Spring cleaning Collect 35 tons of trash Tomsnssork cremo cottected trucksfom ra m rntoi 1pm. about 35 tons ut scrap, rush He said the crem covered and rejectýdfuraiture driang the routes about three tlies a tamn-spaard :ta.up before caliigt quits. He sid Sturday rniing. three pauses were moade ta The ctean.upwas restricted avoid missiog sumeune chu ta the nati side ut Maio St. mou a ittte tate gettiog their The suth end of îamn iii garbage ready. have ils tra this Saturday. *Mr. Peimon said the annuai pickup is a pupular service Assistant Wrbs Super- for residents. "This staff piles steodent Wtf Proton said 12 up and peuple reatiy dant men mard imu package have any may oi gefting ridaof packers and irer fise tusil.- Arena fund-raisers back in action soon Once the final price na deter- action. The Winirio grant is mined for Mitons propaurd stitt avattabie, be nard. new arrisa on a puekite ad- Mrs. Hitus mandered hum jacent ta Miton District High mach the committeer ii have Sckont, the arena iund-raising ta cise oeatty. "Witi il ho commutter iiihe hock in $00,00 pus? "steasked. action and activeiy cam- $180,000 ta $190,000," paigningifor fundo, Mayor Don guessed Cunciliar Rus Grdon tld Miltas Cauncil Pawadiuk. Wednmsday. "Nul une dime iii came off At Wednesday's meeti ng, theelats bitta for the acena," coancil apprverd tho siîing ai Cauncittor Ricti Day said. the arrisa building on te park "There is noting foc the praperty jusi nortk ai Laurier arna on themilrate." Ase. and appcovod Site oppanent Rass Saus- preliminary mark an the site dersouf LauriercAve. mandored iaprparetfocnarea. mat mut hoppas if sot enougk to pepar itfor n arna. masey cas hoe ramsed lacaliy ta Banche ifinton, a ratepayor finance the armna. Treasurer chu bas bren faiiuing the Don Laaghood naid the toms armna csntrosersy ciasety for cas finance asy dolar the pant year, asbed mhoi shortage, sut the manoy ia rauncil plana ta do about found. ruining money for te nom Later inte meeting the arena."t am cascerard," site treasurer indicated there are said.. promises of sume bfty The mayar anaurod ber once ptodgm tuard the public the tenders are sn and the final sabseription fond. The total, prîce Is bnown, te former ho sasd, sa "tut for publication commu;ter iiiho hock ta yet'. I.C.G. again cails for independlent study Memhors ofi nferesird rom the Jane 01k riectîsa, Ctînenus Graup.teir lawyr match hum quîcbly the Dinh Hamiti and MPP Jatian Cabinet iii paos an order-in- Reed presented a brief ta the cauncil pusking the corridor Ministor oi Esergy. James thraagb dspîte the efforts of Taylor, on Manday ugaîn the onteresird Ctizens Group caiting for an indepondont and te provisiosaof the ltao siudy of the Brce ta Miltons ning hy-tam. il is quise hydru corridor propoerd hy signfîrani my Cuservatise Ontario itydro. uppaneat Mc. Gray has The Ministor istened ta rrmainod suentoas te issue" tem and the situation mou Mc. Gray bau aaid Hydro discussodi but tere ere nu must go somhre and ho ater visible resut fram the msuid fight ta essare tan- meeting. The ICG frtte damnera gui udequate recont decision hy the compennation. Sapremo Court of Ontario chich acbnumirdged te Soiandt Commissin did sut study the sartb mauth route Vair as yuu lîhe. bult hr caatd inluence te Missers sure ta sale îumorram decîsion unte matter. Tbarsday ihe prosincial In a prepared retease, Rerd electias. stated: - "is incancoîsabie lu me" h01 if the Gaversmeat is acting in gooli faifh tat il (liber residesis have cous sbouid refuse the afudy michfiîrmed the CPI.> sighiings routd lho campietrd in is aver Miltasn7say 27, abîch monts mbe the aternatise sarre reparird in ast iseehas wiilhe es longer detays Champion. tbruugh anbappy rinozns uppasing te corridar ai - Theers a bayer aaitisg expropriation and ky-iam tr ue ys aea nuted items. tîraringa. "Of course" Reed Plure a "far suie" adin said, "if a majarity Con- C'hampineilassifieds, ait servatise guveesmeni resaits fndt bm oa ber qaby. Why you should eat at (~ " Burgers Cooked & Prepared the naay you wantiti " Chilled Mugu iherefore rio drink space aost toi ice " Chaice of Dining In (Air Conditioned) n Car for Quick Take-Out Service " Qualifiod Staff ta Serve " Over 35 Years of Fast Food Management "Use orily Ouality Kraft Products " Large Dversîfîed Menu (J> FAMILY RESTAURANT nCnffuieShnp Dite-li 3»N&WebAm, Mi»Wee$79-125