8 The Canadian Champion, Wed., April 20, 197 Stili up 27%6 Budget chopping continues For seses ens nom creased espenditure oI 31 per tiegoatl'smmitens ase cr01. Ater dazent of met- agossed aser budget esis- ings and countess nombres mates befre iem. AsaIofofhoars speiit an the budget, Fesdav the $34 050 058 bdget ihat increase Bas Been ad em reut by aboutfotsr itted le about 27 per cent. pr relt Initoiscginal îrm according 10 Treasurer Don the budget atted for an In- armer. Figures aent cesof:1per cent been oflîciatly compited and Atis specitmeeing oflthe te 27 per cent is onty an estit C'oiiiuniy Sevices Com mnate miiee P rday ai Bhe Haton Ahnormat ncreaoen ai botB Cetteonsai laiss e ibe the Cidrens Aid Socey milicee ppoesed hree and te ation Centenniat dep.stiessosl budgets, alante accauint for part of the iaryig sharp itcreases * bg nceases in theeegionat inis orignal foem the budget. lsîdget represroled anin The CAS budget caled for an screate of 2 pr cent sesgsnally. A sBtrBed 4.5 p r centMoIfegia a de adi pewhen e basted the CAS ai the aonuaa meetng of the ICts/ ciey foe nohmittîng the unem pl ye Budget in thaitrm. The CAS budget as bren in the nems I4. resine. in Haion evFity ater a nombereof inHaL~.,I metigs of the Regîos filse Canadat s etperiencl Community Service Com- ,ig iiipss'rdeoedleessof miie.snludingstimejoint uioropios oesil . ttailsn mentings o lBh CAS officiait. llegiiisis eeiseii oel sofflintihe rommiller retucianly i t egasrd Hlna ppeos'ed 1e budget ustB as 1trseesptsiNmetitsi Baise sreae of 39 percent. ,l si US.iper cet csm- CAS sîtîriais managed 10 par(] i te provinstiai aven roi the estîmates t10.3 per .îge iiifiser seses per crnt. cetibN phassgtnnes pro- ,is.'s'iseilso i.. ston Striai grams and îaking on ors' ansd Fanil Il cesesAdoaers ltaer i't he year ihan îîssîlslîtii ie ivuao uas orîgînals pespesed. 'stiii iii.v poins h ase hîte the culs iii pessîde bgOtsritýJes, ot ssemptsy- sone relief iis year the fuil ý[I91 ioIsît in Neslso un lnd id mpact 'tilt sho upflext icrîtissoýiet runs a 17 per sear. Wtout noducing cent r ans sm o egramt netiyear l'hriýart ovr 101)),00 ite CAS budget 'tilt jump by pepetinemploed incanada ass10ee 30 pr cent. Il.,il stands ai $1385528 anid Policy change irks Barreft oakvlle laor Farry11,debeture more prorrîs ,,arret fe, ntoa rge i afh UtwulsI otherosse be 111 eetng il le liegiont neessary Bol arreli Ad is istatig roor, eeing 1 g.n,.,rondealo S e colection il raptalof a plan ofnubdiisini the e,;esAdmnsraiion ('smmier Ihm changrioutd e Ibmmeeting Wednsday. rgsuîî olestulils suis rapialt Severai of thersouscitiOss teses anod set is 000 rates on the rommitieere sur ethe Ibm tes tprisrd 1tu rm thai ihey hast Sarreit is adamantiy op anknoinglî approsed Of the pîsedl lisbing the region change ai IBm prevsous ovisileinis.îtiaaOUýitlotsî runil meeting. %Ifs'e sers 51a1 as a The malreoas put bettre î'spistsi hilitY il ibm local csu1ruaithe meeing as ")Ulcl ltaer b usinentssad sortie L tries e are Ires nmter readthe minîutesofthe se elupers pasuorearhsme meeing. te',Brui lisdn rde t elp 'm sirh anderiedothis utset ith' demans the bmnonsense. The tame tinugs umun('s sesvices. eep romîng Barb and csmsng bach untt il slips Ilgunat Treasuer Don trough." Barrerîl rargedt F armesand s.sîe rourtisets Alere checking tBm liar complatord about Ibm resotutuon Counrior C.arl ,simiens plses Thev claim as rîsen saîd Ibm approsat tiong as ares rouncilioss as oîstssinprincipal.t OstB octsroi thbiseiundslte fnstrodBarretst l sehtobhall c ill hi' usrd on arma proirris the change 'then Ibm mater an therrrgionilltte forced contes betore csuricit again. ai meat i 8,8o0001net year. Lnihe masti sherebudgets the Regon canflat eserite fuît eotorsof5the CAS budget. If theeregio aflt0to 1 ehallenge the budget il Bas ta go befsee the poincial reveseboard The ('smmuniiS Services cammiteer ad ashrd the C'AS ts lp stss,t88 off the budget and came bocB and shom the commutter 'there iBse cus moud bemade and sibai the impact ssutd Be W5hen the CAS came bacB 1)rectse Rsn Ctspand pre sented a report shsmîng ishere $89.200 rsutd be chopped tesm the etismales but tiaened ihai "ioste CIS mssstd seesoati) retard and Chldent Aid Sciefy ta Ibe Ifegins chldeet" "Wr rannot ten boss a tuemher $61,001 cao b e- moved 'tithoul sahsiagiog completely. an atrrady sser- sieessed sersice drssey .The budget for Hation ('et teoisI Manse pretenîrd by Admnistatte tan Allen, calling Ise as inrease of 54 pier cent,. stappesord sith ant%, minosechanges The lanr budget coltsfo as expendilore stfE$3,807406 thît yarhe R ogistshare of thai mrks out ta aboit $70.200. Therergssnrecoseet a large percensage ofi the sperating cra nIs ovnca grats aîsd tees pasd sy te Gordon Milon Mayar Don Gardon waot s effer coroi oser ar_ coants paid throogb the Trea- tory Ilepartment. he tlId faitn Regios Administratison Commutter Wednesday. Gosrdon said each commit- reit. tcaadamlor aeShUin, ach raunis Buocaldg alîng fr f Be soudnrî e a m ouht viespBdtain2,00.878mas shumsng hom amc hla appedBB mmleno p.6«7 aws d aon any given Oc1 appod eocape any major aind h arîsut ep ar eitutig at P'iday's nesson athsuld be fsreeasltin Mastiof therergiant am mîlleet hase apprssed sa-e OeEn uorse about ts appesse Budget esti- mates so tBey can Be for maeded 10 the counicit fori' ncrease tariher cuisg se eatifiation ear%,inMaN. BL'l.l.ETi-,-The treas- i f e ree's departmneel reported faf r Tuesday an erene hiai tPeope appiîng 10 berîs tond anîd the Manne liegional Land Dîti trvyin errease w805 bu nine Ctmmittee fse per centnot 51 eecent as severancet could end disurd almie. Nome addt' passng $15s for each tionai revenuses sere located. ptcatioan.întîead of lhe Support for Centre ttallsn Regîssat 'suncîtuvoiunlael .striai evc il be ashed 10 pessîde addsi- geseiess ibmtheommunîisy til iiaiassupport ftsile soird Ibal ibme rgios the AcîoCommunill er bdpssm îîasrie vitems('entre 10 alo the hdo ai sii tervuicas rester 10 impeosm upenthIe i ibmteote ra series brîng offered. centres ote egisn ('susit's 'ommusily ber- ('Bil Admnsîtrativ e v ce ommutter agreed 10in filser IrfReid tbld te prot ide tusds oser antd abose sommiller e feu Ibme centre the 87017 grasl areadv ai- oas a woethwhit segasîsa- locaimd [se 1977 but did flot lion bt Iit the regiouould deteemîne isbat the sddi-lie usser tisenourage Ibm tisna geanti\%outiltamountîîs centreosntnueu b on- Atiso sea ouncise rPal NlcKmoois' ,îdailsraserd a meeting cr555belro (' entre H a u lIg a i irons ibm reglun ssrtudsog 5 bîrs Admiînstratve îffirer Pense Red. tnBuri lr ie rCnie osîed IBmers - - u i usdîalse ai ibm rentre ad Nitns Pbi ok seerslored 10 resigli Beraune îîepate nmhvtoau er famîte sas movîng o10gegesuigtnfiaî Sarnia andhB etl t muid Be 9is 'tîaîo surlnis a d t gu o ssrouactntgosn o go mooal l'ouitii s affer on duiy in a resird eetal prvd of ficeflatoofMilts uneort tle saudIBm saffersuid îîusts Millerîtoîî the' iegionît Doctors arrange many adoptions Haitsn dotors are piarîng lansd. îîsmssoed By reporters an ineeasn oumbe fnew lasire Mi.l'isiplasaui'sst the îborn bsbes inBshomsand b * % rospertissclriîs ifiargisig passsog tibm itsing isti OteIers ocr s vding usbdre'si s' peope sibo oasl 10 sdopt omthling flBta .ýseisaets taiBes. a.srodi o theIbmuît bsaid bchaltno osncree aieti ttht Ibildemis s id sinomsationst 011 h tos Soclesy. lio('oupasd charges ould se supporied. Mle l'upl.sod sasd Iere are hue 1101 lsibes placed - Ibaissiseh> cyarssnsedee ts 'bort circuit Ihm ositîng ltn ibai parenls wuud tare t f thB ent Brs5gh theCIAS *JF e l'bat rassed rounittor Pal 1's]cKenzie 10 ash if dotrs 1itere cBacging an u'derrthe fle fe o h parents adspt P L U M is. ilestso dre a sBarp e RESIDENTIAL noucommente[ro r.Ccoup- u L & M BETTER LIVING Wood and Cool Burning STOVESNO ,DRANGES Firepace Conversion Kits for Home or Cottage QUALITY STOVES AT PREFAB CHIMNEVS - INSTALLATIONS AVAtLABLE COMsPETITIVE PRICES FOR SALE AT ... bydlg 1407 DERRY RD. E. t'he ENTEOPRISE MILTON, ONT. ho.,,, OR CALL 8789813 WATERFORD FOR DETAILS OPEN 4 P.M. TO 9 P.M. WEEKENDS 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Reusonable Rotes '- ~*Pofessionai Workmanship * Wood Turning * Chairs dismanted and reglue -~* Table Tops Jointed * 45 Years Experience fREPAIRING AND REFINISHING OUR SPECIALIY BRING TOURt REPAIR WORK IN SATURDAY OPEN 10 o.m.-2 p... CROSSLAND FURNITURE RU-INISNING FOR EXPRT FREE ESTIMATES 1450.1 WALLACE RD. 827-6660 - OAKVILLE teer bietp as sspposed 1itoail tinse staffer. cli Mai11», chairpeettfl fose b (entre titIMe. Reid bhal Nhile tbe rssmmillee bad hopeat a luti lime persan iîstldblebired onleegioal stl he 'tas pleased mwith the %ies M.iltb - N stggesled 9(i.(K) mi oald be sailable as an .idditionai grant Ns decisîso laNet be iade ostrh e ýrbage ngton llt.dnsday tbatlie'teaeed the Geo'trgetown duîiiis',ouldi tîli lup telsae a mNlaiiiliilt site s aiaqiedstandîllitnlii uoiolilîend upll.ulingeros unes end olthIe cegionta 1thIe îîtbsr lie salitiliii' aulage l slit M lis udbssc luiitheeeicgi'itondsmp il Miltolan b.ie %%g' as ilertedest ei il tias a 701 itiile round trip ieîîîîî Geesge ti fto urlingliii '(brr s on], oiiv -'îeae [it i' le Gsrg'liiisi ndil site n09 .ai'iii'ing to i'sgiîit'i e )(iui liier 9 ,1, îoifîîitiee .igreed iii 1ti.ski'the'schange'oeîîing a S eT. ot trssi 'i tI e lhe ris gi' Nil! resuit il, e iaier iaiuge cstss ii :,uRRIE BING * COMMERCIAL k A'OFFERS A COMPLETE, VEHICLE PROTECTION SERVICE OUALITV RUSTPROOFING & THE NEW l'O [Y ESATlàlr POLYGLYCODAT GUARANTEES VOUR NEW CAR'S FINISH FOR 3 VEARS AGAINST... 1. Weathes scdarod shipsij.rsasdtmsca c siher Phao iue aisnd coliisiioii 2. Guacsiisimd agaistSIdisc.i ii is.fading,. andc l k 3,Gi sss u iqai,,,t LOSS s) GLOSSi YOU NEVER HAVE TO WAX TOUR CAR' 00e AlSO sapply & Intil Body Sida ItIouldings 583 MAIN ST. E. 0 CALL US 9 878-7978 y tunt ben o he land ,hap- e $50 stration Lammîtime passed a ressistisoashsng tbat IBm L.asd Iliision Commitiee aits'ted t0 charge the Bgher tee. daing the budget detîberatios tat sseek. Provsniral egisntaiin cssirosthIbmamousi Bhat cas lie rhared. Mes.P Sîhune. serre lary manager, for th commsite saidotmembers of the commttetasse as n ces in the rates bu aent Oes autbsrîaed 10 iabe tBe change. wants more control 'tends a year ahead. of the ancoanîn is knamtedge Istedon'n plan could Be Gsedan ta d he anted f0 af fhe aperaf an, Barre t are e'dot bot il wotd mean tee torecastsfo 19708ahen he said. a fat ot etra papee mark. drain wth a 1977 budget foe Chiet Admnistrative The csmmitter 'tilt renom- exampte. This way if won'lttîî e ei ed and Trea- md Caunci adspt Gsrdon's take as long f0 approne aOff Da En Frmr t badget,"e tld fhe ram- surer o am B adtrer point ehech iSf Gardsn's plan receined a T ow n eflw y hardy ndorsrnentfront w o defdw y uabtdtleMao r Bar- to spend your sumimers. seed ta tsghten ap an te(adwnes peoredure for appransng -Weeeresponsile. Wr shoutd oom here he dollaes are igosng. Knomledge Council NmHlia esr oe briefs Mlton Couneit MondaIs, -l'roclaîmned the menh oI m., 2'7 as Chambereof Commerce Weeh. -l)ecided ta adsertise the former Nasagameya Township office building for resi Funk Sends had renied Ihebuoiding but as mosing oat aod correspondene in- dîcaird the board of educaisos. Ration Regîsn Conseruatiion Auhority, ffattss Police and Halton tlegso wee tinteretmd in using the building. -Aulsesared Ibmecteh and treasrer 10 attend the Msfunicpal Ciehu and 3'eaueessorttntario con- leresce lisse 1922 in North N'l'se - a ' e a' WEDNESDAY , APRIL 20 7:00-"The Rud Whiting Shaow" gonsl: JsBs Jensen, Milson Shystie j 730 "Takin' Cae" a pesenaton bythe CBurc asf Jssus Christof Latter Day I ~ H A LLID A Y H O M E S M 6:17 -5261r - DISPLAY COURT II R, L m C.U.L. WEED and FEED 18-6-9 CIL Coains double ietlh Killex n W» d golf grenbase,îo effecively ilt ail upsi qband ceeping weds. Use 5 l Bb. per 100 u.Otq ORg. SALE d' 22 lb. bag $995 $4)19 -- 4400 1.9 7. 44 lb. bag $17 49 tirais 8800suf. 6 VPLAS THURS., FRI., A APRIL 21. 22. 23 PARLMONASH, -l, BRIAN EîPALIMA, ,CARIF 5SISSY SPACEK PLUS* MANDI MGO" LIT THE FUSE- 71r' DRUN- ~ IS THE EXPLOSION!1 ADDEDATTRACTION Capital gains. You earned it. Keep it. Bob PNe" Lee -878-5786 Thnkngwi hyo. ManuALife '"We have buit our Dealership on Service and Service basbut our Dealership." Semce aGuaatle 0li lavsor ,00(.111Miles GARY F ETTE R MOTORS0.m.LIM TUE5.MAIN.. AT1WILSON REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS 24 HOUR SERVICE 878-2452 uuRD HIT "LET ME LO VE YOU" B.. ffce Opesn0PM.-Shotw StatAt DskI DI 2453 'I t- should aoDrove its 1