ClO0 Trie CnnC ia h i Ve d , Jrie 8,1977 Capt. Gibson takes over Cadets C .0. Anderson retires at inspections, The MitltonOtiitoisi Atr hatta uniquer itth annual ntanding Otitîer. Capi and plaeedbis squodronîin Cadets. N 8011quadi on, îîspeelîon as ibeir Com- Jantes (GAnderson retired the bande nfi neomîna Commandîng OCicer. Capi. Geraîni E. Gîboon. Therofficiasigning over of Sqoadron No. 020wmo n- fontal, an rompare t 10the inspection, oîtb Capi. Andrronoesgeng is sqoadronenier 10 Capiý (liboon in ront oI the squadron andlthe audiencerof 90i peopler Capi iGibson tas bren ntth the Air Cadet movemeni. nthich is spoesnred by tbe Mlton OptîmisI Clob, fur live years. He started as a rîitian instroctor, berame o lieteeaet and lter mnved OUTGOING CONIMANDING officer Capt. James Anderson, lefI, and Lieuolena nl-Colînnel lacDoogaîl inspecl the ecrits nf Sqoadron 820 aI Milton Arna. The Lieutenant-Colonel speaks 10 AC David Rnwan, whn bas been anAir Cadet sîncerOcobeF 1976. toto is proornt rank as raptait. He mas an trmy C'adet and a member of the Mltia as a yoong mon. Originalty Iront Nova heotia, ho moved ta Ktrbrnerrond lter came 10 Miîlton. ti i on establr o lb theO tntario Provincial Poticer, Milton drtaebmrnt.le bas bren wothth Ie OtifForsi Capt. Anderson e, ntoeîng noay iront SMilton. CapI (libson morcerd bts nom sqoadronout1ofniltton Area and toto tbe loyer, ntber the parentn andtfrîonds1 ni tbe suoadron rongratolated it ard the Air Cadet an ard winners, ileceevtng antards for periecrialtendance in Iboîr tîrst year as Air Cadets noro lAC Flemîngioe, LAC hmolenaars, AC Colson, AC Drrnîb, AC D. Griîftts, AC Lambe. AC Mtcell, AC G. Nisbet, AiC iislboorn, AC Foîbier. ACRIoane. AC Tapp, ACThomas andAC Zuenl teret attendaece 10inbhrr secondyearecarned]amards for LAC R. Peltier. LAC Jý Grîfitibu. Cpi M. Peltier, Cpi, il. Haydee and sgt Dicert. iRecetning antards for per- tedt attendanre. tbirdd tr, more sgt. o.Nishet and F Sgt B. Mchel]. Anards for perlect ot- tendance in hirrIortb year ment 10 Cpi t. DHayden, Cpi. Arnold, Sgt. tiassaod and Wti2 trent-Broob. Tbe only perleet 01- tendance iîtb year antard mont 10 F sgt. C. Hadtield. Senior Sonmoer Camp amards more givrn o F Sgt. Boad Mcbhel]tor tbe senior endors coorse be atteded in CnId Labo. Alla. and 10 Sgt. lion Nîsbrt. for the groond searrb and sorvival course attooded io Nanaîmo, B.C. Shbontng peogrant and milîtary antards for irst class shooting more antarded to AC Lt. Grîttîths, tAC Zuent, Cpi. Arnold, Cpi. Cameron Cpi. LD. iayden, Cpi R. Hayden, F Sgt. B. Mieheit. F Sgt C. Hadtieid and Wit2 tirent Brook. Marksmen anardnteto LAC Zuent, F Sgt C. Hadtietd, and W02i trent Brook. The shotitng expert aards weegiven to F Sgt C. Iiadtietd and W0i2 trent Brook. SGT. DON NISBET receiveo a sword from Lieutenant-Colonel MacDougall for beîng the Air LINED UP for inspection by reviewing officor The Squadron held ils annual inspection aI the Cadet of the year, which ho bas mon for the Lieuenat-Coone A.J. McDogal arethe area Thrsdy.second year in a rom. Walching the proceedings officers and recroils of Air Cadet Sonadron 820. ____________ Gison Cruiser repairs ~ discussed [io oeommsso dded Tiihrdytto send cru rusin Northh aton to .1itton Transmission 10 hvtrnmsinproithnto used in t tht t le antiSurlitng ton o il go to 'otîtanTrans hison.ttonn osnr ids front a nonther nf ir foruvarious ttpes of seoîcing Thed lion isinr at mtore informaton about rosi. betore utotrding the mutfier conrat o idanstufieir Cars operatingin thernorth noidhrrent te Bramptoni Mtore information i ns nerdedhbeioriB. F. Gtodrieh inirantptoni%%t t grlt he cot trattio uppio thriforceith Purchae o iseroru cioutsifoa snge irm ai a tiret pricer s aivohbengrex INCOMING C(MIANDINI.i iFFICER Capt. Uerald Gibson, lrfi. salutes his oolgoîng comnî,îtdittg niicer and tther offîrers as he pusses the gallery wilh is squidron. Leanlîng the processionî arr ilaghearet's Sgt. Clay Caiyeron. rîft, aîtd Sgt Bart) ikert. ........... ETHEDATSUN $200) SMART MONEY ~ 4AVAILABLE FIa ON THE WAGON Stac 0Free FcoyRus roig & Side Ouad Moud TUE PERFECT ONLY $4025 VACATION CAR P- & Fi 610 MATNS.88-17MLO &ot7ýL Ooo i Lvngq! Drop in now and see our assgmblod display model. Wn will show you how 10 do it yourself and help you plan a deck the size you wdet. Bring in your moasure- ments and let ns help you. PATIO DECKS You can build thîs beautîful 12 ft. x 14 ft. sun dock yoursolf and onjoy your summor outdoors. Dock as pictured with 5 ft. 8 inch$1n lD prinacy fonce (steps vot As aboro but wîth a handraîl instead of privacy f ence $16400 Materials are available in opruce, cedar or 'Qutdoor Wood"' FREE ESTIMATES ROUND PATIOS COMBINATION ROUND PATIO Et TABLE SET NOW ON DISPLAY RS-10 PATOO .DIAMETER) A#l prices are for thte natlra/ grey co/onîr.Ask n/lotît tvat ability & priei toflother Why flot build an intorosting unique patio. Thoro is no nood to make it squaro or rectangular. ChooseonOf of these standard designs or lot us help you design your own. Drop in now for a free estimate. Table and 3 Benches - *2O211 set RS-10 88.95 RS-14 *135.95o o, RS-15 $99.95 RS-20 *109.95 RSO-20 *140.95 FREE DELIVERY IYoejr Une Stop LAOHome Improvement m 1 ILI~~ Contre 700 MAIN ST E, MILTON, ONT.iu 878-8171 JUST EAST 0F MILTON MALL- M TONLuB Bu y -i i l ý. - ---------------- Il F Sgt. C.iadfirld mon the dîsttngoîsbed marksman honor. sbooting nier 97 per eent of kit targets. For .22 calibre marksman- sbîp, the mostîntprooed shot ntas awarned toAC Couisoo The thîrd ment ehot mon given to LAC Zuest andthe econd besi shol Oas asfarded tu, W0i2 Drent Brook. F Sgt C. Hadfield mon the Jînt Wrbb .22 calibre (Continuedone page 11)