Tbr Ladies Citmprfiitr fagit uimpflrd f britseasiti ssh rd lr as! u rb niifb t it tt in if A nni tr ilrm y. s ip ; Paf noble,Pvit; Lia Framit, seconid asnd fitMuDutîr. tradt aiig thebitnitnrs. Tberransrrauprbu afbatf ab Wigthhibp; Haîrt Stewart,vitiit; Barb Tusffnbrt, secontid; ad HittritAndersoni, lead. Asit ast urrb [brrr itas a payitttftunthbrruisrrap spotf ts tbe Mrs's Cimprfifiur tragur as fu inss inisbtd [th seasimisafiietitrsitutd ptacer. Johbn MuCurthikntstiof Jobn, Doiug Wisgritr, HBob Gitld astI Bil Andrrsonit tIrtaftI Mîbr Citb's risb fto brab fhebi erasdtfabitsituiid pacer bitsuirs. LastThrsdayuuiwthebiiidupiof therJuioir Cutrlinggritap uitmprisrit!fstadittturithiMittistruinclt ltgb ScbtttastI Marfti tS itbtit Dits Nirswhby as skip; fai t Flttmy, ice;, Brue Clmrnsh, seconsdiand Latra Spadin came ota theitiitaru hiiithitP5astId utirncivth e trBrunda Pbrtph Muuait Wooid MrmiriatTrtpby. Is[thepfayoifs tber urss Sclttttiaguk aut Jitbsositttrih hi!Faut as sbip; Larry MnFbaitt uire;AAIntititrudgt, secntd asnd Jim Cammrr tîtftsg ititrAtIfluitertU as tItitsnsut ovrDits Obsiu'uritît ft ['aithe[bitggisTrupby Wtb DoUn iitrrrdiitSprt. AI uaan anid oug Gdtinbuhriand as thernnhrrup rtibk iuirrkivthe PtbrPtTnrhi t the Anmuaf Awads Ditirr Tbr MhsrdSoit'at tagsr ptityoibatiititituid up thttri itfbKits Armstrntg'srnsb tIfratusg[the itthhshppitd by Faut Johbnson. JeansFuiantaittitbtithihtipitonbth iitg rhs with boug sitiitntthitg sndrocktndNany H enrylitnli [thetrad poshitin.Ttîn Mnthit tift Ti Tpby ibtbe prin tir wihshiihi Witb FPat unnit bbShiy Gblti. Tuiruirownuand [ras tCasithtabhgbtrustIndpiit fnish.t Tis5Safurday ith telbnishfbbiet ttinitinig Furtait t Tasbernt(Townantd Cutty iecurln ittkthtiesn'itb rnddai [bit MtitnCurinug ['tub tufor itth e t nUImcpt un thit huards Ntghit Tbe Frtas Tasbern pi i n th hi itbbghih ut the yer utfth92ncub lhiimbrsnmitunigth8tinthahitg parttisthit Apnît fit Laii' Seinnid BusninsstGirlsb Aiards Nigh Api 3Men huecittad Muiti' urtlingibunrdkthtght. f3 FORE! The Hornbv Golf Club offiially opens today but on Sonday a few of the dirbard members sueb as John Bandirra of Mississauga took advantagr of the good wrather to bit a f rw halls on the practice fairway. 1-eJ itith , ktd,' ttU h 11 I -G1-tII lU,U t, h tU Ut11 a, tittitht ' t kd,, I hiUiUktt ' 761tttihith i tt M-i , p 'l h gtit SIU . Itt ,t ',t u ,g,- I,.u t kU t iit k tt iU 'ttU i i U~hhi h t ukg 'u t It t h,' tk i i O t i k t t -19J- ( tttttt 2.,4th i gh itî t,,îp 1th , .1 M [H ON D A WE'VE GOT EM' Bau OOR . The CattijntCittutguti, Wrd., Apîil 13, 1977 B5 Coach thanks pIavers~ at Flyer's banquet jçIur Orrry Ingi a, the itoachoit thet Milftn Flyrrs, asiti [Sp bhe Srrrtsvd it Derrbyis pay sinietr lby brat is tram iftheCeint rat [Junitit B finals. "is sitf sitsr grapes,- t's just [bat 1f Inn ibry sbitld' hr [berrr. Wr sbititd," said [the tiaith iing hs5 afferrdissiti speech at ahe itFf tiris nd'tf- hbr sasits banquet batarday iigt. "fl[thogbf ss'd git aff the uay [is gitUi. f rratty dd:' hrsaitf "At thhrbrst ofthryrarl1sid titiyhrft urwuud ber hrruone andstIfsiff beie ttirtitba Sammnisg ap is int fut hasithasicoahitforthet Ftyrrs lsgfis said, "mitst oft thtiruit pfayrd rit terriainilg bhockey. Wer-ti rouitgbu' errrt tiu drty. fîuwas asuigbt ttbiidoth îhasbstithitryititicon-i netd itrhthe[tr tahital[thebi uay[rotm thetraiitr itheb payrrs asnd PhithiMittoi Mitor Hockeby ubit thet Ftyrrs bad a frit dtt terrrnres uitb althtrbrsht thbr rar. Youth b JUNIORS ý,rgI,., ad T,,p -, T ..... D-ai M-M524, S'ýd> P Ni r'. 2ý_5_ 'l ý6. M.r..r G- '87 Ap.] WIls- 486. Annette H,-, 178, J.,-ýý. a Aug- M205-501, Ilaý> 17,1, Dyýk 188 1 Z d, -th 17.,. .1- , lIff (*,ýnji,,r 211, Wý B.rd 2. m Ikýý s- W., 4. 1 a'd limeLýk2r,4n 1, TEA STANDINGS jýi,ýy 1 26,Cath, 117, D.- -, Aplll jj):ý K'Ill jI,ýd 89. Ký- Mý Nlk,- H2 tri 5. Sandy 67, M-I- 1;2 RS Singl,,aidtrlle, L-MlIrt- 2fi 202 Jni St Jllhn 2(1.3 Ll. Kathý Ea' K.. DrF.-IPDIý; i72 patf ýM- . S Wy Eýk,ýý, 2.I2Sýý Phy'll F-nn 2he à.hi, V,,drVliet 2 2'4 "4 242, Wýy- %1 11-gall W. Ala, Kr, 222 532. ChrIl Kn 2. H-IG"2:iý IIA M STANDINGS 1- 127, Phillip 115, [),.n 101 ým J.h.87,F..k83 lh- M,,-hel kub'- 24.2' 2fl 1 2Qý, lial 219,21.5 Stll- K 1 241 -- > l'h. F-m- -ý 262 gl" John. Elle, Krrn, 21.,, MW N; I'N' Gr.y 241, Kub- 2M TnPIl»ý,- ýhlId AL K.b.n- ffl, P.tIl li24 Kýi L- M, z dIlIG-5ý3 Lrr Zi4531. ý CM, M 2.14KI T, ... a Wmlllýlý '2122.1 Iffz 11 11 Klý121.i7g ýj.nLý Aprl Wd- 194 K- %%- L-,ý M, n_ ýýh.fh...,,r 17ý I6ý Nýlb 26757.,, ý,,d Novice "Wi tr roght arit guys Up fontemt osse aislutck hiithiherilk iuit tsnaviiemtitvedh itbt paa Ighi'îicalibre Ut hockeyrUhoiuliiiplay il,' tut tbe tghit reiu' hnlioed tui the piavehrU. anid thi 'ttoa ,ititi bt ait lotit of rest'pecitt oiilstiptiyers durnig ttic<Ui',bhiiitthid nits fhs ak o "tBruice fltsiik'pltiynd giiiiiitorut in utliti> plaNyitttki tutf t, u ss i ittieit hurt inI th rittýhitpnhum -Ti'laitt rha t-Al',tU titonisguadUtia Iji(g .C a d b it >owling hI, ,ý1 , h I t hjI.h I f11ihi ih, 72 , l, I ,,, St. Catharines bounces back "ut tuthilliutU bittuttit tltcl II 1 e;iti h titi ,11,,,g t a,,(Ilti Aller tii.,,,, 1t,,' t r i [lt' t1,t ' i b,1' U it tn iti t' Ubti'dtit tittUtII p tl i - t tttt-t, tht e t,,I dI , , u , t e,.tti i %% a i t' at I t' am season f juitîttut al , nii tt titi' tin uti tt 'ug titro aeitntti , O"u UkhhthgkSe( i'ih and t i fiti lii, filtidhidut ltrerv PearMainhaSt E.s<atsWlo ForpDa! aeek aMnt Drar roeopn ndchck urecno scorin* SorCthe uWEEKENDaRATES gthraop. In the tant frit galitt h'bn whwre, rdtwit anduouia1fpuftbetbrrrbkids outuandbrey sirrd gitals for me. Tby sortf mabr Idlie fhtfitthasti Jr!! f'Urrb , Onk' iffîfbst hItnTutus ititi[lSP hig hner i thetritiphy i utituhitirplagiraatrd, tuphu tutb oCuouiiig titid BruitetEflîsitit Twiss us at'itprrsitntrduwiftis titphi forthebitMitsti Va ableiti layer utnteCeitraf JuitriB5Hitckhey Liagur. Pierre ittte, itfbid hUtut' tuth t tpitso hrwraslin i tit itid (h liethi (VatUhhlhptayeri hi' ttayittts and Must ppuiitiitpltybi bv it u,,uttidrr nitRobts t ibitRotuihu'dutthe Yebr tl Mostlutpituutd Pjayer ,i,,'d. scores fou_dnnru but, Suiitdn lton m Tbý Srriht batttl *Slle asecm e umit fitm i1MïuldTar kutia- itd Thitdayb uffert M h0 Adjust torsion bar1 1 9 ititit brrrt urh 0 Cenîre sîeering wheel ut t rgua ait htith 0OAdjubI bleeriflg gear htUitb it 4 * ene'ttIy nsçsc! tcetngMOST POPULAR CARS * Inspect front and rear A Cf TORSION BARS uspension FTIRA * Adjubl wheel bearings *Check wheeî bearing notse scue *Spin 10 cbeck wheel balance icue t eCorrect toet change Suspension Check e Check tire pressurePOinA NTLAtNEXR r1tg1;d .99<ruritJ1'am1 hi REG. '12.93 h i o tt Im ttbhkikn INCLUDES .... .,iîtîîtuukhth 40OT5, MULTIGRADE (i L 10W30 warrasfy approvattî t(tMh' ,IiCHASSIS LOBE, MASTERq'i on osu flters mosf truceiuh Ut hi tit'.btu'tbi'extfra oil $1.14 qt..if hircissuitya ý..::,WITH IVERY LUBE & OIL JOB ...WE DO A THOROUGH CHECK 0F... uierrPick-u 0 WIPER BLADES e BATTERY & CABLES e RADIAItîS'e VIRPORS " F 150 Picit upu eaLINIVERSAL JOINTS e STEERING LINIKACE * Sili'..ABsO(RBERA * LIGHTS " kîcnuiie e FAN BELTS a HOSES a TIRES (INEL. SPARE> * M ýi ELER SYSTEM *e ALL FLUIOS WîurditwVani * O1- 0 l4'Vait*i n Y ~ . i k 2 1 Pi60lVait']- (aUm I I 4JUST SOUTH F 401 ON HWV. 25 ua,gat loader a Year! y rates. GAtING:H4;M'u'hklLIhIT'U rm \ e. ,T.E (A 'I S MLT N 78 88 m 1 1