6 The Canadien Cbampion, Wed. - Mat' 2,1977 CLAS ,,cor JOHN WOOD praclicos for the KissrnenSuap Box Derby tu be hld July t on Main St. Thoro are three classes of ours ontrd, A, B and C, eith the C clusu car modifiod by John t a Mlton Malt dsplay un the weekeod contructed cumplotll by use cdri r. George Gray predicts fali federal election Thetfederut t-ierais arr ai- l reudt' "prie-nte-he pse-sp' tr a tai se sprtugreeios e accrding lu erge Ccay. the Pogessive Consratire s candidate toc aito-tr lioglon in the prvisciat lc lion lave 9 apeakivg ai a tavoeor ufte tee oicliiat opeiofî ut is rampaten atire in Mitouni Craytthe bremati sedie-or cosistivg maîvît'f ut isue- Progressise Cuverstises. e-buopoate tie Nilton oftre,. Iat ihe sires ot a tcderut eletion are uieadt' ap- parent.t Mr.Crut' said Hoeas rerentit' ruetarird bist' membec ufthie steelt setiste'N e-bu eated toeopoe-d His, se-t a clBriivgiuv plavnt itil ee-ge-tnMr rat' uusd the e-an ralird Hi.,teasset be bnouese-ai's goivg uon se Ceorgetowen and tis eistd places te- lcaio in thetowtue-e "Il didn't strîbe mee osit gui home. e-b thie -an- vreded a ve- plant." saîd Nie Arrordatg ta Mic ra:thie exsonO eas e-udr ees sact' ist'a $1,1m.») ferioerai goservmevî rder Preï stoaisîythie eauHad isueded unit' ap lu $40,00in erderai sorbuordecu If's e-gnttttsuet tiaitie ederat gos ervmert s stactig lu prie-e tise pue-sp vue,-lie susd ,sýet'r inatît' eaieg un fsoi ti1 brrr teeoHe-aid Ho k "I teilsse-b e-cre ussa tedlctik eclok rstta teeber. sctori-e or tie KAISER cflouser 10W FACTORY OTHER ALUMIN FEDERAL Frt .niParie- DUT DP TDfi PHONE -t'rig 'iso addrd federu t ute-ioue-.Nie rut' siet o e se-ti , slm olf ttoeesegsu ,t erent stucs, se- tise Grise astiNiailticri repocrd ibut construciou laisueru in Toroneto Had set- lied a se-itar tue tise ostne sages astise pre-r5r0co trcti Nie Cruvs ad. I appeurs tisait ahur sue- resugne-so iilaiurtihave msi-eises andsigtOrf t-e stneCage, lnteiad Itlise-i ailthtie sue-tolt atuonre.uicMrut'a set the trie-e Nueter thiss icetstainsearrtivuse-t ltr pîutedto e-tise steet in- de-str n a icsHuhd Hoe- ge-s ,Tht',se-dusicu is stars sus, h isud."TiselPrie Nitrater oeoud dtsucot ile se-sistct' e- issus aidcs outhetisrsien- dasirsN, eetin-g avish tise goeete- ndi sud gîsufa se-e-e-tnetstns- sat thie oisetvesa sstd ise in iisr e-eut isrec t'urs tisse tise cmin e- e-s ado, tise sue-tesshuisid ierd, Ho saite tieseto .\ierashsacoto se-de" slt-,i gthre-steelinutdy -s-s ilit tise croris tiesnt-,athé >ul)an-d payer se- aias nsd ihee- asutisor é to- i theise s1 o i euîdînq for the fee bre a fiti Y PRICES ON ýUM PRODUCIS Iluminum Doors combination Windows Car Ports AIumenum Awnings INDUSTRIES s.h it Oakoilo i 031f ON CUSTOMERS E COLLECT isetird Nie Crt'e-aidrlsa teta t e-osisGray e- Ni C)ray sgte-tulco "ou Grcosstu tuecuaiso togiiessivee-cH se poati tor Nth' rue-paln olaie Thesofftice, he suid. e-as en ticelsretsusted and ra-b) Clear up pollution close Wabigoon Thr Liberal crîtic for lie bfeaitth Houindirated polclp sourres tioselopnient. HIaI'fiHt b pesunallyt tinbs Oie lun-BurlingtoO MPP flian ftub n Oie NthOWestern Rerd as ralîrd apon the On- Ontario Watermat' arr a tariuoornmen togiveîfinal ealtH Haard weboveen and esouation lu Ibe pollution e-uuld 1lîbe lu close the probî- in tbe Englinfi Wab- systerm This ululement i igouniHver System biausîs in agreemeonte-îit "Tbe Cusecnnsnt asthe ie-uofthle Miniter outhIe made vu mention uftihe tact Eosiconoionl, Rerd notes. tbai a possible soution lu Iis "Il sacH a prjeri is oot muai secluas pcoblem lies in udraknte e ur ee tbe pbt'sclrai 'oua io ai Ibthe Englissb Wabigooni ridual eerrit' metal t'tstm willtcemainbhigbforI e-bîhr 0mai00 un the irer mant' gcnecatiosnu.be pre- botum due-o streaut tram an dhefs. idsial soarcre. Admtiodis a dedgisg uperatios lu ce C u clB if e-ose Ibegaceas utfe-err-ct' ci rif deposis eold prbapu ce A ametiig last eef. a 2t mie distance and besvrrpMilutosCunrit: costty',bai e-udaid jtie-a Osoota rogional pre- reuntaouaort' yinte- cepie-at taonrieuse capital lest' atiselt' short tîle-'fiod tees ram $1ai lu $,000 or saggested.f$1,500O and asird statft toc a The Mînîsie e-thtie report. Enioomeot bas siaied pabtîratît' ttibis aie-d ise Learsed ltalion urgiovat t0 close the sstsi ot sport Police are aiiesipig o k0eep tsingibtrcaiiotgeiiP-anset'eonucseltrcksoot prusat tcom thboDaitssusisu arps, as demnaoded Cabinet. Is Roodu riee- ibis ssdcc prociaesttgisltisn. spliitteCabietissartleur 'eo i ad rarlîe rcorn- iodbaionibhai tbeNlînsteritf piîed abouti gasot suds tise Envrcuvecni aodec ttt'ssg atf trucksbon 511 staods Ibo sesoussess outhicesadu, prubleos bt b s snformation as bssouasit' ssi insoîoberd Delogaird Couaoittsc e-istb e pebiscaitlarge,. îa oaadeis bocebknosa brrasetfpressuire loue-bis drasage cumplas sinHalo C'abioet outtoagues taminatioius s.,oigsuihacm. ibcn brr e-aioud tira li oui siuii-ii'isit tiait eet teHrs se see-sitJ usai tise %Nissteror e-its Essrouseot tGeurerK<er knus ussotisg meo d-net- Dr. triai> istiettey theb t-odorat tiet'actttucofu Nie ttgsts aid t-rt' ors' gise rcos instsrousu ssg aid spertingitheofe-ire atier ties apprcaed Nie tGrat"55ititisesoproposai OisiS s pecatisg t-i Nitsnfice thse s-oEs saur tu-ouýia'-'iýit t'sîsoiaiptsuo e t i t igu' tisesagise-tith iseedsîg Sltw ande-riseg suonia l it isi> astis Ni>Gtous ast erokrend 1 W re *s eorgi- ko %rr'v.inae esies N ol the PCs and issssststsg cr la o ýa ire-bec su! Nir tg 55,asog rmchtt V re Monedat' ýto e-idoudt'astiaOnd n- rue-tia- tuis p.Th's- it' duyt tuSturdat' Hesuid it uas oraOng sssret'e-un e-gPrutestoed se- putitiro Arrurdse-u ote- hiseri -an wintti hetsre arr usasit'ut Ie- mO s ws -rks-g in tise CeD 810-3031 I Posiion os Regional Gosarntol The Liborat Party ite onlyu pariy propare o i sstmanila Regoînal Gove-rsmoni anti rturn Local AotonomY. In the viesu oftiho Lbacal Party, Regionat Gosernmeni han nol provided aufficient bonofii bo warrant the added cosi and losa of Local idooiity- Poaltion on Wanie Disposai A Liboral Govrneni suiti bring 100% Solid WVasîe ReoVOOt' to Halion. Landfill iles usili be liminated. We support continuaion oftihe eniatiifg mel-lsa concept on a short term bois onty. CounoueeRuai aopoigo Hoadqorlm: Buuiugtoo 33-9m Ggftn877-8147 - g78373 Mitai815111 Uberal Actai 853-VU B.A. lN MUSIC Marilyn Martin, daugh- fer of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Martin of 117 Lydia Ave., Milton, graduated fromt Wilfrid Laurier University with a Bachelor of Arts in Music. She iu a former Milton District High School graduate. oitle. Tbe prubîr- s as pri- satepee-pertt'besaid. -Hoard Coanrdluc Herad CIr-entas oice bis ruoern oser Ibe tue-os risivg bt'dru billsn 'I bupoe-o areoi leasing ligblas on nees- sacîlphesaid,'esperiatlpat tisose teoi routs'" j ORn WAItN ONE 0F 57 OTI 0R17150 fuNO -ASE NECI oe-est desuratort leos tn ramsto , -die s a la s s e - fie -u ts it s i e s w t o twm i o u i g S Q U A R E ta s l o grq t a r s s d s e - ry s e i n y t o s .Y A R D . 11 t ro lg !oo noeud lue nhe locky winoor, drop un muid f111 oui un officiel ooiey fou-m No PURCHASE NOCESSAOV &10JSTEESTE AVE., MILTON kTY f lOGiflU 878-1781* * le~ Remelect JULIAN REED - - - ý . .. , àdgmm -- - -,-- - M il Ryl 1 nooirinq 878-4178 878-4179 1 FireworkS populo' the o: in org of settînifi offanestimalrd but no show et pond $70 othofarlfrewor The 24t of Map Qoens bg succeis for tie sponsoring and aaabs froos Oie appre- Eîrtbdap holiday e-OS cote - ampbellville asebaîl Club ciative cuowd. rated e-tH a giant display of Woman's Aailiary. Organ- Tbe villages new ire fire-vekini Campbeltville lares report a good crowd, deporîment attendrd, ta Hall Park Moodap evening. ditin sligbtly from lasIt'ear. cbeck safoty precations and There e-as rla public display Eut tbe mornes raoniiif1hr bellipresent accidents. n Mille-n but a cromd food concession mere inun off The Carnpbells'illr ire- estimaird ato40t sHomrd pa tHeir fret" and Bn Ander- morks bas liren a village the mil I pond on Martin St. lu cHebus animais sbaprd fromn traditiono for Oie pant 30 pears. aata show-, under the as- sumrption Ibore wuld Hoe une. Milon Parfis and Rocreatiols Deportrimni fias Ho on spon ori nJl ig u t ft ire I woucts dîspiapo uittho pond in Cotennial Park foc aout 10 years oe- but basunever brld ELCR AL * NUSR L a Mat' 141H displap Ibere. LCRCL a IDSRA Tbuseo sowboord a -oed CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE forcaong e-ile antil thr mord POLE LINE AERIAL e-an spread-ni show-and CNTUTON La TN ail e-ant homo, a ltulle emHar- CNTUTO IHM rassed. 878-2048 Bat the Campbellvifle ire- OA MAIN 5 E. MILTON ONT LOT 3J2 sarbu dîsplat' eai anober _______583 __________________ 1,.WEATHER IBEATERS * AIR CONDITIONIERS * DEHUMIDIFIERS * BUG REPELLENT LIGHTS by ElectrohOme