914 The Canadian Champion. Wed. Apil 20. 977 SEIA GRAHAM AND EVELYN GILLIIES f Mlton purchaned a new Polled Hereford herd ire at the Regina Bull Show and Sale recently. F. V. Anxiety 56G was stalîmate to the grand champion and the twn butta hecaie the champion pair of butin at the show. Anxiety waa purchaned from James T. Johnson and Snns, Conquet, Sask. The Gillies report it was an exciting sale as two formerly iun0wnii breeders nld animals at record prices. One buyer p aid $90000, a new Canadian Polled Hereford bull record and a Shorthorn buti netta world record at $41500. Agriculturist program is rbanynuxng peopleOin- lve on [ho tarms and par- iereslod no agriculturee cao[ci pale o ho regotar ac- gain on-irm cpriexce tîios ni [le larm famlies ibeougli tho Junior Agrîcl nder direct supervsinofn [uratisi Program sponsorod [lie arm oprator. Tbey wiii by heOn[tario Ninistry o lso ho abli t o aieparti n Agriuture and Fond.î'ummunity aclictios. This ummonnr. 200 todoxis -"The prngeam iv basîcat[y 16 and [7 cars nId oill ho a raining program tueoryoung ptaced on selecloil com- people [rom non-trm homs mercial arm for a nise tgan eoperienceand insight week periodl[rom Jono20 to îxl agriculture and rural Aagust 20. '[ho oudonts nill [le' sayo prngram nper Zone Jr.Farmers Give $100 Varions Junior Farmoers oprseniing ho toicorsils oi Guelph, tlullorîîî. Outon. Pee, Nothiand Suth Sîm- c0e, Wdllinglon and Yorkb Counies imolton Nardi [O at [ho tiollorin loonlo grcol- luralOffIlicoin (ranigillc Olue Zone as sot onl el reprevonted [i y onîpolOtors ai tho Provincial ioler Gaines iii NagaaPuls ime ied or hrd place' on[lic ovralsiuniings' bol also by maoy spclaloOs Thr larnout for Zone inerview s, hou oser. îîus soi as gond onty four oui of [t applicants showed lue quota oas nine'! Tiis year thr Provincial Sommner (lames u0111 eh ld to Share o Auguolh6 Zone 3liummOO o ms ilho leld aI tho Unicersity ni Guelph on .iuty 9. lommilloos nere lormed to tube cre of okn he h Uieroîl> lacltîrs and [n loob aller thie dance. Zone :3 donaled $b00 [n ho S IAIi.E. Pegram. Eleclion for tlie Zone exeeooîseiforltheenmixg yOar as hed a [blo meeting The rsulsiiorc. Zone Droclor. [Bart Johnon (Yok,:Zone i'bairmni[.Jamîes Joboston FiPel). Zone Scrtary. %Muog R[lcîsolds (South simcoei, and Zone Press teporer. Sharyn Ross Norh and Sou[h Simncoei. The nest Zone meting io [n le hlod Jase h6ut [lie Orange- vif](, Agricalturat Oficleo Judging ivestock The birol meeting ot the L.adei Jof Nurse Halon 4-11 Lisostocli judgig discussrd tho do s and donts C'lub uas held on pri[d4at ho ,hen gving judging reasons, AgriculturalOfihce in Milon. The cluh then judged tlie The elecion of alicers oas flord's IlairI mon Judging beld and tho rrsulls aere as Conest. Reasons lor these follomo: pooidont, Joeph la-es , ere gisen by Weoden; vice prsdenl umhers o [le club. We Dug MPhail: secrars. "ere heu hoins lides about Ruth Ane Wilson and preess vints in 4-11 duing previouu reporer, Mary Jean 'cars Folloiing tlie lides Rinson tho meting oas adjournod, TEENBURGER TU ESDAY A DELICIOUS MADE TO ORDER e794 TEENBURGER ONUY (TUESDAYS ONLY) 360 STEILES MV. 8- 8125 underway vîsor Phyttîs MacManier. Houes of morli cax ho irregutar and long. dependîne on[the urrentiaivily and neaiber." The students miii recoîse a training allowaxe of $16per day. vis days a meeli The [Ontario Mînîslry nI Agriculture and Food provîden $6 pet day white the bosi [armer pooides $5 in cash per doy andl rmim andl board worth $5per day -The prngram lis boox poputar dorme [hoe [ast toue yoars, says Miss Mac- masler. "Lasi yoar me bad 900 applicatioOns rom siodexis across the prosin- Applications tuer [lie prngram cao ho oblaineil [rom bigli scbmil guidance coussetinrs. [lie Hallonotfice ni tho Ontario Mixîiry oI A griculure and Fond ne hy o'rllîxg tn [lie Ontario Mixiolry nI Agrieulture axd Food. Logîstativo nuildings, Toronto, in care nI tho Junior Agricu[luraOin[ Progoam. Deadlixo for applications [v 'htay 1. Farmero intorontod in [lie program may contact Hattoo's assistant agrîcut- [oral repoesen[otivo. Marki Leahy, 078-2314, Milton, helore May 10. New regulatior ns cover oversize tarm vehucles [[[isno longernooocssay oruo thofront and roar. the fount.and ear Tiie tarmors lon obtaîn a speciat From 126" bih aide, sueli ot vellicesmusi hni permit [o mooo ooersined soieloo must bore [mu iiay fashons or a larm velies atong a eoad, il lasbîog ambre la m p ai the ritiiig ro i iehr. tho velie are uperatoil ront and rear or a rtaîing The legistation mo acerdîng tu a nom regutation ambrreomit amp. AI night reouillut meetings bel efective Aprit i. [bey muni acc twn Iashîng NMTC, [heO lntario Fedej [n annuuancîng tho rogu ambr lampslfronlanid rar ut Agriculture, [ho laton. Transportatiomn and andl rîthor a rotting amber SaIeIy Asociation, Communicatmons Minisir rouI amp nreiscori veliles IOtario Rtait FarmE Jantes hnuwvsaidita["Ooer- ront and roar, ment Deaers' Assuri ized tarm ,veicies iii hco [[cr 1 l. iodth lso catis [lie Natonal Farmors' exempt rom [hoe seigbi [for sîmîtar dayîîme tîgbing. and [ho Onario Minii idth, lengib and eigt îAnd ai ngt [ou tusing Agriculture and Fond. tîmts prodedin Parts 6and umbrlfampsil b shown, -I ooutd hleko[othanl 7 ofThe Higbisay Traffie Act. font and rear. as oeil ana ail for [ho ime. ansiý .'We haeohod many ropro vsingle rolatîng ambor romitand input [boy prosi sonlations f[otmfataim 00000 lia lierplus est ehielesat o ued0Silu on tho inconsenlenco ot[ho nid spoiat permi t procoso And i am conident ho n regutioxuwiti prose [o o ar Donate .heif er more praclicat in lis applica- ion [box theolnd arang mont. xsaid [he Minister tO D G Ih n o'rhere iii ho some rnad o B r z li n opraing rei[uiroOioOts 10 BYtienrvl.utnie v ng tbesobo[oersand w observe, ho Mnsir pinted u b ho localpepe oul. AIl oveenîzed arm The Hat[îo olstein nesI [mn years in [ho cohiele ureo prohbhtod romt [reeders Club prrsonied a and leeding ni dairy opoaing on any ni ho moli-cirque last veki [n theofiilspeingofni [bso Cal tarte -408 seris" bîgboay s, S[A I ... griiculture Ilosteins oilho dîtr înciuding theOtt[[ana Qoens toudalinn. for $7M. This lit graduaies onihe[li iay, Higbsvoy 2A n Scar- momey romt[lic Hotein [urat scbmil in an attîn horough. the Kitchener lreders in [[.llon ii lI go introduce more and iWa[eloo esprossoay o [lie ioîards [lie 1iiichase niof a [uîry caille [o ttoir Quern Elizabeth 'day purehred yeloîlîig Holstein bopolully improse [ho Thero are also lîgb[îng heilcr tlibchontsi)i Notheosi lion of the people. requiremenis, i Oers[0051 [ra7Il.Sosera*l indîsîdul [arm solicies rontO' iii o A shipmento l9 10heufres 1laiton have sontr 12'- ide iili nol [[c res- andl[on buIls , lro'inin[Ohoiers or mnneyltoiai trîced during day[îghi oucs. anii[her'[mntîîîho [or ithe îortbwbîto proet, F but durîng nighl trc e o in ossoro Agricîîltiîrul School. inormation or donatiî] plroînîibîlîts [heo [m[st haerHuligand Mli i hc Ba[.y,. 81 laic oe brnugb thc Al tan flasbîng amblli[isOai 4.Otllon, ailI [o lccompuny- tarai of[fic. Milton. Total $51,600 Disperse Beaty herd o Hugli Oail. Milton,î. as dspersod ai Ilys Sales Arena [aki[llc, las[ wuc orli a notaI oI n31 (III '['lisy îavan averageofil97 a în 74 lead. mib a top prce of :1.101 for [ho loue yoar-nId sîo Star- vsotalJOOO. clssiied Vory 1 llood wita firstlactaionof 11,59Il [homilshcininiing 494 lbs [at, averag tcst[42per cntxibullefal. lIna caughlcr oil[lie EscelltanI 'Ilus F551 sire .lgriAsies Nlitiiqis Ned. o 001to t[le brdilf ul Vis, Jersoyvillo. aloog %illi tîarsostu i;ýlriîinoihor o Nod's duugblcrs ai $1,750. and a Nisenie [976 hoi i assis ([lu [ioi lîho Vano i îFa.ii îes. Si, .\nn', pid $.7,1 I' lîîh lre eaurold daugî i'î ilfAgrO Oeis liaxol h ,,îciuiiiioii ,ioioty lisliîîî lloliigloo. piîii'husrd cîgli! [ouI [nera il $1 iioucces"lluii tho pur '(unr ilof arsîi[.i iloda. , icý NaId datigli . 'i ofiBond lîi' n iaplo hic., bosîng ili'lactati'ons ,us'raging Ili'iioeriloird lvIa fat-il" k and .'iioeri'il hisici oeil t ltril.soPulo, îcîcil. Fl.li'iiii'luded :i7 iiiling i.lials. igb[lrd n four- single s tho ration Farm [he Equip- eation, ;Unin loty ni ok [hem vided," worbîng e n tho caoing jcaille. anadian iribulod agricut- emp[ [o 1boiter ra, and jeouteî- [s in irbuied ado tbiv Furiber Agricul- lieaers oin ope brhies. I9 li'ilîi'and [ne baby. Ni andl Mos.Bealy are goingi., Briiihiun a Iwoyear -siarec« prajeitL hihelp lî'îuliaiis impruce tbelo ag iulîira production. L(iliuiD~3 SPRING SPECIAL Lawn Mower - Tune-up -Sharpening - &General TuneU 1 7m95 &Repair WERENTALL TYPES OFEQUIPMENT MILTON RENTALS 55 Steeles Ave., Milton 878-1880 one cail doea it ail, your nntrance can be used immediately after installation. Complete range of izes available. 126 standard sizes availabie 1 rise to 6 rise stops Standard widths 3'i106' Std. porch sizes 36.48"-72" DRI VEWAY E CURBS MdlrWogtio 4 FT 5 x 7 * 60 GateOO6.111Ea. 6 Fr6 " 6 11480 E PERT 8 FT. -. 6- 18.70INS TA 1LA TION PRCES INCL UDE *2.5O FT. DELIVERY CATHEA CONCRETE RSTORATIONS LIMITED 250 MARTIN ST. MILTON, 818-6853 MON. TO FRI. SATURDAY 812 NOON _____ nd keep your etiesi b«tter sevings on fin & compare your price PORK LIVER 7.291 Fis S. lin [(S P )CIhOuiS 1. COTTAGE ROILS ý.10 SLICED SIDE BACON lb.0kg.*1.19 SLICED COOKED rH AM êon6791 S-i's Oîneium ac 0,0 WIENERS P, k69" PORK SHOULDER l 7 ROASTS l.7 PORK BUTT ROASTS 1371 SIRLOIN, T BONE or PORTERHOUSE STEAKS l 1.55 R OU ND STEAKS l 11.35 CHUCK rBLADE STEAKS 831 ROSS Rb.954 ROASS RIB PORK CHOPS lb12 WHOLE LOINS OFPORK lb. 11.15 l9iiilPLESETAK NOIC open for Dop inoad look arund. ne foods 'es SpciasOhnoy FrontmWe. I at06 pm Frooli [en BUTT PORK CHOPS ~9 --'; t Finiid GRAPEFRUITS 5,.,49* Fi.,id. J-,Syîson ORANGES do, APPLS - -311 0000 MUSHROOMS 11 9 No, 1Canada POTATOES 10oi l CUCUMBERS TOMATOES Wood, Renu 551no-h SLICED 2 u WlO, cq o85 .5.9I ChînliRo o Ono o "STONE GROUN'Doî.,.Loocn SLICED BREAD~ Wosd., Onu 53Loaf 24o, i.HOMESTEADii SLICED WHITE BREAD 3n9' Ouon Onu eg89 Pkg Onu, POTATO CHIPS snD Foonc Facy THE CORPORATION 0F THE s1v TOWN OF MILTON PROCLAMATION We hereby proclaim the week of April 24th to April 3th, 1977 as "Dental Health Week" in the Town of Milton Donald F. Gordon Mayor. ar-bReoewS sboes 10 DAY SPECIAL <APRIL 209h - APRIL 3th> Bee-Jay Shoes & Boots Reg. Up To OW $ O '32.98 ON $260 878-1370 MASTER CHARGE MI LTON MAL 'I -J mmmmrMrTýý a 2,.,25" li, 694 a ORNAMENTAL MON RAILINGS e9ý 1 UNIT S T E P