812 The Caradian Champn , tWed.,J une 8 1977 ~JIamponReali Estate 7LC o-ja st il LI4ALTY PLUS! 8î45 /1,22 8 ý901223 AVE OR 0MILES AE M E lare ivngtdiing r 51510 001, frlsoioo, SOSt nkShen fuitb$0e0 ment, a tthd 26C,0age.OOAksg 659K00 BUILDINb LOTS, 60i1 tortmoreOtOpartculart COMMERCIAL SPACEIforOrem, 4o50150o51,Mito, Ï 5t'500166t5t, in. 3, beOt- spar lttt560d oo and d, 01106600 601060 Fa 6600 Stul Part fitts6OIt' 06se'6550, pa00tio. nicly dteOcolt ed 83,9 alter 6 P5 12203 CLOSE So 0110060"5îî0 M5cres, so Id Pr15t5S, t.51941 597 600100111501110 or MstSStSor14 SECORO COURT 2 yaaîoId bsbEO-d ttOOtOOOS 4tsadototthomettin tleattquitt 0100.b$6-t65h510, buses od garage,tdIlarge oi.tAsk 5516 $00,800,00$ To 0056 $10060 boit M.. ChooSOtttOt, Mo9sto Real Estate and Inst651 t0t60. STELLA PAITON 88-6705 -il 1EL88-8787U-1/tb/Ub TJNHOVPSNREAESTATE xamkIt HO USE 0F THE WEEK -io tooOO 460410091 *eutf Oo4ossoished ec601mon0, *Extra large lo INGROUIND POOL *Spacsoso400415101 Big fcd *Aosonq$66,900 JUSI LISTED 62 ACRES BRICK BUNGALOW .800 '5,6111000 *Just south of Aclon $ $1399w. FOR RENT Super 4 Iidoom tiOwhOusi', irishd hsemen, gni,1041decor, garagL Asiq $3911 TiiFiily MARTIN STREET Soperiorsolid 4bick buntgaow ist sîs oi.,101ths51sgh..t, original0 0911107 sossîog. $5,900 For the best selection of homes in and around Milton, give us a cali. CALL STAN THOMPSON Real Estate Broker 878-2455 N SCENIC ROCKWOOO- Th st-dent brick butngaows sel0 Otsttttg toonto, 005551 ktt6ttot, oomytobatht0ott, Sîspace. SuIl basemttt anOsd garagetttttttdto 0c6upancy ooolabe. osti $49900. CLOSE TO ALL AMENITIES -Thisobrick buaow i6 161603 bedroomst, sost-inks5660,4Spc. bath, t06 0riront alahed garage, oand is u5 tottootey 8110600050lot 000 0p9tio0and double pood drive, Asksttg $52,906. DON T MISS 566 0attactve 604067lt5 SOSîtung 3 004,001516 ut01 stkstohgttostStpplitottos, spect0516lving1and044it000î0, re oom ootith osto brick ftsOpla tOOO, 000garage, 0and6sel0on aatrcielot. Askng $57.500 A MUST TO 0EThis 100010 ooldt homestto 0b5d in aprimet oopotog oo 2stiOî$Otoout tosecond s66toOtO. totoolo $57.000. CLASSIC GEOROIAN 61s tylebk home 0set 0 on age ot 0506 ma1ture shade ht.6 OoimdStOOttO91tty oSom with waikout to patio, 57401005 50tiving 0511 50,55th firptoo,sposte timin root, 2 bathroom1s, 3 becko.ms, and a oitofodSoshioned chatoctet. Ooty $68,900. LAKE 0ELLWOO -Ko0159 t110pins 1t1110t cottage îtght on1the OStO 2 bedroottts,tlosttomktche ad ing1500o.S011156604d insulated, oIotttb 60st. Al fototiy 94900. LESS THAN A VEAR OLO SSe o t ge teed lot, th bric0 and carter2 storet is n immat15OO ond01t0tio. and faturs64 bedrootts, l5$ batti, dottsg 10051, 6PacOs okitchO11, b0,0 iootsthtoughou, fui11601050060509101and0garage. Priced COZO' COUNTRY RANCHER sotth ro tceloeto 6616506508--113 6041001510.Hollywtood kitchen tio1,0d0016550111dt11511tires, 2 555pi0606. and 5061005i011100111Ideal for he gardenit10en- 1606065t. OnIo 71,900. CUSTOM BILTon 1 sacte country lot, thtO 2000 sq. fi.,2 storey h6 many ot60150tding fatures-bedîoomst, 110650 wilh en suite batht,csto kt,herot,90910i4511512nom, bats 27x20 gas ruat, O o adl604 004 oghoutan doul ga90000 Mut $600 sen . b, ppeOOtd, 8kn $00,900. HAR6O OBEAT-Setono20 ao vto6a prigpond an toto 6arnt6s2,00064. l.brik home fo o 404 dost 21/ $06is 2 f070 oess paousiigdiig ooakto A.. LEPAG ON AP O OR - iTO PANORAMIC VIEW from t555is i0$at55.055t 2,, acre popooo ot ApiOby LsssoOneo of the rre mor e00 OhscpI110S t ioperlSOs 1000 sSof td puil5, Rusti1 0edar Et st1176home, cthsda cibOins5s2 55irelcs& 3 $04100916 Osgotd '0 ctoplemtotths eo6opssootl pttsperst Our instructions515are0tu0 611 0555kl, o wehave isOld ai $129.000 GRANDOLDEHOME 8eaulfuul resored n 3 creswithspr h odpskbrpik 2 APP[EBY AND BRITANNIA N- ,...4 îs'ssssss4 lis1,, Hoou r- ýlt potttp n, tttg ttk t 00, 641 bo Aîttttg$135.000 10 ACRESR8EDUCED ftttstt 04.000. $66000. Rotdto yourst1sfactotcrithis ottading site. Oer460' 5sotaon051ttO9S4dt0l510 Guelpth antOWaiketo Ltto WaIk otheo potyttand thttsogh the bush and seethsSptStt$d pontd ste. Buildng titt 950t1t00 QtottttSOtuOmu t llad hasIahed the prttbbacor5sd sttly, g.odt.n A0 oher farms and country properlies available foi yOti Phone Jim Neil 335-8897 or 637-8245 REALTOR CHOICE LOT OOWNTOWN MILTON F-otsi$h.-ot -11-killl;ssOpootd.12 6090 0096ot11on3 l80056 wtsh akilthen on e-h -el, i hi0 hose has so much potentel V-1ii01 v os160îoPPsoosote lils to tfe otoO Atlotit S84,900.$5151 l b os O osotg 05116a10 1001 b aing11and msotkng arrangeniets to 16 SSSOPOlS 0Bll O'Neillosti 8 45-3737 0ostoS. 878-6194 BUILTTOA O FUERENT DRUMMER Unqutountstro0id, i5555 bs09)1655001 '/ trndacrsonly mle n,th1i .4501 siendtsoitSpac..utsottootsim h 6p-m ih10ss606 0016Pttd te -1 ii 19,900. Cou [ine .514RoOSfort 67 8tsslsps 45 37374t.ot- 519 8530658. MOUE RIGHT IN oo4yisssps'i o ses't165in.Ofericig 3 momsO, 2 was sottmssste-ssst ot , n5y$030 Pots os51sth Cl-otu10401 o Piots,, .i.s.Rs0!If5, $45 .7375or5e6 5190853 0658. FP[NNEV REAL ESTATE LIC. 6453137 MILTON $57,900.00 KILBRIDF$290O .055055$SssSSSss55155115 oossyssso , sth f ,l.s MIL[ON 0200O 1 , STOREY, FRAME HOME $449080.00 E.A, MITCHELL LIMITEO, REALTOR TrafagarSOquare 31B Matn StreotS, Miltoot, Osntario. B8B84118 Torontto CLoto 826-49 15 j-sot 0k,50 806r,00$ P-I olîso 06 878-1377 8- [06053$ 335 5598 Mke L04055S 978 4873 90-0[C--,555 878 2055 MsssoMil..s 878 5093 Motobots of lTe Oak$iIe Real Estate Board 4 B