6Thc CanadieaChampion, Wcd. Aprl 1M, 1977 Halton Tories hold founding meeting W1ha> cemed lo be a coaple q,îoemd <bedstintion of resrictionc. anol neeoory, deîcg. Tboy oo'[ ho inc oaly racy <co pood $150,1100 ail prosideon cf local essuc- ni n<agb>orard amecd- (hnnrnede».and une» tho age lare>Iicîn ofniAtnnad a "T7o do <b is o <ngo an ho lunconi aily and il 00< n' o ic heomniation." a«ooo ai the <bac cf he <ents <b»te onst>iutionnent aif<18 <nIn p<>r ofcril>c>nm candidate or nomination ai asauplicn <bol h o yng ncnosary aI al." ho aid. Tho associonelc lood Bob ueeting. Acec and Ncooage- lallon Progressine <'nerionrt <r e<'»r<e mbeen <b» tho an> Hllon nomînatio people arr ma-baood and Anoîhr aenmodu o neso as Prosidool, . w ya banc meetiegs plaoeed <c»> riodeba»> ha> look na<or<>y agred <n lb» age uooting nid hoe go liml dotol boom ohe by arr imiof ho amonolcan- Bradley as nino prosideo nad uap ce-nolcoor peoplo over it hor toresole. ddaes sroh cf he omioui ganicalono, Dorolby roelocl cru cnes. Tboe<roc noce 1a ouek si'iaon ao spond o $,000 badlCheuhorlain ansino prosi- aeo lonled by Ibir local l'h» «allont Fedr><gnn>c ou ho defrrod nnen imo mec don>t oinnore. Woody Byhos asoociatioco. talion el ho»> '«n und<og r000 Og ]<orand hro ap- an viceoprosidronuouhombr- The hoondarios for he 00W mneting a> W>ildrn»<d <1GI. .pard n o c nocosnss ob<hp.ond Lloyd Mefloogalloas ridiog Labo n Milton, Arto, coure»Turvday Nogh - Anscmiation Proo<donl Bob ierproidonl ni nomunily <abvillo, end pari of A» a»ia'ad«>r> nt.thboan- Jones 008800 cd ho dforel relations. Eoqooinc. Ail ni Milice su>uto î<><ffng votingunti ho nos annoal meeting Dîbrs e<eîod îneladod ine<ading Nasoagaeope oed priviegesal nrninaing ouhouthforo ho did. RilSargetc< crola<'y Marilyn Senri, aod <n o n ho Hallon-Wooimcrlh pe<><gr>0>i»n<hgtnbastod tho eeonaivfor <ne<rasrrr Trrncer Rogan. rid<ng. en»»c.i»>bihoe>rmercth tr rggnb mnuc Ar rsdnsto a Goglu od< o< deai crard 'p>e Ho yoid i asnaoo on'> villei<ceIde 00<1< Hodd, ho Hllon ridieg bol il goeo ï»ung lProgressve <an bacinrss how mocb uoooy Hucol Sock, Mkb o Hnrlb. o thr cru Bramptn- servtiv mebersa[ he an spontby a caodidate <n Jack IRohortsnoand Bill Georgetown ridiog and Erio metngvesa»o e ,be 'ea> >bra omnatn.» »H e>. sMoCloed, o o Wllicglon-Dffrie. >reoc»»cnnne>a orte»'aif paricular<y anoyod by a Ml Phelps of Milon, Fred The ridiog iseorren<ly bhere<e t he>lagra Ifcas cali on candidaesenDambion ni Avion andKon rrprosrn<d by L>hrallFraek o u aayco>ntrihutionscMureynnf Nuocaaeme arr Pbi<bronb. oanahd ha o»d a nd suncts> :Inliy as behailof the par»> <'ey argncd [bt if thr varr aid rna»gb >in»rh or the part>y b. iarr iii» ro»»gii 1 ,oie i»> a o,nd>dla»- noinaion>eetig Icite»>»> ber'. preenn. bu> io»> »ab»»> t ondtins n agrrrd tai ie»>vr b»e <o ho- <în>lîcc' pr>'o190dý i>cea iat.>»e»»on>eet'ing Tb.» ro>c>o>iý.>ir-oct»> a» e>co«»-ro rgard. t peetl>ad>>f i><gb ncoo> n>adconsiron»e'nt<>as>>in »» sppor»can «didate (Il I' C Io<c>iic»r NEWFOUNDLAND MP John Crosbie told Haton Tories <at Prime Minior Trvudauanad tho Liberal Party are on ho ropes. Ho claimed that <ho PH lb osnog nationîal uaity an hin final tromp cor» in a game of polîlîcal sorvîcai. onre$100. Me. Jonsad<thotol might nevo» b» oenosery i Hallan bal b»c ecelîrdon Tornto<rid<cg wbOre t<oi cacdidaesfor eneomoinationc bed speol ove» $50000 erh in a teupa<gc for ho Ifas aftere10 pm. nbr Me. Jones calîrd on John ('ronie. a Nemlnundland MP. and tbe gars> npeaker toc ho -Godhoilpons ifmc banc»> rewrmei tho «NA a».- Cob<e qoippr>< alter n<îlng brogbhoeproceed<ngn. He uggonied pope anc no bo a 'bitque»» in <b» head la unc i te t«es>plaerbu> -Helo Hulis cou bas 00e lire eiel. ChicO Keo Bikoma, whc headed ep Are Twc (Georgetown)<lbas reigord nle aboejob le privale iodooiry and Micb Holmes, ubo mes chiot f Areae Qr Arioo< bacs beco nouod chief cf boOc eres. -Miltoo Cooccil espoctsin l review proposals for he 00w aena atea soerienmeeing8 cool Toesdoy eoniof. -Hlio-Weolworlh PC Meubor cf Perliaucol Bill Koupliog bas jasi reioroed frcu a <roc wce ou<cof ho Middle Eaot. Ho as a ucuhor cf ho Cosrntiro prlys colrrel effairs romuilîro mirb mas eoamioicg ho olfeel of ho Aycb calions' boycott os coucaeis mhiob deel i<h Home Economist now supervisor Hallns Home Econnuici for ho pool nonrel yoars, Lorraine Hodng bas boon naurd egioncel uprrisor nf HomerNencominis fne <ho Central <<carlo district, «ciearin Mn<nry of Agrclure and Fond. ho tob up ber nom orh ai ho «iroi 0f Apci. arh<ng rou an ofifce n Guelph IncaloremeOmcmesag ooi Hl honmouuh<ct club ment hors aod laders and Ballon Distrint Wouon'oInstituates, sho hoobod ail for Ibeir ontiaiouand support. Untliaonom reonouisi for Hallon ao Pnd el sncoîd, o foruer homo eonooisl Mes. Paticia SqireofniBrampto mdllhooinncargeoboroandmwifl condoni achirorueni depo on tho curroni 4H projonl. 'Cloibos 1cr Le<soro". MP John Crosbie says National unity is Trudt an>>> a,>oiî'rura o.>i>oi hlOk>>iiP - ul Inil he ligh> o pohaoia< .rac ai >->tosb---aoiha tho1» acco il>g >u. i>><s>r> .>>îî- %>>î-k> and>Ille >1>> 5>1'>fo>>Si John» il>»> in< s>ipa>>>>o>>' ,-e is>î> ilra ro>sb>c >ica i .o>bri oth ln->l'pn-> >»-, , >I, >ae o»î>>t ii[nu ar>-\i> peupl- o >ooor<îaaîrilara o.>ko>g t> >a>(ha> Asorîpio>- affld>.>>;>iil),- ail,>-ne'hu hind , adi rooci uba-a»id iuda'<ha» fnl in il O ai fei majoi pla>C'. Ihîbegoablse> bb o r.g o>gala»o<>e Industry In- rgn nlto ri allowed 'vh' il4h.lappned ,athe rural Iand t: ' l'iai A ggesinfotHalp qe imo akd i and<pv1oaieni'dman<ager.11 >l11î,a\îîa sh>» Il ou>»>> if 0>»>iedouida»> a> e' orro oating in 1h<<oin theb» 0,a> holok-n h futur, pro> >Oc» a. anuiance Ir « Cuc l>I Panning and> linv eI>pc>n>>>onn>te meetingh> 'r le»» ihat ind, ýr an e cc r»>io<ate o>on> The, ould > >->abi<>da»e>r agr apaki>>,>n Lbl According i»>Mi,> >r>pp!;* oauggetiîw ight indlusr.N perh'- oa iv] - o land b> po1I>>ing anreqa amon t landtfor-ani1ai« sewagn dso»'ai \o ai dusan>>» oago >î»><d b> al Im>uri<and ga><'r i beo>eîrre>i (*ink>Ilir <la,.,,Po>adnb ta eraci»> oc pri DOIT YO<OOEI.F GARAGES HALLîDA» HOMFO IPLA» COT 844-8644 #Le<cs-nRd.$7W Ok,»c uber 21 o a tries TRANSMISSION lIPS erfilling a trans- ission seas danger- us as runninp ow ibuid. ooc ioernmwhnnay. 'do as1 oYýr puy thotonne- «auec>r1 Tha>t o <h> Quehon 's upir>l Tcepone <î>ie Nennin h,»r co h<i kcedarondlfor ier-c»and> »ry don> bhie ia cabhr ie i<d<Ncn<ouid- lan» ,oaoo> <nnb>og o »cpa>a<oi o broanor ho»> i>og»agc an» cabaure s' I ie b» 5 i nodiande» o> >srd i o-e<>>t<»e>s 0< re jaIî'.aibchePM anortimcof *1oa<i i>>Lang<the'Bionc Mi<00»>»Ifec»> on>tb» aniho» lir aved one oa is bist fie or Fance Mn<vlr Donald Mc«nud. Cr>oo<ang tbc goiernen orilc on >roîo>a»an %o>lh tb»prnvincrs bi- 1ai.>d>»>< cDi<na>d b>' *King bng»>fFinancMfi- ii>r oaid teb» ned>cg \.ii.>na<> -- Ocoroo>g t rosbe. Jnr clark ith fub<ncitdaîe b>' obismue ilio beer Qarbeco o>Canada, Te Wi7nnerare: Brv ri ovisopprvaar o>thevonrs in>the draw spoosord by tho Dowstowr Croup. Makiog tho draus mre Yvonne Chrstie, preidont ni the Chnmbcr ni Commerce, assistcd bp The Spobes' mnuse from the Pino Troc and Dowtomn Grop nbairmae> Harvcy Mollon. Winncrs ni a hrnncb for <w» at Harrop of Milton wrc Alite Taylor, 154 Rnbiomood Cres.; Mms. B. Bcvcrley, 304 Stecîco Anc., Joc Onamon, 0.R. 5, Milton and Vida Hamlton, 48 John St. The lunby winters af dinnor for Imo ai Harrop of Milton mre ClaeFlot, 141 Mill St. and Joyte Henry, R.R. 5, Miltas. Thacks 10 al for paricipatits cn the sccofol pr-ester domtomo ceont. Romcmbcr poor townois dowtown. Unlihe faon r n n mode nec hi» an t Canada C'cnnh< ho> theP have poli hnds of< ion bel>>% oniy oe [mcv Ifil unuldhoe for its»cni pae<>a<iy epara»>s lent relug coundree "The g on o hi a»> eau's trump card teein eTudau. Cabktl n înal>zaa»an paymenln d -eesaeyaendhe seev o ll e n the rnad>noantrng&v <Tos a nd Clark donn> ice* Wr»> gol al C l r ou b l polît. h>' ad.c l y m £ i te»sa>d.le NIPiun»oWEDNISDAY, APRIL 13 MILTON'S FINEST WAL & FLOOR COVERINO CENTRE 'ne tha> bey are the M I <ey nere elecîed i 4 ANS. ITN8833 lhe:1 3O<t>1 Langs. 7:00 - The Rud Whiting ThsadiSI coecoodfincoreOCttPeeoe uber îng the goernuen> Show "MnnueMd'eCaren lan ha> the <01CBC nu sairenus > [bamo' <n Guests"RcChndlr EtJo Liste, OadteCB s"h 730 -'Wedneoday__________ elý" Night - Live?" govenmet ba no Cablec4 music epecial __________________Are youflnancing charge card purchases at 18-24%ro? With a con tract boan at your Credit Union it could be 12. 1 % This new Credit Union boan service is avoulable <o <embers with cheqn/ng accounts. Enîergency purchases. or credùt card accounts con be paid before month/y interest charges in the 18-24% bracket are /ncorred. Arrange a contract boan 10 coreryoo andyoca'1/ be pay/ng on/y 1 % per month. Borrow on/y as yoo need it, no service charges. Pay it off anytinie (nomina/lnaonth/y payv- ment). Yoo pay interesi on/y on the ootszanding ba/ance. Establluh yoor credit 00w - $500, SI,000, $1,500 or more. Whcc y>n ceed tn meez amrency paymeola ulesply write a choque. Theces a caadînopay high sarcita charge>sriche» for the concnecec it» carda. W're Opent et17 WilsonOD, OM 4 MoTue . et >2»aoon»t, > p-> . Sel >Oa e> <3»» ateCieîSt .od33000,Oct MTcs WeOa.»v>aa at <a e> t 0»1e>m IIClfnn CREDT U NIO0N Community *44 Main St. Milton f?!dit Union .*z::-4 c., o 338 Kerr Sti. Oabvillo 8440 tapture a Memorx A Professional 8 x10 Colour Portrait only 88& cesOSE FOaM OUR OELECT<ON OF Er<TSC-rocN IC DCOLOno 0000- 'SELEOoCTsDIr>OoAL PORTRosArTS NocAE ooTO>/, CuMAEl'TOns19075 TOU noeCOMPLEESATISFACTION G »aoeooEElIOR Oc MONcE>CErre No obligation o hop addliona< porraits Thurs. - Fr!. - Sat. April 21, 22, 23 Tburs.-Fri. 10-8 Sat. 9-5 194 Main St i.,lfton, OntarIo 00E .TT NO 00sPE. T po E. JECTOR00 O55TIONOL SU - ,ET 0000O i.OOP., 0Il el NrTISE 0ME FOMILO OcORSONO UNDE13 lB M45 NED801 AL550 pNos C0050 la