvthe ru ttype pros Amnr rideol in [liaiton iv îtîgîiî s so ort-on se epro ACCUTRON for Faither f rom $75 Gise Dua an Accutron anA tis iii Se une Fathors Day SoIt aimuys rmembor Gsa runteed to wîthîn) a ominue a montir Ard gtaranioed t0 pirase Sit700b s/titiSand i 1c stitI Great gitt ideas begin at resii brancVvJs.esâ6 0.nîîîooîiioirî.iceîaro,.îtnnSSSOOsot.Otm.totenntoiin"tI GRAU Wmnn HNORSum Mais Anders Falk, bus- bond of Ruth Kernighon and son of Mi-. and Mrs. Anders Falk of Milton, bas graduated with first claso honore from the University of Waterloo with o Bochelor of Ap- piied Science degree in mechanicol engineer- ing. Mois oras a grodu- aie of Milton District High Shoo.He hoslor- iePte o position with Conodian Blower-Con- ado Pumps, Kitchener. Police get 8% hike Halton Police Assocation Agreement sas reached a representatîves and Police tew seetis ago after eyer ai Commissioners formatly montis oetltts. At one point signed a ses 1977 contract during negotlatlonn il ap- giviof officeco an eight per peared the contract would tic cent sage hike. taken te arbitcation North Halton Association for the Mentaily Retarded Applications are 50W btiengeonsidered tofilla *ose room sacancy aI Cooicysîde, Home foc Retarded Adltls, Hocnby. PenmconIak.,hty ph.- Si.11. RJ. BLt.don Hiontiy, O.trIo 878-0440 Halton Rogion Conservation Audthority Announces: SWIMMING LESSONS AtKloComsevatonAra Session 1 JuIy 4-15 - pro begînners - pre-juniors Session Il JuIy 18-29 - beginners - ntermediates Session 111 Augunt 2-15 - juniors FEE - $1500 For fui-her information or registration foi-ms: Phono 878-4131 or Write Hafoon Region Conservation Ares Adm. Office 310 Main St., Miton, Ont. JACK FRASER Striped and piced the way he likes Ët; crisp, bright and ver inexpensive. il prIl he litesil t e hoacionl, s osp pays i or ai ils wrth' Coo _l. otlong Canadion Mde rugby and W R pnlo tops. wom 00ineo ot wth ses nonrs ancd h.,Y!:, In 100% cmid oo odp ete aici cCon hep. e ooks, coioured both consoisls ce aane00gev py for tioth field and grandstend pay Szeýd SM.L XL Reg. 12 Verypineopeosise ae The iieustfated stocks are eso spncielpypriced Thn tabric l5 easy sieerie d 8 I peyestinrpin ulied heathe fores 01bluetnrgien.sairronadî4I' L9 te 42 OphOlýAi. 8à t ot m- Ii 10 araertuotexturie rckse ns ale Re:0 g1 Oulr$27ser OSperîiaalle.") JACK FRASER cHenet-e MASTEn CHARGE eccEPocO MLTeSMAL and OTHER INSECT PROBLEMS CALL WOODY 878-0387 Time i runnngout TICKET TO W/IN A MILLION Caotd BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW FROM VOURCad3d] LOTO CANADA RETAILER OR AT THE GEORETON HGHLAD GMS$ MilIlion JUNE llth/77