14 Tise Canadian Chamspion, Wed. Apetl 131977 Pineview parents advocate busing changes Iàemoe3 nf the blizrd ufthie buses ee c aocellod Jai- '77 may houe oipped aoay nony 27 andthie big Stores hu for Ploniese Sehoot obirb was prodiritd ditiot pae sw ho houe jui rom- maieiatine su lie booms bWa stody oethtie icidents -mighs bore peratoti on Jaouaaip28 whirb resiilseti oey'" in ruibite ino eerol eit- -Us Frblay. Joacli y28, dre, i sf111 brns brightty. eoiber trecasto oais lhorodop oa prents' rom- predicteti igb sists, senore milieu iii prosent a report su rotd, snotali ond driting Hates Bard ut Edurotîonu condtiones. ecause ihre rotainisu a detiteti cornt erie nu immediate appeor- of choot bu pobems en onces ni hse coditiones aod messrodt ht doy. ntnug because outhie peeian dapo wiUs rcommeodtsm exprer bebo er dalog otUs eeded hopeone- desorbd as uul. munsa. Tbosgboot Ue moeniog Th eotbgisntn eahrrprscotinuedt t Reaf I,?nlai peediri senere condtionsmand in fatrign0e evideore ut deteriocadios appeaced ibe nocilses ornea," Ue repoct retates. CuifShawou sprvises bas uprationsu luthe sotb tue C. H.Idortonsbha ises, cas rotorteti ai tîts05 .0 by Pisevie SRebat andt tut l tispoirb Use hases in ontici- ption otn11f45 .0 sebot Sbow, sekout otiials anti parents, ait boti diiicltty getting sbeagk Lu te chatl becoose ut eory tetephune ttîr.Tberee s oty ose ine inibe srhaol.Shawo b otil bore o BoIt Tetephune uporotue break is on rottu cererai Limes lu retoy emer- gescy information su Ue urbatl. Thîs probtem hon peomptei the prentosu urge tb boardt suhboe mre te pbose ises insioited. Mast outhe boomseseeoble in gel ooay sbntty ater Ue urbat clsoeti Hocerer, beroose ut pourroud coudi- porents anti onsening ceuther conditions, fnur boomseseebetti ai the sebatl anti oui reteosedutil 2:40 p. m. ohmrconditins tempor- rity irproreti Ail bu drivrs oecein sutedt Ibt day by Sbuc anti principol Grant HuirS- obucraidn's be dcupped off bock su tbe srbuul. The report noys tbe bon disen by tbe direr, wo lter eepoeiedty ocdered chul drem otf the bus su Ue bitiecty rotd eoiberwcson ue outhUe tas tutleure ibe urbou. ince tbe incident tbe drirer bos Rejeot increase tlegsoa a ndtoo iission rîrd ta iscrease tbe benet CommOster (boucan rîou byhbasîngone thirtiofltheual- Fltcher non't gel a suipenti ry dertoreti as rupensen anti iueeease irm$4,00 u$5.W)i5 t aubjeri t0 scome tan. ayeor aller ait Roi su Coneit's amour- Caunei reetetian io eutthie 00o00ionws ruird crese f $,00 aler brefout of order byair i but briub discussin Wedues - vonro uiuei uiu dss rdcr bccoose il istdonceun tbe Musions autirding su- same bois as voocnoiocsy ereusessof$1,000 andbe$500 as buntited,- Causet sid. oee eeteoin luruoand RegionsotCoonesl agreed enurit deidrd io cure tbe tbai eues tbýuogbMr. Mreo sotacy ai thbruame erri1 il bas cauut brtielrttirtian eltedt bren sure tbe position cas ofisctal,be shsulti be entitird desetaped in 174 t.lu tonoe tird ut is sol- Councîllue Vers Conueit ucy as rupenser. b edie. tbnomo ise oas is on ogiiotet rodi- tiono tragbasUe perioti pine tu reease outhie booms and eideured o slenng inient lu retrs home onder ony rircomstonees, ibe report stoimu. Sburtty autiec 3 pm. tbe bon urrised ai Use corner ufthie Pubt Lise ond Steetes Arenue and ond the route up the cati cas bturked bytditsas igh st15 teet usd aobus trues Sleooettumn Seboot storb in Mes. Dore Mufttt, wo ires os tbe Ffttb Lise, orireti un tbe scene and tutd tbe drirer ube coutd emsure fier rbitdreu gui bouse satety. "Tbe drirer aubeti Mes. Muftiwt bosuud be doue cegaeding tbe siber Fitib Lise bidres. Ms. Mottais otirised tbe drrer ibat Ue citdrenes eethe dirers responsibitsty. Ai iis point the triver imnsrcteti attlitibthe report rtaiess. op sy asuori Onbu O Lisebhittirenltuteaneithe bos. Mes. Moffttt receineti hotp ticiing in the tiiretini Mes. Mufftt ati no b ot n rbu r ntfeus uacr iSearitomoGergeown. bot su ossisi the chitticen. Sho stodons on Use sioch buo, in Asoiber incident ins cas ginen nu record ufthUe getisg chitticen home. Uscer rhittieen, iwonbis sames or otitresses othUe of the t5 popitso uctecotiotft godes ogo, beisg ticoppE chitticen or on arrocate rauni the Piseir hausmi receinedth Ue corner of tbe Eighib ai tbe nunbere utchitticen ce- trsîbite. Tseuter neetietiasti 10 Siterati oiih o teosed fote bshon' medirat attestion. sitiecabte distnre tucal "Theodivîer matienou ai- The report rerealu Usoce gel hume. The oiber nci tempi su emoure the chittiren oeete e other incideots the inrutreti chitticen i boti their ctuibro tasteneti, or same day. Inune rose imo deoppeti ai the ccore o lu shoce artictes ut rtuihing chittres more deoppoti off un Thicti Lioe aond Fine idi onsg she ehitticen in essore the Nitb Line insooti ut the aod briog torcredinsu ath maximum protection for ai,' TenUs, asti tn antaer picheti milet e to home. Pineview prnsreport Jan. 28 busing problemns Parents Commtieer ii briser bus opecaiing tioiriro presens o report to Itaitor aînd prureduces and moret Hard of Education ibis strîngrut bus merbanirai Thorsday rsntaiuing L conditions. recommeudaiioos designer lu the area ut communica-r o improse scisos busiiug. Ar tions tbe rummisire suggesin incident tos,tonoary ir a prîsoir radio sysiem be in- ubirb a number ut ebidrer siatied in ait bues and ibai oece alirgedis iid tu geliffaita crsscbmh o uc ove aprisaeir bus in serere er atber con uusgoiug pbone ise toc ditios and suiiered trust communications cisb bise. prerîpitaird ibe report. parrois. bon officiais anti Tbe prents arec c.sis oru board prsonnel. ELECTRICAL * INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTINO MAINTENANCE POLE LINE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIOHTING 878-2040 583A MAIN ST. E. MILTON, ONT. L9T 3J2. air steps igsîiepnooanamoedgssare tustowhal yousO bes ooing ftil tngthon tie tire ondes tangos shts Unbeiosahis soit in fonder toatheron. mita itosute suai round. CAROUSEL Ths genlt sealg cornes lu btock patent anti nous gluna leoibor. Widtbo AA, B, C and « 81008 tu 10. , O -., ired uder- hLine albosu seing eruad boital- updaiet Lu sbow batb the prens's home and morb nombres, aantioualernatîse suiber for ose obru ueîlber parenleon brreorbed. Tbey soggrstili a porent refuses lu proritiethe nomberes boy Se rqiueti lu uigna cosser attooisg tbe principol tsuc un bheirebebait. Theereport sOythe nerdfor improeseicommunicatioss stem 1rom incidients ils Jasuef 2f ohm ibheouritd numbers ofscboot pbonerflues herame qoîrbis jamord anti if a bus is sctirad[lie drîsers couil rummuiate mib bte 'irbout, sebus cmaespotu assistance, su radios are badty neededi Tbe lakoh eteai v parent pbone reeo«sdu cans moebsog prents ranit be cou- turcti su ibes bnoom beir ebîttiren o il be urcîiug hume eacty ohmn a sehaut is lourd, ibe repart points olt lu thbe accuaiofimproving bus uperalians. the prents are saggesuing usure rtrarty deiîedbfiesso uiboriifuand Tey are ugng 1he ord su ssistiun ail bus drîvers bein t ru lord in t est a id anti brumee ait drîvers shsutd arr a cumplele pssenger litct nisîg atdccsscs and phosue nomberes.The report saysmbhenrbdidrnarehousid boeh home tbe pupîts sbautd hbechedift the ltand an change ta the roule harO home authueiceti Sf she principal, The cramoîtier siii ask the hoard tu gise the drîsers instruclions -regurdiug uutboriîes luo reuse ehildeen ai uiherethonn ormal drap-oit pois -Tlhinstruc- tionsushounidîuetdeoýhtthe drîser shaulti do ili bey are suer-ruleti hy a parent or older bîgli sehoot studrut ce- gacdiug s brrr a ehildti ithe drapped off tiaudomif ureird hases siuud he insperird hf a huard officiai. parent cep- resctatîse, bas eoipioS s1iheltanti a ?tiistry ut Transportatiun antiCo esieatitns lsuperbe -ta ascertais the coadîtions ai bsus us a gisen îlay.- lu adidiio. angosng qsauriens inspetionus utuses 0f pros sincial anti bourtioffsciais shautti le made sîth the resis gisentui)the sehortin- The parents«eomîtte sauts she huardtut contact siber hourds andtieerniîui' uheu bey tarcera sus ino nîudrage andthen esiulishta pocy -ns ise wo-o h ie toast stingrot - useti fsyheo sher boardis Ait aru dessers.lre shounitibe tesird tue hastc meehanseai baototige especia ly as Ot relates Os pre- opecaitouat ceceebDiese atrrody eîuplayrti a training peogcam shautti tirset up atauf mth arsual tetisg tue ait divîers. The daiy pro-operatianat checkliîst should bc ehaugeti s)itemsrmhich ouhi perront the bas trom hbeîog useti anti thîngs wche attearroa sous s ill Or refleceet l'le reprpt urges tOc star[ ofiatiriserstloghaahkrfstrm o hirh o lreflet s as seerts su Se lixeti. Sus uiehaieat perrraloe. diseiplise pro usitîsît ssg thrsiStthissv s-ftcto s (ets d aliteS dessuste rotthe rmal pro- cedoee.couatesýoh parents ant inluri-es taeidres. The rcporiL aiso eesthesO commitier bas ashet iaOuio Huliîngtou MPP Jaloan Rerd boue ibe Mînsiry ai Trans- portation antiCommundes- tises taultouS mus the certiia- ion andthie resultîs ut osual lnsec ofuutbuses, The pro- rîur usaiso bren ushedtu resîro sebont bas synîrot standards. sither commutter sugges- ions inde o disquaiied divîers black lis[ 10 be eru ehongeti brtoeu boards, a yeocty boardi reiru ut bas uperlionus ant iraiouon ihe sombere utchîttieîs oood ou o bus be estahtinbed. ' ' Thoro. & Feu itil9 -Robert M Newman Shoes 184 Main St. 878-9877 Member ut Mîltrs Duniomo roup m Con 1 - hý ...th- hu. dli