12 The anadion Champion, Wed ,J une 8,1977 Ail candidates meeting MPP defends leadership Lashiot ot agaînni cvîîcsnltowrdtheîleader- ship olikts povfy. tkv Lîheal incumhan for [laton- Buvlinglon Julian Ierd took a bard sance ini detexce o ks prys leader Dr Stuart Omih ai ltTesday's ail- candidotes meeting, -Vos sant leadership. t Il gise ou leadership" saîd Me Red a kvoavedkhis inger ai a %aramas in the sud ier o ho ad questioned tPr Smit's leadeshi qalîtîvo ~SuartvSitîi adt 1kvcour age ta ake a bord stand on the ecoornir deict in Ontario and kv'-, heemcrit11 cied foil.bu he hsnt tied te putipeipe to sieflkssas ig po've nelvr adil so good. Wlen1kheonan ied quel- hionni hom aieîl, Smiks eadershipMr.te erd poivd out tkv Likerai menhrs stand on 1kv Qsekec issue, He saîd 1ke sDP leader. Stephen Leis calird the Queer viecion resuts tkv resitafthe natueairs'iiiulion oi tkv people, akle Princer Davis .id itawoiidhbe buis- flout Dr, Smihsaid don t onderestîmatrikhe pooervof the exe Lexesque and kv sas cotgaird foe il*saf Mrte hed -But f oue monks star Premierlaii- ealiavil waaiDlieSmith lias sayixe ilas rot ail badlaand ane montk la0rsodîd t1kv 'i The caniidilc- meetixg sposoevdkh: thekChxxirriof commerce sas the las(ini Mlon elore 1kv eleclîoand provd ta kv the liseliesi as rock caxddate appeaved la have loaded tkv audience wtk party supportersý The candidates inii r pioyvd upon the appiause ai thar supporters and asked ouf ai their ppoienl.5 in ks opening remrîaks George Gray. 1kv PIC candi- dole crticized 1kv sîker lIo canddates for aing oare tactics and taikine iOntarioi He a ad in tkv campoigx kv kad alked mik mao> peuple yxung and id, and lis con sansssas ikt peope seve happy xtk cOnario NDP canddate OBi John- son oneredy sayingkve sas 001 peackîng kaman doors -it ust ser the ivresand laikes hick ave o polsîred yua'tveatltheviii the gar bag on the and and theair thof in'i it la kealk And ail ths came under I34 prars of Torv msmanageinent.-liek sid, At one point a man in te audience ceîhîeiaed tkv Lîheal and NIiP candidates for putiof dossnOtario and wanted 10 knouaklflneiikee of thym as pushing for i maîority goverxment undvv their parties Inlkheir opvnixd remaekskbotk Perd and John- son ad saîd tkv mînovîl', gnsenment sas 1kvhevi-S governmen in lOntario in :14 yers. Graypipcked op on this. s,îp ing liekness oseverai in- dusresmwaniixf i xpond in Ointarix but lkvp ave aaiting for 1kv oucome ofithe enec "Thep're gine fi i.lob twic about elifindixg if an- aiker paty i, eletir,- aid Gray. illDavis is elected, peoperits axd good imes ove ahead flxvOnarain. ,*Ontarin in a greai place te stand liut no place la grxu.- dadpanned Jxhxsxn. Ia more serios marnxer kv saîd lOxtavîi o ssI hsd a Ire enerpise ssiem ic thkvcoantvp' Nwas aken rom te Indîaxs tstead aprisate entreprise ssevm voists. kîck ales tth1kvconpora- Red saidkbc aturally pre fererd a maorxity Lîkeesl govrrxment but stlI Ivt tkv mixority govexmext as etter thou a majority Cansvrvatiîe govnment. Ile hallenged tkv qovo- îîaonerlfor ignovîng the issues xsck as the hillion dollar defi- ci andaxviiiplopinLO --if maxI bc a ondeelal tikng tepull the bliiidsdown,: kv saut. Johnson lias vaiienged kp llîannv Endrrivk on hîs pari s propiosal i eaisv the mnimum oage up ineI$4 per -Hou is sgoîng t0 kelp smal businesoand fîphi inlation," she asked Johxsonrevplîed thal il Oas hard for aipone te eislPlet aln e-on thesîîreex minimum îîagv le lt appvoimsteip$300 miliion couId 5v gatilserd hp dong aia ihtth 1v as arite-xli for . icompanues huyîng production muckîsevp and thix moxvy cxld kv used t0 krlp omaîl busines Gray oxxlred h01 raixîxg the minîium iuge wuld hurt Cando's cxmpetifive- 1kv n heUnited Slates market aod reduve ibvîr exporis la ihat country. The preseol mnimum wage isxnexofiherrusxxs mhy maxyy oxxg people are hovitg difîculty ixding jols. xoîd Rerd. --if vou raise il again Yos Il oveale more uxvmpioy- ment aiioxg those who nerd il the mot. kv saîd. A mno the audience lofer questîonod how te PC and Lîheval candidates enpvtrd Wanted credit thmn iitnw amlogv eo therdmriiedm ka a îxomoueied ptat a mnd îînkixg pexi ipto ulanx lnthinrarîxg tghvron Gvon arnlIt 1k minimu Ga ei thmoinpidmum îxrkvrs in thehatl anod restaranibsiness wkxrr- cise additional incarne [o "i8.f vou eaise theiminimumo auge voxil dixeupi 1theinhole resaurant and otel indus- ry,- he saidl The reno Libevai proposai la make insulalion in homes mandatory aisn camr under attavk f1mw 1ke audience. Reed dfeodad is prtyS pliry. soyisg the prisiciple wa usoxnd. He said 100 inlaraul lomn would noka il posiblea for peopleatlx mulota Ihir ho-es and addad Itha saviofs in beuingoxi wxld avaslxally moka xp for the imouloiot cots 10 1ke bomeomoar. Gray ooîd Ihe ow islerast loaos oldhamomde aoil- able 10 homeomoars bxt kxovked the Liheals for maiog the inslllmeot mandafero. Aoy legislaionto xsove exergy max a gooxf ose, con- clxded Johnon.x 'Don't exploit us' parents tell Gray Sfforts ta take verdit for the expanfsioofvI 00 tck vckooi kv PC canddae Gieorge Geap lîvre îuashed during a meel 1ke candidates' meeting TuvsdOp nîgkt Thv meetiîng eid aI Sarti"i SI, Sckoolni Min ms ar rangrd b hpe1v MPilton c'komher i Commerce Thv extra fonds ad hel geanrd oloiîne a meeting o ith Educitioon inister Toin Milonl'avents for Setter Svkooi kavîliîiîesand 1ke Baîllon huard iif Edocatiox, opakine on kekal ai the parents' geoop. 11ev. Rmi iraýissliPkvldteioOpeople aiendîngthekv candidates mivlng Ikal il sas 1ke parents, and nol MvIie Gay. aho i ver 'spn'ibe 1kvh duaiion minisivp s suddvn Tkev îniîvrp kad pre- îîjooîvrrsid thksckool lisavOx priorîties ta vopanîl SWI tick sckooiand instvaii graniî'd inîorlthekvcon- atl ionofa sckooi n thi' l'aimer coinmuxity in Noirth foorlingîin. I',rior Mrv Geai liiicriti ciaed thi',lira incombiiient Jolian iivd for hins lavb of action in the faiar, 'il tah nme ti oixreks 10 gel the sckooi n1 1110050 ,ve asîîîng inmber-"k said lvi v ii iewi calird MSte Gra's commntva mistalv- "-As agraap ixvchosertiibc non-portsan and rflat al inleresis, 'kvesiid "Ax a deoup%% ii[oiiitkvvSePiiiPit lis ami soi'candidate hoî ,Il îî,îs thi'presse' lroughl ligainsI the'spstvm lus thevsoices oith parentsfiii die voîîîîînîls îî\%kîvkgol 1he riiinisivi to change ils dvc i ,in nd not,îýoîne ove son.' saidlevx Leais oia ckvi'ing criiad Bois quicbip oioîxvd 1kv c'kîvvîig as '%le lray ikî'o blid thv audience kv o avo i a,îîîî'înîî 10grali liii ie ssud tkv mextîne ithl Educalioi inMlisiere 100 PWellx ad hem arranged lis An appeal ais imade lu the hrec- provincial candidates in l,alo Brington o 1use Ikeir inlune n spvvdîng sp pra ineiai appeavai o the iiaiiîo'-, Cidrenv Aid Soc ivl's lbudgetl. bpCAS board chi'krman Brise Carke ai asîtav'sdîp sîiicîendîdaivs meeing PIe i'larke said 1kvePMin ivrs ioi iommusîlî' ýSrvice, kos ad tkv budget for lii ueeks and bas made norepiP "Wr axi lkem 10 stop 01111 îg gamres, said PIe NIe clarke said Ilaton Regîî liait approord tkv budgett ibyeevks îgo, el alinihisiias hougt to th, iiputs îînslrs attentioni kvc aa-ait aîarevoaihis. Pi' .'.ndîd.îiî' George Gray ,îcis iv"hClaebofikrinl uol,îîeo the govevnimrnIhp roi1 piliixe theprabi iilto lie prspvi'co1115 ,lvsaiiisinci'thevvegionkoad îniy pprovvd 1kveiibudget irieo'vbs ago. 1kv provinvce bai onip iin coxuidrigikhe budget for heve ev-vs and -Threa eeks is oi l long tre'sai1 ra As 1ke ihaîman oltkv liaitox fBoof ai lî. IGay saîd tkerbudget hadn'l bven ,ippeiixvd sel andheo asnit Nîle Clarke' refi vd kv Ikogkt il os siangv Ikal thevmînîstepviiuidnt i1 iast ha've apvnedihpagexiiithe buxdget and îîorked paralivi ,vîtkthe région. crop ckastsvd PIe C'arkv. sapng vvvnkhe végîoladt prokivrns appeovîog the CAS budget and ad ta svvervip Thr original budget alled for a 6opecent inceeasvlbut 0,10 ckopped domo ta :9 pr cetin consulation xx 1k the région. This igurer s stîll mvii akove the province'x vgt pr cent gîîîdaliîna Atthe mîeeîiîg MeClarke saidithehîbudge'tialie fiO$1hI1 Grap saîd MIe Claree oulil ust have to bc paient.o akvr." kvc saîd. Libévral PP'Juas erd saidhe had justheen made aoarevo 1kv peohivm h01 day andkv ouidoundrtahe thé caselilepoînted oulthbs usxot1tke lrst ime thi'CAS h,îîibî'în nîsreated lis tkv provincialdovrrmi'nt. NslP canddate Blli John- son saut kv a oild do al he vould 10 hlp CAS. New DowR 9 Hoir Color $09 $49C "Phillips" Light Bulbs iphg. of 2/100 matt) "Louis" Mon's Coats $1 1088 Ras. 1555 NOW JUST I Tory handout Ice cream angers Gruts, Democrats morbees have reocled 10 af odvevlîsiog kandoal issued by Progressive Consernolive Association ilk ooger. The hoodool ix a single sheet of newsprin mith"The Conodios Champion" flag aI the bopof taepoge and nams storîs raprîolad rom last rnehk's poper xx the poge. The koodoxl as printed of Dii1s Prîtitg and Pxlising, the parent cxmpony o The Champion, pid for ky the PC prty and issuad ktpa poty. Mlon Area Chairmoo for the Lîheals Isohaf Fiooerly soîd sha mas fsrixuss hen sha mus odvised othSe kotdoot. "Fair s fie bol Iis is kelow mkott 1con slomocb. This loks lihe the poper etdorsas Mr. Gray. Ina e e involved in 12 compoigax fedevolly atd proviuîciolly and met al kinds of candi' doles and Irve neyer vo- casîîtervd oxytbiog libe Iis. "t1 ficd this type of advavlis- ig replsîve unleSs The "Big BIse Mochine", but oPter givintg il more lhoughl I realized the front sheaf mhîch appeaved ini my malîhox mas merely George rap's moy 10 epress people hy issuando. 'Tkeifirstlhisg peopleado is sop mhp is the Champion doiog Iis." NDP Candidate Bill Johnson contscled tae ams- popor office lx say ha hod kevo contsvtad ky four people wbo are xx aogry ilh the kondoot that tbvylI concal hir suscrîptioo 10 The Champion. Champion Poblinhar Jiex huis nid taesheet sold flot ha interpralad as crryitg tha poprs etdorsemaxl for Tory Candidate George roy. Mr. Dilîs sid. "l'ex nov- prîsed pople wold comsider the eprinling xl articles rom Pot eek's issue o The Champion as sonne forex of endornement of o candidate. Wr ovre particulorly coretut tx indicote the motevial mas eprinttd fexex lsI me's hm ai 1kv requesi xl kxtk the Champion doco endorsa bina. issue a011he top oaitme poge parents and sekool board. Il ix verp oisleading. and îmmediolely, adjacent 10 Gvvvy MvAliffe. the chir- "h oîa a n das 1neîlte.reit mas man ofthe parents geoup, kod axynne il mots edilxriallp nîae Is ern a pevîssp aie M 'V buskt t cacI t davstsnd hom ssaed ky the Halton- lxev a meeting eyeraI Wl es,1vmanagement cao allow BulioIn PC.Association butaisk collismre neyer 1kms. Ilsoys il ix a reprint butal tthe botomof the page. The retoordyoa cosid look for 20 minutes C'hampion bas alwoys maode il keund efore pou find il. a policy cxl Ix endorsa con- 't spent a ot xl ime rying Pkyliis Ferrier, o long ime ddates and t regret Iis lx gel 1kv prxktem soived and PC Campigner wkx von- commercial reprint may fvel I do deserve some veted to Liberats this efe kavean comsiderad oas credt" said Me. Gray. lon sys s kv 10 as inlur- variation ix Ibot proclise. The "f hope era 001 goîng lx isîrd ta rvud 1kv andoot. Champion is 001 endorsisg grîinîo an argumenlosar 'Icouido t haieve 1kv candidates". woogot tkv schxxi," soid Mr ltvvd in rsponse Ix Mr. Gr'o crîtîcîsm. P e s n s v ia l tnslead bkvsaid iIskouldhbe h as n s av ia l ime of cefebration i Mîiton and applauded the Again tiks seav, Halton oxalîrsl corne, fi rst servad effortsofolthe "fakoloas 4001". Ifegiox Conservation AutSor- osîs. For more information, In particuPar kv axdrd Mr. tp ouIlhave rîngoerk phea- vontact the office aI f78-4131, MîcAulîlfe lxv is efforts." sans avalokîr for elease tIxMilton, "Looking aI Derry pox prîvote axdooners..There old't Iink bkvmas big arev40 iîdshbeingvoised for rnoug txtipovar theapork is progrornand eacki]and- f barret" Rvvd saîd. "txstead omoe mo meets 1kv eqire- drd kv dîgo under thevcorner unIil ments and specifivatîoos as il faisover 'set domo kp 1kv Atkoritp iii NDP candidate Bill Johný reveiva 21 pkeasanta.. M LT NM L son said 1kv Mîxstry's oni- Applications iii kv takan 88-88 gnal eliîng iii overetornîng 1kv sckooi hords priorîties lias 10 gain votes in 1kv ltseliogton area lxv Mv. Drap. Bui ikay mre Iorcad ito soppip ing extra londs for '.t liîck aller 1kv "iereilie il the an" kv added. WEDNESDAY, JUNE th .Ie Johnson saîd kv kad ,it~ied ousîde, in0the alway 6:30 - Ts1e Bibles Viex %,hietheimeeting withMr. ~ ~ 0 - Ts u %elis and epresentotlves 70 h u roux 1kv sckxoi hoard and Wh'iing Shoex prents gvoup as kaid P 73 - THeustr criii.ixd Mr. Grap'x ad- :0 -TeQetr 101kvetath meeting sîsce Part 2 - Pyramid Pawer bcesvrvrd no officia] eapoeîtp and hastvd Mv.llaed lxv 001 WEDNESDAV, JUNE 151h pxttiîog up a figkî lx ha ad- 6:30 - The Bibles Vieex mttvd 10 1kvermeeting. 7-00 - TIse Rud Whiting Shomw -Il t ad kvn elecied, . neitkelii lnor kîgk 051er 7:30 -TIse Questars vouid have hept me out1" kv Pot 3 ' Pyramtid Power salu loa aresponse of cheexs 18i ARRUAI Bathivb Race WHERE: Scenic Mili Pond WHEN. Frday, JuIy lst WHO: "Open to the Public" Incudes: Cammuttîty Organizatîons Local Serice Clubs Neighbourhood Groups O i, d,~ Cs 1.so No motorsallowd, RimUciclui LIILI>. 2, Minimum agn of paricipants 18 ynars and over. 33, Lite 1cknls mandatary far ach 0 tt1 participant antered in th e race , 4. Besides ihaae ApavTHINO GOES Brin OaanxaplaglIl -Wtchn nani meaba pme for futhor detaiî, entey foem aIc. Pion to0 attendil Help us moike the '77 Community Day a celebration of famtily fun for everyone. Doov 1n door ica ci,,am sefliog is comioz lo Milon. Monday sight, Milton Coxocil gave the green fighl lx Rtohert Bell of Campheilnille, who wantstuloperale lwx or more maasally opraîrd tricycles mith ice cream frezers on tomnstsreefa this sommer. Tha ikes wold visif the sahdivision s d self their marex 10 ebhlîdras, il mas expainad Soma coose iflorsoaere worriad ahout the safely aspects xf socb o promotio, Tha ids wifl coma rooitg from off directions" whas tha ira cream salasmax peaos xp tae sîreel, risgiog his hll, sggastad Coaxillor Em- mars00 McCready. Bol the majorily approved. A f10 licence tee milI ha chorged for eachbihîhaos the road andtae vlas will siplata Ihal solex con onl y ha made rom siifawalhks or privaeproperly-nxl the roadways. The venture wl operale rom 23 Qxet. Garbage up A case for the AIB? Coafeittor Rick Day max b lx report the Regiof of HafIot lx the A li Inflt ion B oard- for upping thse rice for dumping garbage at egional landfilfsites by 25percent. Mlton Couocil recaîned Word Ihix weeh tltat ftam for disposisg o muofe are goisg ap lrom $4 tof5 a ton, ffective Jan. 1, 1978. The Ragiox shoold give jastification for tarh a big iscreaxa, Cooscîflor Day said. Nobody woutd second is motion 10 Ihal effeel, xx hie said 't mill write the AtB myself." Cooscillor tîm Kerr said peopla rom xalside fafiot are flociof lx Haltos sitex, heiiouse t he prices are lawar fhano in thair w muicipalities. The Region is xxfy f.yixg 10 moka lb rate equal loxorroondisg aras, ha said. L JFRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM %im Haton Boed of Edhiation ix coaducting a survep ta eemn communlty nterest in Primary or Intermedi- ate Dvison French Immersion. Infrmatian and survey forma can be obtained tram any Halton elementary schoal. Qaestionnaires must be returned bp June 20, 1977. Furs need Cold storage! SPRING... Has arrived and thera is no better tirna to place your furs n cold storago. if voue Cooat ls StIiaraunid the hause it ma e bn trouble. Sunlight mev be fading voue tues. Heat end hurnidity dama ifs damnaesend duet may be blocklng pour Purs' naturel ventilation su Urotgct yiit fum, frea the hbut - th# way th.>' protect yogi hemom Hava aur driver oeil for them V ouli be înformed f repaire or ciaaning ar naeeserY Now VOaacen Rela and EnjoY sunmmai knooing thet pour furs ara reoeiing the basf possible cars et MILTON FURRIERS DRY CLEANERS 878-9262 127 COMMERCIAL ST. BUGKIL THE LAST THINO EVER SEE! MODEIL 20 "THE PROFESSIONAL ONE" Bugkil affectively attracîs E& dentroys ight sensitive insecîs over an area of 45,000 sq. t. Consider These Features: " Sofaerrnough ta touch " Economîcal - pennies per day ti No harmful chemnicals " Hrmîtstokirds " Maximum power - isibility " Nonocapo Crula screro Availabla In Residential, Commnercial or Industrial Modela D15IJS15L, D15IS15 or Modal D20. VISIT US FOR A DEMONSTRATION &4îh?ÉIdt -AWNANDP.AR[)F.N fiQUf PMN f-NR! Crerronf Hihay 25 and err0ea. oeuth of Milan 878-8121 878-8121 CAS appeals for assistance TEENBURGER MADE TO ORDER 0 9 TEENBURGER0 ONILY R eg. 99c (UESDAYS ONLY) SAVE 20C 360 STEILIS AVE. - 878-8125 F-. 'l NOW OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT RITEWAY STORES 158 MILL ST. (Formerly Mr. Bumbles Bargain Emporium) SPECIALS e SPECIALS WEEKLY SPECIALSaWEEKLY SPECIALS 1 'l