Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Apr 1977, p. 19

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Bus improvements needed Two ay radios are eisg installed in aitasant lbases operatisg je south Hatin and mdll ha istatird in buoes in tae sorth,. miere ibey ara reatty seeded esentuaaiy, Trostea Bert inion informed Haton Board of Edacalion. Tmo way radios for booms l ose ai ornerai recommenda- tions o 1the oard rom tise Pjseniew choot Cocerard Parants miso stadird busing on Baton afier ornerai stadents mre dropped off a hon fer from fther homes and so- fered rot-bite dring a bizzard os Janaary 20. Chirmas of tie cammitine, Craig Kerr, preained a engthy report ta tise trustees, Tisrsday. Hinton noted a oamer ai positine actions hane haro takan ta improne hoing and said ha doohird asyohisig motd iane hara dose if Pina- viem parents iadn'i acird sm reoponsihty and the Jasoary 28 oncidet iadn'i itoppatiait Ha siaird tise radios iii ha in ail hses operating ontise1 mauth haut i ili tie maîch1 looger for ttoam ta ha insialiado sn huses miich ruaon tiej nots Huton sad tise ampisasin on improsing hoing pro- redres siauid ha in tie nonsh miera rond cndtsons ta mir ara mrsarnodioa- tion poses probleiams Piniam principal rot Ilaichings prsanird Ker to tisa ord aolîog tie parents nancrais are atmo his. Hasid thereport as proof tiai gaod ihiags con happen whao parents get in votard. Krre sid ha reaiard tisa bard h as selp a spaciai cammitter itulokh ai hoing and hapad the cammile woold seriously cosîdar the parents' suggestiîosfor im- pranemeois. liatd tise trustees the lime for a stody o ussng was hfora the a ,aory 20 in ident wmisch soswed ihere o as cosidrahia ioepii iode. oagigenca, conusion and incompeenoce sur- roondîng hoing opratitns and pracedres. We're available Ye, per Chimpen le avili- ibis n anidndan aietsti fllawlng nirnadeilersu HA LTON VIL LE lenleen Genr t ore B ROOK VILLE McL@od's Soe ACTON ActnSOnais oip Ed'n le aed Oui Repal MilkStose GEORGETOWN Stevens Soe Srafto upis Jee's Tci S obp DelroSiOmilise Slap SP EYSIDE Opesida Oenerl Sore HORNBY Hrnbp Geerl Sose CuntryFees DRUMQUIN Deannin Strs OMAGH Omah Soe PALE RMO PaieraIs Ose Clllag'n Oatien NELSON Nelsna Vieli LOWVILLE Rbrian Guis MtasaiNmo Varlsp LweilaV&ies KILBRIDE Cnae's Sose CAMPBELLV ILLE Maiwk les Eari', Garage OpeaiEmporiumn MILTON HEIGHTS Dania Varlieh UN ANDAROUND MILTON Clet aResauat Haod's Ormve-m Bnjo's taso Alfanse's Fruit Mirete WestCEd Muse Mlton Vîrinin Fit. Wel Sltp Harerisîeatinr kaisers Sose Tien Chmpien lly's Fisrmna Ladwlla Sper Oine Msai Dram Miest BondOStallnry Mac'n MIlN, Branle S. Micsa MlS, Oelen An. Meunnviae Rstarnt Milton District Hospil 10-2s sarviceaStaioln Riier Vriain Lladi'sflenlaeînt Shpgno kM L"«lit Milon Feil Mickes H IaonCrt Heu Tisabig isuetise board commuttersould ha oaiisg ai o osafety and mlfara ai chistdran," Krr dalarad. Ha said communications masi ttisaeaony area miicis nards impeanamani butaiatt aspects ai hon aperatan' sisouOd ibesharpesad op ond tisa raspoosihiiity foe Iis job rats mitis the board. A ca- ardinaaing agnncy haimean drivers, tisa han company. arhist, Qorano Paris and parentsos a diy oaedad and lise bard shaaid do h00 jol. Kerr prainnd tise chirman Garry Mrton and ad mîniatrOtarO wisa hase coma ap mush and instisaird a numhar ai changes inciadîng ardaring radios for ail bsas, deveioping ateroative routes and ditireni drap off points in casas of emrgancîrs. He said tiera mre aibar in- cidents ai hoing praisiema in Haion Hulis hsides tise anc inclclng Pinnnîam corban Janaary 28 bt parerts coolt finot Oas ia action bas bran lahen ragarding tise inci- dents. Kerr aîd ha as ofeatd th isaflealew driver mis, a maiîrad mon simply mode the scapegoat" for al the prahirma Kerrecround for imprasa- mniaif raad ions hy the pro rince and regian and said thera is great roncaro omang drivers abut mtrîissa dan't stop misan sebani bus ligitsaara flanhîng. Ha said more advrtising of the toms are needed as miei as im- provad police anircemeni. [lr rgad the oard culi hacb an tie nombrroi studants on scisanibboos, tan. "Bt for tisa graca of Gad me are at o brard meeting lanigbVis seadai an i- qars," Kerr declarnd Soperiteadani ai Busians and Finance Broca Lindiey said mhite emary ciildos lite is very important misan ana lonosai the tant 9,500 siodants ride the schani hases in Haltan emary day the nombre of problams rnportad an Janoary 20 mre relaiinaly Ina. Be saîd the problnm of peope n01 smopping for scisant hasesisoi ouniqe in BoOtan and is a cncarnlbrougboat Otnario. Lindlay tld the bard pians clt for al chani hases ta ha eqipped mth ima ay radios ithe 1977-78 chant yar Ker said i as seless for hos drivers ta report pepe wo dont stop sioca lbey have ta ha ahle ta, ideniiy the diver in court, Knomîog a licren brrmwasn't soi ictenitao a conviction. Truster Bilt Lamo id ahen the am sayîng hnamîng a licence nombereas' saf- riaint as enatredaiamw yearn ago tise sorios trustee associations in Otario pro- tstnd vigoosty. i1ear as ose bard speaiog 000 on iis meu-mîld he a rry intha wiltderasa'- Lamnan saîd. Trusee Bihllierd ahservad a loi ai action bas bhans loas store Janoary 28 and on- dered if il as plannrd peor ta the terrible incident in talion His ne as prompird by lie incident. Liîndlay said the hon campany o-05 gaîng la pro gessîvly ntilitradios in schol buss so the incident and chimatîc conditions en- countered tim iter mon merety stepping ihis program op. He said the irm airnady has agondhousmaintenance poicy. Hinton said tise north is the mont important ora as tar as oeeding improvemeon ta concerord and rapresord hope the hoard hoing com- mutteerotd tooh ai the cie- comtoocro and condiions "the north has srvived ihroiigh" Be added up- grading ot driersskoitto shouid he a hoard cancero. Hie rged Kerr he named as a memher otihe hoing crm- mitter. vaîorday. Chairman Morion named Bringtoo Trustee Cam Jacksson as chirman ai the hon cam- mittee aod atm paced Trustees Len Auger.iiahvîtle and Blt Lawson. Miton, an the commutter. Healaso saîd the North Haltiotucseens sooid he ashed ta nome a parent ta the commutter mhiie a paenot ta reprenant the oith oid he nomed hy the Balton Home and School Coooci Omagh Films on old, new tractors shown Steam Era By Mes. Casil Pattarsaa Tisa montily meeting ai tisa Ontario Atique and Staam Penser sers as hld in Bayn Centra on Tbrday eveniog Aprit 14 inis 129 membres aad fiîcda at lendiog. Arrangements era mode for the Slaam Era and alsa for a bas triplao Ottama; presîdant Danis Webbish mn lise chir. Me. and Mm .Oth, racani nelymeds, mre preseotnd ih a girsm te membrrs, as watt s congratlattans and gond mîhas. Twa films mre sisomn hy John Caldr. 'lbse mre an nid and orm radaors aad methada ai arvestiîg. Aithecloseounch o as srvad. Tisa Apil meeting ni the Ballon Farîsi Safely CtaOOii mas brid on Taasday aveoîng April 12 in tisa brardrmom of the Dapi. ai Agriculture and Food, wmus 18 membras prosea t Mas. C. Paitersan, prasidant, as tantise chair, assistad hy Normas Biggar, sar.-irean lasdeidad that 100 "no rider" sticisars for fraciars ha parchoord and givan out ta tarmers, ta am- phasîfa htisaicldennor others sbould net ha per- mitad ta rida on a tracter. For safety sabe anty tbe aper- ator shouid he an tisa machina. A short report of the Zone meeting ai arrisoan cisorcis, Peel Conty as ginan. Tisa gansi speakser mas M. Fred Hotidge ai the St John Amblacansd OPP. is taIs and demanstratian an rasas- citation and bern mas moch appreciatail hy ail Mr Biggar ihaahrd the speaker fi mas aina dîscusord and voird ta send a lattieta the Ministry of Encsrnnmeoi meeting apposîng tise openîng ai any nwdumps in Halian Cooniy and anbiog tisai recycling and aier e mthads ha sed. At the close donots and coffemare served. The osual i-saehly eochre mon hld ai Bayna Centre an Friday esaning Apil 15, mib Il tablas i pay. The prînamînners mre ail laddias: Mm .HarrDon. Mes. Cara Price, Mes. Ethel Wehbb, Mas.G. Tencycha, Marie Murray.Mrs A. Fard. Lunch as served and a social lime enjaynd. Gai mailtishas la Mes. Kenneth Watson mho is a patient in Milon lDisict Hspitsl. Brthday grealingo and gond mîshes t Mes. H. Rutherord, Jantre iiebri. P'aul Kobinar Je. Ana Mahaod, Clarence Peacach. Jane RobI, Mes. W. E.Fard and Mrn GergepBrownridge. The Canadian Champion, Wed., ApriI 20,1977 19 Correction Jean Roers, ere the The Champion erred 'n a ieatured pertormers in that photo identification in tantsegmet othe program. The nee's paper and puhtiohed newspaper regrets the error. the wroogonameounder a Photo of gymnasis per- formiog ai Milton SIDistricti a é i ttigh Schools open house Marion Cunn inghm am pîctured. hut the captian M I NM L ideotiiied her as Mchelle tattan. The iwo girlo, iith 8828 Oonagh Johoston and Mar Shamrock Uuilt btter ta lust LONGER Glondette Glendtte Deluxe ata a Low Prices RUSTON 57PansR.Es TOat LÏO5 Baringion 632-8400 Portso-AcceSsorias I/op u9w~ê to the GERRIE ELECTRIC OPEN HOUSE Saturday, April 23 9 a.m.-3 p.m. AND SAVE 25% ON ALL LIGHTING FIXTURES hmeeSnoflb& StmooeDnnmws w bEach brxtre Putchae Free (Coffege aund Ionuts U Bri;'g the fami/y! Drop io Saturday from 93, havt a csffee and browse through sur ighting showroom, DOur tiualified staff wiilho peased ho hplp ysu toke advantoge of sur 25% savitigo. Complete ighting fixtures for e Residential a Industriel e Commercial Ai Conditioners ami Bug Replent Lights GERRIE ELECTRIC 4 SUPPLY CO. LTD. 9 Armstrong Ana. \s Georgetown IWE WELCOIvE CHARGEX 877-2264 __________ PYLE NATIONAL MARR ELECTRIC MICRO ELECTRIC 2565 Hensali Street, 2560 South Sheridan Way Missiseoga. Ontario 10809 Ave, de Canto Ave Missisaîuge. Ontario Montreet, Oaebec FEDERAL PIONEER 19 Waterma Ave, VIRDEN Toronto,_____OntarCiLE 19_____________veCONTINENTAL CBE Toronto, Ontario NUTONE DIVISION _______________Ontario ___ ________________________________2 St. Lwrence Ave., Toranto, Ontaro LITE-TREND CND IEHUE0 IFN 6130 Creekbenk Road CND IEHUEO IFN Misaleanuge, Ontario 147 Laird Ave., Mantreet. Quebec Toronto. Onnaro HALO LIGHTING HONEYWELL SMITH &t STONE LTD. 5130 Creehisenis Raid 740 Ellesmere Roed 2 Glen Raid Mleiauga. Ontario Scarborough, Ontario Georgetowen, Onterjo ul

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