~~~he Rock Scene1 Bs ton GareaoJ DEART CANADAS DEST NEW ROCK BADg" A di j«ee lun As.e" le .qlvisita. te Gusany l US., Huart as soleil But Canadien Rock Grmup. Tie cam- ptiian included Bacisman Turner OserDrive, April Wise, The Sampedtesand Rus. la luss tias twa purs, Huart han emes lfram ieing tont anotiser gond bar-band ta lte top af Canadas rock scene. Tieir rise iegan in 1972, mies Nancy and Ana Wilson larmeil a flkoti gap, called tie Mode. Tisey iad l111e loc. Laler tiai year, Nancy met Roge Fise He as tie gilarisi lac Whitie Huart. Tiey feU ia love andl deided le 10m asatiser basd. Nancys sister An, aiang wis liron maie masiciana Siese Fusses, Hoard Louse asd Mike Deroiers, ece Hucrt a a grnap liat an al Ameicas citisena. Tiey are conideced a "Canadien" grasp iecamse Vacouvec a tieir hase andl Hurt as casceived as Canadien sit. Tisey tiied for masy month, pieyisg theibars in and aeonsdVancouver. Drisg ose ai tieir showms, tis eaisuloa a small Canadian cecaedisg camliany as in allendasce. e sigsed Huci aon iis Mosronm label. With is it deerminatian and masey, Huart recocilei "Dceamisnat Anae." Ta ay tie alisunm as auccessfualis't enoigi... Huartisecame a phanamesnt Daisg 1975, Huart tnaced tisoughast Hrts Amnerica. Tiree sisgles ere eluased: "Magie Mas," "Ccazy as Yon" andl "Dreamisot Amnie." AUl lisee madetie tap t. Tiey esjoyed iotis commercial andl critical fasoraisee cuposse in 176. Huart has aready ecrdeil tieir second albums, "Magazine". Ililis albumonla similar ta tie fiet ose, Huart migt asmweli iecame permasestitiiena insCanada' BEAU DOMMAGE QUEBECSTOP ROCK GROUP Transateil ta Englisis, Bua Dommage muana "sure as iel". Fise Frencis Canadiens lormeil a rocis grasp in 1973. Tiey paid tei desisy pieying thesmall clsaandibars ne Montrai.Becamisg tis eist in Queisec as osiy a manier of Urme. Tieir style is remniniscent ai Crosy, Stits, Nasis and Young. Tie band constaai Michel Risard (sp' muas and gitari, Miciel Hintas Igitar), Rutl Durc.. s (giar), Marie Mîciele Dsrosiers (vocatls andl Pierre Bertrandl (drums). Bus Dommage hais recorded tisee alisums os Capital Records: "Bus Dommage," "Weddisg Nigit" andl "Anotier Day Cames ts the City". RECORD CAKE Tise caiinet of a speaker isusssally mode out of pucemwood. By applying lemon oùl talise mood, y os sersve Imo prponus. Lemon oil creats a dusa, siiny finisis and moistams the mod. If tie ood is let 10 iecome dry. ciances are crackta wilI deveop. Spring dance attracts 100 Tise asagameya Progres- sive Çasservative Associa' ias ielil a sprisg dance at Hcooiviiie Hall tiat atteacteil more tias i00Satueday evenisg. Music as soppied isy Haeey Acisirs Disctiieque of Actas eoonisg rom rocks ta square dncs mus Mas torep doing tise calliig. Amosg tise peenesimere H.P. and Mcs. Bill Kempiig, Bois Jones, pesident of tis nem Federat idisg associa- ion. Coanciior rad and Mes. Cements, Cauncillar Hans and Ms. Pomadiais andl M. and Mes. George Gray. M. Gray is cantmstisg tise set provincial election, Dr. Bes Young, one of tie senior Progreeie Conseeativs in Nassagameya as aiso present Association president Ken Murray assisted b is isi me DoIt and tieir dasgistee, Mes. Marilyn Ottnmap, second vice-peesident elcomed lise ceamd ils M. and Ms. Rap Wood,.f tic ie president. "filas gond 10 see a tely graso rots association at tract sa many nemoomeen and dispisy 50 mors igae. anti enjayment, ' Ms Maurice Newton, one ni tise memiese, eported Eleet officers Nassagaweya W. The home o Mrs. E Digte fees. Foitowiflg the serretary theme and rol colti enteredTi Ihe anuai cachre pians. as tise sonne oi tise Nassaga- treasurers reports, enlies- around the Queen Elizabheths held Aprit I4, ere crn- meya Womnen's Instîtutis pondence as read. iver Juhilee. pteted. From Mes. Malushis meeting, Wednesdop even Tise district dirertor sprifli Fonds were voted to assi rster ose imporant point os ing. April 13. The mottn nifiboard meeting report as the Childrenos Aid Soci7ety the F W 1 O speciai lulctieon Aprl shomers bring May gîven bp Mes.K. Anderson. Sommer Program. Arrange- ta bhe hrd Jolp Jo i Kitchtnel, tioers' as abheratis nf Businesarising rom tiai ments mere mode for Mes, . o 10elebrite the totitutes pritig ta ait. inrtoded tise District Annua o at toe preorot the StS Asieroary Memises tood for the 10 be heddin Georgetown, Nasagaweya Vîltrtophy ai The ainoat husiness meet- tostitote Ode and Mary Stew- May 17, ils competitiomnioftise Music Festival, May 17, sn ig aas opened osth the art C.oiect tien ptaped popun Sattiretaris inis raisins and Actîno.Ariievestrt [av frbecrtr raue fo r t i e r o l lt r a t t p a p m e n t o t p lio n e a i s sc u i s a d t ie t 4 H u b is m bh A p J 2 1e r a u d t iie s n d ,ZELLERS A HEALTH AND BEAUTY SALE î .1-88 Reg. 1.67 r EACH lACH EACH The Canadias Champion. Wed., April 20,1977 B9 consrnrs of tanding cor-m '[y Champion mîittee reports ocre gve laslids. [hep lmake your phonering. Cancser Sîcet ' u an- vases aert,îingîc tirai homes, (ie gî-sirou si . Champion , lassirds rîspi Sorgam huniers 'Ien oie oday. LC priI 21, 22, 23 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities