Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jun 1977, p. 2

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2 TheCanadien Champion, Wed., JuneS, 1977 Protest petition fails, arena goes on Laurier Ave. Despite a isai attempi by nrighboring esidrnta to bans tbe Ionos proponed nem aea locaird rineabere. Miltas Coascil os Wedoenday a pproned te ntiog ai the arena os a LaoursrAns. Park and okayrd tose pins for the sein building. Oîdso the proirci meesta bc opeord Turnday atecnoono and the Wdoesday meeting drit ooiy iib tbe armas location os tbe dedicaird prkiaod souib ood et ni Mlton District Hgb Sebont, and the isai pions for the înteionilayoui othbuoiding Pour irai ad anliers soi- moitsd desigitoitid proposais and prînsn and Parksoand Rercatioo Dicecior Larry Arbir 100k tme boni points ai rock proponai and pottmm inoaons nmm ayot. Hans Sanders aid Jobs Kooti, reresmntisg 5 ome omies in miaigenerai ora mbo ad sries sigord o poi- ion protening Ibm armas nocaasonasnLarier An. ap- pearrd ai tbe meeting ta pirad foc asoiker location. Tbry aiso proponmd coanicil opon el St, suber ta the armna parking lot or ta Lar e Ans., ta bnlp knsp trafic off Ibsr ronds. "Ws aot a dmbsiteommmwr os Ibm cces bfore the arna gos i,"Mr. Sandees tlad coaociiors i mnt a gsarooiee pou iii open el tieimemeorpeople ahi drirgatitosModayningbi ai apposeconscin of a oosaMinsCouniA aid askonoce 't a nLauriersAns. aid gainoîveneonstruction laonsrepairisg the rnsSi. ai a ew armna eined i Aienn on 'ithee shom op or annentf ebuidîg ton nbul ut' aî'anediog ta Blanche S. Bitas Shenoted the cost onia cm MrssIitno as ecs ai areso s fr geairs has the odnnnteofairsltiog and consm rbuid Bown nStond reportîg the rn sSi. she naird ibm Lauie' sase a Arcia She cîrnoltid a psutoc ar1rmw a gond site bcaune tnîith aie t,000somenlthai rofihchan la go tbenagh o evncnaiîisldîaothe ceuirt sndeotiaiseciinnoftnnl ltion ai the pans ta tais thr gettoibsoceno, aaenaaan ThionpsonoRd. "Peope krrprnmiglnoms IamltaieienitaThesCham- aid nyîng 'n'balcnn1tdo? ponlkîh bs Is.Bito a Co osmstibg bodose"' saîd she aautd ippear ai a Wei. somstibtg coisd dnc- A proposeS $40on,0a ex pnson ta the Gien Eden Ski Area ta i jenpordy ot con- pubic eîdnrssmcot aid speedp passage lhrnngb regoisa caîîcdl chomhmrs. [bol ýaa the message ram Bi Brains. Jrector ai Camsessatîon Sevoues i on itriu loti msský Ms. War'ik a id li s n rey dinroieaged hs Ste loch ot public suppnrt toc tbe prngrom. capeiali in isa aI Ibm aiiuîni ni publie crtînsm the ski arma re d laIt aies The flrd a oa'aeeomed, nid Sic tiataîk. aid siers rompiîed about tbc rromdd s ipes aid chalet. bai nowaaia osolutionobas Seecsn ffrrd tbeparr quiet. The dîseciors speoOîngîin te lacentf boeshintai crsîtcîsm ftram Halbi Regîon Chaîronan ic Mnrrsnmaid niher membrs ni egionnl cnuncd .Ms. Masna' aid nîbers ad pnbliciy ceîticîed tbe Houasn Regîon onCa sensation Aaikaeitp oc the pinord $o.ann epansîon. Thasrîiaend of the pion moid hab o a usguaaterd Se Ballon, ond Chormon Mbrna frt ihe $266,0S0 lon no.s ton much th rsaS Ms Warwick diageed hnmesee, and citirmard Ibm chorman NEW STAFFERS aI Ths Champion inclode Fran Brennan, 1f , and Barry Bradford. Fran in workisg port imne in the front office. A reasident of Miii' lie frmcrly worksd in costomner relations ii GAF Canada in Misisauga and as a switchboord operalor ai Northsrn Electrie. romaisa.tBarry, o recent griidaats of the ad- vsrlîsîîîg i"' ýirsai Sheridan College, bas jinsd The Champions advertising depariment fuît ime. Both Fran and Barry are additions to the s taff. The Corporation of the Town of Milton PROCLAMATION We hereby proclaim the weekend of June 9-la, 1977 as "Ontario Nursing Homo Woeksnd" in the Town of Milton. Donald F. Gordon, Mayor. St. o athe armna, ithout propes accesi othIe armna, mss ors sit opposed la ibis Coasiioestire sym- paibetîs, but poîoted oui the m a uid tic a good secceotiosai beselît ta people instbatoareamiko an aiaibo il. Tbey ootsd Laurier Anc, is deigned on o mai ots et soad. las eanp crastoms ticanod Ibis hoaid bons boss poîted ouita bomne- bayers Ibese. beloe lbsp pucasbnd isiboiosso MI. Sonders tld noua- sillon Ithe prhsitis lio desgnoed anapark. ishen mot peope oagbî Laurier district omes. Suce ibso. maunintdeidsd tSi boîth e iftsnnugh peapleshnnup "Ws'm'reeatihatpetope panes coni do t tt he'rimait thîng. Lr'sise wtstin aridi so larasanths irnia is ona cerd.' she sitA rs, Iilîin i,,id 'tir tas cnned aiboutthihnitrrseA bans ta hs î',îard t» pubhiei sahscrnptîan tl a> ortanhe happes iftlhev îîîaîntigai slavIsA aid taen t'amatit i ta osA ilt 'olit i i n'ythe1 She naird iSt heîra'îaiA las kiachi ig the planas tatare seiag ihean Ir %r iack wilpresrlit he expanioan propasai, anhniîaatdaohbl' the nsai i e prenritchalet aad add a tripiet'hatliftinl Ihearsal ian admnistataion raontre meeting Idat Jiune 8a' Il 1hv egîaa dlii" ip poataof e pions, il mai b tan ais ta îimpmai hem foribhe fiii7nasan.aaalrr ai ue fthe lneino atm edi cnstrutionana îaîlîng liai for itis.'hi' hua E:den ch,îîiii h'uldîaidSo heîasodeedlîi.taar 1in urdei ta la' a'ai iiiý and cnstrlut'iai 1) lin lie9 Soricmk t'S hpriat ai an extensionfnrltheaor-der. bt dîcotona ram 1herergian tat Set nil hck the Inari I I iFogentYou oresaonothbrparksîte. Tbr dregatîo xsseod the tar Ibat montaif the rai- ic tanod rm the armna wo'oîîiusLurier Aend aino compioined the noise rm te resa macbînecy , and enhbbrant hockey ians)ouid dîtusb tbe ras- quiity ai the residrotiai dîn- tisct. Hesideonsoready ave ta put up with fan and boier noise ram the orarby igb rbooni. ibsy poird oui. Theoaeeamwood sit oiy 75 la i00 fret amay ram the eeeatsrnidcntiîa lot, i mon noted. Mr. Arbis sspioisd the boe a sbecs loaird otbe 'orna ithe soîsient prt aI the buidng, te machine roo, tir noiappeaila otheGOtario ,MunicipaliBoard uniesIbm ton ,îoild In isus dehmn- (i)unî's positinn hon con titno i5 bren ihers aiikm on tan dîtllors invmmd aid thai thelbuidnga'nad be padtfor theimigliprvnialrogants,.the ,aieoteindoioa ilding aid pabic suscrrptionn Mayorn aiGrdon ahn he said fton lierafipfnppig ons the ai ena issue ram the nsry "lie anrsd taînnîîg, then liriaonrrd repairoand nnibc iarsbuidding, Iltmîgbicnne horS to haont hmad 5e tisnt She soîd ouniiinr Art Stria sanistathe onain ,ie ahi liasnanîustsnSly "stock by ha gunis-sne the issus ot rparîagtBronnSt.a'ashcir asedý NisIlhtiîsoîdlboatihr oipnon thes niy mop the a'arent positionnofinunicd a'aaid lbechosgsd mas Sy o largeshawioflappsditintbh prapodtbilidinigplans. ube ,aîd te effort lMbndoy aîghîaaîild ethls oppns' tiii,îr'itiîas auid bons ta raanidenîiintn badda e taiivai thenchosesitle. mood be cloeto a neigkber- ing basb. He naid ail treen on the site encepi Imo four font bgk obrobsi cooid be ce- tiied, aod brnsmooid be sd ai the front ta edoce nosinthnIe oigkkorkood "Tkey ont boom Iees i os armna Iere," oddrd 1 Mayor Dos Dos Grdon. Road poliersoners dis- cusned onfu and cooncti offeed t aveansLurier Ans. rntsoded mentsriy tb Oracle Stno renîdents rm te ment nids ai toms conid ose Ibat route for acces limon pro posd Ikat Iis road be gronelird, on Ibere sn os dens-i lopnt ibe ora pet. Loferf mbrn a subdiision is but the raod ooid bc bordiopped. Coosiliors tonorrd keep-1 i00 tbe sotk end ai Bell St. nionrd tb arma troftic. Ih iii eentootiy joio opmwitb a e rood, anier Dr., mbîcb ml libkitk Lurier etalf ther arna oi, ilmwas poînted out.i ose coonicillor predicîrd if nooncdl tries oponiog el St, o poitise ooid ikeiy came1 ini ram el St. ernîdrons Cisrk Campbell Tbompsoo mocrnd Bell St.i ssot ao coliector rood and il moid bce unomme toaloo il ta be unrd as os armna entrasseil ba oanierîocroodnsurface, no niocon semer, no nîdsmoikn, il cornes ai Eimmood, tbe bomes stbocks rs sot ai grest os os Laurier and il ine r denîgned on o moi is mb 01 "*Ws oaad bsonkioglfor nerroan trouble." ta rosir heavny ticoticcono lel S. tbe nisrk predîctsd. Asoiber idro came ram nooscilior 11mb Doy, woa isoodered il os uodri'ciopcd ioseloialthesoutsend of Bsii St. coud bce rît opeo n a ismporocy accena tthie aeaparking lot-ustîl the roda ithesubidivsinoare nompirted. ins yeasrnrom 500 Ibes oi bcdequais onres., ta 1he semoareooifrom thesoriboand She ws nt.od al tbe trottin THE CANADI AN CHAMPION Authorized ai Second Clans Mail Postol Registratian Noinbe, 0913 8th Annual Lawn Party Ballon Cencnlial Manne 185tOntio t-tS., MOlon. Saturday, lune l8th, 1977 Funsand EstertismeolFor Ai] Ages Htogn, Hamborgers, Luns, ce C roamPop Sle oaiBOaked Gonds ond Croftt Brnag the Cbidrss and E joy o Pein on the Grounds ironi bonse tause Laurier, coaneiior Day poînid oit. Mr. Soonders mocrnd coanicii agaînni mokiog drain iii Goidian Holdings, deve- laper ni the ankaili sbdini- iason ibe otbmweiquaod- rosi, ta gel a paned road rons the armna obrOnte St. He anrod ibe densioper ouid mont somrtiig ino retors- tîke os sonly start os the subdivisionombîcbcouocil ban bers icyîog ta dsioy as long on possible. Ont coasicîlior Orod Cirmeonspoîsîrd oui the Goidion denriopont s ai- reody committedond oiyithe fînol detoils bons ta ke oorked oui. As o mati osoppeovnsg the plot pion nbomîog obers tbe reoomoald bciloctsd ontbe sils mon proposd. NIMr Sounders cborgrd Ibot be and hSm oeigbbors hbonstsid Ibsîr ime protestng the armna location."S'on banc gise s un otisg-i am dis- appoisird. A lt ofaiords bons bren noîd. bat you bons acompisibciooiig" Coonîillos flannPowadab argord tbai lio ntr Lau ie ilbc sîirsded et fa Branle ta rase the trahie onsLaurierrsast of thearesa, ondlbolm ass't cosidersd i'oos'illor Day naîd some- lbîng n bsisg dose-"wr hans ctiongsd Laurier Ave. and Ibroas morr trahfir osto Brll SI. and Meadombrook Dr., in an oltempl la gins noms relief la the people mIta nîgnsd tbe pslitiss"- "Do you anIta n ote os twnnisig Memoniol Armna on Tkompsos Rd.) nigbt nom?' abat bock Me. Soonders. The motion oppsoîisg tke nitisg mon oppsoned, mifb lasdscopîsg toyoot and Ike denignofaIthe parking lot or lots ta ke dincosord lter. Coosicillors tIbm torsed tb the tison plan. mbicb mas approcsd initk minimal dis- cunnion. t'oisiilior l)ay seceinedoasurrancetfromMr. Arbir tke roo s I bgb esoogk bo olloin locronse lo bs pîoysd thers ibte nommer mostbs. Members olso opprovrd spssdisg $1,500onsoiftet, osd obout $5,000 la remons a deep lope ai ose nids af the propsrly. Tbe dîri beîsg rcmonrd 'îll bstlioed elne abers os Ibe armna propsrly, Pinot bids on the boldint iii ikeip ke conidered aI Cooscilo Commuttees aIthe Wboie meeting Jase 13, witb isai oppronai ropecird aI tbe coorSil meeting os tons 20. Coonilior Art Metonon, ose ai tbe proposents ai rspoîing the nid Bromn St. oreso, noted ogainni ailthie tL.aurier Aves park site. Anked t wsy,bhesaid"I am opposed to Ibe mknte general plan for as 1arena on that site." Al ose point in Ihe meeting cooncillor Jim Watsos, abs ban fanored Ihe lminsisg nI fMemocial Arena ail alosg, said "if ware vnting ogain, i'd note fa tais." MGRfl DARNMGM ShwTîmnnt tGDRa. a isE.OI pm Fri nd aot. 7 pan, & 9 pi. 'Show up or shut up' Plan final arena protest 878*3272 Ra=,878-3208 ww8 Th.. 9 pet 10 S.li y y , f ,d Ci.bnkcin GnnsiCn Cbn ,opha Gb Moka, OiOns M agonLmoskaad KennIiM«n s1s2 a.13 1s4 w.i15 ea.1 al6 .1sali ..n19 m.20 ana d.22 hnads anm o Glen Eden expansion in jeopardy at Region STRAWBERRIES Pick Your Own 878-6437 Be surs ta Seo * HIGHLAND DANCING * MASSED BAND PARADE * PIPE BAND CDMPETITION * TUG OF WAR * CABER TOSSINO * ORUMMINO COMPETITION * SHEEP DO DEMONSTRATION * ATHLETIC COMPETITION * CARLSBERG CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW HORSE TEAM iZLirotr tkag INTrERNATIONAUV IF #OW FAVARIAI AMO SATURDAY, JUNE 18,. 1977 THOMPSON ROAD ARENA 8 P.M. toi1 kM. ADMISSION: ONLN$3.50 PER PERSON DRESS: CASI TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM LION MEMBERS AND ALSO AT: HARRIS STATIONERY, SCHUYLER HOME HARDWARE, ELSLEY PHARMACY, MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE, CURRIE'S MEAT MARKET Net proceeds foi Milton Communhty Service Projecis * Colar on this ad courtesy of FARMER JACK'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE HWY. 25 MILTON 1 immerýj:W-11:1- 2 P... 23M 1-

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