EIrnmpton_ The CanadienBChampioB. Wed., April 13,1977 15 liraV i lilarie h>ULL FEACEFUL SF77195 ATA REASONABLE PRICE' This p9<Y9r<I Yy cr6 frI$4060prRI 4<YRand4la R R14te evry4'01590IY,,ascut3 be4YY4<brick bungaow4IYORS4yc 44cYl40544l,,046. CallJohn4Waters1YoviB77-1945o453-444 lNCOME ANS LUSURY LVING Oe 2.000 se.Il. otlu63 Iucs f6a,'$oiY ving in t 4461ustom 64$9 Y4I John4Watersfor poptatention. 4538454 or$?? 194. TScOYîHE6YSocA Y SI6, 64p<4 Yc0 RRcs, 5946'4,. 180) sq. ., cstom Y4< 5Red, on 3/4 acre woYo400IotCYoniyY000414and4464Y40<Y41$C4$,Y46.9the p<,Y4'6' rgYt i 9es 459 1883.Ras.; PiFeIeR.E. Lî., 453 454 ACRE MATURE TREFS OneR mle 1o Hwy. 3 beroo, open,4944 9p441Y, coYYrIy kit chan, large g4z46Y, douYe6gragec$, large4gardien,4d$inR$Y4l Fc'îy Lak, L40o ownpy< 94, g0. 440 9,cY'44Cali Dc 94444< for this 6reckcocy ppY4YR'6.onlo$4,900 sF f telataon HANDYMANS SPECIAL $52900. MilYYn, 6as 4 s6fcotane ap4<IYY1YI6 Must have 40 p4itman ti vY'40 LYS 0444 FOR RENT C-tucsal spacY4dY0Y!Y4'0 M'iton Ccli 9for ,more paru FOR SALE STELLA PARTUN REDUCEO TO $40,090. 'Y Act-, pt t. ln1 . fYYY401 0460 Exce4IIYsarte or YYYreentcolae lus last Ca o w o icas Agnsiqie WANTEO 2 tu3 acesYYouh 01Acton Ont, t.104c'sYorthY' ..YYg 30 rhls ofMi'66'6dYII M. MOCLELLAN Real Estate rker BuringIoR 335-8037 BRICE -SETACRED WITR 2 BESROOM IN-LAW SUITE Mid6B -O4Yci alifAY4Yhce teY wn a O4l0Eh!'Yhome w'ith o pinRndR4 l hae lts fYriR96Y9 yY6. CYoul eyY4YYY1Y 44 004R4444444and l'R0y fianc4 Cali Rudy CaeUx, ,453-$464. 907 EVEN $50,000.00 DobeYYoble hYYSIsYY, ieYonYoeYY46,.rYIItheS4Y riY4<YO Rig6l 'Yn6t4own9y4416 Ylsntecount9ry. SeVl miss 64Ring Y IRocO. Cali Rudy9 Ccdieuc 453-$454. BRAMPTON BEST RSI L4YRIy 3 bcOrYo' home,4 yYIY, > y rs40e, r91Y64inYsli.O4îdYcle<iithY ityRRYNYY6ort raonY r YYSlocat YR$ion, YS 4614 64mor 6110 y rptiYY4<'4Cali John Wates66,6Rmo. IrowY4y be top9YY14. 877?1945 or 453-8454 BE VOUR 0009 BOSS! FExcell ent9YprYYYY Y e es6146 hYYY' YY6Y66Yon hsY.IS acre4lot41Y90065use and1000Osq. I. w'ite 444 0shop4and shYRY4<.1Idealfrantiues r6 Y<6p4tyYY 1 0449 4<missyYY,4chaYce.Cali N9,sF Os, 459-1883, Raser PFl âer,$.E. LtdO 4f3$454l 453m8454 HOPPERS WORLD BRAMPTON HUMÉ OF TÀÉ WEEK! $77,900. e Supesior OaliîY 'Cedar Cresi' model home. o Tmi<, Cedar 4419444e doo<s 10 enclOSed lobby.* Recepion hall.- SpacioRs square plan lcyou.o Elegant formaI dining 400006 Large brighî lîivig <05,0Et& sunken' den and groand $or pBwdBr 4morne 4 Large bedrooms (Master has 3 piece ensYlte, and walk-în cdoset.- Large 2 car garage* Immaculaie - Modemn sophistication îhroYghouî. Owner t<4050449d. JUSI Listedl $55,000. $ 67900- FR1 I Yloe!On la'rg , 1<440 Ylotclo s , 040 1,6<454r. This *SYO,,YYoredg!fYY14Y ..iY6u0Iqean chaYYgalie 'Ysoryissuprsng hi.Il 5 S40Y"Y 15'c?22') y4Y likeidRYo meSYROY6 s o ut ght f941inlove * _,t Y4A" '"'"Y' Lýto l (trp h0rdwoYY0 YYR< 1Y49Y and For the best selection of homes in and around Milton, give us a cail. CALL STAN THOMPSON Real Estate Broker 878-2455 o, 0 o 0110YSERVICES (1976) LIN b,111 l cotIha 1 $6,90 0.Loald lsetuth Mor rkpa t ,!2 sci $90000 Fou élort1r u.licsch.I.ff l ,g Y YYur 46 644Y4 ous ,pls62 O ' Y'Y '491464 704 Y4yard and a 3 Y,6464 640,an 0a437x6 2 i 0Y<Yn0pS4Yl4l0î'4 L oYYY4,cat n1Ya O401 OUNRIIGBSNS o ,fl'ý ol e ,eI uahlecoe e Sallaro d? EORCYETONSDEPI AMPRE HLL $7" K $ 00 1/LYace0s4of s 64M44,44 and pi y4 $39,00.00. F4,a in,*4 1t1 Ydh l>.. el f 4,Y404Y94Y,640'44<3 6, 6464plat Y6c6a . sa _Ll >U )l w o peswl ,Orplc,c6'î18½ Io, 0 t40437 1$ NOOBUSIENESS'M o 01rae 4 dýamaoF40,6 4 a r garage66and ex DEHALTONHL 00.,6la-ot o 0s alo y i 5b S139 , 23 11, - i 4 i6 fi0144 , d 4 16 9 00 T_ 'Ilil 0cm at? l 4'Y944,aedor 1 a,esa g<cgc o 46 Ees E BRETHOUR RU 78-33 qw Ken Neel8T7-57339 If you're satîsfîed r , withl ouF servie .*. Teillothers. IMITEORBEALTOB If not ...teillus! DRIVE CABOTTRAI i60,4Yim 4,o cYOO<Y4an a 440 6ewhs $5990000Fu edom cy a nL 44Y15th46u104'Yc«4l 91,6at fes4 hpdlvn romdingom se Y4l5,YY<and Y04ut4n49l4< f4iy ~Ykice.Ter omhabensr'dSv i,,,r 6444644<iig c 6tsoefrelc, m ny a iihilI'oro nfat adcm pleel fecg -VILLE D 40<YYY,o, 62 Sl'bank1t R4I400YA6Iks ace Pt F0 RpT LLS 1 acsof'us lartîand Sti 2 m9.00î BuRkBorn 'Si' WOOWARD AVE tw e ry14brick 9444 $53 40000. Twobd.mbikb,,wwl ;hop l yoYYYYYinker in. 4'41rat o""" 6 Lcte n 0 x63 o I INITY WOODWARD AVE. d Il i 40n11$j Caadien 79,00fl000 This46bedon- Y4Y9aY0-0-th0Y.Omain ,4IreoYand 0,04k41641 B4i1,0'h famYy iv4'Y4'Y"""Y lag44.Y100 x 60 CA BOT TR AIL cà adpadOdcs om $6,00.00s, Feu, , 44'Y ,deYspYYAî' ,YYl 0 o' 4 MILTON HEIOHTS DackfiYlwhl adule4 29,6I 275000, Fcoohoeî1îxY 4 1 ;, IYYY andO 4YR6R1 Rih ,a x garage, YYYA6YY $43,90000 Tl<,e 640,4m4m6 w1Y 6epar0'! diming a0, s a ink,<o64,, 2 0405X000 Ths h-Y, o m h"Y Y"YY Y~0YYome- argfs2 hboomsY' SERVICES (1976)I 'ALTO R reet, Milton TORONTO - 270-9991 am 830 pm. 78-7059 NwIl8853O AudreybNflOfl878OOO39 EH REAL ESTATE r ASo A KUMUtAStO l) Yu hava vey tide .0îc6cl prtetRion4in46oo'g ahoe 2 Yeutemoe ss uder <.,îstes 3l Yeude: ih u9criiar large amns of 9oneYy. 4 Yeu de. ith an4agnt Y9YY6rks wit6Ra 4Y1Y0Y. 6,IIy descripions, YR4YR 4kng p91646 and Y!Y!! hgh 0<6660<4 5SACRES, FINE BUNGALOW 5000 9rng,Y4 ext ac 9,îpls,cRF ci ehros,lrge, 6,eb<44,1 barn, 4,1mie t 01.R BETWEEN ACTON AND GEORGETOWN $IYYounYpoI. LYA060's- 101 ACRES, OEEP TROUT POND Modern ho, lac46R4,YBg$î00,O0PIus. LARGE SUBDIVISION HOME BAKERY BUSINESS IncaneYfr cople4bout $20.000. OpnI ofn mli A. LEPAGEf 0ON TABRîO0I LTO0 RE AL T OR 1 22 ACRE HORSE FARM Il Mile s , 00 3ofM ito". Exellnt orhose o peratiuriPFop" $175»O0.00. BRINOVYOUR RUBRER BOOTS' Yu'II eed 0,s,,ta, spct l5,î 6,0hy p,du.t'V 150 ar farm. Excellent modern6bari, an 14094forda y orpurebre4 6cM! Lnd pccctly chcopped.YC,dr w4,11 466 infi< Y 64,g. Askin96185,000 MORE THAN VOUS F XPFCT Ys, my havepass,631his ,,40s,îI4okiiig hm i"',Yî,05s,11ir iglthY6cpt,0ional vleY9 ff1'6 Lt uYYsc6wyou wcl4Va Y4Y4gel fuoyIO$56,000. Large et 4in ktchnfamly room, 3 bed,44,Y6 singl garge ad 1c.,tiful yard D01NN9FR 10 A SELIGAT' InYthegoi<g cof44Y9flths s6604.diningroom. But tha<5 ,s,9cIl Wai l 1Vise y 6661644, 40040! <4,,largeRI4,dscape4 TUAN 0F THE ,CENTURY OCHOOI. 0005E Adcpedinta oY4y h h oRYYYY orY id to4IYYY e64'fR414'Y0 oriina f9ixt4res, pnR4<4ai'66U11ing, broadlYU', 1,641bttis dYoblecgarge, 6v, acresYnaturl16wYoodlt 1lE"0 FULL COAST TO COAST SERVICE Et INSTANT MORTGAOINO Rex or Barry Cock 451-1980 or 877-4267 LBI Il il, Il l3llzïrl 1171 il i Ili Il il