i ~Board upset -~Burington school approved j.ahead of two ,Mi.ton .projects IL FLAG DEDICATION ceremonies were held t Boston Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon with about 100 Brownies, Guides, Cuba, Scouts and Venturers framn the Hornby area taking part. The Scout Flag Parade was originally scheduled to take place during National Scout Week in February, but was postponed due to rain The honor guard t Sunday's ceremonies consisted off row one) Jim Thring, Jim Clancy, Dawn Jarvis, Kathleen Lendvay, Kelly Fog, Shaun Omond, f row twof Mike Mc- Carthy, Susan Neuman, Sandy Phillips, Glen Barnes, f row threef Mike Gracey, Deana Ruddell, Trcia Adams and Randy Peddie. UFO base in Halton.? Nia gara man says yes Arrrdsg tla oNiagara Flals man, [feres a fluer or ueîdeslîfird [yisg ofjets i UFOsi fusi off [fie Hltas efirelise alofiae nario, Praul. saye Malcolme Willuiams,29 [ee inte map lifeacy ai [fe U.niversity f Tronto wfire [fere are isfea-red ufeai sensecguý satellite pfatngcaplsa[o rat L.afes Willims, cflîoscer felrlaged [an [fie Royal Astraonmiraf Associaiotn. hases fis filief snO Sus as ificee pints: In[febookaIisibnîlie iesi- dence Irving T.Sndersun deecifies oaase ocoird of [le finton ofaose aiofe Great Laofe near asp[oflase deripion is "e'aiocfy fîfe" Rotlfeenafle Pintiii i Milton and Ithe eserpmeni araaed Hamlton. Williamesoys Utff.sar a[lrcced ta sîgfl solfoge fydro intallat ions and pints oui[ [fe fydro corridor [froagh Brlînglan ond tfe L.ofevîew genecafing sation (L.afieeflaceand lDîxie igof, ssn[d fe agea o rato [nerifirse lie soys [fere is o farge trer field aoond [fe generatîg sttonoich couId fie otroeing t f'fs ife flies [a sugar. Buai Wilims leels hie mosi cedîifle evîdence s in [fie eîgfti[îgs recrded on film of '[ronge ligflle avec Loake iOnari bfeforen fofkivlie and Trno[[e ooyste [fi[gfis aeentice[s' ifîfereni rom ,iiccrofi igfIàs uhihhrre oh- sererd Iliyng i [fie sine f lr is suppor[ ci ni [fis s ii Su f[ocry [irfen. on oeranao[w'a[ engneer. pilot anîd presîdeni o[ ear [[if anarrftrsac fim roc Si.Cothorîne,[is home ai N [ogo coon [fie Lakfe iiserloni, [fie [ofle ond fie say' fe husheen oo[cfîg [fie fghis or 'fcrs. [ie ca ie donot rsemfl[e fe [îgflis rom irat Piîu'fsaî'sossthefi fîgfi> [sin erlciattern and inofi p[î'fi Soieiies. ifley haver inoespotitoi, up o flof on horand[ [fie goi sraîgfl up '[f igfî[s are usuafly oranoge'a colorowhiefliedi o fîîa hgh sodium conent fic igflsorei. nevrrused i n aicrîfi [gfls AT BAZ "WE WHITTLE" While Others Fiddle HONDA "WE'VE GOT 'EM!'" f vc MMEDIATE DELIlVEERY1 l $323.,re - i A derîsîone fy Qee's Parki inificafes sonne o [fie auto- ilon. No repart was [led [n ta peoîde ftusds for con-enoy offocaiscfolohards is 197bease ofaaprovinciaf strcion sf a nscsholfie gine [o bfiteabraay.He [re ons chaul fbuilding. Bacingas ahead o twn high soggrsfed [fie f irst action Saperiniendent ai Business. prînity prjects nMlta s fa. fould fie[no rile [fie apsel Haltes Board ni Edu province and asf hem "who caties trustees and admis, esiahtiefled piori[rs" tratues. Trustee Jud Afeander Af a meeting holutday .grrrd mivîfiefideo hîît ai ig Dret r o da fthrougfii tfe biorid sfluld go FiI'e ' IS rotions Em Lanender an-oflead and lookfi 0 captat nauned L. E. Maki, Regîonilerqicemeefi. os fpril 28. tua * Directne of Edacatîons lacthe The [bord shauld get v Iioa ion Mînistcy ut Education, fan esons in wcrifing [ramtithr critten the huard statîeg $ai7o ffisiry of Edocation o'hy Hlaitlon ifegional Plicer million fas heen sel asîde for tfie Palmer pelifeci Oas efiocged on Ofille mae constuctinof asnew sehnafappcoved and T[î[on plans it ihoaseaoas violotionefasi [n serve [fie Plmer com- reece[.Tuseeoam Jack- woerf, fien hediscflarged a maiy ie [978-79. 'an raid. gan on tfie peoperiy of Red- Thie fiards capital budget Laseeder saof tMaoki in- raf Nurseries, Lacer Bse forecasttfrr[fie yrar 97i-70. rmed hum [fie [bord cold Liînr saflmitled [n Qeen's Parkine reconider île [97., capital The mon oas efarged Fn'. ther ali [0175 paced an orecasi and gofioc with a day. f or confroseninu a oddtion la W. 1 it)cfi choof new liai of prioritirs aiffnul [iffuenfly-fou hih efi ricis and asnecMiltnHiglOcfif risfieg fsîng [fie money theasi'ýof fireorms in certain aflead oeth[fe Palmer prafef oh ch hasfeen st sdeOor aei0of [fie fon and an addtion fauiRobert Bfaldwin Scfinl cas jasi f00 projecto fefiid [fie e scflion sBrlînglan op pcnved Ater reeeiing [fie l[cer. p Lasender said fie tlfed [o Maif oanod onfird hnm ahy ithc Mtillas prjecte oece avec- foafled and [fie Plmer [ne apprord. lie rrparted Moaki sid [fie province espec[v [fie ner '.epoate school [n fe bfilin Mutilton oîll cefiese pressure L O N onecrncded [tilton publie schante. tI [nId hi m i oîshfe omas rgf[ fit dide'ttilnf fe I 0 mas- Lavender sid, Loveeder reparfeif tMaki sai [[f fihfal eceis ci no poi- O IP « tical pressure fooapprose [fie At VR ?4 l'oimer proleef and refeef A DEEYWENSA IH p[ans in Milton. 'T'ie, statemeef mos greiredL O o [fi [aghtec rom [fie LI N S HA LL rsieers.Milton [rsier Bill Lson desccihed NItofli s MILTON MEMORIAL ARENA-~ITHOfiSON RD, anwe s"flalderdash' A SID M T1 * pw [os ender suidfe saggrs[ed R Y I AM S T7:0pm ii toflaki e decision put fe bor n "an impossibile andf [le rgrd [fie board to t ÀC P T G M 3 e fine stuation and cinside a neo, repart on JACKPOT CONSOLATIfON $5 capital proelts [or [977-9a aiimee'infg lofer [bis muef '5nE A L> *fUA.L M loosýon saîd receni tt- $5PIEFO AHRG LIG M [et rom ifarens Parkfj A1,reyouflnancing charge i~card purchases at 18-24% ? With a contra et lan ait your Credit Union it '<couldbel12.1 % This cies' Credit Unionîîîfîîîîîîseei'ic'iiîiiaitibfe t iei î'c Iir.s tt /teqîaicg uc'eîîi. Eiergectcv plurcc/uesor w 'i'idit C'irîf ic'îoiîtci[bcmiepmid be/noce ioihi ' iflfef'î'[ charges ii the'18-24'Y,', îîcks'Î mini iigcr'd. Araigil , /i r'i ioucIo i[i ,i'ic['a[ned vf'IlO'fbe Pu('iig olv 17, 5per iîoîîi/i. Bor-oitui ire lisvi, imce d il. uo sricecrers. Paf' il 4f mifVtftj' f[[fiico cetitlv f cnient). Yoa pi« iîterî'îî on/f uîoitflt' ouîms iicdig hî/mcm'. Establish ysur credit nase- $500, 1000, $1,500 sr mare. Wfîî'îîî'îîîî iieed no mini eniiegenii'[' icirsimply wrte a cheque. Ifiir,'iiino neueJ [o fiOf' figfi Oe['ii'vý org'i'eiifimr fir[i neiiii"[i'iii'ir'W o We're Open a 17101iV n D, 0H C 0 q Mo,, Tons, WeO [2 ,,,.'l. 0 T1 FIa , 12--e 1 8 1, 1 anuaM8isseand3ieserOn ' oi 1 o' , , ,"i ç Halto L.~CREDIT UNI[ON ,Community SCredit Union .*48Mai416t Limited - 17 Wison Or.. Milton 878-8835 0338 Kerr St., Onfivilie 844-0866 soîd iflece is i$6f)million v abilee ininario [fis yeorf nwschflnie fit $20 miillion The Canadian Champion, Wed., Apnil 20, 19777 for morfird for pojecis 0ap provrd. fitni [[f iompfeted. firfore [fie frez Mof'letcter also said Af ouisianding profeefo uil ' reviewed [hoisoffallad mdi- caird iflere aoa 1chance more might m ao rva '['fe boardf deiided [o s Qeeo. ['ork itif [is e. ifng [fie athority f0 set prîrlles awa.if rom trurtees and o hy thie Palmer projeefwa .ipproved La vnderssoggestion [the bord eeeamior it'.prior ifes and altiernatives open tn i o wa. af[o endorsed HOUSE HUNTING? Check the Real Estote Morketplace in todlay's issue of The Chompion *Open Daily 9a.m.-9P.m. Sturdays 9a.m.-5p.m. RIU E ASYIIIIN ~ FTUE ON BANN KUlC flRKI»VUIS* APPUIANCES FIiANCING 465 MAIN ST. MILTON 871-2336 * PLENTY 0F FREE PARKING 'n City of Burlinigton NOTICE "KEEPBURLINGTON CLEAN" Resdents norfh of No. 5 Hgflway should deposo any mioeral ihey oosh [o dispose of hy May 11th, for pickup on May 121h, 1977 at the foiiowirrg locations: Cty property south of ZimmerrfifChurch Corner of OId Cedar Springs Aoad & No. 2 Sideroad 3100 Guelphl Lie Throw it out nowv. There wl//be no faU dean-up Mary G. Munro M. Koevoets. P. Eng., Mayor Director of Public Works 158 Mill St., Former/y Stock of- Bumbles Bargain Emporium STORE CL OSIIVG SALE Ail remnaining stock of men's wear, ladies' wear & children's wear ta be iquidated. ATj' 1:±g~ re. 50%/ OFF THE TAGGED PRICE tis an opportunity flot Io bu missed. Everything at hait prico. Everything muat go to the bore walls. lncluding store furniture Et' fixtures. Sale steris Thursdy, AwiI 2lst. Mon. ta Thurs. 10 arn. ta 6 p.m. Fr. 10 ar.. 509 p.m. Sat. 10 arn. to 6 p.m. Ails& MNfa refis*boexamwes Cs Cuoca-MW da4m .1 eW0ý :ý MILTON MALL 878-2881]