B6 Tie Canadien Champion, Wed., April 13.1977 Weddin-g Lendvay - Ferrier ltu sSaarday. March ,Sol hidessisee.%as mairaessiL'lshers mere Jahn Lesdvay Gieor-agesAglicans hesac 5idesaidsasmereand Siemen Lesdnoy. Cliareh amasSa eWeedy Susaeieendvaa'.'sielerssllbeth e ib ersafite groom, and ieissra hdaugisecol Me. and groamn gela iFerrier, sser iDavid Csarle. leed aiflie lira lisse Ferie, Campbsel-aiflise bride. aed lhrislssss bride. Jimmy iendvoy, ille. aird illiam bleren Flla,cocusse il the bride brîsîher aI the graam, as liîîîlayva siMr, asdibles LiyeAnne ecercd. nsee ofral sgbsarnr Simca .leedasa sîOmagis. lie bride. aas laergiel Ths Aneesesîsg rceptisa mas lire- nîrd lis isiaccagehbe llaaecgsrl's dreas Oaa made heId ai lise (ampisellisle hls,. ies eelyShbaeley. heheec at l scalner CoIiisîieaisly hall, aeed by Bakiis fpinarnatis atseson the ladsaofiiS. Gerges ssii>ihile lasses deeraled The bride isgives le bs-OW ibehurchilbte:i311arlarh maîrb b% erhusiber les line bides geasîdisallier, cernioý mnas aaAllas Patersan,.NNis MariesySimmery. mode i'lee atersan, ihe beaiher-se lau ai tbe bride, tlise edding cake. mhsrb mas deesîrsrd bcNis. stas Pire. Speiill giesîs asenedsng îee less Sic Seme Lesdvay. i îar es Ot.,grasdmsslbec ai 1e graaom, Nis. Mary Mlamecy.iHamiltan, grand- maîbscaflthbide: andMr. andsi NiloaadllasbOns. liamllias, greasoauel ond oncle oi t he bride. ilîber guenla aerce pesesi ieaessiilssl. Nelburse, ihs"Osdlimb Narwcsh, - Orsgeeg l iîllod. Soul Sir Maise, Tacaon. li-111. laniunin as lia rom iîeîiplellville and dsrit rise1ls he medding, 1he lil l1,a isssýnaed ai eea ahîmsli hsurs sisaer mon .iI huinglii-erier, a poelcy ahîsiets girlsn hy GadlFerrier andasissallanersashomec 11s hisaleil hi Nama Nisiiiri-n lierrese Niasa nier andNaryllHoaad and iauh'silea h seareassas ii i iid 15 te binde anii groomshai lir flise seds sedseglbo l 15helîmagli saw 1 5-0 as-il ulyssîeda bssey- sk ss inIsielria and have WENDY FERRIER and William Sieven Lend- î,sbesîîsîîrraidlee ihe roy rsiboanad wedding vowb ai Si. Georges Ns l Ont~iiisslalaria Chureh. Lotyvllein lMarrh. Sa. Silîsî Pare nting underra ted principal teils UCW lui metiss ails lusis ri i 'ls l -s., hii liteso zIta ii-iki i-a is> l5, li :-,asssig sîslî l - g ise psi-s-ei i Viiiiiii éli '%sgsasili siiii 155~e-- Ii lial'slllnC "I is il ,usli i l; 5,-sigi-issisi ls> ls-si l ssd sis mi,lseg hiIsa I ssei s-ps-.t)"ils , mca bi iculilhand 1rmsrassell ll1,i1iwahf .~~>~slî-îîîî5liii tzissge s -il >ill 1lot I-s-i' i-sa .s-sssk îlii pilalilsiis >(,l-5i i lli/igi lay sssgj kjpi . ils)tie par esîsa iiMrliislksilii sîssîsîs h li il, he riIf is-on shil ig l e r-qils i ' ,,,lai>plr aisrentsllîiiiil lisilii s lis- ki ii Is i lsi>il555 i lfi,îsaIe sii si > .'ilss --sis îrassl ii5I55i5h sîgils ilil ssi-aii i bitualan>d si l-i lsssli i l li iilili diff> ii -t- ls s lsla t e-a iisl555 l ssilliand sliîlsîie h i li li Il, COa s5ss5sssss Jii s, a 1vsg li, ss iM rs ssalind -ulds i ke iI>Iis i l h ill il s-as-s-elies chlA -leti ndli s redsa l ie,1 a lilg1 iiisspae slis ii ing vn s-mwkI>isli itississs sael s l it issiisil-,ilg i .,is litelis sîssîsîs illa ris dre ild i» .ii-s la ies il-Wd i-illiilspssss il (liiit il sici-ri h ulllil]Ill ýI 1Il'?wIl il sor the Isîgh ld i siias ygise s>d iii orsking eae.bat aaUld -sue in lngiange ii sisirenansîd -1t nes. adolsir lihe repsleing i5, 5l-ii a llssiiea s-sseîisis.iiavgh uimresi-ssiig ssasssirg elildren lsîplslaad a s>l b hildrenas is, isasîlîl e .1laas %Veil aena mouid prisse eoin ushîe. ahen s dissus ar sis-ise parensa slîîiîrîi gceal si lîikissia pro mar ilsusil qans- .ssg Ilia speech. selilg and ,t( sus his sîsîske lis r5~iries~Wl.districtdrec tors a ep~Chef prepare for annual b, healen gdw n J _o Tise Spese i a 1,sisci Ian DistictIos attend liseei ite disstrctcen tiseesisesMeeting ofa.I li annualasn May 18, and a ist sf beee gis asidresses Iop ieperhne is er appy atee eiend. I Wamee's Imjstite as ield the eligibie Fedeeaied Repee- velepes la iorarae Wsndee wial yeeail had as yone celebistedinser Usslise a Milon se Meeday, Apil 4, sesiolines miss mass be esled psrts, and maiesur Chisisias, miea iaekey la lie acceplasidiis, Easiee bai 1977, ils 12 beancises repee- osieorlise sew iboard memhoer outi n ime. Mes. qsciea eareeysof leadiianal meals. seniesi. Mes. Gi. Campbelllui lise iaii Area Csnvention asked usai mnember Of coarse ianisey la alwayc peplae bau tise disis ayen Disrict Prinsideni peesided mas receined. lise sse sofEeisi May fied se Easiee ýSaeday aree easi prk, ack oai amis, foe the meeing. Sas i ie e ntilcie aigus desserts andi bsp iaiesi bamn, andi weathee peemitinei, baebecae spare rbsa. The erolsali mas a sug- are stli avoulable and iii h owgesefruits andv My favorie lelisebabesi iam. 1 lile le bey aie large eneegis gestionsfoe a ibeme fse lise foe sale ai lise Distict el 5esuggesled mea la emsuen leiloeree. Tiere are se macp delicisas disei le 1977 Distict Asecai misiisAsesai. Inviaios s iii ho ing aie ame maris pepare wih cooked ham. Hereareijsta efw. iii seb eid May 17 ai aceepled fserlise 1978 Disrict s msei impacled . . . ~Grgeon Peesisylersa Ansisai at iis ime. Tise 4-H O.rsgr eti ha.mii eiiaisi girls. miii- aise a _sspsayitme HAWMOAN CASSEROLEi 1 sep long grain ri5 Ciicsen stock c small eeeirisechppedi sý u frrzee peai i tinepieeapple piec iscup o aaissihodi Sacte omise in a litle balie or al ucml tender. Add rice andi suer. Deain pinespple, reeeeieg 15e jeice. Poue luise micta 2 cp meeiceieg cep ansi tep ep wmus ciicisee stock. Asisitise two supc of liqeis tote serice andilithe roepees. Bieg ta0e bail , cose uriig dcm te ie bet as 1mw as passible. Leeve fr 20 mis. mitissul emnvieg tise lis Inlehave a peais. Add pineapple andi am ccbes jusi baefsieevisg aed ieel SCRU5PTIOUS HAM ONSA SUN Hem licms Pieeapple piecm i(deainesil Ymceifavorie beese Kaiser emls Spreani sous isa ibctter, place hom lisas os btlsm ball, sprimle ilS piseapple bita ansitop miti ciesee.Coser mitb top ball sf ril ansi wrap igisliy In tifilPlace usea 325 oses for 15 mis. Vas cent beat tiis for a cuperisluncier s pper. Seeveel ils salasi, il bac eittise siasoismymunesesifoe a meli balascesimea. HiAM AND SCAILOPED POTATOES 3 ore4 poalses s bily lisesil 2 tbcp. floue 5 tbap. bcutte 1lte caps mils heatesil a,, lcp. masiord a, uap. papria Pepper i ssions s hisy siied i Thin suresoni am Lise a 10inchsisgreacesiiaisg sisb mitis bam suces. Anisia layer of pootaosuices ansi oios rings. Speissile isSfliocr ansi dosisimiShuIler. Repent sis iayerisg ustil pan s full, endisg mil a poaola lyer Wrm sas miii and atM se spices la i. Pur miii oser lise pssalnes. Baise roneresi for tishe isal oisn ua 350 oven. Remane theresver ansi continue bakisig for anmsaer ioc. Asp kisid ofieftover mea cabe used in his recipe, or een a fe siîes of crsp bacon. Drumquin ]I N s.(Ccil Patte son Sinereesympathy t10 hse ahi> aorras.son lise sudden iiassiigocaI Ms.William NMePhersas aller a esgthy ilnessa She is suecîvedl by hee husanad. saisdaughtees, Mrs. KeihsMery and Mrs. Sm NaIlae adaoneaone sonl Ra ald. sonme grasdchildren. also seeral beallers anddisters. nirei as i ehel Cburh cemeery as Thuss day, Aprii 7 Thi ehi> lvescisce heid ai loeshe Ceiree osSaiseday eveisi hai srire ables ai plasesPrise aisns e Nis E. Parsons. Ms. Anise lelaceil. NMesW. Masse. Niac Alexaasder. Walliee Hisi and K Peacaris A5 beaulilal Fasier il dîîaedbyaoeeofthe ment bers.Nis. Vvios Show. waa als os a laeky draw by F' Peaeark. FCAORY PTSACKT impossibeto pay more!CAS&ARR FACORYCLEROUSOMLLeNO5* REMUANTS 7OF STQALIY C S & A i LONG ROLLOS500RT IOLLSOSLIGBT IMPERFECTIONSINE HASE WE HAVE NO sse TAL NE OS NDI (0VER7THNGYOUNEEOTOOIOURSivneEi AND O RELYSAVE. i PHONE ANPIEX 0F SYERS FLOORING aee Limebsase and Ballin- aiad Tise ibeme eheses mas -Sîlver Jubilee ai Qaes Elizahs1952 1977."The rol ailaillii hoas intee- esiisg evesi ai the Rayai Famîiy duessg the 25 Yeae reige. Tise pessies ai FeieedshsP and the lisi oi 1977-78 aliies ni saris brases are la he col- lecies aI lise same lime The rsmpeiins for the ansuai ose Ia be sevee isuer [aris.s o nate.and neyes plain lea biscuits, mhseh miii he said aller the rampelilian. These ose la be modein lise regsiar size. Eanh braseS ss la eeliiy lthe district secelay ai the samber ofîlulnehees tickets reeisired aed sseisde the maney, by May 71b. The noio icksina iii he 84.58 each. The minesofaithe (ail meetingmeeread hy Mes. N. Jamiesas, due la the absence af liheserresaey (cerespes- dence mon rcad fronm Mrs. Mesie. Presîdenl, F.W.1.0O euth lianhe lac ber ails iram the 751h Aesivecsoey. She cepeeled nhesisiied the lisios Agricaulture Maseum an ber may hame and ine speeled the sile aiflise Wamee«s Inalîlale Hall. A lessec mas cead lrssm 1he Haoas (ildrens Aid Saciety askinig or hep and nmesaof peesens aha maaid hbnp îih planssfo ac a ising.im as leftlîl the îedsaidaal heascbes la discas-, hie aI Ihese ame meetings A Ici Irofîinvitaion mas eeceîsedlframtSosth Weling the Disrict Annuel. Tise repoet of the nsmisOlieg rsmmiiiee mas gisen and iiey nem it ofa iseip La complele lise sile *Il onysne leels ibep ras ielp nul the rsmmiilee please rossasiL hem se tbe dstrirt secreeiry. Tise reporsisfi lie standing commillees are la ho mimes> gcaphed and lise P.R Ofiir ack h lcolhiey ho se ber honds by May 91b asithe toest, meanisg usai Ley as e s n tbe bonds ai Lhe Dsticte reseesees by lis ebk o Apil 241h. as theraonvesees base la mabe îiseic report and iaemacd il la the P R.0 Pions mere mode fsorlise sx quiliers misa are tlattiend 15e Wl . Weeb, and lise aliernaies lac the Jase 6ib day, easiiîtu Tise Pravisncial Board Drerise, Mes. M.Reid, lies breugisi a message la lise meeting. 95e assed lise Dlistictri rectrins lacherk the braseS sereesarses la make suce sise bas the names la be instractioneos planning and il 70u1 Ethe 9 enrolied misa sanssi attend please nsliiy lise secreiaey soflise esefereece ai Tise campelitien for lise 1978 Districtiesual sisioe Hsuse Log; afghsan; a painting; aed a Csmmsiiy Hislsep Tise nesees and breanches are la lisins and dis- aon liseen- casa a suilabie memseiai fer rd teir re- lise laie Dr, . ECbapmae, la ure sbey are ho piaeed j isehe ssisuse Hall ;Reid aiso ai lise Agrieulseai Museum es pesmale A reselulise is la ise soied Dr Pears i nseai lise Asecai *Wbeeeas yCasadian sarsaus areas soflise lame ai veglesabies. Milton arerefeeeed lu Sp a are siran g- sperilie name - keîhy using Tbereiore, ho il eessived ed pesdse bhal lise ilalse Wsmen's sndusiey is lestiiae eequesi lise Milton ad me ar e Causcilla oofiiiaiiY Peaeiaim elted sagar. lise came -Nassagamepe lao oifereneees designale liselandi area encor- en peageam paraled miliithlid Town- s have ans- ship ai Nassogomeya." jeas toiake gO irffebettelr iss eem.siin- f Education Week i Ontario is April17-23. Na s sa good ime for yom 10 beconla persOeuhiY acqmaifllei wilh yeur local chooi. Dmring Educatone Week, stop in for a isîl and discovai wisal your chldres ara lernicg, Gel le kmow lise principal andi teaciser. ied out more about tise acliailies. Wiilayom'ra Ihere, as about lise naecommaeity scisool"concept sehicis invitas paricipationl by parents in making tise local scisool somhiing et a communJty castra tor naîgisboueisood activties and programs. Commanily cisool" ian ides deveioped wcrklng togalisr f or evarybody s saka. if you would like a f rac copy cf otir book abomt commsmnity sohools, -Open Doors: A Cemmueily Scisool Hendbook" -ie Englisis or French - wriie tle Curriculum Brancis Minisiry ot Edoctilo Mowat Block Oeens Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 L2 Thomas Wells, william Davis, Minister of I 1 Premier Education e province of Ontario MIL TON PUBLIC LIBRAR Y CHANGE0F HOURS as ot APRI L4TH, 1977 moîsna s12 sii5is0, WED.VLSDA Y 93. l.î- 9Op.. Sturday 930 a. ni. -5:00iip.m PLEASE NOTE: WEDNESDAY OPEN UNTIL 9 p.m. FRIDAY CLOSIIG 530 p. KINDERGARTEN REG ISTRATIO N for September, 1977 THE HALTON ROMAN CATHOLUC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD ADVANCED regstratien for ihese sissdren who wîli he aiieedîeg kîndergacien ie uhe Separais Scheals je Burliegian, Qakeille, Miltse aed Georgetown milI he held asalil Causeur secheais as THURSDAV, April l4th, 1977 9:00 a.m. to nooni 1:15 p.m. to, 5:30 p.m. AGE 0F ADMISSION AND REQUIREMENTS " Ciildren aee reqaired ia he 5 geais of ageon er hefare Feraay 281h, 1978. " Posenof aei as eqsired. Fo furthserifoarinl less onactrlthe prncipalaofl raSllaress Ctoc S Seeas .J. OBrien Cli Sasses Chaîseas afithe Bardi DesaîaîofEd.ata-a 1